- /*++
- Copyright (c) AFE(Active-Free-Elegance)
- Module Name:
- BoxMan.h
- Abstract:
- BoxMan Game Class ,solve all the important movment of the man and box,
- and some thing refer to them
- Author:
- Weijian Luo (Arthur Luo) 15-Jun-2005
- E-mail:
- Revision History: 1.0
- --*/
- #if !defined(AFX_BOXMAN_H__6BDB997E_47A5_471A_9589_4BB3B6AFF679__INCLUDED_)
- #define AFX_BOXMAN_H__6BDB997E_47A5_471A_9589_4BB3B6AFF679__INCLUDED_
- #if _MSC_VER > 1000
- #pragma once
- #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
- #include <afxwin.h> //GDI 绘图CDC
- #define M_TAB_WIDTH 20 //横向方块数目宽度
- #define M_TAB_HEIGHT 20 //纵向方块数目宽度
- class CBoxMan
- {
- public:
- CBoxMan();
- virtual ~CBoxMan();
- public:
- BOOL ChangeMissionNum(int iNum);
- void KeyDown(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags);
- void DrawGameArea(CDC* pDC);
- int GetNowMissionNum(void);
- void IsSound(BOOL bUse);
- protected:
- //绘图操作
- void DrawBackGroup(int x, int y, CDC* pDC);
- void DrawWhiteWall(int x, int y, CDC* pDC);
- void DrawBlueWall(int x, int y, CDC* pDC);
- void DrawBall(int x, int y, CDC* pDC);
- void DrawYellowBox(int x, int y, CDC* pDC);
- void DrawRedBox(int x, int y, CDC* pDC);
- void DrawManWall(int x, int y, CDC* pDC);
- void DrawManBall(int x, int y, CDC* pDC);
- void LoadMap(int iMissionNum);
- CPoint GetManPosition();
- void DispatchMsg(UINT nChar);
- void UpdateMap(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3);
- bool IsFinish(void);
- void BoxManPlaySound(void);
- int LoadMaxMissionNum(void);
- protected:
- char m_cMap[M_TAB_WIDTH][M_TAB_HEIGHT]; //方块矩阵
- CPoint m_ptManPosition;
- int m_iMissionNum;
- int m_soundState; //当前播音状态
- int m_bSound; //是否启用声音
- };
- #endif // !defined(AFX_BOXMAN_H__6BDB997E_47A5_471A_9589_4BB3B6AFF679__INCLUDED_)