资源名称:haohj.rar [点击查看]
- <!--#include file="setup.asp"-->
- <!--#include file="check.asp"-->
- <%
- If Not CheckAdmin("GameList") Then
- Server.Transfer("showerr.asp")
- Response.End
- End If
- Dim Rs_type, Sql_Type, Menu, linklist, AdsTime, ID, selID
- titlename="私服管理"
- Admin_header
- ID = tee5.ChkNumeric(Request("ID"))
- set Rs = server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
- Response.Write "<table border=""0"" cellspacing=""1"" cellpadding=""3"" align=center class=""tableBorder"">"
- Response.Write " <tr>"
- Response.Write " <th colspan=6>私服管理操作</th>"
- Response.Write " </tr>"
- Response.Write "<form method=post action=admin_list.asp?action=search>"
- Response.Write "<tr>"
- Response.Write "<td " & LeftClass & ">"
- Response.Write "<b>私服搜索:</b> <INPUT maxLength=15 size=15 value="""" name=key> "
- Response.Write " 类型:"
- Response.Write "<SELECT name=menu>"
- Set Rs_type = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
- Sql_Type="select * from Gq_GameType order by orderID"
- Sql_type,conn,1,1
- Response.Write "<OPTION value="""" selected>所有私服</OPTION>"
- Do While Not Rs_type.EOF
- Response.Write "<OPTION value=" & Rs_type("ID") & ">" & Rs_type("game") & "</OPTION>"
- Rs_type.movenext
- loop
- Rs_type.close
- Response.Write "</SELECT>"
- Response.Write " 条件:"
- Response.Write "<INPUT name=otype type=radio value=name checked>服务器名 "
- Response.Write " <INPUT name=otype type=radio value=ip>服务器IP "
- Response.Write " <INPUT name=otype type=radio value=sdate>开放时间 "
- Response.Write " <input type=submit name=Submit value='开始搜索' class=Button>"
- Response.Write "</td>"
- Response.Write "</tr>"
- Response.Write "</form>"
- Response.Write "<tr>"
- Response.Write "<td " & LeftClass & ">"
- Response.Write "<b>游戏分类:</b><a href=""admin_list.asp"">所有私服</a>"
- Set Rs_type = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
- Sql_Type="select * from Gq_GameType order by orderID"
- Sql_type,conn,1,1
- If Rs_type.eof and Rs_type.bof then
- Response.Write "没有分类,请到后台添加!"
- Else
- Do While Not Rs_type.EOF
- Response.Write " | <a href=admin_list.asp?menu="&Rs_type("ID")&">"
- If cint(Rs_type("ID"))=cint(menu) then
- Response.Write "<font color=red>"&Rs_type("game")&"</font>"
- Else
- Response.Write Rs_type("game")
- End If
- Response.Write "</a>"
- Rs_type.movenext
- loop
- Rs_type.close
- End If
- Response.Write "<br><b>管理选项:</b><a href=""?action=ulock"">私服审核</a> | <a href=""?action=top"">固顶私服</a> | <a href=""?action=hot"">通宵推荐</a> | <a href=""?action=fine"">精品推荐</a> | <a href=""?action=free"">免费游戏</a></td>"
- Response.Write "</tr>"
- Response.Write "</table>"
- Response.Write "<br>"
- Dim tablestyle
- Dim maxperpage,CurrentPage,Pcount,totalrec,totalnumber
- maxperpage = AdminPage
- totalrec = 0
- Pcount = 1
- CurrentPage = tee5.ChkNumeric(Request("page"))
- If CurrentPage = 0 Then CurrentPage = 1
- Response.Write "<script src=""/js/showpage.js"" type=""text/javascript""></script>" & vbCrLf
- Menu = LCase(Request("Menu"))
- Action = LCase(Request("action"))
- Select Case Trim(Action)
- Case "ulock"
- Call UlockGame()
- Case "top"
- Call TopGame()
- Case "hot"
- Call HotGame()
- Case "fine"
- Call FineGame()
- Case "fine2"
- Call FineGame2()
- Case "free"
- Call FreeGame()
- Case "edit"
- Call EditGame()
- Case "search"
- Call SearchGame()
- Case "bathtml"
- Call ContentIDHtml(1,selID)
- Case "battop"
- Call BatTop()
- Case "bathot"
- Call BatHot()
- Case "batfine"
- Call BatFine()
- Case "batulock"
- Call BatUlock()
- Case "batdel"
- Call BatDel()
- Case "batutop"
- Call BatUtop()
- Case "batuhot"
- Call BatUhot()
- Case "batufine"
- Call BatUfine()
- Case Else
- Call GameList()
- End Select
- If Founderr = True Then
- ReturnError(ErrMsg)
- End If
- Admin_footer
- CloseConn
- '=========================================================
- '作者声明:转载请保留版权信息,鄙视不要脸的人
- '程序制作:╲、衡少゛ QQ: 18159079
- '官方网站:蓝宇网络(
- '=========================================================
- ' Copyright 2004-2007 863sf.Cn - All Rights Reserved.
- '=========================================================
- '=================================================
- '过程名:GameList
- '作 用:全部私服管理
- '=================================================
- Sub GameList()
- Response.Write "<table border=""0"" cellspacing=""1"" cellpadding=""3"" align=center class=""tableBorder"">"
- Response.Write " <tr>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""5%"">选择</th>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""9%"">类型</th>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""16%"">名称</th>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""15%"">IP</th>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""*"">开机时间</th>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""6%"">人气</th>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""5%"">主页</th>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""5%"">验证</th>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""15%"">操作</th>"
- Response.Write "</tr>"
- Response.Write " <form name=selform method=Get action="""">"
- Response.Write " <input type=hIDden name=action value=''>"
- If menu<>"" then
- Sql="select Gq_sfdata.ID,,Gq_sfdata.IP,Gq_sfdata.service,Gq_sfdata.Sdate,Gq_sfdata.hour,Gq_sfdata.minute,Gq_sfdata.addr,Gq_sfdata.xingzhi,Gq_sfdata.QQ,Gq_sfdata.hits,Gq_sfdata.homepage,,Gq_sfdata.addtime,Gq_sfdata.ulock,Gq_sfdata.isBest,Gq_sfdata.fine,Gq_sfdata.BestTime,,Gq_sfdata.gameID,"
- Sql=Sql&" from Gq_sfdata,Gq_GameType where Gq_sfdata.gameID=Gq_GameType.ID and Gq_sfdata.ulock=1 and Gq_sfdata.gameID="&menu
- Sql=Sql&" order by Gq_sfdata.ID desc"
- Else
- Sql="select Gq_sfdata.ID,,Gq_sfdata.IP,Gq_sfdata.service,Gq_sfdata.Sdate,Gq_sfdata.hour,Gq_sfdata.minute,Gq_sfdata.addr,Gq_sfdata.xingzhi,Gq_sfdata.QQ,Gq_sfdata.hits,Gq_sfdata.homepage,,Gq_sfdata.addtime,Gq_sfdata.ulock,Gq_sfdata.isBest,Gq_sfdata.fine,Gq_sfdata.BestTime,,Gq_sfdata.gameID,"
- Sql=Sql&" from Gq_sfdata,Gq_GameType where Gq_sfdata.gameID=Gq_GameType.ID"
- Sql=Sql&" order by Gq_sfdata.ID desc"
- End If
- Sql,conn,1,1
- If Rs.eof and Rs.bof then
- Response.Write "<tr><td " & CenterClass & " colspan='9'>当前无任何私服信息!</td></tr>"
- Else
- totalrec = Rs.RecordCount
- Pcount = CLng(totalrec / maxperpage) '得到总页数
- If Pcount < totalrec / maxperpage Then Pcount = Pcount + 1
- If CurrentPage < 1 Then CurrentPage = 1
- If CurrentPage > Pcount Then CurrentPage = Pcount
- Rs.PageSize = maxperpage
- Rs.AbsolutePage = CurrentPage
- i = 0
- Do While Not Rs.EOF And i < maxperpage
- If Not Response.IsClientConnected Then ResponseEnd
- Response.Write " <tr>"
- Response.Write " <td " & CenterClass & "><input type=""checkbox"" name=""selID"" value="""
- Response.Write Rs("ID")
- Response.Write """></td>"
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
- Response.Write Rs("game")
- Response.Write "</td>"
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
- Response.Write Rs("name")
- Response.Write "</td>"
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
- Response.Write Rs("ip")
- Response.Write "</td>"
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
- If Rs("Sdate")<>"" then
- Response.Write year(Rs("sdate"))&"年"&month(Rs("sdate"))&"月"&day(Rs("Sdate"))&"日" & Rs("hour") & "时" & Rs("minute") & "分"
- End If
- Response.Write "</td>"
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & "><font color=red>"
- Response.Write Rs("hits")
- Response.Write "</font></td>"
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
- If Rs("homepage")="" or Rs("homepage")="无" or Rs("homepage")="http://" then
- Response.Write "未知"
- Else
- Response.Write "<a href="&Rs("homepage")&" target=_blank><FONT color=#0000FF>查看</FONT></a>"
- End If
- Response.Write "</td>"
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
- If Rs("ulock")=1 then
- Response.Write "<font color=#CCCCCC>通过</font>"
