- /*
- FastGrid (formerly AutoGrid)
- Copyright (C) 2009 The Scripps Research Institute. All rights reserved.
- Copyright (C) 2009 Masaryk University. All rights reserved.
- AutoGrid is a Trade Mark of The Scripps Research Institute.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- */
- #include <cstring>
- #include <cctype>
- #include <climits>
- #include "InputDataLoader.h"
- #include "Utils.h"
- #include "Exceptions.h"
- // GPF tokens
- enum GPFTokens
- {
- GPF_NULL = 0,
- };
- InputDataLoader::InputDataLoader(LogFile *logFile): logFile(logFile)
- {
- fldFilenameAVS[0] = 0;
- floatingGridFilename[0] = 0;
- receptorFilename[0] = 0;
- xyzFilename[0] = 0;
- parameterLibraryFilename[0] = 0;
- memset(receptorTypes, 0, sizeof(receptorTypes));
- numReceptorTypes = 0;
- numGridPointsPerMap = INIT_NUM_GRID_PTS;
- numReceptorAtoms = 0;
- covalentPoint = 0;
- // for NEW3 desolvation terms
- solparQ = .01097; // unweighted value restored 3:9:05
- invDielCal = 0;
- rSmooth = 0;
- gridSpacing = 0.375; // One quarter of a C-C bond length.
- covHalfWidthSquaredInv = 1.0;
- covBarrier = 1000.0;
- distDepDiel = false;
- disorderH = false;
- receptorAtom = 0;
- }
- InputDataLoader::~InputDataLoader()
- {
- if (receptorAtom)
- {
- delete [] charge;
- delete [] vol;
- delete [] solpar;
- delete [] atomType;
- delete [] hbond;
- delete [] receptorAtom;
- }
- }
- void InputDataLoader::load(const char *gridParameterFilename, GridMapList &gridmaps, ParameterLibrary ¶meterLibrary)
- {
- // LIGAND: maximum is MAX_MAPS
- // each type is now at most two characters plus ' '
- // currently ligandAtomTypes is sparse... some types are not set
- char ligandTypes[MAX_MAPS][3] = {0};
- // number of different receptor atom types declared on receptorTypes line in GPF
- int receptor_types_gpf_ct = 0;
- int has_receptor_types_in_gpf = 0;
- // array of numbers of each type
- // NB: this is a sparse int array, some entries are 0
- int receptor_atom_type_count[NUM_RECEPTOR_TYPES] = {0};
- Vec3d gridExtent;
- Vec3d gridCornerMax;
- Vec3d cmax = -BIG;
- Vec3d cmin = BIG;
- Vec3d csum = 0;
- Vec3d cmean;
- char line[LINE_LEN];
- char GPFLine[LINE_LEN];
- int length = LINE_LEN;
- char atom_name[6];
- char record[LINE_LEN];
- char temp_char = ' ';
- char token[LINE_LEN];
- static const char xyz[] = "xyz"; // used to print headings
- FILE *receptorFile, *xyz_fileptr = 0;
- double q_tot = 0.0;
- double diel;
- double q_max = -BIG, q_min = BIG;
- double ri;
- double temp_vol, temp_solpar;
- int GPF_keyword = -1;
- int indcom = 0;
- int infld;
- int mapIndex = -1;
- // Initializes the grid parameter file
- FILE *GPF = stdin;
- if (gridParameterFilename[0])
- {
- GPF = boincOpenFile(gridParameterFilename, "r");
- if (!GPF)
- {
- logFile->printErrorFormatted(ERROR, "Sorry, I can't find or open Grid Parameter File "%s"", gridParameterFilename);
- logFile->printErrorFormatted(ERROR, "Unsuccessful Completion.n");
- throw ExitProgram(911);
- }
- }
- // Read in the grid parameter file...
- ParameterEntry thisparm;
- ParameterEntry *foundParam;
- while (fgets(GPFLine, LINE_LEN, GPF) != 0)
- {
- GPF_keyword = parseGPFLine(GPFLine);
- // This first "switch" figures out how to echo the current GPF line.
- switch (GPF_keyword)
- {
- case -1:
- logFile->printFormatted("GPF> %s", GPFLine);
- logFile->printError(WARNING, "Unrecognized keyword in grid parameter file.n");
- continue; // while fgets GPFLine...
- case GPF_NULL:
- logFile->printFormatted("GPF> %s", GPFLine);
- break;
- default:
- logFile->printFormatted("GPF> %s", GPFLine);
- indcom = strIndex(GPFLine, "#");
- if (indcom != -1)
- GPFLine[indcom] = ' '; // Truncate str. at the comment
- break;
- } // first switch
- // This second switch interprets the current GPF line.
