- /*
- FastGrid (formerly AutoGrid)
- Copyright (C) 2009 The Scripps Research Institute. All rights reserved.
- Copyright (C) 2009 Masaryk University. All rights reserved.
- AutoGrid is a Trade Mark of The Scripps Research Institute.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- */
- #include <cstring>
- #include "BondVectors.h"
- BondVectors::BondVectors(int numReceptorAtoms, LogFile *logFile): logFile(logFile)
- {
- disorder = new bool[numReceptorAtoms];
- rexp = new int[numReceptorAtoms];
- rvector = new Vec3d[numReceptorAtoms];
- rvector2 = new Vec3d[numReceptorAtoms];
- memset(rexp, 0, sizeof(sizeof(int) * numReceptorAtoms));
- }
- BondVectors::~BondVectors()
- {
- delete [] disorder;
- delete [] rexp;
- delete [] rvector;
- delete [] rvector2;
- }
- void BondVectors::calculate(const InputData *input, const ParameterLibrary ¶meterLibrary)
- {
- Vec3d d;
- Vec3d dc;
- double rdot;
- int from, to;
- int nbond;
- int i1 = 0, i2 = 0, i3 = 0;
- double inv_rd, rd2;
- // Loop over all RECEPTOR atoms to
- // calculate bond vectors for directional H-bonds
- // setup the canned atom types here....
- // at this point set up hydrogen, carbon, oxygen and nitrogen
- int hydrogen = parameterLibrary.getAtomParameterRecIndex("HD");
- int nonHB_hydrogen = parameterLibrary.getAtomParameterRecIndex("H");
- int carbon = parameterLibrary.getAtomParameterRecIndex("C");
- int arom_carbon = parameterLibrary.getAtomParameterRecIndex("A");
- int oxygen = parameterLibrary.getAtomParameterRecIndex("OA");
- int sulphur = parameterLibrary.getAtomParameterRecIndex("SA");
- // These are not used
- /*int nitrogen = parameterLibrary.getAtomParameterRecIndex("NA");
- int nonHB_nitrogen = parameterLibrary.getAtomParameterRecIndex("N");
- int nonHB_sulphur = parameterLibrary.getAtomParameterRecIndex("S");*/
- // 7:CHANGE HERE: scan the 'mapIndex' from the input
- for (int ia = 0; ia < input->numReceptorAtoms; ia++)
- {
- //** ia = i_receptor_atom_a **
- disorder[ia] = false; // initialize disorder flag.
- bool warned = false;
- // Set scan limits looking for bonded atoms
- from = Mathi::Max(ia - 20, 0);
- to = Mathi::Min(ia + 20, input->numReceptorAtoms - 1);
- // If 'ia' is a hydrogen atom, it could be a
- // RECEPTOR hydrogen-BOND DONOR,
- // TODO: 8:CHANGE HERE: fix the input->atomType vs atom_types problem in following
- if (input->hbond[ia] == D1) // D1 hydrogen bond donor
- {
- for (int ib = from; ib <= to; ib++)
- if (ib != ia) // ib = i_receptor_atom_b
- {
- // => NH-> or OH->
- // if ((input->atomType[ib] == nitrogen) || (input->atomType[ib]==nonHB_nitrogen) ||(input->atomType[ib] == oxygen)||(input->atomType[ib] == sulphur)||(input->atomType[ib]==nonHB_sulphur)) {
- // Calculate the square of the N-H or O-H bond distance, rd2,
- // ib-ia ib-ia
- d = Vec3d(input->receptorAtom[ia]) - Vec3d(input->receptorAtom[ib]);
- rd2 = d.MagnitudeSqr();
- // If ia & ib are less than 1.3 A apart -- they are covalently bonded,
- if (rd2 < 1.90)
- {
- // INCREASED for H-S bonds
- if (rd2 < APPROX_ZERO)
- {
- if (rd2 == 0)
- logFile->printErrorFormatted(WARNING,
- "While calculating an H-O or H-N bond vector...nAttempt to divide by zero was just prevented.nAre the coordinates of atoms %d and %d the same?nn",
- ia + 1, ib + 1);
- rd2 = APPROX_ZERO;
- }
- inv_rd = Mathd::Rsqrt(rd2);
- // N-H: Set exponent rexp to 2 for m/m H-atom,
- // if (input->atomType[ib] == nitrogen) rexp[ia] = 2;
- if ((input->atomType[ib] != oxygen) && (input->atomType[ib] != sulphur))
- rexp[ia] = 2;
- // O-H: Set exponent rexp to 4 for m/m H-atom,
- // and flag disordered hydroxyls
- if ((input->atomType[ib] == oxygen) || (input->atomType[ib] == sulphur))
- {
- rexp[ia] = 4;
- if (input->disorderH)
- disorder[ia] = true;
- }
- // Normalize the vector from ib to ia, N->H or O->H...
