- /*
- Linear Algebra / Math library
- Copyright (C) 2003-2009, Marek Olsak (, All Rights Reserved.
- Copyright (C) 2003-2005, Tomas Pastorek (, All Rights Reserved.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- */
- #pragma once
- namespace Rune
- {
- /**
- Trirozmerny vektor
- **************************************************************************************************/
- template<typename T>
- class Vec3
- {
- public:
- T x, y, z;
- template<typename U>
- explicit Vec3(const Vec3<U> &v) { x = T(v.x); y = T(v.y); z = T(v.z); }
- typedef Rune::Vec2<T> Vec2;
- Vec3() {}
- Vec3(T f) { x = f; y = f; z = f; }
- Vec3(const Vec2 &v, T Z) { x = v.x; y = v.y; z = Z; }
- Vec3(T X, const Vec2 &v) { x = X; y = v.x; z = v.y; }
- Vec3(T X, T Y, T Z) { x = X; y = Y; z = Z; }
- bool operator ==(const Vec3 &v) const { return x == v.x && y == v.y && z == v.z; }
- bool operator !=(const Vec3 &v) const { return x != v.x && y != v.y && z != v.z; }
- bool operator <(const Vec3 &v) const { return x < v.x && y < v.y && z < v.z; }
- bool operator >(const Vec3 &v) const { return x > v.x && y > v.y && z > v.z; }
- bool operator <=(const Vec3 &v) const { return x <= v.x && y <= v.y && z <= v.z; }
- bool operator >=(const Vec3 &v) const { return x >= v.x && y >= v.y && z >= v.z; }
- bool operator ==(T f) const { return x == f && y == f && z == f; }
- bool operator !=(T f) const { return x != f && y != f && z != f; }
- bool operator <(T f) const { return x < f && y < f && z < f; }
- bool operator >(T f) const { return x > f && y > f && z > f; }
- bool operator <=(T f) const { return x <= f && y <= f && z <= f; }
- bool operator >=(T f) const { return x >= f && y >= f && z >= f; }
- void operator =(const Vec3 &v) { x = v.x; y = v.y; z = v.z; }
- void operator +=(const Vec3 &v) { x += v.x; y += v.y; z += v.z; }
- void operator +=(T f) { x += f; y += f; z += f; }
- void operator -=(const Vec3 &v) { x -= v.x; y -= v.y; z -= v.z; }
- void operator -=(T f) { x -= f; y -= f; z -= f; }
- void operator *=(T f) { x *= f; y *= f; z *= f; }
- void operator /=(T f) { x /= f; y /= f; z /= f; }
- Vec3 operator +(const Vec3 &v) const { return Vec3(x+v.x, y+v.y, z+v.z); }
- Vec3 operator +(T f) const { return Vec3(x+f, y+f, z+f); }
- Vec3 operator -(const Vec3 &v) const { return Vec3(x-v.x, y-v.y, z-v.z); }
- Vec3 operator -(T f) const { return Vec3(x-f, y-f, z-f); }
- Vec3 operator *(const Vec3 &v) const { return Vec3(x*v.x, y*v.y, z*v.z); }
- Vec3 operator *(T f) const { return Vec3(x*f, y*f, z*f); }
- Vec3 operator /(const Vec3 &v) const { return Vec3(x/v.x, y/v.y, z/v.z); }
- Vec3 operator /(T f) const { return Vec3(x/f, y/f, z/f); }
- Vec3 operator -() const { return Vec3(-x, -y, -z); }
- T& operator [](int i) { return (&x)[i]; }
- T operator [](int i) const { return (&x)[i]; }
- T Cube() const { return x*y*z; }
- T GetMax() const { return Math<T>::Max(Math<T>::Max(x, y), z); }
- Vec3 GetAbs() const { return Vec3(Math<T>::Abs(x), Math<T>::Abs(y), Math<T>::Abs(z)); }
- Vec3 GetNormalized() const { T f = MagnitudeInv(); return Vec3(x*f, y*f, z*f); }
- T Magnitude() const { return Math<T>::Sqrt(MagnitudeSqr()); }
- T MagnitudeInv() const { return Math<T>::Rsqrt(MagnitudeSqr()); }
- T MagnitudeSqr() const { return x*x + y*y + z*z; }
- Vec3 Reflect(const Vec3 &normal) const { return *this - 2*Dot(normal, *this)*normal; }
- Vec3 Project(const Vec3 &v) const { return *this * Dot(v, *this)/MagnitudeSqr(); }
- Vec3 Orthogonalize(const Vec3 &v) const { return v - Project(v); }
- void Normalize() { operator *=(MagnitudeInv()); }
- void PackTo01() { operator *=(T(0.5)); operator +=(T(0.5)); }
- void PackBack() { operator *=(2); operator -=(1); }
- void Set(T X, T Y, T Z) { x = X; y = Y; z = Z; }
- void Rotate(const Vec3 &v, const T angle) { Rotate(v.x, v.y, v.z, angle); }
- void Inverse() { x = 1/x; y = 1/y; z = 1/z; }
- Vec3 Frac() const { return Vec3(Math<T>::Frac(x), Math<T>::Frac(y), Math<T>::Frac(z)); }
- bool SafeIsEqual(const Vec3 &v) const
- {
- return Math<T>::SafeIsEqual(x, v.x) && Math<T>::SafeIsEqual(y, v.y) && Math<T>::SafeIsEqual(z, v.z);
- }
- /**
- Rotuje vektor kolem rotacni osy (x,y,z) uhlem angle