- Else
- Response.Write "<font color=red>等待</font>"
- End If
- Response.Write "</td>"
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
- If Rs("isBest")=0 then
- Response.Write "<a href=?selID="&Rs("ID")&"&action=battop>固</a>"
- Else
- Response.Write "<a href=?selID="&Rs("ID")&"&action=batutop><font color=red>解</font></a>"
- End If
- Response.Write "|"
- If Rs("hot")=0 then
- Response.Write "<a href=?selID="&Rs("ID")&"&action=bathot>荐</a>"
- Else
- Response.Write "<a href=?selID="&Rs("ID")&"&action=batuhot><font color=BLUE>普</font></a>"
- End If
- Response.Write "|"
- If Rs("fine")=0 then
- Response.Write "<a href=?selID="&Rs("ID")&"&action=batfine>精</a>"
- Else
- Response.Write "<a href=?selID="&Rs("ID")&"&action=batufine><font color=red>简</font></a>"
- End If
- Response.Write "|<a href=?ID="
- Response.Write Rs("ID")
- Response.Write "&action=edit><font color=""#008000"">编</font></a>|<a href=?selID="
- Response.Write Rs("ID")
- Response.Write "&action=batdel><font color=""#008000"">删</font></a></td>"
- Response.Write "</tr>"
- Rs.movenext
- i = i + 1
- If i >= maxperpage Then Exit Do
- Loop
- End If
- Rs.Close:Set Rs = Nothing
- Response.Write "<TR height=25>" & vbCrLf
- Response.Write "<TD " & LeftClass & " colspan=9><B>操作选项:<B> "
- Response.Write "<input class=Button type=button value='全选' onClick=""CheckAll(this.form)"">"
- Response.Write "<input class=Button type=button value='撤消' onClick=""CheckCel(this.form)"">"
- Response.Write "<input class=Button type=button value='反选' onClick=""CheckSel(this.form)""> "
- Response.Write "<input class=Button type=""submit"" name=""Submit1"" value=""批量固顶"" onclick=""document.selform.action.value='battop';""> "
- Response.Write "<input class=Button type=""submit"" name=""Submit2"" value=""批量通宵"" onclick=""document.selform.action.value='bathot';""> "
- Response.Write "<input class=Button type=""submit"" name=""Submit3"" value=""批量精品"" onclick=""document.selform.action.value='batfine';""> "
- Response.Write "<input class=Button type=""submit"" name=""Submit4"" value=""批量审核"" onclick=""document.selform.action.value='batulock';""> "
- Response.Write "<input class=Button type=""submit"" name=""Submit5"" value=""批量删除"" onclick=""document.selform.action.value='batdel';""> "
- Response.Write "<input class=Button type=""submit"" name=""Submit6"" value=""生成HTML"" onclick=""document.selform.action.value='bathtml';"">"
- Response.Write "</td>" & vbCrLf
- Response.Write "</tr>" & vbCrLf
- Response.Write "</form>" & vbCrLf
- Response.Write "<TR height=25>" & vbCrLf
- Response.Write "<TD " & RightClass & " colspan=9>" & vbCrLf
- tee5.ShowListPage CurrentPage,Pcount,totalrec,maxperpage,"","私服管理"
- Response.Write "</TD></TR></TABLE>" & vbCrLf
- End Sub
- '=========================================================
- '作者声明:转载请保留版权信息,鄙视不要脸的人
- '程序制作:╲、衡少゛ QQ: 18159079
- '官方网站:蓝宇网络(
- '=========================================================
- ' Copyright 2004-2007 863sf.Cn - All Rights Reserved.
- '=========================================================
- '=================================================
- '过程名:UlockGame
- '作 用:私服审核管理
- '=================================================
- Sub UlockGame()
- Response.Write "<table border=""0"" cellspacing=""1"" cellpadding=""3"" align=center class=""tableBorder"">"
- Response.Write " <tr>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""5%"">选择</th>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""9%"">类型</th>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""16%"">名称</th>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""15%"">IP</th>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""*"">开机时间</th>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""12%"">客服</th>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""5%"">主页</th>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""15%"">操作</th>"
- Response.Write "</tr>"
- Response.Write " <form name=selform method=Get action="""">"
- Response.Write " <input type=hIDden name=action value=''>"
- Sql="select Gq_sfdata.ID,,Gq_sfdata.IP,Gq_sfdata.service,Gq_sfdata.Sdate,Gq_sfdata.hour,Gq_sfdata.minute,Gq_sfdata.addr,Gq_sfdata.xingzhi,Gq_sfdata.QQ,Gq_sfdata.homepage,,Gq_sfdata.addtime,Gq_sfdata.ulock,Gq_sfdata.isBest,Gq_sfdata.BestTime,Gq_sfdata.gameID,"
- Sql=Sql&" from Gq_sfdata,Gq_GameType where Gq_sfdata.gameID=Gq_GameType.ID and Gq_sfdata.ulock=0"
- Sql=Sql&" order by Gq_sfdata.ID desc"
- Sql,conn,1,1
- If Rs.eof and Rs.bof then
- Response.Write "<tr><td align='center' class=tablerow1 colspan='8'>当前没有未通过审核的私服!</td></tr>"
- Else
- totalrec = Rs.RecordCount
- Pcount = CLng(totalrec / maxperpage) '得到总页数
- If Pcount < totalrec / maxperpage Then Pcount = Pcount + 1
- If CurrentPage < 1 Then CurrentPage = 1
- If CurrentPage > Pcount Then CurrentPage = Pcount
- Rs.PageSize = maxperpage
- Rs.AbsolutePage = CurrentPage
- i = 0
- Do While Not Rs.EOF And i < maxperpage
- If Not Response.IsClientConnected Then ResponseEnd
- Response.Write " <tr>"
- Response.Write " <td " & CenterClass & "><input type=""checkbox"" name=""selID"" value="""
- Response.Write Rs("ID")
- Response.Write """></td>"
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
- Response.Write Rs("game")
- Response.Write "</td>"
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
- Response.Write Rs("name")
- Response.Write "</td>"
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
- Response.Write Rs("ip")
- Response.Write "</td>"
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
- If Rs("Sdate")<>"" then
- Response.Write year(Rs("sdate"))&"年"&month(Rs("sdate"))&"月"&day(Rs("Sdate"))&"日" & Rs("hour") & "时" & Rs("minute") & "分"
- End If
- Response.Write "</td>"
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
- Response.Write Rs("QQ")
- Response.Write "</td>"
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
- If Rs("homepage")="" or Rs("homepage")="无" or Rs("homepage")="http://" then
- Response.Write "未知"
- Else
- Response.Write "<a href="&Rs("homepage")&" target=_blank><FONT color=#0000FF>查看</FONT></a>"
- End If
- Response.Write "</td>"
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & "><a href=?ID="
- Response.Write Rs("ID")
- Response.Write "&action=edit><font color=""#008000"">编辑</font></a> | <a href=?selID="
- Response.Write Rs("ID")
- Response.Write "&action=batdel><font color=""#008000"">删除</font></a></td>"
- Response.Write "</tr>"
- Rs.movenext
- i = i + 1
- If i >= maxperpage Then Exit Do
- Loop
- End If
- Rs.Close:Set Rs = Nothing
- Response.Write "<TR height=25>" & vbCrLf
- Response.Write "<TD " & LeftClass & " colspan=8><B>操作选项:<B> "
- Response.Write "<input class=Button type=button value='全选' onClick=""CheckAll(this.form)"">"
- Response.Write "<input class=Button type=button value='撤消' onClick=""CheckCel(this.form)"">"
- Response.Write "<input class=Button type=button value='反选' onClick=""CheckSel(this.form)""> "
- Response.Write "<input class=Button type=""submit"" name=""Submit1"" value=批量审核 onclick=""document.selform.action.value='batulock';""> "
- Response.Write "<input class=Button type=""submit"" name=""Submit2"" value=批量删除 onclick=""document.selform.action.value='batdel';"">"
- Response.Write "</td>" & vbCrLf
- Response.Write "</tr>" & vbCrLf
- Response.Write "</form>" & vbCrLf
- Response.Write "<TR height=25>" & vbCrLf
- Response.Write "<TD " & RightClass & " colspan=8>" & vbCrLf
- tee5.ShowListPage CurrentPage,Pcount,totalrec,maxperpage,"&action=ulock","私服审核"
- Response.Write "</TD></TR></TABLE>" & vbCrLf
- End Sub
- '=========================================================
- '作者声明:转载请保留版权信息,鄙视不要脸的人
- '程序制作:╲、衡少゛ QQ: 18159079
- '官方网站:蓝宇网络(
- '=========================================================
- ' Copyright 2004-2007 863sf.Cn - All Rights Reserved.
