资源名称:SQLVC.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- // Product.cpp: implementation of the CProduct class.
- //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "Stock.h"
- #include "Product.h"
- #include "ADOConn.h"
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #undef THIS_FILE
- static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__;
- #define new DEBUG_NEW
- #endif
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Construction/Destruction
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- CProduct::CProduct()
- {
- Pid = 0;
- Pname = "";
- TypeId = 0;
- Pstyle = "";
- Punit = "";
- Pprice = 0;
- Plow = 0;
- Phigh = 0;
- Valid = 0;
- AlarmDays = 0;
- }
- CProduct::~CProduct()
- {
- }
- //设置和读取成员变量
- int CProduct::GetPid()
- {
- return Pid;
- }
- void CProduct::SetPid(int iPid)
- {
- Pid = iPid;
- }
- CString CProduct::GetPname()
- {
- return Pname;
- }
- void CProduct::SetPname(CString cPname)
- {
- Pname = cPname;
- }
- int CProduct::GetTypeId()
- {
- return TypeId;
- }
- void CProduct::SetTypeId(int iTypeId)
- {
- TypeId = iTypeId;
- }
- CString CProduct::GetPstyle()
- {
- return Pstyle;
- }
- void CProduct::SetPstyle(CString cPstyle)
- {
- Pstyle = cPstyle;
- }
- CString CProduct::GetPunit()
- {
- return Punit;
- }
- void CProduct::SetPunit(CString cPunit)
- {
- Punit = cPunit;
- }
- float CProduct::GetPprice()
- {
- return Pprice;
- }
- void CProduct::SetPprice(float fPprice)
- {
- Pprice = fPprice;
- }
- int CProduct::GetPlow()
- {
- return Plow;
- }
- void CProduct::SetPlow(int iPlow)
- {
- Plow = iPlow;
- }
- int CProduct::GetPhigh()
- {
- return Phigh;
- }
- void CProduct::SetPhigh(int iPhigh)
- {
- Phigh = iPhigh;
- }
- int CProduct::GetValid()
- {
- return Valid;
- }
- void CProduct::SetValid(int iValid)
- {
- Valid = iValid;
- }
- int CProduct::GetAlarmDays()
- {
- return AlarmDays;
- }
- void CProduct::SetAlarmDays(int iAlarmDays)
- {
- AlarmDays = iAlarmDays;
- }
- //数据库操作
- int CProduct::HaveName(CString cPname)
- {
- //连接数据库
- ADOConn m_AdoConn;
- m_AdoConn.OnInitADOConn();
- //设置SELECT语句
- _bstr_t vSQL;
- vSQL = "SELECT * FROM Product WHERE Pname='" + cPname + "'";
- //执行SELETE语句
- _RecordsetPtr m_pRecordset;
- m_pRecordset = m_AdoConn.GetRecordSet(vSQL);
- //返回各列的值
- if (m_pRecordset->adoEOF)
- return -1;
- else
- return 1;
- //断开与数据库的连接
- m_AdoConn.ExitConnect();
- }
- int CProduct::HaveType(CString cTypeId)
- {
- //连接数据库
- ADOConn m_AdoConn;
- m_AdoConn.OnInitADOConn();
- //设置SELECT语句
- _bstr_t vSQL;
- vSQL = "SELECT * FROM Product WHERE TypeId=" + cTypeId;
- //执行SELETE语句
- _RecordsetPtr m_pRecordset;
- m_pRecordset = m_AdoConn.GetRecordSet(vSQL);
- //返回各列的值
- if (m_pRecordset->adoEOF)
- return -1;
- else
- return 1;
- //断开与数据库的连接
- m_AdoConn.ExitConnect();
- }
- void CProduct::sql_insert()
- {
- //连接数据库
- ADOConn m_AdoConn;