- switch (GPF_keyword)
- {
- case GPF_NULL:
- break;
- {
- // read in the receptor gridParameterFilename
- sscanf(GPFLine, "%*s %s", receptorFilename);
- logFile->printFormatted("nReceptor Input File :t%snnReceptor Atom Type Assignments:nn", receptorFilename);
- // try to open receptor file
- if ((receptorFile = boincOpenFile(receptorFilename, "r")) == 0)
- {
- logFile->printErrorFormatted(ERROR, "can't find or open receptor PDBQT file "%s".n", receptorFilename);
- logFile->printError(FATAL_ERROR, "Unsuccessful completion.nn");
- }
- // get the upper bound of total number of atoms
- fseek(receptorFile, 0, SEEK_END);
- int sizeOfFile = ftell(receptorFile);
- fseek(receptorFile, 0, SEEK_SET);
- char *fileContent = new char[sizeOfFile];
- if (!fread(fileContent, sizeOfFile, 1, receptorFile))
- logFile->printError(FATAL_ERROR, "Cannot read the receptor file.");
- fseek(receptorFile, 0, SEEK_SET);
- int numAtomsMax = 1;
- for (int i = 0; i < sizeOfFile; i++)
- if (fileContent[i] == 'n')
- ++numAtomsMax;
- delete [] fileContent;
- // reserve space for atoms
- charge = new double[numAtomsMax];
- vol = new double[numAtomsMax];
- solpar = new double[numAtomsMax];
- atomType = new int[numAtomsMax];
- hbond = new HBondType[numAtomsMax];
- receptorAtom = new Vec4d[numAtomsMax];
- // start to read in the lines of the receptor file
- int ia = 0;
- while ((fgets(line, length, receptorFile)) != 0)
- {
- sscanf(line, "%6s", record);
- if (strncmp(record, "ATOM", 4) == 0 || // Amino Acid or DNA/RNA atoms
- strncmp(record, "HETA", 4) == 0 || // Non-standard heteroatoms
- strncmp(record, "CHAR", 4) == 0)
- {
- // Partial Atomic Charge - not a PDB record
- strncpy(atom_name, &line[12], 4);
- /* atom_name is declared as an array of 6 characters, the PDB atom name is 4 characters (C indices 0, 1, 2 and 3) but let's ensure that the fifth character (C index 4)
- is a null character, which terminates the string. */
- atom_name[4] = ' ';
- // Output the serial number of this atom...
- logFile->printFormatted("Atom no. %2d, "%s"", ia + 1, atom_name);
- // Read in this receptor atom's coordinates,partial charges, and solvation parameters in PDBQS format...
- sscanf(&line[30], "%lf", &receptorAtom[ia].x);
- sscanf(&line[38], "%lf", &receptorAtom[ia].y);
- sscanf(&line[46], "%lf", &receptorAtom[ia].z);
- // Output the coordinates of this atom...
- logFile->printFormatted(" at (%.3lf, %.3lf, %.3lf), ", receptorAtom[ia].x, receptorAtom[ia].y, receptorAtom[ia].z);
- // 1:CHANGE HERE: need to set up vol and solpar
- sscanf(&line[70], "%lf", &charge[ia]);
- sscanf(&line[77], "%s", thisparm.autogridType);
- foundParam = parameterLibrary.findAtomParameter(thisparm.autogridType);
- if (foundParam != 0)
- {
- logFile->printFormatted("DEBUG: foundParam->recIndex = %d", foundParam->recIndex);
- if (foundParam->recIndex < 0)
- {
- strncpy(receptorTypes[numReceptorTypes], foundParam->autogridType, 3);
- foundParam->recIndex = numReceptorTypes++;
- logFile->printFormatted("DEBUG: foundParam->recIndex => %d", foundParam->recIndex);
- }
- atomType[ia] = foundParam->recIndex;
- solpar[ia] = foundParam->solpar;
- vol[ia] = foundParam->vol;
- hbond[ia] = foundParam->hbond; // NON=0, DS,D1, AS, A1, A2
- ++receptor_atom_type_count[foundParam->recIndex];
- }
- else
- {
- logFile->printFormatted("nnreceptor file contains unknown type: '%s'nadd parameters for it to the parameter library firstn", thisparm.autogridType);
- throw ExitProgram(-1);
- }
- // if from pdbqs: convert cal/molA**3 to kcal/molA**3
- // solpar[ia] *= 0.001;
- q_max = Mathd::Max(q_max, charge[ia]);
- q_min = Mathd::Min(q_min, charge[ia]);
- if (atom_name[0] == ' ')
- {
- // truncate the first character...