- '=========================================================
- '=================================================
- '过程名:TopGame
- '作 用:固顶推荐管理
- '=================================================
- Sub TopGame()
- Response.Write "<table border=""0"" cellspacing=""1"" cellpadding=""3"" align=center class=""tableBorder"">"
- Response.Write " <tr>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""5%"">选择</th>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""9%"">类型</th>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""16%"">名称</th>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""15%"">IP</th>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""*"">开机时间</th>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""18%"">推荐时间</th>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""6%"">广告</th>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""8%"">操作</th>"
- Response.Write "</tr>"
- Response.Write " <form name=selform method=Get action="""">"
- Response.Write " <input type=hIDden name=action value=''>"
- Sql="select Gq_sfdata.ID,,Gq_sfdata.IP,Gq_sfdata.service,Gq_sfdata.Sdate,Gq_sfdata.hour,Gq_sfdata.minute,Gq_sfdata.addr,Gq_sfdata.xingzhi,Gq_sfdata.homepage,,Gq_sfdata.addtime,Gq_sfdata.ulock,Gq_sfdata.isBest,Gq_sfdata.BestTime,Gq_sfdata.Daytime,Gq_sfdata.gameID,"
- Sql=Sql&" from Gq_sfdata,Gq_gametype where Gq_sfdata.gameID=Gq_gametype.ID and Gq_sfdata.isBest=1"
- Sql=Sql&" order by Gq_sfdata.ID desc"
- Sql,conn,1,1
- If Rs.eof and Rs.bof then
- Response.Write "<tr><td align='center' class=tablerow1 colspan='8'>当前没有固顶推荐的私服!</td></tr>"
- Else
- totalrec = Rs.RecordCount
- Pcount = CLng(totalrec / maxperpage) '得到总页数
- If Pcount < totalrec / maxperpage Then Pcount = Pcount + 1
- If CurrentPage < 1 Then CurrentPage = 1
- If CurrentPage > Pcount Then CurrentPage = Pcount
- Rs.PageSize = maxperpage
- Rs.AbsolutePage = CurrentPage
- i = 0
- Do While Not Rs.EOF And i < maxperpage
- If Not Response.IsClientConnected Then ResponseEnd
- Response.Write " <tr>"
- Response.Write " <td " & CenterClass & "><input type=""checkbox"" name=""selID"" value="""
- Response.Write Rs("ID")
- Response.Write """></td>"
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
- Response.Write Rs("game")
- Response.Write "</td>"
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
- Response.Write Rs("name")
- Response.Write "</td>"
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
- Response.Write Rs("ip")
- Response.Write "</td>"
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
- If Rs("Sdate")<>"" then
- Response.Write year(Rs("sdate"))&"年"&month(Rs("sdate"))&"月"&day(Rs("Sdate"))&"日" & Rs("hour") & "时" & Rs("minute") & "分"
- End If
- Response.Write "</td>"
- AdsTime=Rs("Daytime")+1
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
- Response.Write Rs("BestTime")
- Response.Write "</td>"
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
- If Rs("Daytime")=0 then
- Response.Write "<FONT color=#FF0000>一天</FONT>"
- Else
- Response.Write AdsTime
- Response.Write "天"
- End If
- Response.Write "</td>"
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
- If Rs("isBest")=0 then
- Response.Write "<a href=?ID="&Rs("ID")&"&act=top>固</a>"
- Else
- Response.Write "<a href=?selID="&Rs("ID")&"&action=batutop><font color=red>解</font></a>"
- End If
- Response.Write "|<a href=?ID="
- Response.Write Rs("ID")
- Response.Write "&action=edit><font color=""#008000"">编</font></a>|<a href=?selID="
- Response.Write Rs("ID")
- Response.Write "&action=batdel><font color=""#008000"">删</font></a></td>"
- Response.Write "</tr>"
- Rs.movenext
- i = i + 1
- If i >= maxperpage Then Exit Do
- Loop
- End If
- Rs.Close:Set Rs = Nothing
- Response.Write "<TR height=25>" & vbCrLf
- Response.Write "<TD " & LeftClass & " colspan=8><B>操作选项:<B> "
- Response.Write "<input class=Button type=button value='全选' onClick=""CheckAll(this.form)"">"
- Response.Write "<input class=Button type=button value='撤消' onClick=""CheckCel(this.form)"">"
- Response.Write "<input class=Button type=button value='反选' onClick=""CheckSel(this.form)""> "
- Response.Write "<input class=Button type=""submit"" name=""Submit1"" value=批量解固 onclick=""document.selform.action.value='batuTop';""> "
- Response.Write "<input class=Button type=""submit"" name=""Submit2"" value=批量删除 onclick=""document.selform.action.value='batdel';"">"
- Response.Write "</td>" & vbCrLf
- Response.Write "</tr>" & vbCrLf
- Response.Write "</form>" & vbCrLf
- Response.Write "<TR height=25>" & vbCrLf
- Response.Write "<TD " & RightClass & " colspan=8>" & vbCrLf
- tee5.ShowListPage CurrentPage,Pcount,totalrec,maxperpage,"&action=top","固顶私服"
- Response.Write "</TD></TR></TABLE>" & vbCrLf
- End Sub
- '=========================================================
- '作者声明:转载请保留版权信息,鄙视不要脸的人
- '程序制作:╲、衡少゛ QQ: 18159079
- '官方网站:蓝宇网络(
- '=========================================================
- ' Copyright 2004-2007 863sf.Cn - All Rights Reserved.
