- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
- <ClassDiagram MajorVersion="1" MinorVersion="1">
- <Font Name="Tahoma" Size="8.25" />
- <Comment CommentText="When the Spider is processing Words from the Document classes and adding them to the Catalog, it uses helper classes to manage Stemming, Stop and Go words">
- <Position X="3.865" Y="0.5" Height="0.854" Width="2.304" />
- </Comment>
- <Comment CommentText="The Stemming and Stop and Go helpers are also used to pre-process Search terms entered by the user">
- <Position X="6.917" Y="0.5" Height="0.615" Width="2.304" />
- </Comment>
- <Comment CommentText="Preferences control many aspects of the Spider, including which Interface implemtations to use for Stemming, Stop & Go">
- <Position X="2.938" Y="5.177" Height="0.75" Width="2.554" />
- </Comment>
- <Class Name="Searcharoo.Indexer.Spider">
- <Position X="1.25" Y="1.5" Width="1.5" />
- <TypeIdentifier>
- <FileName>IndexerSpider.cs</FileName>
- </TypeIdentifier>
- <ShowAsAssociation>
- <Field Name="_Stemmer" />
- <Field Name="_Stopper" />
- <Field Name="_GoChecker" />
- <Field Name="_Catalog" />
- </ShowAsAssociation>
- <Members>
- <Event Name="SpiderProgressEvent" Hidden="true" />
- </Members>
- </Class>
- <Class Name="Searcharoo.Common.NoGoWord" Collapsed="true" BaseTypeListCollapsed="true">
- <Position X="6" Y="4.75" Width="1.5" />
- <TypeIdentifier>
- <FileName>CommonGoWordsGoWords.cs</FileName>
- </TypeIdentifier>
- <Lollipop Position="0.2" />
- </Class>
- <Class Name="Searcharoo.Common.ListGoWord" Collapsed="true" BaseTypeListCollapsed="true">
- <Position X="6" Y="3.25" Width="1.5" />
- <TypeIdentifier>
- <FileName>CommonGoWordsGoWords.cs</FileName>
- </TypeIdentifier>
- <Lollipop Position="0.2" />
- </Class>
- <Class Name="Searcharoo.Common.FileGoWord" Collapsed="true" BaseTypeListCollapsed="true">
- <Position X="6" Y="4" Width="1.5" />
- <TypeIdentifier>
- <FileName>CommonGoWordsGoWords.cs</FileName>
- </TypeIdentifier>
- <Lollipop Position="0.2" />
- </Class>
- <Class Name="Searcharoo.Common.PorterStemmer" Collapsed="true" BaseTypeListCollapsed="true">
- <Position X="4" Y="4.5" Width="1.5" />
- <TypeIdentifier>
- <FileName>CommonStemmingPorterStemmer.cs</FileName>
- </TypeIdentifier>
- <Lollipop Position="0.2" />
- </Class>
- <Class Name="Searcharoo.Common.NoStemming" Collapsed="true" BaseTypeListCollapsed="true">
- <Position X="4" Y="3.75" Width="1.5" />
- <TypeIdentifier>
- <FileName>CommonStemmingNoStemming.cs</FileName>
- </TypeIdentifier>
- <Lollipop Position="0.2" />
- </Class>
- <Class Name="Searcharoo.Common.NoStopping" Collapsed="true" BaseTypeListCollapsed="true">
- <Position X="8.25" Y="2.75" Width="1.5" />
- <TypeIdentifier>
- <FileName>CommonStopWordsStopWords.cs</FileName>
- </TypeIdentifier>
- <Lollipop Position="0.2" />
- </Class>
- <Class Name="Searcharoo.Common.ShortStopper" Collapsed="true">
- <Position X="8.25" Y="3.5" Width="1.5" />
- <TypeIdentifier>
- <FileName>CommonStopWordsStopWords.cs</FileName>
- </TypeIdentifier>
- <Lollipop Position="0.2" />
- </Class>
- <Class Name="Searcharoo.Common.ListStopper" Collapsed="true">
- <Position X="8.25" Y="4.25" Width="1.5" />
- <TypeIdentifier>
- <FileName>CommonStopWordsStopWords.cs</FileName>
- </TypeIdentifier>
- </Class>
- <Class Name="Searcharoo.Common.FileStopper" Collapsed="true" BaseTypeListCollapsed="true">
- <Position X="8.25" Y="5.25" Width="1.5" />
- <TypeIdentifier>
- <FileName>CommonStopWordsStopWords.cs</FileName>
- </TypeIdentifier>
- <Lollipop Position="0.2" />
- </Class>
- <Class Name="Searcharoo.Common.Catalog" Collapsed="true">
- <Position X="1.25" Y="0.5" Width="1.5" />
- <TypeIdentifier>
- <FileName>CommonCatalog.cs</FileName>
- </TypeIdentifier>
- </Class>
- <Class Name="Searcharoo.Common.Preferences" Collapsed="true">
- <Position X="1.25" Y="5.25" Width="1.5" />
- <TypeIdentifier>
- <FileName>CommonPreferences.cs</FileName>
- </TypeIdentifier>
- </Class>
- <Interface Name="Searcharoo.Common.IGoWord">
- <Position X="6" Y="2" Width="1.5" />
- <TypeIdentifier>
- <FileName>CommonGoWordsGoWords.cs</FileName>
- </TypeIdentifier>
- </Interface>
- <Interface Name="Searcharoo.Common.IStemming">
- <Position X="4" Y="2.5" Width="1.5" />
- <TypeIdentifier>
- <FileName>CommonStemmingIStemming.cs</FileName>
- </TypeIdentifier>
- </Interface>
- <Interface Name="Searcharoo.Common.IStopper">
- <Position X="8.25" Y="1.5" Width="1.5" />
- <TypeIdentifier>
- <FileName>CommonStopWordsStopWords.cs</FileName>
- </TypeIdentifier>
- </Interface>
- </ClassDiagram>