- atom_name[0] = atom_name[1];
- atom_name[1] = atom_name[2];
- atom_name[2] = atom_name[3];
- atom_name[3] = ' ';
- }
- else if ((atom_name[0] == '0' || atom_name[0] == '1' || atom_name[0] == '2' ||
- atom_name[0] == '3' || atom_name[0] == '4' || atom_name[0] == '5' ||
- atom_name[0] == '6' || atom_name[0] == '7' || atom_name[0] == '8' ||
- atom_name[0] == '9') && atom_name[1] == 'H')
- {
- /* Assume this is the 'mangled' name of a hydrogen atom, after the atom name has been changed from 'HD21' to '1HD2' for example. [0-9]H(.)(.) 0 1 2 3 : : :
- : V V V V tmp 0 1 2 tmp : V 0 1 2 3 : : : : V V V V H(.)(.)[0-9] */
- temp_char = atom_name[0];
- atom_name[0] = atom_name[1];
- atom_name[1] = atom_name[2];
- atom_name[2] = atom_name[3];
- atom_name[3] = temp_char;
- }
- // Tell the user what you thought this atom was...
- logFile->printFormatted(" was assigned atom type "%s" (recIndex= %d, atomType= %d).n", foundParam->autogridType, foundParam->recIndex, atomType[ia]);
- // Count the number of each atom type
- // ++receptor_atom_type_count[ atomType[ia] ];
- // Keep track of the extents of the receptor
- for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
- {
- cmax[i] = Mathd::Max(cmax[i], receptorAtom[ia][i]);
- cmin[i] = Mathd::Min(cmin[i], receptorAtom[ia][i]);
- }
- csum += Vec3d(receptorAtom[ia]);
- // Total up the partial charges as we go...
- q_tot += charge[ia];
- // Increment the atom counter
- ia++;
- // Check that there aren't too many atoms...
- if (ia > AG_MAX_ATOMS)
- {
- logFile->printErrorFormatted(ERROR, "Too many atoms in receptor PDBQT file %s;", receptorFilename);
- logFile->printErrorFormatted(ERROR, "-- the maximum number of atoms, AG_MAX_ATOMS, allowed is %ul.", AG_MAX_ATOMS);
- logFile->printErrorFormatted(SUGGESTION, "Increase the value in the "#define AG_MAX_ATOMS %ul" line", AG_MAX_ATOMS);
- logFile->printError(SUGGESTION, "in the source file "autogrid.h", and re-compile " APPNAME ".");
- // FATAL_ERROR will cause this program to exit...
- logFile->printError(FATAL_ERROR, "Sorry, " APPNAME " cannot continue.");
- } // endif
- } // endif
- } // endwhile
- // Finished reading in the lines of the receptor file
- fclose(receptorFile);
- if (has_receptor_types_in_gpf == 1)
- // Check that the number of atom types found in the receptor PDBQT
- // file match the number parsed in by the "receptorTypes" command
- // in the GPF; if they do not match, exit!
- if (numReceptorTypes != receptor_types_gpf_ct)
- {
- logFile->printErrorFormatted(ERROR,
- "The number of atom types found in the receptor PDBQT (%d) does not match the number specified by the "receptor_types" command (%d) in the GPF!nn",
- numReceptorTypes, receptor_types_gpf_ct);
- // FATAL_ERROR will cause this program to exit...
- logFile->printError(FATAL_ERROR, "Sorry, " APPNAME " cannot continue.");
- }
- // Update the total number of atoms in the receptor
- numReceptorAtoms = ia;
- logFile->printFormatted("nMaximum partial atomic charge found = %+.3lf en", q_max);
- logFile->printFormatted("Minimum partial atomic charge found = %+.3lf enn", q_min);
- // Check there are partial charges...
- if (q_max == 0 && q_min == 0)
- {
- logFile->printErrorFormatted(ERROR, "No partial atomic charges were found in the receptor PDBQT file %s!nn", receptorFilename);
- // FATAL_ERROR will cause this program to exit...
