



  1. <!--#include file="setup.asp"-->
  2. <!--#include file="check.asp"-->
  3. <%
  4. If Not CheckAdmin("GameList") Then
  5.     Server.Transfer("showerr.asp")
  6.     Response.End
  7. End If
  8. Dim Rs_type, Sql_Type, Menu, linklist, AdsTime, ID, selID
  9. titlename="私服管理"
  10. Admin_header
  11. ID = tee5.ChkNumeric(Request("ID"))
  12. set Rs = server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
  13. Response.Write "<table border=""0"" cellspacing=""1"" cellpadding=""3"" align=center class=""tableBorder"">"
  14. Response.Write " <tr>"
  15. Response.Write " <th colspan=6>私服管理操作</th>"
  16. Response.Write " </tr>"
  17. Response.Write "<form method=post action=admin_list.asp?action=search>"
  18. Response.Write "<tr>"
  19. Response.Write "<td " & LeftClass & ">"
  20. Response.Write "<b>私服搜索:</b> <INPUT maxLength=15 size=15 value="""" name=key> "
  21. Response.Write " 类型:"
  22. Response.Write "<SELECT name=menu>"
  23. Set Rs_type = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
  24. Sql_Type="select * from Gq_GameType order by orderID"
  25. Sql_type,conn,1,1
  26. Response.Write "<OPTION value="""" selected>所有私服</OPTION>"
  27. Do While Not Rs_type.EOF
  28. Response.Write "<OPTION value=" & Rs_type("ID") & ">" & Rs_type("game") & "</OPTION>"
  29. Rs_type.movenext
  30. loop
  31. Rs_type.close
  32. Response.Write "</SELECT>"
  33. Response.Write "&nbsp;&nbsp;条件:"
  34. Response.Write "<INPUT name=otype type=radio value=name checked>服务器名 "
  35. Response.Write " <INPUT name=otype type=radio value=ip>服务器IP "
  36. Response.Write " <INPUT name=otype type=radio value=sdate>开放时间 "
  37. Response.Write " <input type=submit name=Submit value='开始搜索' class=Button>"
  38. Response.Write "</td>"
  39. Response.Write "</tr>"
  40. Response.Write "</form>"
  41. Response.Write "<tr>"
  42. Response.Write "<td " & LeftClass & ">"
  43. Response.Write "<b>游戏分类:</b><a href=""admin_list.asp"">所有私服</a>"
  44. Set Rs_type = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
  45. Sql_Type="select * from Gq_GameType order by orderID"
  46. Sql_type,conn,1,1
  47. If Rs_type.eof and Rs_type.bof then
  48. Response.Write "没有分类,请到后台添加!"
  49. Else
  50. Do While Not Rs_type.EOF
  51. Response.Write " | <a href=admin_list.asp?menu="&Rs_type("ID")&">"
  52. If cint(Rs_type("ID"))=cint(menu) then
  53. Response.Write "<font color=red>"&Rs_type("game")&"</font>"
  54. Else
  55. Response.Write Rs_type("game")
  56. End If
  57. Response.Write "</a>"
  58. Rs_type.movenext
  59. loop
  60. Rs_type.close
  61. End If
  62. Response.Write "<br><b>管理选项:</b><a href=""?action=ulock"">私服审核</a> | <a href=""?action=top"">固顶私服</a> | <a href=""?action=hot"">通宵推荐</a> | <a href=""?action=fine"">精品推荐</a> | <a href=""?action=free"">免费游戏</a></td>"
  63. Response.Write "</tr>"
  64. Response.Write "</table>"
  65. Response.Write "<br>"
  66. Dim tablestyle
  67. Dim maxperpage,CurrentPage,Pcount,totalrec,totalnumber
  68. maxperpage = AdminPage
  69. totalrec = 0
  70. Pcount = 1
  71. CurrentPage = tee5.ChkNumeric(Request("page"))
  72. If CurrentPage = 0 Then CurrentPage = 1
  73. Response.Write "<script src=""/js/showpage.js"" type=""text/javascript""></script>" & vbCrLf
  74. Menu = LCase(Request("Menu"))
  75. Action = LCase(Request("action"))
  76. Select Case Trim(Action)
  77. Case "ulock"
  78. Call UlockGame()
  79. Case "top"
  80. Call TopGame()
  81. Case "hot"
  82. Call HotGame()
  83. Case "fine"
  84. Call FineGame()
  85. Case "fine2"
  86. Call FineGame2()
  87. Case "free"
  88. Call FreeGame()
  89. Case "edit"
  90. Call EditGame()
  91. Case "search"
  92. Call SearchGame()
  93. Case "bathtml"
  94. Call ContentIDHtml(1,selID)
  95. Case "battop"
  96. Call BatTop()
  97. Case "bathot"
  98. Call BatHot()
  99. Case "batfine"
  100. Call BatFine()
  101. Case "batulock"
  102. Call BatUlock()
  103. Case "batdel"
  104. Call BatDel()
  105. Case "batutop"
  106. Call BatUtop()
  107. Case "batuhot"
  108. Call BatUhot()
  109. Case "batufine"
  110. Call BatUfine()
  111. Case Else
  112. Call GameList()
  113. End Select
  114. If Founderr = True Then
  115. ReturnError(ErrMsg)
  116. End If
  117. Admin_footer
  118. CloseConn
  119. '=========================================================
  120. '作者声明:转载请保留版权信息,鄙视不要脸的人
  121. '程序制作:╲、衡少゛  QQ: 18159079
  122. '官方网站:蓝宇网络(
  123. '=========================================================
  124. ' Copyright 2004-2007 863sf.Cn - All Rights Reserved.