- '=========================================================
- '=================================================
- '过程名:HotGame
- '作 用:通宵推荐管理
- '=================================================
- Sub HotGame()
- Response.Write "<table border=""0"" cellspacing=""1"" cellpadding=""3"" align=center class=""tableBorder"">"
- Response.Write " <tr>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""5%"">选择</th>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""9%"">类型</th>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""16%"">名称</th>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""15%"">IP</th>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""*"">开机时间</th>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""18%"">推荐时间</th>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""5%"">广告</th>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""6%"">人气</th>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""8%"">操作</th>"
- Response.Write "</tr>"
- Response.Write " <form name=selform method=Get action="""">"
- Response.Write " <input type=hIDden name=action value=''>"
- Sql="select Gq_sfdata.ID,,Gq_sfdata.IP,Gq_sfdata.service,Gq_sfdata.Sdate,Gq_sfdata.hour,Gq_sfdata.minute,Gq_sfdata.addr,Gq_sfdata.xingzhi,Gq_sfdata.QQ,Gq_sfdata.homepage,,Gq_sfdata.addtime,Gq_sfdata.ulock,,Gq_sfdata.hottime,Gq_sfdata.Daytime,Gq_sfdata.hits,Gq_sfdata.gameID,"
- Sql=Sql&" from Gq_sfdata,Gq_GameType where Gq_sfdata.gameID=Gq_GameType.ID and"
- Sql=Sql&" order by Gq_sfdata.ID desc"
- Sql,conn,1,1
- If Rs.eof and Rs.bof then
- Response.Write "<tr><td align='center' class=tablerow1 colspan='9'>当前没有通宵推荐私服!</td></tr>"
- Else
- totalrec = Rs.RecordCount
- Pcount = CLng(totalrec / maxperpage) '得到总页数
- If Pcount < totalrec / maxperpage Then Pcount = Pcount + 1
- If CurrentPage < 1 Then CurrentPage = 1
- If CurrentPage > Pcount Then CurrentPage = Pcount
- Rs.PageSize = maxperpage
- Rs.AbsolutePage = CurrentPage
- i = 0
- Do While Not Rs.EOF And i < maxperpage
- If Not Response.IsClientConnected Then ResponseEnd
- Response.Write " <tr>"
- Response.Write " <td " & CenterClass & "><input type=""checkbox"" name=""selID"" value="""
- Response.Write Rs("ID")
- Response.Write """></td>"
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
- Response.Write Rs("game")
- Response.Write "</td>"
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
- Response.Write Rs("name")
- Response.Write "</td>"
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
- Response.Write Rs("ip")
- Response.Write "</td>"
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
- If Rs("Sdate")<>"" then
- Response.Write year(Rs("sdate"))&"年"&month(Rs("sdate"))&"月"&day(Rs("Sdate"))&"日" & Rs("hour") & "时" & Rs("minute") & "分"
- End If
- Response.Write "</td>"
- AdsTime=Rs("Daytime")+1
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
- Response.Write Rs("hottime")
- Response.Write "</td>"
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
- If Rs("Daytime")=0 then
- Response.Write "<FONT color=#FF0000>一天</FONT>"
- Else
- Response.Write AdsTime
- Response.Write "天"
- End If
- Response.Write "</td>"
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
- Response.Write "<font color=red>"
- Response.Write Rs("hits")
- Response.Write "</font></td>"
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
- If Rs("hot")=0 then
- Response.Write "<a href=?selID="
- Response.Write Rs("ID")
- Response.Write "&action=bathot>荐</a>"
- Else
- Response.Write "<a href=?selID="
- Response.Write Rs("ID")
- Response.Write "&action=batuhot><font color=red>普</font></a>"
- End If
- Response.Write "|<a href=?ID="
- Response.Write Rs("ID")
- Response.Write "&action=edit><font color=""#008000"">编</font></a>|<a href=?selID="
- Response.Write Rs("ID")
- Response.Write "&action=batdel><font color=""#008000"">删</font></a></td>"
- Response.Write "</tr>"
- Rs.movenext
- i = i + 1
- If i >= maxperpage Then Exit Do
- Loop
- End If
- Rs.Close:Set Rs = Nothing
- Response.Write "<TR height=25>" & vbCrLf
- Response.Write "<TD " & LeftClass & " colspan=9><B>操作选项:<B> "
- Response.Write "<input class=Button type=button value='全选' onClick=""CheckAll(this.form)"">"
- Response.Write "<input class=Button type=button value='撤消' onClick=""CheckCel(this.form)"">"
- Response.Write "<input class=Button type=button value='反选' onClick=""CheckSel(this.form)""> "
- Response.Write "<input class=Button type=""submit"" name=""Submit1"" value=批量解荐 onclick=""document.selform.action.value='batuHot';""> "
- Response.Write "<input class=Button type=""submit"" name=""Submit2"" value=批量删除 onclick=""document.selform.action.value='batdel';"">"
- Response.Write "</td>" & vbCrLf
- Response.Write "</tr>" & vbCrLf
- Response.Write "</form>" & vbCrLf
- Response.Write "<TR height=25>" & vbCrLf
- Response.Write "<TD " & RightClass & " colspan=9>" & vbCrLf
- tee5.ShowListPage CurrentPage,Pcount,totalrec,maxperpage,"&action=hot","通宵私服"
- Response.Write "</TD></TR></TABLE>" & vbCrLf
- End Sub
- '=========================================================
- '作者声明:转载请保留版权信息,鄙视不要脸的人
- '程序制作:╲、衡少゛ QQ: 18159079
- '官方网站:蓝宇网络(
- '=========================================================
- ' Copyright 2004-2007 863sf.Cn - All Rights Reserved.
- '=========================================================
- '=================================================
- '过程名:FineGame
- '作 用:精品推荐管理
- '=================================================
- Sub FineGame()
- Response.Write "<table border=""0"" cellspacing=""1"" cellpadding=""3"" align=center class=""tableBorder"">"
- Response.Write " <tr>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""5%"">选择</th>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""9%"">类型</th>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""16%"">名称</th>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""15%"">IP</th>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""*"">开机时间</th>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""18%"">推荐时间</th>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""6%"">广告</th>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""6%"">人气</th>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""8%"">操作</th>"
- Response.Write "</tr>"
- Response.Write " <form name=selform method=Get action="""">"
- Response.Write " <input type=hIDden name=action value=''>"
- Sql="select Gq_sfdata.ID,,Gq_sfdata.IP,Gq_sfdata.service,Gq_sfdata.Sdate,Gq_sfdata.hour,Gq_sfdata.minute,Gq_sfdata.addr,Gq_sfdata.xingzhi,Gq_sfdata.homepage,,Gq_sfdata.addtime,Gq_sfdata.ulock,Gq_sfdata.Fine,Gq_sfdata.Finetime,Gq_sfdata.Daytime,Gq_sfdata.hits,Gq_sfdata.gameID,"
- Sql=Sql&" from Gq_sfdata,Gq_GameType where Gq_sfdata.gameID=Gq_GameType.ID and Gq_sfdata.Fine=1"
- Sql=Sql&" order by Gq_sfdata.ID desc"
- Sql,conn,1,1
- If Rs.eof and Rs.bof then
- Response.Write "<tr><td align='center' class=tablerow1 colspan='9'>当前还没有精品私服推荐!</td></tr>"
- Else
- totalrec = Rs.RecordCount
- Pcount = CLng(totalrec / maxperpage) '得到总页数
- If Pcount < totalrec / maxperpage Then Pcount = Pcount + 1
- If CurrentPage < 1 Then CurrentPage = 1
- If CurrentPage > Pcount Then CurrentPage = Pcount
- Rs.PageSize = maxperpage
- Rs.AbsolutePage = CurrentPage
- i = 0
- Do While Not Rs.EOF And i < maxperpage
- If Not Response.IsClientConnected Then ResponseEnd
- Response.Write " <tr>"
- Response.Write " <td " & CenterClass & "><input type=""checkbox"" name=""selID"" value="""
- Response.Write Rs("ID")
- Response.Write """></td>"
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
- Response.Write Rs("game")
- Response.Write "</td>"
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
- Response.Write Rs("name")
- Response.Write "</td>"
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