- logFile->printError(FATAL_ERROR, "Sorry, " APPNAME " cannot continue.");
- } // if there are no charges EXIT
- logFile->print("AtomtAtomtNumber of this Typen"
- "Typet ID t in Receptorn"
- "____t____t___________________n");
- // 2. CHANGE HERE: need to count number of each receptor_type
- for (int ia = 0; ia < numReceptorTypes; ia++)
- if (receptor_atom_type_count[ia] != 0)
- logFile->printFormatted(" %dt %stt%6dn", (ia), receptorTypes[ia], receptor_atom_type_count[ia]);
- logFile->printFormatted("nTotal number of atoms :tt%d atoms n"
- "Total charge :ttt%.2lf en"
- "nnReceptor coordinates fit within the following volume:nn"
- " _______(%.1lf, %.1lf, %.1lf)n"
- " /| /|n"
- " / | / |n"
- " /______/ |n"
- " | |___|__| Midpoint = (%.1lf, %.1lf, %.1lf)n"
- " | / | /n"
- " | / | /n"
- " |/_____|/n"
- "(%.1lf, %.1lf, %.1lf) n"
- "nMaximum coordinates :tt(%.3lf, %.3lf, %.3lf)n"
- "Minimum coordinates :tt(%.3lf, %.3lf, %.3lf)nn"
- "n",
- numReceptorAtoms, q_tot, cmax.x, cmax.y, cmax.z,
- (cmax.x + cmin.x) / 2, (cmax.y + cmin.y) / 2, (cmax.z + cmin.z) / 2,
- cmin.x, cmin.y, cmin.z, cmax.x, cmax.y, cmax.z, cmin.x, cmin.y, cmin.z);
- cmean[0] = csum[0] / numReceptorAtoms;
- cmean[1] = csum[1] / numReceptorAtoms;
- cmean[2] = csum[2] / numReceptorAtoms;
- }
- break;
- sscanf(GPFLine, "%*s %s", fldFilenameAVS);
- infld = strIndex(fldFilenameAVS, ".fld");
- if (infld == -1)
- logFile->printError(FATAL_ERROR, "Grid data file needs the extension ".fld" for AVS inputnn");
- else
- {
- infld = strIndex(fldFilenameAVS, "fld");
- strncpy(xyzFilename, fldFilenameAVS, MAX_CHARS);
- xyzFilename[infld] = 'x';
- xyzFilename[infld + 1] = 'y';
- xyzFilename[infld + 2] = 'z';
- }
- if ((xyz_fileptr = boincOpenFile(xyzFilename, "w")) == 0)
- {
- logFile->printErrorFormatted(ERROR, "can't create grid extrema data file %sn", xyzFilename);
- logFile->printError(ERROR, "SORRY! unable to create the ".xyz" file.nn");
- logFile->printError(FATAL_ERROR, "Unsuccessful completion.nn");
- }
- else
- logFile->printFormatted("nCreating (AVS-readable) grid-coordinates extrema file : %snn", xyzFilename);
- break;
- case GPF_NPTS:
- {
- Vec3i numGridPointsMinusOne;
- sscanf(GPFLine, "%*s %d %d %d", &numGridPointsMinusOne.x, &numGridPointsMinusOne.y, &numGridPointsMinusOne.z);
- // numGridPointsMinusOne mustn't be negative, shouldn't be zero or larger than MAX_GRID_PTS and should be even
- for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
- numGridPointsMinusOne[i] = checkSize(numGridPointsMinusOne[i], xyz[i]);
- numGridPointsDiv2 = numGridPointsMinusOne / 2;
- numGridPoints = numGridPointsMinusOne + 1;
- logFile->printFormatted("nNumber of grid points in x-direction:t%dn"
- "Number of grid points in y-direction:t%dn"
- "Number of grid points in z-direction:t%dnn",
- numGridPoints.x, numGridPoints.y, numGridPoints.z);
- numGridPointsPerMap = numGridPoints.Cube();
- }
- break;
- sscanf(GPFLine, "%*s %lf", &gridSpacing);
- logFile->printFormatted("Grid Spacing :ttt%.3lf Angstromnn", gridSpacing);
- break;
- sscanf(GPFLine, "%*s %s", token);
- if (strncmp(token, "auto", 4) == 0)
- {
- gridCenter = cmean;
- logFile->printFormatted("Grid maps will be centered on the center of mass.n"
- "Coordinates of center of mass : (%.3lf, %.3lf, %.3lf)n", gridCenter.x, gridCenter.y, gridCenter.z);
- }
- else
- {
- sscanf(GPFLine, "%*s %lf %lf %lf", &gridCenter.x, &gridCenter.y, &gridCenter.z);
- logFile->printFormatted("nGrid maps will be centered on user-defined coordinates:nntt(%.3lf, %.3lf, %.3lf)n", gridCenter.x, gridCenter.y, gridCenter.z);
- }
- // centering stuff...
- for (int ia = 0; ia < numReceptorAtoms; ia++)
- *((Vec3d*)&receptorAtom[ia]) -= gridCenter; // transform to center of gridmaps
- gridExtent = Vec3d(numGridPointsDiv2) * gridSpacing;
- gridCornerMax = gridCenter + gridExtent;
- gridCornerMin = gridCenter - gridExtent;
- logFile->printFormatted("nGrid maps will cover the following volume:nn"
- " _______(%.1lf, %.1lf, %.1lf)n"
- " /| /|n"
- " / | / |n"
- " /______/ |n"
- " | |___|__| Midpoint = (%.1lf, %.1lf, %.1lf)n"
- " | / | /n"
- " | / | /n"
- " |/_____|/n"
- "(%.1lf, %.1lf, %.1lf) nn", gridCornerMax.x, gridCornerMax.y, gridCornerMax.z,
- gridCenter.x, gridCenter.y, gridCenter.z, gridCornerMin.x, gridCornerMin.y, gridCornerMin.z);
- for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
- logFile->printFormatted("Grid map %c-dimension :tt%.1lf Angstromsn", xyz[i], 2 * gridExtent[i]);
- logFile->printFormatted("nMaximum coordinates :tt(%.3lf, %.3lf, %.3lf)n"
- "Minimum coordinates :tt(%.3lf, %.3lf, %.3lf)nn", gridCornerMax.x, gridCornerMax.y, gridCornerMax.z, gridCornerMin.x, gridCornerMin.y, gridCornerMin.z);
- for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
- fprintf(xyz_fileptr, "%.3lf %.3lfn", gridCornerMin[i], gridCornerMax[i]);
- fclose(xyz_fileptr);
- break;
- {
- // Read in the list of atom types in the ligand.