  125. '=========================================================
  126. '=================================================
  127. '过程名:GameList
  128. '作  用:全部私服管理
  129. '=================================================
  130. Sub GameList()
  131. Response.Write "<table border=""0"" cellspacing=""1"" cellpadding=""3"" align=center class=""tableBorder"">"
  132. Response.Write " <tr>"
  133. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""5%"">选择</th>"
  134. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""9%"">类型</th>"
  135. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""16%"">名称</th>"
  136. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""15%"">IP</th>"
  137. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""*"">开机时间</th>"
  138. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""6%"">人气</th>"
  139. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""5%"">主页</th>"
  140. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""5%"">验证</th>"
  141. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""15%"">操作</th>"
  142. Response.Write "</tr>"
  143. Response.Write " <form name=selform method=Get action="""">"
  144. Response.Write " <input type=hIDden name=action value=''>"
  145. If menu<>"" then
  146. Sql="select Gq_sfdata.ID,,Gq_sfdata.IP,Gq_sfdata.service,Gq_sfdata.Sdate,Gq_sfdata.hour,Gq_sfdata.minute,Gq_sfdata.addr,Gq_sfdata.xingzhi,Gq_sfdata.QQ,Gq_sfdata.hits,Gq_sfdata.homepage,,Gq_sfdata.addtime,Gq_sfdata.ulock,Gq_sfdata.isBest,Gq_sfdata.fine,Gq_sfdata.BestTime,,Gq_sfdata.gameID,"
  147. Sql=Sql&" from Gq_sfdata,Gq_GameType where Gq_sfdata.gameID=Gq_GameType.ID and Gq_sfdata.ulock=1 and Gq_sfdata.gameID="&menu
  148. Sql=Sql&" order by Gq_sfdata.ID desc"
  149. Else
  150. Sql="select Gq_sfdata.ID,,Gq_sfdata.IP,Gq_sfdata.service,Gq_sfdata.Sdate,Gq_sfdata.hour,Gq_sfdata.minute,Gq_sfdata.addr,Gq_sfdata.xingzhi,Gq_sfdata.QQ,Gq_sfdata.hits,Gq_sfdata.homepage,,Gq_sfdata.addtime,Gq_sfdata.ulock,Gq_sfdata.isBest,Gq_sfdata.fine,Gq_sfdata.BestTime,,Gq_sfdata.gameID,"
  151. Sql=Sql&" from Gq_sfdata,Gq_GameType where Gq_sfdata.gameID=Gq_GameType.ID"
  152. Sql=Sql&" order by Gq_sfdata.ID desc"
  153. End If
  154. Sql,conn,1,1 
  155. If Rs.eof and Rs.bof then 
  156. Response.Write "<tr><td " & CenterClass & " colspan='9'>当前无任何私服信息!</td></tr>"
  157. Else
  158. totalrec = Rs.RecordCount
  159. Pcount = CLng(totalrec / maxperpage)  '得到总页数
  160. If Pcount < totalrec / maxperpage Then Pcount = Pcount + 1
  161. If CurrentPage < 1 Then CurrentPage = 1
  162. If CurrentPage > Pcount Then CurrentPage = Pcount
  163. Rs.PageSize = maxperpage
  164. Rs.AbsolutePage = CurrentPage
  165. i = 0
  166. Do While Not Rs.EOF And i < maxperpage
  167. If Not Response.IsClientConnected Then ResponseEnd
  168. Response.Write " <tr>"
  169. Response.Write " <td " & CenterClass & "><input type=""checkbox"" name=""selID"" value="""
  170. Response.Write Rs("ID")
  171. Response.Write """></td>"
  172. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
  173. Response.Write Rs("game")
  174. Response.Write "</td>"
  175. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
  176. Response.Write Rs("name")
  177. Response.Write "</td>"
  178. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
  179. Response.Write Rs("ip")
  180. Response.Write "</td>"
  181. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
  182. If Rs("Sdate")<>"" then
  183. Response.Write year(Rs("sdate"))&"年"&month(Rs("sdate"))&"月"&day(Rs("Sdate"))&"日" & Rs("hour") & "时" & Rs("minute") & "分"
  184. End If
  185. Response.Write "</td>"
  186. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & "><font color=red>"
  187. Response.Write Rs("hits")
  188. Response.Write "</font></td>"