- rvector[ia] = d * inv_rd;
- // First O-H/N-H H-bond-donor found; Go on to next atom,
- break;
- } // Found covalent bond.
- // } Found NH or OH in receptor.
- }
- // Finished scanning for the NH or OH in receptor.
- // If 'ia' is an Oxygen atom, it could be a
- }
- else if (input->hbond[ia] == A2)
- {
- // A2
- // Scan from at most, (ia-20)th m/m atom, or ia-th (if ia<20)
- // to (ia + 5)th m/m-atom
- // determine number of atoms bonded to the oxygen
- nbond = 0;
- int ib = from;
- for (; ib <= to; ib++)
- if (ib != ia)
- {
- dc = Vec3d(input->receptorAtom[ia]) - Vec3d(input->receptorAtom[ib]);
- rd2 = dc.MagnitudeSqr();
- if (((rd2 < 3.61) && ((input->atomType[ib] != hydrogen) && (input->atomType[ib] != nonHB_hydrogen))) ||
- ((rd2 < 1.69) && ((input->atomType[ib] == hydrogen) || (input->atomType[ib] == nonHB_hydrogen))))
- {
- if (nbond == 2)
- logFile->printErrorFormatted(WARNING, "Found an H-bonding atom with three bonded atoms, atom serial number %dn", ia + 1);
- if (nbond == 1)
- {
- nbond = 2;
- i2 = ib;
- }
- if (nbond == 0)
- {
- nbond = 1;
- i1 = ib;
- }
- }
- } // (ib != ia)
- // if no bonds, something is wrong
- if (nbond == 0)
- logFile->printErrorFormatted(WARNING, "Oxygen atom found with no bonded atoms, atom serial number %d, input->atomType %dn", ia + 1, input->atomType[ia]);
- // one bond: Carbonyl Oxygen O=C-X
- if (nbond == 1)
- {
- // calculate normalized carbonyl bond vector rvector[ia][]
- rvector[ia] = Vec3d(input->receptorAtom[ia]) - Vec3d(input->receptorAtom[i1]);
- rd2 = rvector[ia].MagnitudeSqr();
- if (rd2 < APPROX_ZERO)
- {
- if ((rd2 == 0) && !warned)
- {
- logFile->printErrorFormatted(WARNING, "Attempt to divide by zero was just prevented.nAre the coordinates of atoms %d and %d the same?nn", ia + 1, i1 + 1);
- warned = true;
- }
- rd2 = APPROX_ZERO;
- }
- inv_rd = Mathd::Rsqrt(rd2);
- rvector[ia] *= inv_rd;
- // find a second atom (i2) bonded to carbonyl carbon (i1)
- for (int i2 = from; i2 <= to; i2++)
- if ((i2 != i1) && (i2 != ia))
- {
- dc = Vec3d(input->receptorAtom[i1]) - Vec3d(input->receptorAtom[i2]);
- rd2 = dc.MagnitudeSqr();
- if (((rd2 < 2.89) && (input->atomType[i2] != hydrogen)) || ((rd2 < 1.69) && (input->atomType[i2] == hydrogen)))
- {
- // found one
- // d[i] vector from carbon to second atom
- d = Vec3d(input->receptorAtom[i2]) - Vec3d(input->receptorAtom[i1]);
- rd2 = d.MagnitudeSqr();