- // GPFLine e.g.: "ligand_types N O A C HH NH"
- // array of ptrs used to parse input line
- char *ligandAtomTypes[MAX_MAPS];
- int numAtomMaps = parseTypes(GPFLine, ligandAtomTypes, MAX_ATOM_TYPES);
- for (int i = 0; i < numAtomMaps; i++)
- strncpy(ligandTypes[i], ligandAtomTypes[i], 3);
- for (int i = 0; i < numAtomMaps; i++)
- {
- foundParam = parameterLibrary.findAtomParameter(ligandTypes[i]);
- if (foundParam)
- foundParam->mapIndex = i;
- else
- {
- // return error here
- logFile->printFormatted("unknown ligand atom type %snadd parameters for it to the parameter library first!n", ligandAtomTypes[i]);
- throw ExitProgram(-1);
- }
- }
- // Check to see if there is enough memory to store these map objects
- gridmaps.setNumMaps(numAtomMaps+2);
- if (numGridPointsPerMap == INIT_NUM_GRID_PTS)
- {
- logFile->printError(ERROR, "You need to set the number of grid points using "npts" before setting the ligand atom types, using "ligand_types".n");
- logFile->printError(FATAL_ERROR, "Unsuccessful completion.nn");
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < numAtomMaps; i++)
- {
- strncpy(gridmaps[i].type, ligandTypes[i], 3); // eg HD or OA or NA or N
- foundParam = parameterLibrary.findAtomParameter(ligandTypes[i]);
- if (strcmp(ligandTypes[i], "Z") == 0)
- {
- logFile->print("Found covalent map atomtypen");
- gridmaps[i].isCovalent = true;
- }
- gridmaps[i].atomType = foundParam->mapIndex;
- gridmaps[i].solparProbe = foundParam->solpar;
- gridmaps[i].volProbe = foundParam->vol;
- gridmaps[i].Rij = foundParam->Rij;
- gridmaps[i].epsij = foundParam->epsij;
- gridmaps[i].hbond = foundParam->hbond;
- gridmaps[i].RijHB = foundParam->RijHB;
- gridmaps[i].epsijHB = foundParam->epsijHB;
- if (gridmaps[i].hbond > 0)
- gridmaps[i].isHBonder = true;
- for (int j = 0; j < numReceptorTypes; j++)
- {
- foundParam = parameterLibrary.findAtomParameter(receptorTypes[j]);
- gridmaps[i].nbpR[j] = (gridmaps[i].Rij + foundParam->Rij) / 2;
- gridmaps[i].nbpEps[j] = sqrt(gridmaps[i].epsij * foundParam->epsij);
- // apply the vdW forcefield parameter/weight here
- // This was removed because "setup_p_l" does this for us... gridmaps[i].nbpEps[j] *= FE_coeff_vdW;
- gridmaps[i].xA[j] = 12;
- // setup hbond dependent stuff
- gridmaps[i].xB[j] = 6;
- gridmaps[i].hbonder[j] = 0;
- if (gridmaps[i].hbond > D1 && (foundParam->hbond == DS || foundParam->hbond == D1))
- {
- // AS,A1,A2 map vs DS,D1 probe
- gridmaps[i].xB[j] = 10;
- gridmaps[i].hbonder[j] = 1;
- gridmaps[i].isHBonder = true;
- // Rij and epsij for this hb interaction in parm_data.dat file as Rii and epsii for heavy atom hb factors
- gridmaps[i].nbpR[j] = gridmaps[i].RijHB;
- gridmaps[i].nbpEps[j] = gridmaps[i].epsijHB;
- // apply the hbond forcefield parameter/weight here
- // This was removed because "setup_p_l" does this for us... gridmaps[i].nbpEps[j] *= FE_coeff_hbond;
- }
- else if ((gridmaps[i].hbond == DS || gridmaps[i].hbond == D1) && foundParam->hbond > D1)
- {
- // DS,D1 map vs AS,A1,A2 probe
- gridmaps[i].xB[j] = 10;
- gridmaps[i].hbonder[j] = 1;
- gridmaps[i].isHBonder = true;
- // Rij and epsij for this hb interaction in parm_data.dat file as Rii and epsii for heavy atom hb factors
- gridmaps[i].nbpR[j] = foundParam->RijHB;
- gridmaps[i].nbpEps[j] = foundParam->epsijHB;
- // apply the hbond forcefield parameter/weight here
- // This was removed because "setup_p_l" does this for us... gridmaps[i].nbpEps[j] *= FE_coeff_hbond;
- }
- } // initialize energy parms for each possible receptor type
- } // for each map
- logFile->printFormatted("nAtom type names for ligand atom types 1-%d used for ligand-atom affinity grid maps:nn", numAtomMaps);
- for (int i = 0; i < numAtomMaps; i++)
- {
- logFile->printFormatted("tttAtom type number %d corresponds to atom type name "%s".n", i, gridmaps[i].type);
- if (gridmaps[i].isCovalent)
- logFile->printFormatted("nAtom type number %d will be used to calculate a covalent affinity grid mapnn", i + 1);
- }
- logFile->print("nn");
- }
- break;
- {
- // Read in the list of atom types in the receptor.