  189. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
  190. If Rs("homepage")="" or Rs("homepage")="无" or Rs("homepage")="http://" then
  191. Response.Write "未知"
  192. Else
  193. Response.Write "<a href="&Rs("homepage")&" target=_blank><FONT color=#0000FF>查看</FONT></a>" 
  194. End If
  195. Response.Write "</td>"
  196. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
  197. If Rs("ulock")=1 then
  198. Response.Write "<font color=#CCCCCC>通过</font>"
  199. Else
  200. Response.Write "<font color=red>等待</font>"
  201. End If
  202. Response.Write "</td>"
  203. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
  204. If Rs("isBest")=0 then
  205. Response.Write "<a href=?selID="&Rs("ID")&"&action=battop>固</a>"
  206. Else
  207. Response.Write "<a href=?selID="&Rs("ID")&"&action=batutop><font color=red>解</font></a>"
  208. End If
  209. Response.Write "|"
  210. If Rs("hot")=0 then
  211. Response.Write "<a href=?selID="&Rs("ID")&"&action=bathot>荐</a>"
  212. Else
  213. Response.Write "<a href=?selID="&Rs("ID")&"&action=batuhot><font color=BLUE>普</font></a>"
  214. End If
  215. Response.Write "|"
  216. If Rs("fine")=0 then
  217. Response.Write "<a href=?selID="&Rs("ID")&"&action=batfine>精</a>"
  218. Else
  219. Response.Write "<a href=?selID="&Rs("ID")&"&action=batufine><font color=red>简</font></a>"
  220. End If
  221. Response.Write "|<a href=?ID="
  222. Response.Write Rs("ID")
  223. Response.Write "&action=edit><font color=""#008000"">编</font></a>|<a href=?selID="
  224. Response.Write Rs("ID")
  225. Response.Write "&action=batdel><font color=""#008000"">删</font></a></td>"
  226. Response.Write "</tr>"
  227. Rs.movenext
  228. i = i + 1
  229. If i >= maxperpage Then Exit Do
  230. Loop
  231. End If
  232. Rs.Close:Set Rs = Nothing
  233. Response.Write "<TR height=25>" & vbCrLf
  234. Response.Write "<TD " & LeftClass & " colspan=9><B>操作选项:<B> "
  235. Response.Write "<input class=Button type=button value='全选' onClick=""CheckAll(this.form)"">"
  236. Response.Write "<input class=Button type=button value='撤消' onClick=""CheckCel(this.form)"">"
  237. Response.Write "<input class=Button type=button value='反选' onClick=""CheckSel(this.form)""> "
  238. Response.Write "<input class=Button type=""submit"" name=""Submit1"" value=""批量固顶"" onclick=""document.selform.action.value='battop';""> "
  239. Response.Write "<input class=Button type=""submit"" name=""Submit2"" value=""批量通宵"" onclick=""document.selform.action.value='bathot';""> "
  240. Response.Write "<input class=Button type=""submit"" name=""Submit3"" value=""批量精品"" onclick=""document.selform.action.value='batfine';""> "
  241. Response.Write "<input class=Button type=""submit"" name=""Submit4"" value=""批量审核"" onclick=""document.selform.action.value='batulock';""> "
  242. Response.Write "<input class=Button type=""submit"" name=""Submit5"" value=""批量删除"" onclick=""document.selform.action.value='batdel';""> "
  243. Response.Write "<input class=Button type=""submit"" name=""Submit6"" value=""生成HTML"" onclick=""document.selform.action.value='bathtml';"">"
  244. Response.Write "</td>" & vbCrLf
  245. Response.Write "</tr>" & vbCrLf
  246. Response.Write "</form>" & vbCrLf
  247. Response.Write "<TR height=25>" & vbCrLf
  248. Response.Write "<TD " & RightClass & " colspan=9>" & vbCrLf
  249. tee5.ShowListPage CurrentPage,Pcount,totalrec,maxperpage,"","私服管理"
  250. Response.Write "</TD></TR></TABLE>" & vbCrLf
  251. End Sub
  252. '=========================================================
  253. '作者声明:转载请保留版权信息,鄙视不要脸的人
  254. '程序制作:╲、衡少゛  QQ: 18159079
  255. '官方网站:蓝宇网络(
  256. '=========================================================
  257. ' Copyright 2004-2007 863sf.Cn - All Rights Reserved.