- **************************************************************************************************/
- void Rotate(T x, T y, T z, T angle)
- {
- T s = Math<T>::SinDeg(angle), c = Math<T>::CosDeg(angle);
- T cr = 1-c, xx = x*x, xy = x*y, xz = x*z, yy = y*y, yz = y*z, zz = z*z, sx = s*x, sy = s*y, sz = s*z;
- Vec3<T> r1(xx+c*(1-xx), xy*cr-sz, xz*cr+sy);
- Vec3<T> r2(xy*cr+sz, yy+c*(1-yy), yz*cr-sx);
- Vec3<T> r3(xz*cr-sy, yz*cr+sx, zz+c*(1-zz));
- Set(Dot(*this, r1), Dot(*this, r2), Dot(*this, r3));
- }
- /**
- Rotuje vektor kolem osy X uhlem angle
- **************************************************************************************************/
- void RotateX(T angle)
- {
- T s = Math<T>::SinDeg(angle), c = Math<T>::CosDeg(angle);
- Set(x, y*c-z*s, y*s+z*c);
- }
- /**
- Rotuje vektor kolem osy Y uhlem angle
- **************************************************************************************************/
- void RotateY(T angle)
- {
- T s = Math<T>::SinDeg(angle), c = Math<T>::CosDeg(angle);
- Set(x*c+z*s, y, -x*s+z*c);
- }
- /**
- Rotuje vektor kolem osy Z uhlem angle
- **************************************************************************************************/
- void RotateZ(T angle)
- {
- T s = Math<T>::SinDeg(angle), c = Math<T>::CosDeg(angle);
- Set(x*c-y*s, x*s+y*c, z);
- }
- static T Dot(const Vec3 &v1, const Vec3 &v2)
- {
- return v1.x*v2.x + v1.y*v2.y + v1.z*v2.z;
- }
- static Vec3 Cross(const Vec3 &v1, const Vec3 &v2)
- {
- return Vec3(v1.y*v2.z - v1.z*v2.y, v1.z*v2.x - v1.x*v2.z, v1.x*v2.y - v1.y*v2.x);
- }
- template<typename Operator>
- static Vec3 ScalarOperator(const Vec3 &v1, const Vec3 &v2, Operator &op)
- {
- return Vec3(op(v1.x, v2.x), op(v1.y, v2.y), op(v1.z, v2.z));
- }
- static T DistanceSqr(const Vec3 &v1, const Vec3 &v2)
- {
- return (v1 - v2).MagnitudeSqr();
- }
- static T Distance(const Vec3 &v1, const Vec3 &v2)
- {
- return Math<T>::Sqrt(DistanceSqr(v1, v2));
- }
- static Vec3 CalculateNormal(const Vec3 &v0, const Vec3 &v1, const Vec3 &v2)
- {
- return CalculateNormalUnnorm(v0, v1, v2).GetNormalized();
- }
- static Vec3 CalculateNormalUnnorm(const Vec3 &v0, const Vec3 &v1, const Vec3 &v2)
- {
- return Cross(v2-v1, v0-v2);
- }
- static Vec3 Center(const Vec3 &min, const Vec3 &max)
- {
- return (min + max) * T(0.5);
- }
- static T Angle(const Vec3 &a, const Vec3 &b)
- {
- return Math<T>::Acos(Dot(a, b)*a.MagnitudeInv()*b.MagnitudeInv());
- }
- static T AngleUnnorm(const Vec3 &a, const Vec3 &b)
- {
- return Math<T>::Acos(Dot(a, b));
- }
- /**
- Vraci tangent vektor (vektor mapovani textury pro normalmapping), vstupem jsou vertexy
- trojuhelniku a jeho texturove koordinaty
- **************************************************************************************************/
- static Vec3 CalculateTangent(const Vec3 &v0, const Vec3 &v1, const Vec3 &v2, const Vec2 &t0, const Vec2 &t1, const Vec2 &t2)
- {
- return ((v1 - v0) * (t2.y - t0.y) + (v2 - v0) * (t0.y - t1.y)).GetNormalized();
- }
- /**
- Vraci bitangent vektor (vektor mapovani textury pro normalmapping), vstupem jsou vertexy
- trojuhelniku a jeho texturove koordinaty
- **************************************************************************************************/
- static Vec3 CalculateBitangent(const Vec3 &v0, const Vec3 &v1, const Vec3 &v2, const Vec2 &t0, const Vec2 &t1, const Vec2 &t2)
- {
- return ((v1 - v0) * (t2.x - t0.x) + (v2 - v0) * (t0.x - t1.x)).GetNormalized();
- }
- /**
- Vraci obsah trojuhelniku
- **************************************************************************************************/
- static T CalculateAreaOfTriangle(const Vec3 &a, const Vec3 &b, const Vec3 &c)
- {
- return Cross(b - a, c - a).Magnitude() * T(0.5);
- }
- };
- template<typename T>
- std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream &stream, const Vec3<T> &v)
- {
- return stream << ("(" + tostrf(v.x) + ", " + tostrf(v.y) + ", " + tostrf(v.z) + ")");
- }
- template<typename T>
- std::istream& operator >>(std::istream &stream, Vec3<T> &v)
- {
- char tmp;
- return stream >> tmp >> v.x >> tmp >> v.y >> tmp >> v.z >> tmp;
- }
- typedef Vec3<float> Vec3f;
- typedef Vec3<double> Vec3d;
- typedef Vec3<int32> Vec3i;
- typedef Vec3<uint32> Vec3ui;
- typedef Vec3<bool> Vec3b;
- }