- // GPFLine e.g.: "receptorTypes N O A C HH NH"
- //
- // NOTE: This line is not guaranteed to match the actual
- // atom types present in the receptor PDBQT file
- // specified by the "receptor" command.
- // array of ptrs used to parse input line
- char *receptor_atom_types[NUM_RECEPTOR_TYPES];
- numReceptorTypes = parseTypes(GPFLine, receptor_atom_types, MAX_ATOM_TYPES);
- receptor_types_gpf_ct = numReceptorTypes;
- has_receptor_types_in_gpf = 1;
- for (int i = 0; i < numReceptorTypes; i++)
- strncpy(receptorTypes[i], receptor_atom_types[i], 3);
- for (int i = 0; i < numReceptorTypes; i++)
- {
- foundParam = parameterLibrary.findAtomParameter(receptor_atom_types[i]);
- if (foundParam != 0)
- foundParam->recIndex = i;
- else
- {
- logFile->printErrorFormatted(ERROR, "Unknown receptor type: "%s"n -- Add parameters for it to the parameter library first!n", receptor_atom_types[i]);
- logFile->printError(FATAL_ERROR, "Unsuccessful completion.nn");
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- // Read volume and solvation parameter for probe:
- sscanf(GPFLine, "%*s %s %lf %lf", thisparm.autogridType, &temp_vol, &temp_solpar);
- foundParam = parameterLibrary.findAtomParameter(thisparm.autogridType);
- if (foundParam != 0)
- {
- foundParam->vol = temp_vol;
- foundParam->solpar = temp_solpar;
- int i = foundParam->mapIndex;
- if (i >= 0)
- {
- // DON'T!!!
- // convert cal/molA^3 to kcal/molA^3
- // gridmaps[i].solparProbe = temp_solpar * 0.001;
- gridmaps[i].solparProbe = temp_solpar;
- logFile->printFormatted("nProbe %s solvation parameters: nntatomic fragmental volume: %.2f A^3ntatomic solvation parameter: %.4f cal/mol A^3nn",
- foundParam->autogridType, foundParam->vol, foundParam->solpar);
- }
- }
- else
- logFile->printFormatted("%s key not foundn", thisparm.autogridType);
- break; // end solvation parameter
- case GPF_MAP:
- /* The variable "mapIndex" is the 0-based index of the ligand atom type we are calculating a map for. If the "types" line was CNOSH, there would be 5 ligand atom maps to
- calculate, and since "mapIndex" is initialized to -1, mapIndex will increment each time there is a "map" keyword in the GPF. The value of mapIndex should therefore go
- from 0 to 4 for each "map" keyword. In this example, numAtomMaps would be 5, and numAtomMaps-1 would be 4, so if mapIndex is > 4, there is something wrong in the
- number of "map" keywords. */
- ++mapIndex;
- if (mapIndex >= gridmaps.getNumAtomMaps())
- {
- logFile->printErrorFormatted(ERROR,
- "Too many "map" keywords (%d); the "ligand_types" command declares only %d atom types.nRemove a "map" keyword from the GPF.n",
- mapIndex + 1, gridmaps.getNumAtomMaps());
- logFile->printError(FATAL_ERROR, "Unsuccessful completion.nn");
- }
- // Read in the gridParameterFilename for this grid map
- sscanf(GPFLine, "%*s %s", gridmaps[mapIndex].filename);
- logFile->printFormatted("nOutput Grid Map %d: %snn", (mapIndex + 1), gridmaps[mapIndex].filename);
- break;
- sscanf(GPFLine, "%*s %s", gridmaps.getElectrostaticMap().filename);
- logFile->printFormatted("nOutput Electrostatic Potential Energy Grid Map: %snn", gridmaps.getElectrostaticMap().filename);
- break;
- sscanf(GPFLine, "%*s %s", gridmaps.getDesolvationMap().filename);
- logFile->printFormatted("nOutput Desolvation Free Energy Grid Map: %snn", gridmaps.getDesolvationMap().filename);
- break;
- {
- double covHalfWidth;
- sscanf(GPFLine, "%*s %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf", &covHalfWidth, &covBarrier, &(covalentPoint.x), &(covalentPoint.y), &(covalentPoint.z));
- covHalfWidthSquaredInv = 1 / Mathd::Sqr(covHalfWidth);
- logFile->printFormatted("ncovalentmap <half-width in Angstroms> <barrier> <x> <y> <z>n"
- "nCovalent well's half-width in Angstroms: %8.3fn"
- "nCovalent barrier energy in kcal/mol: %8.3fn"
- "nCovalent attachment point will be positioned at: (%8.3f, %8.3f, %8.3f)nn",
- covHalfWidth, covBarrier, covalentPoint.x, covalentPoint.y, covalentPoint.z);
- // center covalentPoint in the grid maps frame of reference,
- covalentPoint -= gridCenter;
- }
- break;
- disorderH = true;
- logFile->print("nHydroxyls will be disordered nn");
- break;
- case GPF_SMOOTH:
- sscanf(GPFLine, "%*s %lf", &rSmooth);
- logFile->printFormatted("nPotentials will be smoothed by: %.3lf Angstromnn", rSmooth);
- break;
- case GPF_QASP:
- sscanf(GPFLine, "%*s %lf", &solparQ);
- logFile->printFormatted("nCharge component of the atomic solvation parameter: %.3lfnn", solparQ);
- // Typical value of solparQ is 0.001118
- break;
- case GPF_DIEL:
- sscanf(GPFLine, "%*s %lf", &diel);
- if (diel < 0)
- {
- // negative...