  258. '=========================================================
  259. '=================================================
  260. '过程名:UlockGame
  261. '作  用:私服审核管理
  262. '=================================================
  263. Sub UlockGame()
  264. Response.Write "<table border=""0"" cellspacing=""1"" cellpadding=""3"" align=center class=""tableBorder"">"
  265. Response.Write " <tr>"
  266. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""5%"">选择</th>"
  267. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""9%"">类型</th>"
  268. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""16%"">名称</th>"
  269. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""15%"">IP</th>"
  270. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""*"">开机时间</th>"
  271. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""12%"">客服</th>"
  272. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""5%"">主页</th>"
  273. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""15%"">操作</th>"
  274. Response.Write "</tr>"
  275. Response.Write " <form name=selform method=Get action="""">"
  276. Response.Write " <input type=hIDden name=action value=''>"
  277. Sql="select Gq_sfdata.ID,,Gq_sfdata.IP,Gq_sfdata.service,Gq_sfdata.Sdate,Gq_sfdata.hour,Gq_sfdata.minute,Gq_sfdata.addr,Gq_sfdata.xingzhi,Gq_sfdata.QQ,Gq_sfdata.homepage,,Gq_sfdata.addtime,Gq_sfdata.ulock,Gq_sfdata.isBest,Gq_sfdata.BestTime,Gq_sfdata.gameID,"
  278. Sql=Sql&" from Gq_sfdata,Gq_GameType where Gq_sfdata.gameID=Gq_GameType.ID and Gq_sfdata.ulock=0"
  279. Sql=Sql&" order by Gq_sfdata.ID desc"
  280. Sql,conn,1,1 
  281. If Rs.eof and Rs.bof then
  282. Response.Write "<tr><td align='center' class=tablerow1 colspan='8'>当前没有未通过审核的私服!</td></tr>"
  283. Else 
  284. totalrec = Rs.RecordCount
  285. Pcount = CLng(totalrec / maxperpage)  '得到总页数
  286. If Pcount < totalrec / maxperpage Then Pcount = Pcount + 1
  287. If CurrentPage < 1 Then CurrentPage = 1
  288. If CurrentPage > Pcount Then CurrentPage = Pcount
  289. Rs.PageSize = maxperpage
  290. Rs.AbsolutePage = CurrentPage
  291. i = 0
  292. Do While Not Rs.EOF And i < maxperpage
  293. If Not Response.IsClientConnected Then ResponseEnd
  294. Response.Write " <tr>"
  295. Response.Write " <td " & CenterClass & "><input type=""checkbox"" name=""selID"" value="""
  296. Response.Write Rs("ID")
  297. Response.Write """></td>"
  298. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
  299. Response.Write Rs("game")
  300. Response.Write "</td>"
  301. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
  302. Response.Write Rs("name")
  303. Response.Write "</td>"
  304. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
  305. Response.Write Rs("ip")
  306. Response.Write "</td>"
  307. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
  308. If Rs("Sdate")<>"" then
  309. Response.Write year(Rs("sdate"))&"年"&month(Rs("sdate"))&"月"&day(Rs("Sdate"))&"日" & Rs("hour") & "时" & Rs("minute") & "分"
  310. End If
  311. Response.Write "</td>"
  312. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
  313. Response.Write Rs("QQ")
  314. Response.Write "</td>"
  315. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
  316. If Rs("homepage")="" or Rs("homepage")="无" or Rs("homepage")="http://" then
  317. Response.Write "未知"
  318. Else
  319. Response.Write "<a href="&Rs("homepage")&" target=_blank><FONT color=#0000FF>查看</FONT></a>"
  320. End If
  321. Response.Write "</td>"
  322. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & "><a href=?ID="