- if (rd2 < APPROX_ZERO)
- {
- if ((rd2 == 0) && !warned)
- {
- logFile->printErrorFormatted(WARNING, "Attempt to divide by zero was just prevented.nAre the coordinates of atoms %d and %d the same?nn", i1 + 1, i2 + 1);
- warned = true;
- }
- rd2 = APPROX_ZERO;
- }
- inv_rd = Mathd::Rsqrt(rd2);
- d *= inv_rd;
- // C=O cross C-X gives the lone pair plane normal
- rvector2[ia] = Vec3d::Cross(rvector[ia], d);
- rd2 = rvector2[ia].MagnitudeSqr();
- if (rd2 < APPROX_ZERO)
- {
- if ((rd2 == 0) && !warned)
- {
- logFile->printError(WARNING, "Attempt to divide by zero was just prevented.nn");
- warned = true;
- }
- rd2 = APPROX_ZERO;
- }
- inv_rd = Mathd::Rsqrt(rd2);
- rvector2[ia] *= inv_rd;
- }
- }
- } // endif nbond==1
- // two bonds: Hydroxyl or Ether Oxygen X1-O-X2
- if (nbond == 2)
- // disordered hydroxyl
- if ((input->atomType[i1] == hydrogen || input->atomType[i2] == hydrogen) && input->atomType[i1] != input->atomType[i2] && input->disorderH)
- {
- if ((input->atomType[i1] == carbon) || (input->atomType[i1] == arom_carbon))
- ib = i1;
- if ((input->atomType[i2] == carbon) || (input->atomType[i1] == arom_carbon))
- ib = i2;
- disorder[ia] = true;
- rvector[ia] = Vec3d(input->receptorAtom[ia]) - Vec3d(input->receptorAtom[ib]);
- rd2 = rvector[ia].MagnitudeSqr();
- if (rd2 < APPROX_ZERO)
- {
- if ((rd2 == 0) && !warned)
- {
- logFile->printErrorFormatted(WARNING, "Attempt to divide by zero was just prevented.nAre the coordinates of atoms %d and %d the same?nn", ia + 1, ib + 1);
- warned = true;
- }
- rd2 = APPROX_ZERO;
- }
- inv_rd = Mathd::Rsqrt(rd2);
- rvector[ia] *= inv_rd;
- }
- else
- {
- // not a disordered hydroxyl
- // normalized X1 to X2 vector, defines lone pair plane
- rvector2[ia] = Vec3d(input->receptorAtom[i2]) - Vec3d(input->receptorAtom[i1]);
- rd2 = rvector2[ia].MagnitudeSqr();
- if (rd2 < APPROX_ZERO)
- {
- if ((rd2 == 0) && !warned)
- {
- logFile->printErrorFormatted(WARNING, "Attempt to divide by zero was just prevented.nAre the coordinates of atoms %d and %d the same?nn", i1 + 1, i2 + 1);
- warned = true;
- }
- rd2 = APPROX_ZERO;
- }
- inv_rd = Mathd::Rsqrt(rd2);
- rvector2[ia] *= inv_rd;
- // vector pointing between the lone pairs:
- // front of the vector is the oxygen atom,
- // X1->O vector dotted with normalized X1->X2 vector plus
- // coords of X1 gives the point on the X1-X2 line for the
- // back of the vector.