- distDepDiel = true;
- // calculate inverted ddd of Mehler & Solmajer
- for (int indexR = 0; indexR < MAX_DIST; indexR++)
- epsilon[indexR] = calculateDistDepDielInv(indexToAngstrom<double>(indexR));
- logFile->print("nUsing *distance-dependent* dielectric function of Mehler and Solmajer, Prot.Eng.4, 903-910.nn"
- " d Dielectricn ___ __________n");
- for (int i = 0; i <= 500; i += 10)
- {
- ri = indexToAngstrom<double>(i);
- logFile->printFormatted("%4.1lf%9.2lfn", ri, DDD_FACTOR / epsilon[i]);
- }
- logFile->print("n");
- }
- else
- {
- // positive or zero...
- distDepDiel = false;
- if (diel <= APPROX_ZERO)
- diel = 40;
- logFile->printFormatted("Using a *constant* dielectric of: %.2fn", diel);
- invDielCal = DDD_FACTOR / diel;
- }
- break;
- case GPF_FMAP:
- sscanf(GPFLine, "%*s %s", floatingGridFilename);
- logFile->printFormatted("nFloating Grid file name = %sn", floatingGridFilename);
- break;
- // open and read the AD4 parameters .dat file
- sscanf(GPFLine, "%*s %s ", parameterLibraryFilename);
- break;
- } // second switch
- } // while: finished reading gpf
- // Map files checkpoint (number of maps, desolv and elec maps) SF
- // Number of maps defined for atom types
- if (mapIndex < gridmaps.getNumAtomMaps() - 1)
- {
- logFile->printFormatted("Too few "map" keywords (%d); the "ligand_types" command declares %d atom types.nAdd a "map" keyword from the GPF.n", mapIndex + 1, gridmaps.getNumAtomMaps());
- logFile->printError(ERROR, "Not enough map keywords found.n");
- logFile->printError(FATAL_ERROR, "Unsuccessful completion.nn");
- }
- // Desolvation map
- if (!gridmaps.getDesolvationMap().filename[0])
- {
- logFile->print("The desolvation map file is not defined in the GPF.n");
- logFile->printError(ERROR, "No desolvation map file defined.n");
- logFile->printError(FATAL_ERROR, "Unsuccessful completion.nn");
- }
- // Electrostatic map
- if (!gridmaps.getElectrostaticMap().filename[0])
- {
- logFile->print("The electrostatic map file is not defined in the GPF.n");
- logFile->printError(ERROR, "No electrostatic map file defined.n");
- logFile->printError(FATAL_ERROR, "Unsuccessful completion.nn");
- }
- // End of map files checkpoint SF
- logFile->print("n>>> Closing the grid parameter file (GPF)... <<<nn" UnderLine);
- fclose(GPF);
- if (!floatingGridFilename[0])
- logFile->print("nnNo Floating Grid was requested.n");
- // apply the estat forcefield coefficient/weight here
- if (distDepDiel)
- for (int ia = 0; ia < numReceptorAtoms; ia++)
- receptorAtom[ia].w = charge[ia] * parameterLibrary.coeff_estat;
- else
- // apply the constant dielectric
- for (int ia = 0; ia < numReceptorAtoms; ia++)
- receptorAtom[ia].w = charge[ia] * parameterLibrary.coeff_estat * invDielCal;
- }
- int InputDataLoader::parseGPFLine(const char *line)
- {
- size_t l;
- int i, token = -1; // return -1 if nothing is recognized
- char c[LINE_LEN];
- l = strIndex(line, " ");
- if (l == -1)
- {
- l = strIndex(line, "t");
- if (l == -1)
- l = strlen(line);
- }
- for(i=0; i<l; i++)
- c[i] = char(tolower(line[i]));
- if ((c[0]=='n')||(c[0]==' '))
- token = GPF_NULL;
- else if (c[0]=='#')
- token = GPF_COMMENT;
- else if (strncmp(c, "receptor_types", 14) == 0)
- else if (strncmp(c, "receptor", 8) == 0)
- token = GPF_RECEPTOR;
- else if (strncmp(c, "gridfld", 7) == 0)
- token = GPF_GRIDFLD;
- else if (strncmp(c, "npts", 4) == 0)
- token = GPF_NPTS;
- else if (strncmp(c, "spacing", 7) == 0)