- Response.Write Rs("ip")
- Response.Write "</td>"
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
- If Rs("Sdate")<>"" then
- Response.Write year(Rs("sdate"))&"年"&month(Rs("sdate"))&"月"&day(Rs("Sdate"))&"日" & Rs("hour") & "时" & Rs("minute") & "分"
- End If
- Response.Write "</td>"
- AdsTime=Rs("Daytime")+1
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
- Response.Write Rs("finetime")
- Response.Write "</td>"
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
- If Rs("Daytime")=0 then
- Response.Write "<FONT color=#FF0000>一天</FONT>"
- Else
- Response.Write AdsTime
- Response.Write "天"
- End If
- Response.Write "</td>"
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & "><font color=red>"
- Response.Write Rs("hits")
- Response.Write "</font></td>"
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
- If Rs("fine")=0 then
- Response.Write "<a href=?selID="&Rs("ID")&"&action=batfine>精</a>"
- Else
- Response.Write "<a href=?selID="&Rs("ID")&"&action=batufine><font color=red>简</font></a>"
- End If
- Response.Write "|<a href=?ID="
- Response.Write Rs("ID")
- Response.Write "&action=edit><font color=""#008000"">编</font></a>|<a href=?selID="
- Response.Write Rs("ID")
- Response.Write "&action=batdel><font color=""#008000"">删</font></a></td>"
- Response.Write "</tr>"
- Rs.movenext
- i = i + 1
- If i >= maxperpage Then Exit Do
- Loop
- End If
- Rs.Close:Set Rs = Nothing
- Response.Write "<TR height=25>" & vbCrLf
- Response.Write "<TD " & LeftClass & " colspan=9><B>操作选项:<B> "
- Response.Write "<input class=Button type=button value='全选' onClick=""CheckAll(this.form)"">"
- Response.Write "<input class=Button type=button value='撤消' onClick=""CheckCel(this.form)"">"
- Response.Write "<input class=Button type=button value='反选' onClick=""CheckSel(this.form)""> "
- Response.Write "<input class=Button type=""submit"" name=""Submit1"" value=批量解精 onclick=""document.selform.action.value='batuFine';""> "
- Response.Write "<input class=Button type=""submit"" name=""Submit2"" value=批量删除 onclick=""document.selform.action.value='batdel';"">"
- Response.Write "</td>" & vbCrLf
- Response.Write "</tr>" & vbCrLf
- Response.Write "</form>" & vbCrLf
- Response.Write "<TR height=25>" & vbCrLf
- Response.Write "<TD " & RightClass & " colspan=9>" & vbCrLf
- tee5.ShowListPage CurrentPage,Pcount,totalrec,maxperpage,"&action=fine","精品私服"
- Response.Write "</TD></TR></TABLE>" & vbCrLf
- End Sub
- '=================================================
- '过程名:FineGame2
- '作 用:固顶精品推荐管理
- '=================================================
- Sub FineGame2()
- Response.Write "<table border=""0"" cellspacing=""1"" cellpadding=""3"" align=center class=""tableBorder"">"
- Response.Write " <tr>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""5%"">选择</th>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""9%"">类型</th>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""16%"">名称</th>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""15%"">IP</th>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""*"">开机时间</th>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""18%"">推荐时间</th>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""6%"">广告</th>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""6%"">人气</th>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""8%"">操作</th>"
- Response.Write "</tr>"
- Response.Write " <form name=selform method=Get action="""">"
- Response.Write " <input type=hIDden name=action value=''>"
- Sql="select Gq_sfdata.ID,,Gq_sfdata.IP,Gq_sfdata.service,Gq_sfdata.Sdate,Gq_sfdata.hour,Gq_sfdata.minute,Gq_sfdata.addr,Gq_sfdata.xingzhi,Gq_sfdata.homepage,,Gq_sfdata.addtime,Gq_sfdata.ulock,Gq_sfdata.Fine,Gq_sfdata.Finetime,Gq_sfdata.Daytime,Gq_sfdata.hits,Gq_sfdata.gameID,"
- Sql=Sql&" from Gq_sfdata,Gq_GameType where Gq_sfdata.gameID=Gq_GameType.ID and Gq_sfdata.Fine=2"
- Sql=Sql&" order by Gq_sfdata.ID desc"
- Sql,conn,1,1
- If Rs.eof and Rs.bof then
- Response.Write "<tr><td align='center' class=tablerow1 colspan='9'>当前还没有固顶精品私服推荐!</td></tr>"
- Else
- totalrec = Rs.RecordCount
- Pcount = CLng(totalrec / maxperpage) '得到总页数
- If Pcount < totalrec / maxperpage Then Pcount = Pcount + 1
- If CurrentPage < 1 Then CurrentPage = 1
- If CurrentPage > Pcount Then CurrentPage = Pcount
- Rs.PageSize = maxperpage
- Rs.AbsolutePage = CurrentPage
- i = 0
- Do While Not Rs.EOF And i < maxperpage
- If Not Response.IsClientConnected Then ResponseEnd
- Response.Write " <tr>"
- Response.Write " <td " & CenterClass & "><input type=""checkbox"" name=""selID"" value="""
- Response.Write Rs("ID")
- Response.Write """></td>"
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
- Response.Write Rs("game")
- Response.Write "</td>"
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
- Response.Write Rs("name")
- Response.Write "</td>"
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
- Response.Write Rs("ip")
- Response.Write "</td>"
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
- If Rs("Sdate")<>"" then
- Response.Write year(Rs("sdate"))&"年"&month(Rs("sdate"))&"月"&day(Rs("Sdate"))&"日" & Rs("hour") & "时" & Rs("minute") & "分"
- End If
- Response.Write "</td>"
- AdsTime=Rs("Daytime")+1
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
- Response.Write Rs("finetime")
- Response.Write "</td>"
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
- If Rs("Daytime")=0 then
- Response.Write "<FONT color=#FF0000>一天</FONT>"
- Else
- Response.Write AdsTime
- Response.Write "天"
- End If
- Response.Write "</td>"
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & "><font color=red>"
- Response.Write Rs("hits")
- Response.Write "</font></td>"
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
- If Rs("fine")=0 then
- Response.Write "<a href=?selID="&Rs("ID")&"&action=batfine>精</a>"
- Else
- Response.Write "<a href=?selID="&Rs("ID")&"&action=batufine><font color=red>简</font></a>"
- End If
- Response.Write "|<a href=?ID="
- Response.Write Rs("ID")
- Response.Write "&action=edit><font color=""#008000"">编</font></a>|<a href=?selID="
- Response.Write Rs("ID")
- Response.Write "&action=batdel><font color=""#008000"">删</font></a></td>"
- Response.Write "</tr>"
- Rs.movenext
- i = i + 1
- If i >= maxperpage Then Exit Do
- Loop
- End If
- Rs.Close:Set Rs = Nothing
- Response.Write "<TR height=25>" & vbCrLf
- Response.Write "<TD " & LeftClass & " colspan=9><B>操作选项:<B> "
- Response.Write "<input class=Button type=button value='全选' onClick=""CheckAll(this.form)"">"
- Response.Write "<input class=Button type=button value='撤消' onClick=""CheckCel(this.form)"">"
- Response.Write "<input class=Button type=button value='反选' onClick=""CheckSel(this.form)""> "
- Response.Write "<input class=Button type=""submit"" name=""Submit1"" value=批量解精 onclick=""document.selform.action.value='batuFine';""> "
- Response.Write "<input class=Button type=""submit"" name=""Submit2"" value=批量删除 onclick=""document.selform.action.value='batdel';"">"
- Response.Write "</td>" & vbCrLf
- Response.Write "</tr>" & vbCrLf
- Response.Write "</form>" & vbCrLf
- Response.Write "<TR height=25>" & vbCrLf
- Response.Write "<TD " & RightClass & " colspan=9>" & vbCrLf
- tee5.ShowListPage CurrentPage,Pcount,totalrec,maxperpage,"&action=fine","固顶精品"
- Response.Write "</TD></TR></TABLE>" & vbCrLf
- End Sub
- '=========================================================
- '作者声明:转载请保留版权信息,鄙视不要脸的人
- '程序制作:╲、衡少゛ QQ: 18159079
- '官方网站:蓝宇网络(
- '=========================================================
- ' Copyright 2004-2007 863sf.Cn - All Rights Reserved.
- '=========================================================
- '=================================================
- '过程名:FreeGame
- '作 用:更多私服管理
- '=================================================
