- <!--#include file="../Inc/Cls_Conn.asp"-->
- <!--#include file="../Inc/Cls_Config.asp"-->
- <%
- '=====================================================================
- ' 作者声明:转载请保留版权信息,鄙视不要脸的人
- '=====================================================================
- ' 程序名称:蓝宇网络发布系统
- ' 软件版本:Version 3.3.0 Sp1
- ' 程序作者:蓝宇 QQ:18159079 ╲、随心゛ QQ:6821845
- '=====================================================================
- ' 联系方式:Tel:13203117383,QQ:18159079,hi.baidu.com/hezeyu
- ' 程序开发:蓝宇,╲、随心゛
- ' 官方网站:蓝宇网络(http://hi.baidu.com/hezeyu)
- '=====================================================================
- ' Copyright 2004-2007 蓝宇 - All Rights Reserved.
- '=====================================================================
- Dim menu, strHtmlFront
- start="下载中心"
- menu=tee5.CheckStr(request("menu"))
- if menu="" or (not isnumeric(menu)) or isnull(menu) then
- menu="all"
- end if
- set rs = server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
- tee5.head()
- Response.Write "<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=7 width=" & tee5.TabWidth & " align=center class=tableBorder1 border=0>"
- Response.Write " <tr>"
- Response.Write " <th>所属游戏</th>"
- Response.Write " <th>软件名称</th>"
- Response.Write " <th>软件简介</th>"
- Response.Write " <th>更新日期</th>"
- Response.Write " <th>人 气</th>"
- Response.Write " <th>下载软件</th>"
- Response.Write " </tr>"
- Dim tablestyle
- Dim maxperpage,CurrentPage,Pcount,totalrec,totalnumber
- maxperpage = Clng(tee5.MaxPerPage)
- totalrec = 0
- Pcount = 1
- CurrentPage = tee5.ChkNumeric(Request("page"))
- If CurrentPage = 0 Then CurrentPage = 1
- Response.Write "<script src=""/js/showpage.js"" type=""text/javascript""></script>" & vbCrLf
- sql="select * from Gq_soft where top=True order by wgtime desc"
- rs.open sql,conn,1,1
- if rs.eof and rs.bof then
- rs.close
- else
- do while not rs.eof
- %>
- <tr bgColor=#FFFF00 onmouseover=javascript:this.bgColor='#FFFFFF' onmouseout=javascript:this.bgColor='#FFFF00'>
- <td align="center"><%=rs("wgtype")%></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="open.asp?action=down&id=<%=rs("id")%>"><%=left(rs("title"),15)%></a></td>
- <td> <%=left(rs("content"),28)%> <a title="<%=rs("content")%>"><FONT color=#0000FF>查看详细介绍~</FONT></a></td>
- <td align="center"><%if rs("wgtime")<>"" then response.write year(rs("wgtime"))&"月"&month(rs("wgtime"))&"月"&day(rs("wgtime"))&"日"%>更新</td>
- <td align="center"><%=rs("hits")%></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="open.asp?action=down&id=<%=rs("id")%>">点击下载</a> </td>
- </tr>
- <%
- rs.movenext
- loop
- rs.close
- end if
- %>
- <%
- sql="select * from Gq_soft where top=False order by wgtime desc"
- rs.open sql,conn,1,1
- if rs.eof and rs.bof then
- else
- totalrec = Rs.RecordCount
- Pcount = CLng(totalrec / maxperpage) '得到总页数
- If Pcount < totalrec / maxperpage Then Pcount = Pcount + 1
- If CurrentPage < 1 Then CurrentPage = 1
- If CurrentPage > Pcount Then CurrentPage = Pcount
- Rs.PageSize = maxperpage
- Rs.AbsolutePage = CurrentPage
- i = 0
- Do While Not Rs.EOF And i < maxperpage
- If Not Response.IsClientConnected Then ResponseEnd
- %>
- <TR bgColor=#bfdfff onmouseover=javascript:this.bgColor='#FFCCCC' onmouseout=javascript:this.bgColor='#bfdfff'>
- <td align="center"><%=rs("wgtype")%></td>
- <td align="center"><%=left(rs("title"),15)%></td>
- <td> <%=left(rs("content"),28)%> <a title="<%=rs("content")%>"><FONT color=#0000FF>查看详细介绍~</FONT></a></td>
- <td align="center"><%if rs("wgtime")<>"" then response.write year(rs("wgtime"))&"月"&month(rs("wgtime"))&"月"&day(rs("wgtime"))&"日"%>更新</td>
- <td align="center"><%=rs("hits")%></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="open.asp?action=down&id=<%=rs("id")%>" target="_blank">点击下载</a> </td>
- </tr>
- <%
- Rs.movenext
- i = i + 1
- If i >= maxperpage Then Exit Do
- Loop
- End If
- Rs.Close:Set Rs = Nothing
- Response.Write "<tr><td colSpan=9 align=right bgColor=#F7F7F7>"
- strHtmlFront = "/html/Soft/Soft_"
- If Clng(tee5.ShowHtml) < 1 Then
- tee5.ShowHtmlPage CurrentPage,Pcount,totalrec,maxperpage,strHtmlFront,".Html","下载中心"
- Else
- tee5.ShowListPage CurrentPage,Pcount,totalrec,maxperpage,strListFront,"下载中心"
- End If
- Response.Write "</td></tr>"
- Response.Write "</table>"
- tee5.footer()
- CloseConn
- %>