- token = GPF_SPACING;
- else if (strncmp(c, "gridcenter", 10) == 0)
- else if (strncmp(c, "types", 5) == 0)
- else if (strncmp(c, "ligand_types", 12) == 0)
- else if (strncmp(c, "map", 3) == 0)
- token = GPF_MAP;
- else if (strncmp(c, "elecmap", 7) == 0)
- token = GPF_ELECMAP;
- else if (strncmp(c, "dsolvmap", 8) == 0)
- token = GPF_DSOLVMAP;
- else if (strncmp(c, "covalentmap", 11) == 0)
- else if (strncmp(c, "nbp_coeffs", 10) == 0)
- token = GPF_NBP_COEFFS;
- else if (strncmp(c, "nbp_r_eps", 9) == 0)
- token = GPF_NBP_R_EPS;
- else if (strncmp(c, "dielectric", 10) == 0)
- token = GPF_DIEL;
- else if (strncmp(c, "qasp", 4) == 0)
- token = GPF_QASP;
- else if (strncmp(c, "fmap", 4) == 0)
- token = GPF_FMAP;
- else if (strncmp(c, "disorder_h", 10) == 0)
- token = GPF_DISORDER;
- else if (strncmp(c, "smooth", 6) == 0)
- token = GPF_SMOOTH;
- else if (strncmp(c, "sol_par", 7) == 0)
- token = GPF_SOL_PAR;
- else if (strncmp(c, "constant", 8) == 0)
- token = GPF_CONSTANT;
- else if (strncmp(c, "parameter_file", 14) == 0)
- token = GPF_PARAM_FILE;
- return token;
- }
- // checks that number of grid elements is valid
- int InputDataLoader::checkSize(int numGridPointsMinusOne, char axischar)
- {
- // numGridPointsMinusOne mustn't be negative, shouldn't be zero or larger than MAX_GRID_PTS and should be even
- if (numGridPointsMinusOne < 0)
- logFile->printErrorFormatted(FATAL_ERROR, "Negative number of %c-grid elements! Aborting.nn", axischar);
- else if (numGridPointsMinusOne == 0)
- logFile->printErrorFormatted(WARNING, "0 %c-grid elements!nn", axischar);
- else if (numGridPointsMinusOne > MAX_GRID_PTS)
- {
- logFile->printErrorFormatted(WARNING, "Maximum number of %c-grid elements allowed is %d. Using this value.n", axischar, MAX_GRID_PTS);
- numGridPointsMinusOne = MAX_GRID_PTS;
- }
- else if (numGridPointsMinusOne % 2 == 1)
- {
- logFile->printTitledFormatted("Number of grid elements must be even; %c-elements changed to: %dn", axischar, numGridPointsMinusOne);
- numGridPointsMinusOne -= 1;
- }
- return numGridPointsMinusOne;
- }
- // utility func for parsing types
- int InputDataLoader::parseTypes(char *line, char **words, int maxwords)
- {
- char *char_ptr = line;
- int num_types = 0;
- // flag for first word which is always a keyword
- int found_keyword = 0;
- int index = 0;
- for (;;)
- {
- // skip spaces
- while (isspace(*char_ptr))
- {
- char_ptr++;
- index++;
- }
- // done parsing when get eol 'null' character
- // could get null after a space
- if (*char_ptr == ' ')
- return num_types; // return number of 'types' found
- // the first word is the keyword not a type
- if (!found_keyword)
- found_keyword++;
- else
- words[num_types++] = char_ptr; // words is a list of indicies of beginning of 1 or 2 char types
- // once in a type, skip possible 2nd characters up to a space or null character
- while (!isspace(*char_ptr) && *char_ptr != ' ')
- {
- char_ptr++;
- index++;
- }
- // done parsing when get eol 'null' character
- // could get null after a character
- if (*char_ptr == ' ')
- return num_types;
- // make each 'type' a null terminated string
- *char_ptr++ = ' ';
- index++;
- //if there are too many types, return
- if (num_types >= maxwords)
- return num_types;
- }
- }
- // returns index of t in s, -1 if none.
- int InputDataLoader::strIndex(const char *s, const char *t)
- {
- const char *r = strstr(s, t);
- return r? int(r-s) : -1;
- }