- rdot = Vec3d::Dot(Vec3d(input->receptorAtom[ia]) - Vec3d(input->receptorAtom[i1]), rvector2[ia]);
- rvector[ia] = Vec3d(input->receptorAtom[ia]) - (rvector2[ia]*rdot + Vec3d(input->receptorAtom[i1]));
- rd2 = rvector[ia].MagnitudeSqr();
- if (rd2 < APPROX_ZERO)
- {
- if ((rd2 == 0) && !warned)
- {
- logFile->printError(WARNING, "Attempt to divide by zero was just prevented.nn");
- warned = true;
- }
- rd2 = APPROX_ZERO;
- }
- inv_rd = Mathd::Rsqrt(rd2);
- rvector[ia] *= inv_rd;
- } // end disordered hydroxyl
- }
- else if (input->hbond[ia] == A1)
- { // A1
- // Scan from at most, (ia-20)th m/m atom, or ia-th (if ia<20)
- // to (ia+5)th m/m-atom
- // determine number of atoms bonded to the oxygen
- nbond = 0;
- int ib = from;
- for (; ib <= to; ib++)
- if (ib != ia)
- {
- dc = Vec3d(input->receptorAtom[ia]) - Vec3d(input->receptorAtom[ib]);
- rd2 = dc.MagnitudeSqr();
- if (((rd2 < 2.89) && ((input->atomType[ib] != hydrogen) && (input->atomType[ib] != nonHB_hydrogen))) ||
- ((rd2 < 1.69) && ((input->atomType[ib] == hydrogen) || (input->atomType[ib] == nonHB_hydrogen))))
- {
- if (nbond == 2)
- {
- nbond = 3;
- i3 = ib;
- }
- if (nbond == 1)
- {
- nbond = 2;
- i2 = ib;
- }
- if (nbond == 0)
- {
- nbond = 1;
- i1 = ib;
- }
- }
- } // (ib != ia)
- // if no bonds, something is wrong
- if (nbond == 0)
- logFile->printErrorFormatted(WARNING, "Nitrogen atom found with no bonded atoms, atom serial number %dn", ia);
- // one bond: Azide Nitrogen :N=C-X
- if (nbond == 1)
- {
- // calculate normalized N=C bond vector rvector[ia][]
- rvector[ia] = Vec3d(input->receptorAtom[ia]) - Vec3d(input->receptorAtom[i1]);
- rd2 = rvector[ia].MagnitudeSqr();
- if (rd2 < APPROX_ZERO)
- {
- if ((rd2 == 0) && !warned)
- {
- logFile->printErrorFormatted(WARNING, "Attempt to divide by zero was just prevented.nAre the coordinates of atoms %d and %d the same?nn", ia, ib);
- warned = true;
- }
- rd2 = APPROX_ZERO;
- }
- inv_rd = Mathd::Rsqrt(rd2);
- rvector[ia] *= inv_rd;
- } // endif nbond==1
- // two bonds: X1-N=X2
- if (nbond == 2)
- {
- // normalized vector from Nitrogen to midpoint between X1 and X2
- rvector[ia] = Vec3d(input->receptorAtom[ia]) - (Vec3d(input->receptorAtom[i2]) + Vec3d(input->receptorAtom[i1])) / 2;
- rd2 = rvector[ia].MagnitudeSqr();
- if (rd2 < APPROX_ZERO)
- {
- if ((rd2 == 0) && !warned)
- {
- logFile->printErrorFormatted(WARNING, "Attempt to divide by zero was just prevented.nAre the coordinates of atoms %d and %d the same?nn", ia, ib);
- warned = true;
- }
- rd2 = APPROX_ZERO;
- }
- inv_rd = Mathd::Rsqrt(rd2);
- rvector[ia] *= inv_rd;
- } // end two bonds for nitrogen
- // three bonds: X1,X2,X3
- if (nbond == 3)
- {
- // normalized vector from Nitrogen to midpoint between X1, X2, and X3
- rvector[ia] = Vec3d(input->receptorAtom[ia]) - (Vec3d(input->receptorAtom[i1]) + Vec3d(input->receptorAtom[i2]) + Vec3d(input->receptorAtom[i3])) / 3;
- rd2 = rvector[ia].MagnitudeSqr();
- if (rd2 < APPROX_ZERO)
- {
- if ((rd2 == 0) && !warned)
- {
- logFile->printErrorFormatted(WARNING, "Attempt to divide by zero was just prevented.nAre the coordinates of atoms %d and %d the same?nn", ia, ib);
- warned = true;
- }
- rd2 = APPROX_ZERO;
- }
- inv_rd = Mathd::Rsqrt(rd2);
- rvector[ia] *= inv_rd;
- } // end three bonds for Nitrogen
- // endNEW directional N Acceptor
- } // end test for atom type
- } // Do Next receptor atom...
- }