- <%
- Function SearchSelectCate(cateid1,cateid2,Action)
- If Action="SaveEditSetting" then
- If cstr(cateid1)=cstr(cateid2) then
- SearchSelectCate="selected"
- else
- SearchSelectCate=""
- End if
- Else
- SearchSelectCate=""
- End if
- End Function
- Function SearchSelectChecked(radio1,radio2,Action)
- If Action="SaveEditSetting" then
- If cstr(radio1)=cstr(radio2) then
- SearchSelectChecked="checked=""checked"""
- else
- SearchSelectChecked=""
- End if
- Else
- SearchSelectChecked=""
- End if
- End Function
- Function CheckNumeric(Byval CHECK_ID)
- If CHECK_ID<>"" and IsNumeric(CHECK_ID) Then _
- Else _
- CHECK_ID = 0
- CheckNumeric = CHECK_ID
- End Function
- %>
- <%
- Sub SearchTable(searchtype,Action)
- %>
- <tr>
- <td height="26">标题包含</td>
- <td colspan=5><input name="s_title" type=text id="s_title" size=45 value=""</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td height="28">分类为</td>
- <td colspan=5>
- <select name="s_cate" size=1 id="s_cate">
- <option value=0 selected>任意</option>
- <%
- Set conn=ConnectDB()
- set RS=conn.execute("SELECT * FROM [Category]")
- <option value="<%=RS("Category_ID")%>"><%=RS("Category_Name")%></option>
- <%
- closedb(conn)
- %>
- </select>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td rowspan="3">更新时间</td>
- <td height="22" colspan=5><input name="radiobutton" type="radio" value="1" checked="checked"/>
- 任意</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td height="26" colspan=5><input name="radiobutton" type="radio" value="2"/>
- 没更新过的
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td height="26" colspan=5>
- <input name="radiobutton" type="radio" value="3"/>
- 更新过的</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td rowspan="3">审核</td>
- <td height="22" colspan=5><input name="radiobutton1" type="radio" value="1" checked="checked"/>
- 任意</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td height="26" colspan=5><input name="radiobutton1" type="radio" value="2"/>
- 没审核过的
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td height="26" colspan=5>
- <input name="radiobutton1" type="radio" value="3"/>
- 审核过的</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td rowspan="3">元素</td>
- <td height="22" colspan=5><input name="radiobutton2" type="radio" value="1" checked="checked"/>
- 任意</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td height="26" colspan=5><input name="radiobutton2" type="radio" value="2"/>
- 没设置过元素的
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td height="26" colspan=5>
- <input name="radiobutton2" type="radio" value="3"/>
- 设置过元素的</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td height="34"><u>XML_URL包含:</u><br />
- feed地址(唯一标识)</td>
- <td colspan=5><input name="s_url" type=text id="s_url" size=45 value=""></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td height="26"><u>网站地址(site)包含:</u><br />
- 隶属于哪个总站<br /></td>
- <td colspan=5><input name="s_site" type=text id="s_site" size=45 value=""></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td height="26">描述包含</td>
- <td colspan=5><input name="s_description" type=text id="s_description" size=45 value=""/></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td height="26">
- 每页显示
- </td>
- <td colspan=5><input name="maxperpaage" type="text" id="maxperpaage" size="20" value=""/>
- 条</td>
- </tr>
- <%
- End Sub
- Public NewsSql
- Sub SearchRequestAction
- If validate_string(Lcase(Request.QueryString))=False then
- response.write "Don't try to hack."
