- /*
- * cmds.cxx
- *
- * Auxiliary commands for Caller
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1993-2001 Equivalence Pty. Ltd.
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- * Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- * the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
- * under the License.
- *
- * The Original Code is Portable Windows Library.
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Equivalence Pty. Ltd.
- *
- *
- */
- #include <ptlib.h>
- #include <ixjlid.h>
- #include "version.h"
- #include "callermain.h"
- class ConsoleThread : public PThread {
- PCLASSINFO(ConsoleThread, PThread);
- public:
- ConsoleThread(PMutex *_enter, BOOL *_enter_pressed) : PThread(1000,AutoDeleteThread)
- {
- enter = _enter;
- enter_pressed = _enter_pressed;
- Resume(); // start running this thread as soon as the thread is created.
- }
- void Main() {
- PConsoleChannel console(PConsoleChannel::StandardInput);
- // wait for Enter to be pressed
- console.peek();
- enter->Wait();
- *enter_pressed = TRUE;
- enter->Signal();
- }
- private:
- PMutex *enter;
- BOOL *enter_pressed;
- };
- #define new PNEW
- #if HAS_IXJ
- #define G7231_BUFFER_SIZE 24
- #define PCM_BUFFER_SIZE 480
- extern PString G7231Ext;
- extern PString WAVExt;
- extern PString PCMExt;
- extern BOOL CheckWAVFileValid(PWAVFile *chan, int type);
- #define CHECK_PCM 1
- #define CHECK_G7231 2
- static BOOL DetermineType(PArgList & args, const PFilePath & fn, BOOL & isPCM, BOOL & isWAV, BOOL openExisting)
- {
- BOOL knowType = FALSE;
- // Handle .WAV file types
- if ((fn.GetType() *= WAVExt) && (openExisting)) {
- // determine the file type by peeking into the existing file
- PWAVFile *wavfile = new PWAVFile(fn, PFile::ReadOnly);
- if (!wavfile->IsOpen()) {
- PError << "error: cannot open file "" << fn << """ << endl;
- delete wavfile;
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (CheckWAVFileValid(wavfile,CHECK_G7231)) isPCM = FALSE;
- else if (CheckWAVFileValid(wavfile,CHECK_PCM)) isPCM = TRUE;
- else {
- PError << "error: invalid wav file format for file "" << fn << """ << endl;
- delete wavfile;
- return FALSE;
- }
- wavfile->Close();
- delete wavfile;
- isWAV = TRUE;
- knowType = TRUE;
- }
- if ((fn.GetType() *= WAVExt) && (!openExisting)) {
- // determine the file type from the command line options
- if (args.HasOption("pcm")) {
- isPCM = TRUE;
- isWAV = TRUE;
- knowType = TRUE;
- } else if (args.HasOption("g7231")) {
- isPCM = FALSE;
- isWAV = TRUE;
- knowType = TRUE;
- } else {
- PError << "usage: recording a .wav file requires either --g7231 or --pcm,"
- << endl;
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- // For non .WAV files determine file type from filename extension
- if (fn.GetType() *= G7231Ext) {
- isPCM = FALSE;
- isWAV = FALSE;
- knowType = TRUE;
- }
- if (fn.GetType() *= PCMExt) {
- isPCM = TRUE;
- isWAV = FALSE;
- knowType = TRUE;
- }
- // if we still do not know the file type, use the command line options
- if (!knowType) {
- if (args.HasOption("pcm")) {
- isPCM = TRUE;
- isWAV = FALSE;
- knowType = TRUE;
- } else if (args.HasOption("g7231")) {