- Sub FreeGame()
- Response.Write "<table border=""0"" cellspacing=""1"" cellpadding=""3"" align=center class=""tableBorder"">"
- Response.Write " <tr>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""5%"">选择</th>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""9%"">类型</th>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""16%"">名称</th>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""15%"">IP</th>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""*"">开机时间</th>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""14%"">客服QQ</th>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""7%"">审核</th>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""14%"">操作</th>"
- Response.Write "</tr>"
- Response.Write " <form name=selform method=Get action="""">"
- Response.Write " <input type=hIDden name=action value=''>"
- 'If menu<>"" then
- 'Sql="select Gq_sfdata.ID,,Gq_sfdata.IP,Gq_sfdata.service,Gq_sfdata.Sdate,Gq_sfdata.hour,Gq_sfdata.minute,Gq_sfdata.addr,Gq_sfdata.xingzhi,Gq_sfdata.QQ,Gq_sfdata.homepage,,Gq_sfdata.addtime,Gq_sfdata.ulock,Gq_sfdata.isBest,,Gq_sfdata.fine,Gq_sfdata.gameID,"
- 'Sql=Sql&" from Gq_sfdata,Gq_gametype where Gq_sfdata.gameID=Gq_gametype.ID and Gq_sfdata.gameID="&menu
- 'Sql=Sql&" order by Gq_sfdata.ID desc"
- 'Else
- Sql="select Gq_sfdata.ID,,Gq_sfdata.IP,Gq_sfdata.service,Gq_sfdata.Sdate,Gq_sfdata.hour,Gq_sfdata.minute,Gq_sfdata.addr,Gq_sfdata.xingzhi,Gq_sfdata.QQ,Gq_sfdata.homepage,,Gq_sfdata.addtime,Gq_sfdata.ulock,Gq_sfdata.isBest,,Gq_sfdata.fine,Gq_sfdata.gameID,"
- Sql=Sql&" from Gq_sfdata,Gq_gametype where Gq_sfdata.gameID=Gq_gametype.ID and Gq_sfdata.ulock=1 and Gq_sfdata.isBest=0 and and Gq_sfdata.fine=0"
- Sql=Sql&" order by Gq_sfdata.ID desc"
- 'End If
- Sql,conn,1,1
- If Rs.eof and Rs.bof then
- Response.Write "<tr><td align='center' class=tablerow1 colspan='8'>当前没有任何私服!</td></tr>"
- Else
- totalrec = Rs.RecordCount
- Pcount = CLng(totalrec / maxperpage) '得到总页数
- If Pcount < totalrec / maxperpage Then Pcount = Pcount + 1
- If CurrentPage < 1 Then CurrentPage = 1
- If CurrentPage > Pcount Then CurrentPage = Pcount
- Rs.PageSize = maxperpage
- Rs.AbsolutePage = CurrentPage
- i = 0
- Do While Not Rs.EOF And i < maxperpage
- If Not Response.IsClientConnected Then ResponseEnd
- Response.Write " <tr>"
- Response.Write " <td " & CenterClass & "><input type=""checkbox"" name=""selID"" value="""
- Response.Write Rs("ID")
- Response.Write """></td>"
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
- Response.Write Rs("game")
- Response.Write "</td>"
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
- Response.Write Rs("name")
- Response.Write "</td>"
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
- Response.Write Rs("ip")
- Response.Write "</td>"
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
- If Rs("Sdate")<>"" then
- Response.Write year(Rs("sdate"))&"年"&month(Rs("sdate"))&"月"&day(Rs("Sdate"))&"日" & Rs("hour") & "时" & Rs("minute") & "分"
- End If
- Response.Write "</td>"
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
- Response.Write Rs("QQ")
- Response.Write "</td>"
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
- If Rs("ulock")=1 then
- Response.Write "<font color=#CCCCCC>通过</font>"
- Else
- Response.Write "<font color=red>等待</font>"
- End If
- Response.Write "</td>"
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
- If Rs("isBest")=0 then
- Response.Write "<a href=?selID="&Rs("ID")&"&action=battop>固</a>"
- Else
- Response.Write "<a href=?selID="&Rs("ID")&"&action=batutop><font color=red>解</font></a>"
- End If
- Response.Write "|"
- If Rs("hot")=0 then
- Response.Write "<a href=admin_hot.asp?selID="
- Response.Write Rs("ID")
- Response.Write "&action=bathot>荐</a>"
- Else
- Response.Write "<a href=admin_hot.asp?ID="
- Response.Write Rs("ID")
- Response.Write "&action=batuhot><font color=BLUE>普</font></a>"
- End If
- Response.Write "|<a href=?ID="
- Response.Write Rs("ID")
- Response.Write "&action=edit><font color=""#008000"">编</font></a>|<a href=?selID="
- Response.Write Rs("ID")
- Response.Write "&action=batdel><font color=""#008000"">删</font></a></td>"
- Response.Write "</tr>"
- Rs.movenext
- i = i + 1
- If i >= maxperpage Then Exit Do
- Loop
- End If
- Rs.Close:Set Rs = Nothing
- Response.Write "<TR height=25>" & vbCrLf
- Response.Write "<TD " & LeftClass & " colspan=8><B>操作选项:<B> "
- Response.Write "<input class=Button type=button value='全选' onClick=""CheckAll(this.form)"">"
- Response.Write "<input class=Button type=button value='撤消' onClick=""CheckCel(this.form)"">"
- Response.Write "<input class=Button type=button value='反选' onClick=""CheckSel(this.form)""> "
- Response.Write "<input class=Button type=""submit"" name=""Submit1"" value=批量审核 onclick=""document.selform.action.value='batulock';""> "
- Response.Write "<input class=Button type=""submit"" name=""Submit2"" value=批量删除 onclick=""document.selform.action.value='batdel';"">"
- Response.Write "</td>" & vbCrLf
- Response.Write "</tr>" & vbCrLf
- Response.Write "</form>" & vbCrLf
- Response.Write "<TR height=25>" & vbCrLf
- Response.Write "<TD " & RightClass & " colspan=9>" & vbCrLf
- tee5.ShowListPage CurrentPage,Pcount,totalrec,maxperpage,"&action=free","其他私服"
- Response.Write "</TD></TR></TABLE>" & vbCrLf
- End Sub
- '=========================================================
- '作者声明:转载请保留版权信息,鄙视不要脸的人
- '程序制作:╲、衡少゛ QQ: 18159079
- '官方网站:蓝宇网络(
- '=========================================================
- ' Copyright 2004-2007 863sf.Cn - All Rights Reserved.
- '=========================================================
- '=================================================
- '过程名:EditGame
- '作 用:私服编辑
- '=================================================
- Sub EditGame()
- ID=tee5.CheckStr(request("ID"))
- If ID="" or (not isnumeric(ID)) then
- tee5.OutClertScript ("参数不正确!")
- End If
- Sql="select Gq_sfdata.ID,,Gq_sfdata.IP,Gq_sfdata.service,Gq_sfdata.Sdate,Gq_sfdata.hour,Gq_sfdata.minute,Gq_sfdata.addr,Gq_sfdata.xingzhi,Gq_sfdata.QQ,Gq_sfdata.homepage,,Gq_sfdata.addtime,Gq_sfdata.ulock,Gq_sfdata.isBest,Gq_sfdata.fine,,Gq_sfdata.Daytime,Gq_sfdata.gameID, "
- Sql=Sql&" from Gq_sfdata,Gq_gametype where Gq_sfdata.gameID=Gq_gametype.ID and Gq_sfdata.ID="&ID
- Sql,conn,1,1
- If Rs.bof and Rs.eof then
- Response.Write "<script>alert('无此数据!!!');window.close()</script>"
- response.end
- Else
- Response.Write "<table border=""0"" cellspacing=""1"" cellpadding=""3"" align=center class=""tableBorder"">"
- Response.Write "<FORM name=form1 action=admin_edit.asp method=post>"
- Response.Write " <tr>"
- Response.Write "<th colspan=""2"">私服管理--编辑私服</th>"
- Response.Write "</tr>"
- Response.Write "<TR>"
- Response.Write "<td wIDth=""15%"" " & RightClass & ">私服类型:</TD>"
- Response.Write "<td " & LeftClass & ">"
- Set Rs_type = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
- Sql_Type="select * from Gq_gametype order by orderID"
- Sql_type,conn,1,1
- Response.Write "<SELECT ID=gameID size=1 name=gameID>"
- If Rs_type.eof and Rs_type.bof then
- Response.Write "<option value= selected>请添加游戏分类</option>"
- Else
- Do While Not Rs_type.EOF
- If Rs_type("ID")=Rs("gameID") then
- Response.Write "<option value="&Rs_type("ID")&" selected>"&Rs_type("game")&"</option>"
- Else
- Response.Write "<option value="&Rs_type("ID")&">"&Rs_type("game")&"</option>"
- End If
- Rs_type.movenext
- loop
- Rs_type.close
- End If
- Response.Write "</SELECT></TD>"
- Response.Write "</TR>"
- Response.Write "<TR>"
- Response.Write "<td " & RightClass & ">私服名称:</TD>"
- Response.Write "<td " & LeftClass & "><INPUT name=name value=""" & Rs("name") & """ maxLength=14></TD>"
- Response.Write "</TR>"
- Response.Write "<tr>"
- Response.Write "<td " & RightClass & ">私服IP:</TD>"
