- /* sysALib.s - HITSAT omu system-dependent routines */
- /*
- This module contains:
- system-dependent routines written in assembly language;
- It contains the entry code:
- sysInit()
- for VxWorks images that start running from RAM, such as 'vxWorks'.
- These images are loaded into memory by some external program (e.g., a boot ROM) and then started.
- The routine sysInit() must come first in the text segment.
- Its job is to perform the minimal setup needed to call the generic C routine usrInit().
- sysInit()
- masks interrupts in:
- the processor
- the interrupt controller
- sets the initial stack pointer.
- Other hardware and device initialisation is performed later in the sysHwInit routine in sysLib.c.
- */
- #define _ASMLANGUAGE
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "asm.h"
- #include "regs.h"
- #include "sysLib.h"
- #include "config.h"
- #include "arch/arm/mmuArmLib.h"
- .data
- .globl VAR(copyright_wind_river)
- .long VAR(copyright_wind_river)
- /* internals */
- .globl FUNC(sysInit) /* start of system code */
- .globl FUNC(sysIntStackSplit) /* routine to split interrupt stack */
- /* externals */
- .extern FUNC(usrInit) /* system initialization routine */
- .extern FUNC(vxSvcIntStackBase) /* base of SVC-mode interrupt stack */
- .extern FUNC(vxSvcIntStackEnd) /* end of SVC-mode interrupt stack */
- .extern FUNC(vxIrqIntStackBase) /* base of IRQ-mode interrupt stack */
- .extern FUNC(vxIrqIntStackEnd) /* end of IRQ-mode interrupt stack */
- .text
- .balign 4
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * sysInit - start after boot
- *
- * This routine is the system start-up entry point for VxWorks in RAM, the
- * first code executed after booting. It disables interrupts, sets up
- * the stack, and jumps to the C routine usrInit() in usrConfig.c.
- *
- * The initial stack is set to grow down from the address of sysInit(). This
- * stack is used only by usrInit() and is never used again. Memory for the
- * stack must be accounted for when determining the system load address.
- *
- * NOTE: This routine should not be called by the user.
- *
- */
- _ARM_FUNCTION(sysInit)
- /* Turn off the watchdog. */
- ldr r0, =rWTCON_ADR /* r0->WTCON */
- ldr r1, =rWTCON_INIT_VALUE /* r1 = WTCON's initValue */
- str r1, [r0] /* Turn off the watch-dog */
- /* Setup MMU Control Register */
- mov r1, #MMU_INIT_VALUE /* Defined in mmuArmLib.h */
- orr r1, r1, #MMUCR_I_ENABLE /* conditionally enable Icache*/
- #endif
- mcr p15, 0, r1, c1, c0, 0 /* Write to MMU CR */
- /* drain write-buffer */
- mov r1, #0 /* data SBZ */
- mcr p15, 0, r1, c7, c10, 4
- /* Flush (invalidate) both I and D caches */
- mcr p15, 0, r1, c7, c7, 0 /* R1 = 0 from above, data SBZ*/
- /*
- Set Process ID Register to zero,
- this effectively disables the process ID remapping feature.
- */
- mov r1, #0
- mcr p15, 0, r1, c13, c0, 0
- /* Disable interrupts in processor and switch to SVC32 mode */
- mrs r1, cpsr
- bic r1, r1, #MASK_MODE
- orr r1, r1, #MODE_SVC32 | I_BIT | F_BIT
- msr cpsr, r1
- /* Disable individual interrupts in the interrupt controller */
- ldr r1, =0xffffffff
- ldr r2, =rINTMSK_ADR /* R2->interrupt mask registor of controller */
- str r1, [r2] /* disable all sources */
- ldr r2, =rINTSUBMSK_ADR /* R2->sub-interrupt mask registor of controller */
- str r1, [r2] /* disable all sub-sources */
- /* Set asynchronous mode via MMU. */
- mrc p15, 0, r2, c1, c0, 0
- orr r2, r2, #MMUCR_ASYNC
- mcr p15, 0, r2, c1, c0, 0
- /* Set PLL lock time. */
- ldr r2, =rLOCKTIME_ADR
- str r1, [r2]
- /* Set FCLK:HCLK:PCLK = 1:2:4 */
- ldr r2, =rCLKDIVN_ADR
- str r1, [r2]
- /* Set FCLK = 200MHz by Fosc = 12MHz */
- ldr r2, =rMPLLCON_ADR
- /* ldr r1, =rMPLLCON_INIT_VALUE*/
- ldr r1, =0xa1031
- str r1, [r2]
- /* Set clock control register */