- isPCM = FALSE;
- isWAV = FALSE;
- knowType = TRUE;
- }
- }
- // error if we could not determine the file type
- if (!knowType) {
- PError << "usage: command requires either --g7231 or --pcm,"
- << " or filename with " << WAVExt << " or " << G7231Ext
- << " or " << PCMExt << " extension" << endl;
- return FALSE;
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- static BOOL OpenDevice(OpalIxJDevice & xJack, const PString & ixjDevice, int port)
- {
- if (!xJack.Open(ixjDevice)) {
- PError << "error: cannot open device "" << ixjDevice << """ << endl;
- return FALSE;
- }
- xJack.SetLineToLineDirect(0, 1, FALSE);
- if (port == 3) xJack.EnableAudio(0, FALSE);
- if (port == 2) xJack.EnableAudio(OpalIxJDevice::PSTNLine, TRUE);
- if (port == 1) xJack.EnableAudio(OpalIxJDevice::POTSLine, TRUE);
- return TRUE;
- }
- void Caller::RecordFile(PArgList & args)
- {
- if (args.GetCount() < 2) {
- PError << "usage: openam record [--port n] [--pcm|--g7231] -q N fn" << endl;
- PError << "usage: port 1=POTS 3=MIC+SPEAKER" << endl;
- PError << "usage: -q N quicknet device. Eg -q 0" << endl;
- PError << "usage: -fn filename" << endl;
- return;
- }
- PFilePath fn = args[1];
- int port;
- // Determine the type of file
- if (!DetermineType(args, fn, isPCM, isWAV, FALSE)) return;
- PFile *recordFile;
- if (isWAV) {
- if (isPCM) recordFile = new PWAVFile(PWAVFile::PCM_WavFile);
- else recordFile = new PWAVFile(PWAVFile::G7231_WavFile);
- }
- else recordFile = new PFile();
- if (recordFile == NULL)
- return;
- // open the file
- if (!recordFile->Open(fn, PFile::WriteOnly)) {
- PError << "error: cannot open file "" << fn << """ << endl;
- return;
- }
- // open the device
- if (!args.HasOption('q')) {
- PError << "error: record command requires -q option for Quicknet device" << endl;
- return;
- }
- cout << "ok" << endl
- << "Recording " << (isPCM ? "PCM" : "G.723.1")
- << (isWAV ? " wav message" : " message") << endl;
- if (args.HasOption("port")) {
- port = args.GetOptionString("port").AsInteger();
- } else {
- port = OpalIxJDevice::POTSLine; // default to a real telephone
- }
- OpalIxJDevice xJack;
- if (!OpenDevice(xJack, args.GetOptionString('q'),port))
- return;
- // ring handset
- if (port == OpalIxJDevice::POTSLine) {
- xJack.RingLine(OpalIxJDevice::POTSLine, 0x33);
- // wait for answer
- cout << "Waiting for phone to go offhook...";
- cout.flush();
- while (!xJack.IsLineOffHook(OpalIxJDevice::POTSLine))
- Sleep(100);
- cout << endl;
- }
- // start codecs
- if (!xJack.SetReadCodec (OpalIxJDevice::POTSLine,
- isPCM ? RTP_DataFrame::L16_Mono : RTP_DataFrame::G7231)) {
- PError << "error: error during SetReadCodec" << endl;
- return;
- }
- if (!xJack.SetWriteCodec(OpalIxJDevice::POTSLine,
- isPCM ? RTP_DataFrame::L16_Mono : RTP_DataFrame::G7231)) {
- PError << "error: error during SetWriteCodec" << endl;
- return;
- }
- // determine the read buffer size
- PINDEX bufferSize;
- if (isPCM)
- bufferSize = xJack.GetReadFrameSize(OpalIxJDevice::POTSLine);
- else
- bufferSize = G7231_BUFFER_SIZE;
- // allocate a buffer
- PBYTEArray buffer;
- buffer.SetSize(bufferSize);
- // Create the console thread.
