Visual C++
- /*
- FastGrid (formerly AutoGrid)
- Copyright (C) 2009 The Scripps Research Institute. All rights reserved.
- Copyright (C) 2009 Masaryk University. All rights reserved.
- AutoGrid is a Trade Mark of The Scripps Research Institute.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- */
- #include "PairwiseInteractionEnergies.h"
- PairwiseInteractionEnergies::PairwiseInteractionEnergies()
- {
- energyLookup = new LookupTable();
- }
- PairwiseInteractionEnergies::~PairwiseInteractionEnergies()
- {
- delete energyLookup;
- }
- void PairwiseInteractionEnergies::calculate(const GridMapList &gridmaps, LogFile &logFile,
- int numReceptorTypes, const char (&receptorTypes)[NUM_RECEPTOR_TYPES][3], double rSmooth)
- {
- double energySmooth[MAX_DIST];
- double dxA;
- double dxB;
- double rA;
- double rB;
- double Rij, epsij;
- double cA, cB, tmpconst;
- int xA, xB;
- // Angstrom is divided by A_DIVISOR in look-up table.
- // Typical value of rSmooth is 0.5 Angstroms
- // so iSmooth = 0.5 * 100 / 2 = 25
- int iSmooth = int(rSmooth * A_DIVISOR / 2);
- logFile.print("nnCalculating Pairwise Interaction Energiesn"
- "=========================================nn");
- // do the map stuff here:
- // set up xA, xB, npb_r, npb_eps and hbonder
- // before this pt
- for (int ia = 0; ia < gridmaps.getNumAtomMaps(); ia++)
- if (!gridmaps[ia].isCovalent)
- {
- // i is the index of the receptor atom type, that the ia type ligand probe will interact with. *//* GPF_MAP
- for (int i = 0; i < numReceptorTypes; i++)
- {
- // for each receptor_type
- xA = gridmaps[ia].xA[i];
- xB = gridmaps[ia].xB[i];
- Rij = gridmaps[ia].nbpR[i];
- epsij = gridmaps[ia].nbpEps[i];
- // for each receptor_type get its parms and fill in tables
- cA = (tmpconst = epsij / (xA - xB)) * pow(Rij, xA) * xB;
- cB = tmpconst * pow(Rij, xB) * xA;
- if (isnan(cA))
- logFile.printError(FATAL_ERROR, "Van der Waals coefficient cA is not a number. " APPNAME " must exit.");
- if (isnan(cB))
- logFile.printError(FATAL_ERROR, "Van der Waals coefficient cB is not a number. " APPNAME " must exit.");
- dxA = xA;
- dxB = xB;
- if (xA == 0)
- logFile.printError(FATAL_ERROR, "Van der Waals exponent xA is 0. " APPNAME " must exit.");
- if (xB == 0)
- logFile.printError(FATAL_ERROR, "Van der Waals exponent xB is 0. " APPNAME " must exit.");
- logFile.printFormatted("n %9.1lf %9.1lf n"
- " E = ----------- - -----------n"
- " %s, %s %2d %2dn"
- " r r nn"
- "Calculating energies for %s-%s interactions.n",
- cA, cB, gridmaps[ia].type, receptorTypes[i], xA, xB, gridmaps[ia].type, receptorTypes[i]);
- // loop over distance index, indexR, from 0 to MAX_DIST
- for (int indexR = 1; indexR < MAX_DIST; indexR++)
- {
- double r = indexToAngstrom<double>(indexR);
- rA = pow(r, dxA);
- rB = pow(r, dxB);
- energyLookup->table[i][indexR][ia] = Mathd::Min(EINTCLAMP, (cA / rA - cB / rB));
- } // for each distance
- energyLookup->table[i][0][ia] = EINTCLAMP;
- energyLookup->table[i][MAX_DIST-1][ia] = 0;
- // smooth with min function *//* GPF_MAP
- if (iSmooth > 0)
- {
- for (int indexR = 1; indexR < MAX_DIST; indexR++)
- {
- energySmooth[indexR] = 100000;
- for (int j = Mathi::Max(0, indexR - iSmooth); j < Mathi::Min(MAX_DIST, indexR + iSmooth); j++)
- energySmooth[indexR] = Mathd::Min(energySmooth[indexR], energyLookup->table[i][j][ia]);
- }
- for (int indexR = 1; indexR < MAX_DIST; indexR++)
- energyLookup->table[i][indexR][ia] = energySmooth[indexR];
- } // endif smoothing
- } // for i in receptor types: build energy table for this map
- // Print out a table, of distance versus energy...
- // GPF_MAP
- logFile.printFormatted("nnFinding the lowest pairwise interaction energy within %.1f Angstrom ("smoothing").nn r ", rSmooth);
- for (int iat = 0; iat < numReceptorTypes; iat++)
- logFile.printFormatted(" %s ", receptorTypes[iat]);
- logFile.print("n ___");
- for (int iat = 0; iat < numReceptorTypes; iat++)
- logFile.print(" ________"); // iat
- logFile.print("n");
- for (int j = 0; j <= 500; j += 10)
- {
- logFile.printFormatted("%4.1lf", indexToAngstrom<double>(j));
- for (int iat = 0; iat < numReceptorTypes; iat++)
- logFile.printFormatted((energyLookup->table[iat][j][ia] < 100000) ? "%9.2lf" : "%9.2lg", energyLookup->table[iat][j][ia]); // iat
- logFile.print("n");
- } // j
- logFile.print("n");
- }
- else
- // parsing for intnbp not needed for covalent maps
- logFile.print("nAny internal non-bonded parameters will be ignored for this map, since this is a covalent map.n");
- }