- Response.Write "<td " & LeftClass & "><INPUT name=ip value=""" & Rs("ip") & """ maxLength=16></TD>"
- Response.Write "</tr>"
- Response.Write "<TR>"
- Response.Write "<td " & RightClass & ">开区时间:</TD>"
- Response.Write "<td " & LeftClass & "><INPUT name=sdate value=""" & Rs("sdate") & """ size=16 maxLength=16> <input name=hour value=""" & Rs("hour") & """ size=4 maxlength=4> 时 <INPUT name=minute value=""" & Rs("minute") & """ size=4 maxLength=4> 分</TD>"
- Response.Write "</TR>"
- Response.Write "<TR>"
- Response.Write "<td " & RightClass & ">客服QQ:</TD>"
- Response.Write "<td " & LeftClass & "><INPUT name=QQ value=""" & Rs("QQ") & """ maxLength=50></TD>"
- Response.Write "</TR>"
- Response.Write "<TR>"
- Response.Write "<td " & RightClass & ">地区线路:</TD>"
- Response.Write "<td " & LeftClass & ">"
- Response.Write "<INPUT name=addr value=""" & Rs("addr") & """ maxLength=50> "
- Response.Write "<SELECT ID=service size=1 name=service>"
- For i=0 to ubound(split(tee5.ssign,","))
- Response.Write " <OPTION value='"&i&"' "
- If Rs("Service")=i then Response.Write "selected" End If
- Response.Write ">"&split(tee5.ssign,",")(i)&"</option>"
- Next
- Response.Write "</SELECT></TD>"
- Response.Write "</TR>"
- Response.Write "<TR>"
- Response.Write "<td " & RightClass & ">版本简介:</TD>"
- Response.Write "<td " & LeftClass & "><INPUT name=xingzhi value=""" & Rs("xingzhi") & """ size=40 maxLength=28></TD>"
- Response.Write "</TR>"
- Response.Write "<TR>"
- Response.Write "<td " & RightClass & ">主页地址:</TD>"
- Response.Write "<td " & LeftClass & "><INPUT name=homepage value=""" & Rs("homepage") & """ size=36 maxLength=100></TD>"
- Response.Write "</TR>"
- Response.Write "<TR>"
- Response.Write "<td " & RightClass & ">登陆器下载:</TD>"
- Response.Write "<td " & LeftClass & "><INPUT name=download value=""" & Rs("download") & """ size=36 maxLength=100></TD>"
- Response.Write "</TR>"
- Response.Write "<TR>"
- Response.Write "<td " & RightClass & ">广告期限:</TD>"
- Response.Write "<td " & LeftClass & ">"
- Response.Write "<select name=""Daytime"" size=""1"">"
- Response.Write "<option selected value=""0"">请 选 择</option>"
- Response.Write "<OPTION value=0 "
- If Rs("Daytime")="0" then Response.Write "selected"
- Response.Write ">推荐一天</OPTION>"
- Response.Write "<OPTION value=1 "
- If Rs("Daytime")="1" then Response.Write "selected"
- Response.Write ">推荐二天</OPTION>"
- Response.Write "<OPTION value=2 "
- If Rs("Daytime")="2" then Response.Write "selected"
- Response.Write ">推荐三天</OPTION>"
- Response.Write "<OPTION value=3 "
- If Rs("Daytime")="3" then Response.Write "selected"
- Response.Write ">推荐四天</OPTION>"
- Response.Write "<OPTION value=4 "
- If Rs("Daytime")="4" then Response.Write "selected"
- Response.Write ">推荐五天</OPTION>"
- Response.Write "<OPTION value=5 "
- If Rs("Daytime")="5" then Response.Write "selected"
- Response.Write ">推荐六天</OPTION>"
- Response.Write "<OPTION value=6 "
- If Rs("Daytime")="6" then Response.Write "selected"
- Response.Write ">推荐七天</OPTION>"
- Response.Write "</select>"
- Response.Write "</TD>"
- Response.Write "</TR>"
- Response.Write "<TR>"
- Response.Write "<td " & RightClass & ">固顶精品:</TD>"
- Response.Write "<td " & LeftClass & "><input name=""fine"" type=""checkbox"" value=""2"" "
- If Rs("fine")=2 then Response.Write "checked"
- Response.Write "></TD>"
- Response.Write "</TR>"
- Response.Write "<TR>"
- Response.Write "<td " & RightClass & ">精品推荐:</TD>"
- Response.Write "<td " & LeftClass & "><input name=""fine"" type=""checkbox"" value=""1"" "
- If Rs("fine")=1 then Response.Write "checked"
- Response.Write "></TD>"
- Response.Write "</TR>"
- Response.Write "<TR>"
- Response.Write "<td " & RightClass & ">固顶推荐:</TD>"
- Response.Write "<td " & LeftClass & "><input name=""isBest"" type=""checkbox"" value=""1"" "
- If Rs("isBest")=1 then Response.Write "checked"
- Response.Write "></TD>"
- Response.Write "</TR>"
- Response.Write "<TR>"
- Response.Write "<td " & RightClass & ">通宵推荐:</TD>"
- Response.Write "<td " & LeftClass & "><input name=""hot"" type=""checkbox"" value=""1"" "
- If Rs("hot")=1 then Response.Write "checked"
- Response.Write "></TD>"
- Response.Write "</TR>"
- Response.Write "<TR>"
- Response.Write "<td " & RightClass & ">审核状态:</TD>"
- Response.Write "<td " & LeftClass & "><input name=""ulock"" type=""checkbox"" value=""1"" "
- If Rs("ulock")=1 then Response.Write "checked"
- Response.Write "></TD>"
- Response.Write "</TR>"
- Response.Write "<TR>"
- Response.Write "<td " & RightClass & ">发布日期:</TD>"
- Response.Write "<td " & LeftClass & "><INPUT name=addtime value="""
- If Rs("addtime")="" then
- Response.Write Rs("sdate")
- Else
- Response.Write Rs("addtime")
- End If
- Response.Write """ size=20 maxLength=19></TD>"
- Response.Write "</TR>"
- Response.Write "<TR>"
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & " colspan=""2"">"
- Response.Write "<input name=""ID"" type=""hIDden"" value=""" & Rs("ID") & """>"
- Response.Write "<INPUT type=submit value="" 编 辑 "" name=submit2> "
- Response.Write "<INPUT type=reset value="" 清 除 "" name=cmdcancel> "
- Response.Write "</TD>"
- Response.Write "</TR>"
- Response.Write "</form>"
- Response.Write "</TABLE>"
- End If
- End Sub
- '=========================================================
- '作者声明:转载请保留版权信息,鄙视不要脸的人
- '程序制作:╲、衡少゛ QQ: 18159079
- '官方网站:蓝宇网络(
- '=========================================================
- ' Copyright 2004-2007 863sf.Cn - All Rights Reserved.
- '=========================================================
- '=================================================
- '过程名:SearchGame
- '作 用:私服搜索
- '=================================================
- Sub SearchGame()
- Dim Key, Otype
- Menu=tee5.CheckStr(request("menu"))
- Key=tee5.CheckStr(request("key"))
- Otype=tee5.CheckStr(request("otype"))
- If key="" then
- Response.Write "<script>alert('请输入查询条件');history.back()</script>"
- response.end
- End If
- Response.Write "<table border=""0"" cellspacing=""1"" cellpadding=""3"" align=center class=""tableBorder"">"
- Response.Write " <tr>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""5%"">选择</th>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""9%"">类型</th>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""16%"">名称</th>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""15%"">IP</th>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""*"">开机时间</th>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""6%"">人气</th>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""5%"">主页</th>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""5%"">验证</th>"
- Response.Write "<th wIDth=""15%"">操作</th>"
- Response.Write "</tr>"
- Response.Write " <form name=selform method=Get action="""">"
- Response.Write " <input type=hIDden name=action value=''>"
- If menu<>"" then
- Sql="select Gq_sfdata.ID,,Gq_sfdata.IP,Gq_sfdata.service,Gq_sfdata.Sdate,Gq_sfdata.hour,Gq_sfdata.minute,Gq_sfdata.addr,Gq_sfdata.xingzhi,Gq_sfdata.QQ,Gq_sfdata.hits,Gq_sfdata.homepage,,Gq_sfdata.addtime,Gq_sfdata.ulock,Gq_sfdata.isBest,Gq_sfdata.fine,Gq_sfdata.BestTime,,Gq_sfdata.gameID,"
- Sql=Sql&" from Gq_SFdata,Gq_Gametype where "&otype&" like '%"&key&"%' and Gq_SFdata.gameID=Gq_gametype.ID and Gq_SFdata.gameID="&menu
- Sql=Sql&" and Gq_SFdata.ulock=1 order by Gq_SFdata.addtime desc"
- Else
- Sql="select Gq_sfdata.ID,,Gq_sfdata.IP,Gq_sfdata.service,Gq_sfdata.Sdate,Gq_sfdata.hour,Gq_sfdata.minute,Gq_sfdata.addr,Gq_sfdata.xingzhi,Gq_sfdata.QQ,Gq_sfdata.hits,Gq_sfdata.homepage,,Gq_sfdata.addtime,Gq_sfdata.ulock,Gq_sfdata.isBest,Gq_sfdata.fine,Gq_sfdata.BestTime,,Gq_sfdata.gameID,"
- Sql=Sql&" from Gq_SFdata,Gq_Gametype where "&otype&" like '%"&key&"%' and Gq_SFdata.gameID=Gq_gametype.ID"
- Sql=Sql&" and Gq_SFdata.ulock=1 order by Gq_SFdata.addtime desc"