- m_AdoConn.OnInitADOConn();
- //设置INSERT语句
- CString strTypeId;
- strTypeId.Format("%d", TypeId);
- CString strPrice;
- strPrice.Format("%f", Pprice);
- CString strPlow;
- strPlow.Format("%d", Plow);
- CString strPhigh;
- strPhigh.Format("%d", Phigh);
- CString strValid;
- strValid.Format("%d", Valid);
- CString strAlarm;
- strAlarm.Format("%d", AlarmDays);
- _bstr_t vSQL;
- vSQL = "INSERT INTO Product (Pname, TypeId, Pstyle, Punit, Pprice, Plow, Phigh, Valid, AlarmDays) VALUES('"
- + Pname + "'," + strTypeId + ",'" + Pstyle + "','" + Punit + "'," + strPrice + "," + strPlow + ","
- + strPhigh + "," + strValid + "," + strAlarm + ")";
- //执行INSERT语句
- m_AdoConn.ExecuteSQL(vSQL);
- //断开与数据库的连接
- m_AdoConn.ExitConnect();
- }
- void CProduct::sql_update(CString cPid)
- {
- //连接数据库
- ADOConn m_AdoConn;
- m_AdoConn.OnInitADOConn();
- //设置UPDATE语句
- CString strTypeId;
- strTypeId.Format("%d", TypeId);
- CString strPrice;
- strPrice.Format("%f", Pprice);
- CString strPlow;
- strPlow.Format("%d", Plow);
- CString strPhigh;
- strPhigh.Format("%d", Phigh);
- CString strValid;
- strValid.Format("%d", Valid);
- CString strAlarm;
- strAlarm.Format("%d", AlarmDays);
- _bstr_t vSQL;
- vSQL = "UPDATE Product SET Pname='" + Pname + "', Pstyle='"
- + Pstyle + "', Punit='" + Punit + "', Pprice="
- + strPrice + ", Plow=" + strPlow + ", Phigh=" + strPhigh
- + ", Valid=" + strValid + ", AlarmDays=" + strAlarm
- + " WHERE Pid=" + cPid;
- //执行UPDATE语句
- m_AdoConn.ExecuteSQL(vSQL);
- //断开与数据库的连接
- m_AdoConn.ExitConnect();
- }
- void CProduct::sql_delete(CString cPid)
- {
- //连接数据库
- ADOConn m_AdoConn;
- m_AdoConn.OnInitADOConn();
- //设置DELETE语句
- _bstr_t vSQL;
- vSQL = "DELETE FROM Product WHERE Pid=" + cPid;
- //执行DELETE语句
- m_AdoConn.ExecuteSQL(vSQL);
- //断开与数据库的连接
- m_AdoConn.ExitConnect();
- }
- //读取所有字段值
- void CProduct::GetData(CString cPid)
- {
- //连接数据库
- ADOConn m_AdoConn;
- m_AdoConn.OnInitADOConn();
- //设置SELECT语句
- _bstr_t vSQL;
- vSQL = "SELECT * FROM Product WHERE Pid=" + cPid;
- //执行SELETE语句
- _RecordsetPtr m_pRecordset;
- m_pRecordset = m_AdoConn.GetRecordSet(vSQL);
- //返回各列的值
- if (m_pRecordset->adoEOF)
- CProduct();
- else
- {
- Pid = atoi(cPid);
- Pname = (LPCTSTR)(_bstr_t)m_pRecordset->GetCollect("Pname");
- TypeId = atoi((LPCTSTR)(_bstr_t)m_pRecordset->GetCollect("TypeId"));
- Pstyle = (LPCTSTR)(_bstr_t)m_pRecordset->GetCollect("Pstyle");
- Punit = (LPCTSTR)(_bstr_t)m_pRecordset->GetCollect("Punit");
- Pprice = atof((LPCTSTR)(_bstr_t)m_pRecordset->GetCollect("Pprice"));
- Plow = atoi((LPCTSTR)(_bstr_t)m_pRecordset->GetCollect("Plow"));
- Phigh = atoi((LPCTSTR)(_bstr_t)m_pRecordset->GetCollect("Phigh"));
- Valid = atoi((LPCTSTR)(_bstr_t)m_pRecordset->GetCollect("Valid"));
- AlarmDays = atoi((LPCTSTR)(_bstr_t)m_pRecordset->GetCollect("AlarmDays"));
- }
- //断开与数据库的连接
- m_AdoConn.ExitConnect();
- }