- PMutex enter;
- BOOL enter_pressed = FALSE;
- PThread * consolethread;
- consolethread = new ConsoleThread( &enter, &enter_pressed);
- cout << "Recording Started." << endl << "To stop recording " ;
- if (port == OpalIxJDevice::POTSLine)
- cout << "put the phone back onhook or ";
- cout << "press Enter" << endl;
- // start recording
- for (;;) {
- // stop if we are using POTS and the telephone handset it put down
- if ((port == OpalIxJDevice::POTSLine) && (!xJack.IsLineOffHook(OpalIxJDevice::POTSLine)))
- break;
- // stop if the user pressed Enter on the console
- enter.Wait();
- if (enter_pressed == TRUE) {
- enter.Signal();
- break;
- }
- enter.Signal();
- PINDEX count;
- if (!xJack.ReadFrame(OpalIxJDevice::POTSLine, buffer.GetPointer(), count)) {
- PError << "error: error during ReadFrame" << endl;
- return;
- }
- recordFile->Write(buffer, count);
- }
- cout << "Recording Finished" << endl;
- // stop recording;
- xJack.StopReadCodec (OpalIxJDevice::POTSLine);
- xJack.StopWriteCodec(OpalIxJDevice::POTSLine);
- // close the file
- recordFile->Close();
- delete recordFile;
- }
- void Caller::PlayFile(PArgList & args)
- {
- if (args.GetCount() < 2) {
- PError << "usage: openam play [--port n] [--pcm|--g7231] -q N fn" << endl;
- PError << "usage: port 1=POTS 2=PSTN 3=MIC+SPEAKER" << endl;
- PError << "usage: -q N quicknet device. Eg -q 0" << endl;
- PError << "usage: -fn filename" << endl;
- return;
- }
- PFilePath fn = args[1];
- int port;
- // Determine the type of file
- if (!DetermineType(args, fn, isPCM, isWAV, TRUE)) return;
- PFile *playFile;
- if (isWAV) playFile = new PWAVFile();
- else playFile = new PFile();
- if (playFile == NULL)
- return;
- // open the file
- if (!playFile->Open(fn, PFile::ReadOnly)) {
- PError << "error: cannot open file "" << fn << """ << endl;
- return;
- }
- // open the device
- if (!args.HasOption('q')) {
- PError << "error: play command requires -q option for Quicknet device" << endl;
- return;
- }
- cout << "Playing " << (isPCM ? "PCM" : "G.723.1")
- << (isWAV ? " wav message" : " message") << endl;
- if (args.HasOption("port")) {
- port = args.GetOptionString("port").AsInteger();
- } else {
- port = 1; // default to a real telephone
- }
- OpalIxJDevice xJack;
- if (!OpenDevice(xJack, args.GetOptionString('q'),port))
- return;
- // ring handset
- if (port == 1) {
- xJack.RingLine(OpalIxJDevice::POTSLine, 0x33);
- // wait for answer
- cout << "Waiting for phone to go offhook...";
- cout.flush();
- while (!xJack.IsLineOffHook(OpalIxJDevice::POTSLine))
- Sleep(100);
- cout << endl;
- }
- // start codecs
- if (!xJack.SetReadCodec (OpalIxJDevice::POTSLine,
- isPCM ? RTP_DataFrame::L16_Mono : RTP_DataFrame::G7231)) {
- PError << "error: error during SetReadCodec" << endl;
- return;
- }
- if (!xJack.SetWriteCodec(OpalIxJDevice::POTSLine,
- isPCM ? RTP_DataFrame::L16_Mono : RTP_DataFrame::G7231)) {
- PError << "error: error during SetWriteCodec" << endl;
- return;
- }
- // determine the write buffer size
- PINDEX bufferSize;
- if (isPCM)
- bufferSize = xJack.GetReadFrameSize(OpalIxJDevice::POTSLine);
- else
- bufferSize = G7231_BUFFER_SIZE;
- // allocate a buffer
- PBYTEArray buffer;
- buffer.SetSize(bufferSize);
- // Create the console thread.
- PMutex enter;
- BOOL enter_pressed = FALSE;
- PThread * consolethread;
- consolethread = new ConsoleThread( &enter, &enter_pressed);
- cout << "Playback Started." << endl << "To stop playback " ;
- if (port == 1)
- cout << "put the phone back onhook or ";
- cout << "press Enter" << endl;
- // start playing
- for (;;) {
- // stop if we are using POTS and the telephone handset it put down
- if ((port == 1) && (!xJack.IsLineOffHook(OpalIxJDevice::POTSLine))) {
- break;
- }
- // stop if the user pressed Enter on the console
- enter.Wait();
- if (enter_pressed == TRUE) {
- enter.Signal();
- break;
- }
- enter.Signal();
- PINDEX count = 0;
- if (isPCM) {
- if (!playFile->Read(buffer.GetPointer(), bufferSize))
- break;
- } else {
- if (!playFile->Read(buffer.GetPointer(), 1))
- break;
- count++;
- static const int frameLen[] = { 24, 20, 4, 1 };
- if (!playFile->Read(buffer.GetPointer()+1, frameLen[buffer[0]&3] - 1))
- break;
- }
- count += playFile->GetLastReadCount();
- PINDEX written;
- if (!xJack.WriteFrame(OpalIxJDevice::POTSLine, buffer.GetPointer(), count, written)) {
- PError << "error: error during WriteFrame" << endl;
- return;
- }
- }
- // stop recording;
- xJack.StopReadCodec (OpalIxJDevice::POTSLine);
- xJack.StopWriteCodec(OpalIxJDevice::POTSLine);
- // close the file
- playFile->Close();
- delete playFile;
- }
- #endif