- [Closed Files]
- File_0=SourceModule,'D:TarvandTransfer ModulesuSerial.pas',0,1,76,42,96,0,0
- File_1=SourceModule,'c:program filesborlanddelphi7sourcertlWinWindows.pas',0,1,3568,10,3597,0,0
- File_2=SourceModule,'D:TarvandRS232 to Keyboard Routesndkey32.pas',0,1,394,13,115,0,0
- File_3=SourceModule,'D:TarvandTransfer ModulesSerialTestuMainForm.pas',0,1,393,7,409,1,0
- File_4=SourceModule,'D:sndkey32.pas',0,1,58,28,103,0,0
- File_5=SourceModule,'D:1234.txt',0,89,1,261,1,0,0
- File_6=SourceModule,'K:111.txt',0,1,1,1,1,0,0
- File_7=SourceModule,'E:iManInstrumentsSLI CS-500 Urine AnalyzerUA.txt',0,62,1,237,1,0,0
- File_8=SourceModule,'K:Serial TestNew Text Document.txt',0,1,1,1,1,0,0
- File_9=SourceModule,'E:TarvandTransfer ModulesuSerial.pas',0,1,1,1,13,0,0
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