- ldr r2, =rCLKCON_ADR
- str r1, [r2]
- /* Set clock slow register */
- ldr r2, =rCLKSLOW_ADR
- str r1, [r2]
- /* Set bus width for each bank, 0x22111112 */
- ldr r2, =rBWSCON_ADR
- ldr r1, =0x2211d120 /*((0x2<<4)+(0x1<<8)+((0x1+(0x1<<2)+(0x1<<3))<<12)+(0x1<<16)+(0x1<<20)+(0x2<<24)+(0x2<<28))*/
- str r1, [r2]
- /* Set bank0 and bank5 for flash and cs8900, 0x00000700 */
- ldr r2, =rBANKCON0_ADR
- str r1, [r2]
- ldr r2, =rBANKCON3_ADR
- ldr r1, =0x1F4C
- str r1, [r2]
- /*Add by wangbinbin
- ldr r2, =rBANKCON5_ADR
- str r1, [r2]
- */
- /*Add by wangbinbin*/
- /*Set bank6 for SDRAM, 0x00018000 */
- ldr r2, =rBANKCON6_ADR
- str r1, [r2]
- /* Set refresh for SDRAM, 0x00860459 */
- ldr r2, =rREFRESH_ADR
- str r1, [r2]
- /* Set bank size for SDRAM, 0x000000b7 */
- ldr r2, =rBANKSIZE_ADR
- str r1, [r2]
- /* Set bank mode, 0x00000030 */
- ldr r2, =rMRSRB6_ADR
- ldr r1, =rMRSRB6_INIT_VALUE
- str r1, [r2]
- /* initialise stack pointer */
- adr sp, FUNC(sysInit)
- /* now call usrInit */
- mov fp, #0 /* initialise frame pointer */
- mov r0, #BOOT_WARM_AUTOBOOT /* pass startType */
- #if (ARM_THUMB)
- ldr r12, L$_usrInit
- bx r12
- #else
- b FUNC(usrInit)
- #endif /* (ARM_THUMB) */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * sysIntStackSplit - split interrupt stack and set interrupt stack pointers
- *
- * This routine is called, via a function pointer, during kernel
- * initialisation. It splits the allocated interrupt stack into IRQ and
- * SVC-mode stacks and sets the processor's IRQ stack pointer. Note that
- * the pointer passed points to the bottom of the stack allocated i.e.
- * highest address+1.
- *
- * IRQ stack needs 6 words per nested interrupt;
- * SVC-mode will need a good deal more for the C interrupt handlers.
- * For now, use ratio 1:7 with any excess allocated to the SVC-mode stack
- * at the lowest address.
- *
- * Note that FIQ is not handled by VxWorks so no stack is allocated for it.
- *
- * The stacks and the variables that describe them look like this.
- * .CS
- *
- * ------------------------ <--- vxIrqIntStackBase (r0 on entry)
- * | |
- * | IRQ-mode |
- * | interrupt stack |
- * | |
- * ------------------------ <--{ vxIrqIntStackEnd
- * | | { vxSvcIntStackBase
- * | SVC-mode |
- * | interrupt stack |
- * | |
- * ------------------------ <--- vxSvcIntStackEnd
- * - LOW MEMORY -
- * .CE
- *
- * NOTE: This routine should not be called by the user.
- * void sysIntStackSplit
- * (
- * char *pBotStack /@ pointer to bottom of interrupt stack @/
- * long size /@ size of stack @/
- * )
- */
- /*
- * r0 = base of space allocated for stacks (i.e. highest address)
- * r1 = size of space
- */
- sub r2, r0, r1 /* r2->lowest usable address */
- ldr r3, L$_vxSvcIntStackEnd
- str r2, [r3] /* == end of SVC-mode stack */
- sub r2, r0, r1, ASR #3 /* leave 1/8 for IRQ */
- ldr r3, L$_vxSvcIntStackBase
- str r2, [r3]
- /* now allocate IRQ stack, setting irq_sp */
- ldr r3, L$_vxIrqIntStackEnd
- str r2, [r3]
- ldr r3, L$_vxIrqIntStackBase
- str r0, [r3]
- mrs r2, cpsr
- bic r3, r2, #MASK_MODE
- orr r3, r3, #MODE_IRQ32 | I_BIT /* set irq_sp */
- msr cpsr, r3
- mov sp, r0
- /* switch back to original mode and return */
- msr cpsr, r2
- #if (ARM_THUMB)
- bx lr
- #else
- mov pc, lr
- #endif /* (ARM_THUMB) */
- /******************************************************************************/
- /*
- * PC-relative-addressable pointers - LDR Rn,=sym is broken
- * note "_" after "$" to stop preprocessor preforming substitution
- */
- .balign 4
- L$_vxSvcIntStackBase:
- .long VAR(vxSvcIntStackBase)
- L$_vxSvcIntStackEnd:
- .long VAR(vxSvcIntStackEnd)
- L$_vxIrqIntStackBase:
- .long VAR(vxIrqIntStackBase)
- L$_vxIrqIntStackEnd:
- .long VAR(vxIrqIntStackEnd)
- #if (ARM_THUMB)
- L$_usrInit:
- .long FUNC(usrInit)
- #endif /* (ARM_THUMB) */