- Response.end
- End If
- Sqlstr=""
- If trim(Request("s_title")) <> "" Then
- s_title=CStr(Replace(Request("s_title"),chr(39),chr(39)&chr(39)))
- If Sqlstr = "" Then
- Sqlstr = " title LIKE '%" & s_title & "%'"
- Else
- Sqlstr = Sqlstr & " AND title LIKE '%" & s_title & "%'"
- End If
- End If
- If request("radiobutton")<>1 then
- If request("radiobutton")=2 then
- If Sqlstr = "" Then
- Sqlstr = " isnull(lastupdatetime) "
- Else
- Sqlstr = Sqlstr & " AND isnull(lastupdatetime) "
- End If
- End If
- If request("radiobutton")=3 then
- If Sqlstr = "" Then
- Sqlstr = " not isnull(lastupdatetime) "
- Else
- Sqlstr = Sqlstr & " AND not isnull(lastupdatetime) "
- End If
- End If
- End if
- If request("radiobutton1")<>1 then
- If request("radiobutton1")=2 then
- If Sqlstr = "" Then
- Sqlstr = " ShenHe=0 "
- Else
- Sqlstr = Sqlstr & " AND ShenHe=0 "
- End If
- End If
- If request("radiobutton1")=3 then
- If Sqlstr = "" Then
- Sqlstr = " ShenHe=1 "
- Else
- Sqlstr = Sqlstr & " AND ShenHe=1 "
- End If
- End If
- End if
- If request("radiobutton2")<>1 then
- If request("radiobutton2")=2 then
- If Sqlstr = "" Then
- Sqlstr = " Elements='' "
- Else
- Sqlstr = Sqlstr & " AND Elements='' "
- End If
- End If
- If request("radiobutton2")=3 then
- If Sqlstr = "" Then
- Sqlstr = " Elements<>'' "
- Else
- Sqlstr = Sqlstr & " AND Elements<>'' "
- End If
- End If
- End if
- '更新时间审核元素
- If trim(URLDecode(Request("s_url"))) <> "" Then
- s_url=CStr(Replace(URLDecode(Request("s_url")),chr(39),chr(39)&chr(39)))
- If Sqlstr = "" Then
- Sqlstr = " linkxml LIKE '%" & s_url & "%'"
- Else
- Sqlstr = Sqlstr & " AND linkxml LIKE '%" & s_url & "%'"
- End If
- End If
- If trim(URLDecode(Request("s_site"))) <> "" Then
- s_site=CStr(Replace(URLDecode(Request("s_site")),chr(39),chr(39)&chr(39)))
- If Sqlstr = "" Then
- Sqlstr = " htmlUrl LIKE '%" & s_site & "%'"
- Else
- Sqlstr = Sqlstr & " AND htmlUrl LIKE '%" & s_site & "%'"
- End If
- End If
- If trim(Request("s_description")) <> "" Then
- s_description=CStr(Replace(Request("s_description"),chr(39),chr(39)&chr(39)))
- If Sqlstr = "" Then
- Sqlstr = " Description LIKE '%" & URLDecode(s_description) & "%'"
- Else
- Sqlstr = Sqlstr & " AND Description LIKE '%" & URLDecode(s_description) & "%'"
- End If
- End If
- If isempty(Request("s_cate")) then
- s_cate=0
- else
- If trim(Request("s_cate"))="" then
- s_cate=0
- else
- s_cate=Request("s_cate")
- end if
- end if
- call CheckParameter(s_cate,"int",0)
- If s_cate<>0 Then
- If Sqlstr = "" Then
- Sqlstr = " LinkXML.Category_id =" & s_cate & " "
- Else
- Sqlstr = Sqlstr & " AND LinkXML.Category_id =" & s_cate & " "
- End If
- End If
- If trim(request("shenhesql"))<>"" then
- if Sqlstr<>"" then
- conn.execute ("update [linkxml] set [shenhe]=1 where " & Sqlstr &" ")
- response.write "通过审核成功"
- response.end
- else
- conn.execute("update [linkxml] set [shenhe]=1")
- response.write "通过审核成功"
- response.end
- end if
- elseif trim(request("NotShenHeSql"))<>"" then
- if Sqlstr<>"" then
- conn.execute ("update [linkxml] set [shenhe]=0 where " & Sqlstr &" ")
- response.write "不通过审核成功"
- response.end
- else
- conn.execute("update [linkxml] set [shenhe]=0")