- End If
- Sql,conn,1,1
- If Rs.eof and Rs.bof then
- Response.Write "<tr><td " & CenterClass & " colspan='9'><b>Sorry!<b><font color=red>没有找到您搜索的私服~!</font></td></tr>"
- Else
- totalrec = Rs.RecordCount
- Pcount = CLng(totalrec / maxperpage) '得到总页数
- If Pcount < totalrec / maxperpage Then Pcount = Pcount + 1
- If CurrentPage < 1 Then CurrentPage = 1
- If CurrentPage > Pcount Then CurrentPage = Pcount
- Rs.PageSize = maxperpage
- Rs.AbsolutePage = CurrentPage
- i = 0
- Do While Not Rs.EOF And i < maxperpage
- If Not Response.IsClientConnected Then ResponseEnd
- Response.Write " <tr>"
- Response.Write " <td " & CenterClass & "><input type=""checkbox"" name=""selID"" value="""
- Response.Write Rs("ID")
- Response.Write """></td>"
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
- Response.Write Rs("game")
- Response.Write "</td>"
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
- Response.Write Rs("name")
- Response.Write "</td>"
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
- Response.Write Rs("ip")
- Response.Write "</td>"
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
- If Rs("Sdate")<>"" then
- Response.Write year(Rs("sdate"))&"年"&month(Rs("sdate"))&"月"&day(Rs("Sdate"))&"日" & Rs("hour") & "时" & Rs("minute") & "分"
- End If
- Response.Write "</td>"
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & "><font color=red>"
- Response.Write Rs("hits")
- Response.Write "</font></td>"
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
- If Rs("homepage")="" or Rs("homepage")="无" or Rs("homepage")="http://" then
- Response.Write "未知"
- Else
- Response.Write "<a href="&Rs("homepage")&" target=_blank><FONT color=#0000FF>查看</FONT></a>"
- End If
- Response.Write "</td>"
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
- If Rs("ulock")=1 then
- Response.Write "<font color=#CCCCCC>通过</font>"
- Else
- Response.Write "<font color=red>等待</font>"
- End If
- Response.Write "</td>"
- Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
- If Rs("isBest")=0 then
- Response.Write "<a href=?selID="&Rs("ID")&"&action=battop>固</a>"
- Else
- Response.Write "<a href=?selID="&Rs("ID")&"&action=batutop><font color=red>解</font></a>"
- End If
- Response.Write "|"
- If Rs("hot")=0 then
- Response.Write "<a href=?selID="&Rs("ID")&"&action=bathot>荐</a>"
- Else
- Response.Write "<a href=?selID="&Rs("ID")&"&action=batuhot><font color=BLUE>普</font></a>"
- End If
- Response.Write "|"
- If Rs("fine")=0 then
- Response.Write "<a href=?selID="&Rs("ID")&"&action=batfine>精</a>"
- Else
- Response.Write "<a href=?selID="&Rs("ID")&"&action=batufine><font color=red>简</font></a>"
- End If
- Response.Write "|<a href=?ID="
- Response.Write Rs("ID")
- Response.Write "&action=edit><font color=""#008000"">编</font></a>|<a href=?selID="
- Response.Write Rs("ID")
- Response.Write "&action=batdel><font color=""#008000"">删</font></a></td>"
- Response.Write "</tr>"
- Rs.movenext
- i = i + 1
- If i >= maxperpage Then Exit Do
- Loop
- End If
- Rs.Close:Set Rs = Nothing
- Response.Write "<TR height=25>" & vbCrLf
- Response.Write "<TD " & LeftClass & " colspan=9><B>操作选项:<B> "
- Response.Write "<input class=Button type=button value='全选' onClick=""CheckAll(this.form)"">"
- Response.Write "<input class=Button type=button value='撤消' onClick=""CheckCel(this.form)"">"
- Response.Write "<input class=Button type=button value='反选' onClick=""CheckSel(this.form)""> "
- Response.Write "<input class=Button type=""submit"" name=""Submit1"" value=批量固顶 onclick=""document.selform.action.value='battop';""> "
- Response.Write "<input class=Button type=""submit"" name=""Submit2"" value=批量通宵 onclick=""document.selform.action.value='bathot';""> "
- Response.Write "<input class=Button type=""submit"" name=""Submit3"" value=批量精品 onclick=""document.selform.action.value='batfine';""> "
- Response.Write "<input class=Button type=""submit"" name=""Submit4"" value=批量审核 onclick=""document.selform.action.value='batulock';""> "
- Response.Write "<input class=Button type=""submit"" name=""Submit5"" value=批量删除 onclick=""document.selform.action.value='batdel';"">"
- Response.Write "</td>" & vbCrLf
- Response.Write "</tr>" & vbCrLf
- Response.Write "</form>" & vbCrLf
- Response.Write "<TR height=25>" & vbCrLf
- Response.Write "<TD " & RightClass & " colspan=9>" & vbCrLf
- tee5.ShowListPage CurrentPage,Pcount,totalrec,maxperpage,"&action=search","私服搜索"
- Response.Write "</TD></TR></TABLE>" & vbCrLf
- End Sub
- Sub BatTop()
- tee5.Execute ("update Gq_SfData set isBest=1,Ulock=1,Daytime=3,BestTime=Now() where ID in (" & Request("selID") & ")")
- Response.redirect (Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER"))
- End Sub
- Sub BatHot()
- tee5.Execute ("update Gq_SfData set Hot=1,Ulock=1,Daytime=3,HotTime=Now() where ID in (" & Request("selID") & ")")
- Response.redirect (Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER"))
- End Sub
- Sub BatFine()
- tee5.Execute ("update Gq_SfData set Fine=1,Ulock=1,Daytime=3,FineTime=Now() where ID in (" & Request("selID") & ")")
- Response.redirect (Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER"))
- End Sub
- Sub BatUlock()
- tee5.Execute ("update Gq_SfData set Ulock=1 where ID in (" & Request("selID") & ")")
- Response.redirect (Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER"))
- End Sub
- Sub BatDel()
- If Len(Request("selID")) = "" then
- response.write "<script>alert('非法操作');history.back()</script>"
- Else
- If Len(Request("selID")) > 0 Then
- SQL = "DELETE FROM [Gq_SfData] WHERE id in (" & Request("selID") & ")"
- tee5.Execute (SQL)
- End If
- End If
- Succeed ("恭喜您!删除成功,请继续其他操作。")
- End Sub
- Sub BatUtop()
- tee5.Execute ("update Gq_SfData set isBest=0,Daytime=0,BestTime=Now() where ID in (" & Request("selID") & ")")
- Response.redirect (Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER"))
- End Sub
- Sub BatUhot()
- tee5.Execute ("update Gq_SfData set Hot=0,Daytime=0,HotTime=Now() where ID in (" & Request("selID") & ")")
- Response.redirect (Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER"))
- End Sub
- Sub BatUfine()
- tee5.Execute ("update Gq_SfData set Fine=0,Daytime=0,FineTime=Now() where ID in (" & Request("selID") & ")")
- Response.redirect (Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER"))
- End Sub
- Sub ContentIDHtml(Pattern,selID)
- Dim SQLID, AllsfID
- Dim totalnum, FileUrl, FolderPath, FileName, FilePath
- On Error Resume Next
- selID = Request("selID")
- AllsfID = Split(selID, ",")
- If selID = "" Then
- Response.Write "<script>alert('请选择后操作');history.back()</script>"
- End If
- totalnum = tee5.Execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [Gq_sfdata] WHERE Ulock <> 0 And ID in (" & selID & ")")(0)
- SQL = "SELECT * FROM Gq_sfData WHERE Ulock <> 0 And ID in (" & selID & ")"
- Set rs = tee5.Execute(SQL)
- SQL=Rs.GetRows(totalnum)
- Set Rs = Nothing
- If Pattern = 1 then SQLID= UBound(AllsfID): Else SQLID= UBound(SQL,2)
- If Pattern = 1 then Response.Write "<ol>"
- If Pattern = 1 then Response.Write "<b>生成私服内容(HTML)开始</b><br><br>"
- For i = 0 To SQLID
- FolderPath = tee5.ServerDir & "sf" & tee5.ServerDir
- tee5.CreatPathEx (FolderPath)
- FileUrl = tee5.WebUrl & "/Temp/7.asp?ID=" & Clng(SQL(0,i))
- FileName = year(SQL(5,i)) & month(SQL(5,i)) & day(SQL(5,i)) & SQL(0,i)
- FilePath = FolderPath & FileName & ".html"
- Call GetRemoteFiels(FileUrl, FolderPath, FileName)
- If Pattern = 1 then Response.Write "<li style=""font-size: 12px;"">生成私服内容HTML页完成 <a href=" & FilePath & " target=_blank>" & Server.MapPath(FilePath) & "</a></li>" & vbNewLine
- Response.Flush
- Next
- If Pattern = 1 then Response.Write "<br><br><b>恭喜您!私服内容HTML全部生成完毕!</b>"
- If Pattern = 1 then Response.Write "</ol>"
- End Sub
- %>