- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
- <ClassDiagram MajorVersion="1" MinorVersion="1">
- <Font Name="Tahoma" Size="8.25" />
- <Comment CommentText="Document subclasses are used by the Indexer to gather data">
- <Position X="0.521" Y="0.5" Height="0.406" Width="1.929" />
- </Comment>
- <Comment CommentText="File class is stored in the Catalog">
- <Position X="2.958" Y="0.5" Height="0.385" Width="1.908" />
- </Comment>
- <Comment CommentText="ResultFile 'wraps' File and adds presentation-specific methods/ helpers">
- <Position X="4.593" Y="4.031" Height="0.698" Width="1.367" />
- </Comment>
- <Class Name="Searcharoo.Common.File">
- <Position X="3" Y="1" Width="1.5" />
- <TypeIdentifier>
- <FileName>CommonFile.cs</FileName>
- </TypeIdentifier>
- <Members>
- <Field Name="_CrawledDate" Hidden="true" />
- <Field Name="_Description" Hidden="true" />
- <Field Name="_Extension" Hidden="true" />
- <Field Name="_GpsLocation" Hidden="true" />
- <Field Name="_KeywordString" Hidden="true" />
- <Field Name="_Size" Hidden="true" />
- <Field Name="_Title" Hidden="true" />
- <Field Name="_Url" Hidden="true" />
- <Method Name="File" Hidden="true" />
- <Method Name="ToString" Hidden="true" />
- </Members>
- </Class>
- <Class Name="Searcharoo.Common.ResultFile">
- <Position X="3" Y="4" Width="1.5" />
- <TypeIdentifier>
- <FileName>CommonResultFile.cs</FileName>
- </TypeIdentifier>
- <Members>
- <Field Name="_Rank" Hidden="true" />
- <Method Name="ResultFile" Hidden="true" />
- </Members>
- </Class>
- <Class Name="Searcharoo.Common.Document">
- <Position X="0.5" Y="1" Width="2" />
- <TypeIdentifier>
- <FileName>IndexerDocumentsDocument.cs</FileName>
- </TypeIdentifier>
- <Members>
- <Field Name="_All" Hidden="true" />
- <Field Name="_ContentType" Hidden="true" />
- <Field Name="_Description" Hidden="true" />
- <Field Name="_Extension" Hidden="true" />
- <Field Name="_GpsLocation" Hidden="true" />
- <Field Name="_Keywords" Hidden="true" />
- <Field Name="_Length" Hidden="true" />
- <Field Name="_MimeType" Hidden="true" />
- <Field Name="_Title" Hidden="true" />
- <Field Name="_Uri" Hidden="true" />
- <Field Name="ExternalLinks" Hidden="true" />
- <Field Name="LocalLinks" Hidden="true" />
- </Members>
- </Class>
- </ClassDiagram>