- response.write "不通过审核成功"
- response.end
- end if
- elseif trim(request("ViewSql"))<>"" then
- if Sqlstr<>"" then
- conn.execute ("update [linkxml] set [other]='Y' where " & Sqlstr &" ")
- response.write "显示成功"
- Application.Lock
- Application(SessionStr&"SXNAindex")=empty
- Application(SessionStr&"SXNAintPageCount")=empty
- Application.unlock
- response.end
- else
- conn.execute("update [linkxml] set [other]='Y'")
- response.write "显示成功"
- Application.Lock
- Application(SessionStr&"SXNAindex")=empty
- Application(SessionStr&"SXNAintPageCount")=empty
- Application.unlock
- response.end
- end if
- elseif trim(request("NotViewSql"))<>"" then
- if Sqlstr<>"" then
- conn.execute ("update [linkxml] set [other]='N' where " & Sqlstr &" ")
- response.write "不显示成功"
- Application.Lock
- Application(SessionStr&"SXNAindex")=empty
- Application(SessionStr&"SXNAintPageCount")=empty
- Application.unlock
- response.end
- else
- conn.execute("update [linkxml] set [other]='N'")
- response.write "不显示成功"
- Application.Lock
- Application(SessionStr&"SXNAindex")=empty
- Application(SessionStr&"SXNAintPageCount")=empty
- Application.unlock
- response.end
- end if
- Else
- if Sqlstr<>"" then
- sql="SELECT * FROM [LinkXML] INNER JOIN [Category] ON LinkXML.Category_id = Category.Category_id WHERE " & Sqlstr & " order by Linkxml.Category_id desc"
- else
- sql="SELECT * FROM [LinkXML] INNER JOIN [Category] ON LinkXML.Category_id = Category.Category_id order by Linkxml.Category_id desc"
- end if
- End IF
- NewsSql = sql
- End Sub
- %>
- <%
- Function OutPutSearchValue(searchtype,default)
- if searchtype=1 then
- OutPutSearchValue=Node.getAttribute(default)
- elseif searchtype=0 and default="maxperpaage" then
- OutPutSearchValue="20"
- end if
- end Function
- Function URLDecode(enStr)
- dim deStr
- dim c,i,v
- deStr=""
- for i=1 to len(enStr)
- c=Mid(enStr,i,1)
- if c="%" then
- v=eval("&h"+Mid(enStr,i+1,2))
- if v<128 then
- deStr=deStr&chr(v)
- i=i+2
- else
- if isvalidhex(mid(enstr,i,3)) then
- if isvalidhex(mid(enstr,i+3,3)) then
- v=eval("&h"+Mid(enStr,i+1,2)+Mid(enStr,i+4,2))
- deStr=deStr&chr(v)
- i=i+5
- else
- v=eval("&h"+Mid(enStr,i+1,2)+cstr(hex(asc(Mid(enStr,i+3,1)))))
- deStr=deStr&chr(v)
- i=i+3
- end if
- else
- destr=destr&c
- end if
- end if
- else
- if c="+" then
- deStr=deStr&" "
- else
- deStr=deStr&c
- end if
- end if
- next
- URLDecode=deStr
- end function
- function isvalidhex(str)
- isvalidhex=true
- str=ucase(str)
- if len(str)<>3 then isvalidhex=false:exit function
- if left(str,1)<>"%" then isvalidhex=false:exit function
- c=mid(str,2,1)
- if not (((c>="0") and (c<="9")) or ((c>="A") and (c<="Z"))) then isvalidhex=false:exit function
- c=mid(str,3,1)
- if not (((c>="0") and (c<="9")) or ((c>="A") and (c<="Z"))) then isvalidhex=false:exit function
- end function
- function validate_string(input)
- known_bad=array("select","insert","update","delete","drop","—","'",";","#")
- validate_string=true
- for i=lbound(known_bad) to ubound(known_bad)
- if(instr(1,input,known_bad(i),vbtextcompare)<>0) then
- validate_string=false
- exit function
- end if
- next
- end function
- %>