  323. Response.Write Rs("ID")
  324. Response.Write "&action=edit><font color=""#008000"">编辑</font></a> | <a href=?selID="
  325. Response.Write Rs("ID")
  326. Response.Write "&action=batdel><font color=""#008000"">删除</font></a></td>"
  327. Response.Write "</tr>"
  328. Rs.movenext
  329. i = i + 1
  330. If i >= maxperpage Then Exit Do
  331. Loop
  332. End If
  333. Rs.Close:Set Rs = Nothing
  334. Response.Write "<TR height=25>" & vbCrLf
  335. Response.Write "<TD " & LeftClass & " colspan=8><B>操作选项:<B> "
  336. Response.Write "<input class=Button type=button value='全选' onClick=""CheckAll(this.form)"">"
  337. Response.Write "<input class=Button type=button value='撤消' onClick=""CheckCel(this.form)"">"
  338. Response.Write "<input class=Button type=button value='反选' onClick=""CheckSel(this.form)""> "
  339. Response.Write "<input class=Button type=""submit"" name=""Submit1"" value=批量审核 onclick=""document.selform.action.value='batulock';""> "
  340. Response.Write "<input class=Button type=""submit"" name=""Submit2"" value=批量删除 onclick=""document.selform.action.value='batdel';"">"
  341. Response.Write "</td>" & vbCrLf
  342. Response.Write "</tr>" & vbCrLf
  343. Response.Write "</form>" & vbCrLf
  344. Response.Write "<TR height=25>" & vbCrLf
  345. Response.Write "<TD " & RightClass & " colspan=8>" & vbCrLf
  346. tee5.ShowListPage CurrentPage,Pcount,totalrec,maxperpage,"&action=ulock","私服审核"
  347. Response.Write "</TD></TR></TABLE>" & vbCrLf
  348. End Sub
  349. '=========================================================
  350. '作者声明:转载请保留版权信息,鄙视不要脸的人
  351. '程序制作:╲、衡少゛  QQ: 18159079
  352. '官方网站:蓝宇网络(
  353. '=========================================================
  354. ' Copyright 2004-2007 863sf.Cn - All Rights Reserved.
  355. '=========================================================
  356. '=================================================
  357. '过程名:TopGame
  358. '作  用:固顶推荐管理
  359. '=================================================
  360. Sub TopGame()
  361. Response.Write "<table border=""0"" cellspacing=""1"" cellpadding=""3"" align=center class=""tableBorder"">"
  362. Response.Write " <tr>"
  363. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""5%"">选择</th>"
  364. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""9%"">类型</th>"
  365. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""16%"">名称</th>"
  366. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""15%"">IP</th>"
  367. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""*"">开机时间</th>"
  368. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""18%"">推荐时间</th>"
  369. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""6%"">广告</th>"
  370. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""8%"">操作</th>"
  371. Response.Write "</tr>"
  372. Response.Write " <form name=selform method=Get action="""">"
  373. Response.Write " <input type=hIDden name=action value=''>"
  374. Sql="select Gq_sfdata.ID,,Gq_sfdata.IP,Gq_sfdata.service,Gq_sfdata.Sdate,Gq_sfdata.hour,Gq_sfdata.minute,Gq_sfdata.addr,Gq_sfdata.xingzhi,Gq_sfdata.homepage,,Gq_sfdata.addtime,Gq_sfdata.ulock,Gq_sfdata.isBest,Gq_sfdata.BestTime,Gq_sfdata.Daytime,Gq_sfdata.gameID,"
  375. Sql=Sql&" from Gq_sfdata,Gq_gametype where Gq_sfdata.gameID=Gq_gametype.ID and Gq_sfdata.isBest=1"
  376. Sql=Sql&" order by Gq_sfdata.ID desc"
  377. Sql,conn,1,1 
  378. If Rs.eof and Rs.bof then 
  379. Response.Write "<tr><td align='center' class=tablerow1 colspan='8'>当前没有固顶推荐的私服!</td></tr>"
  380. Else 
  381. totalrec = Rs.RecordCount
  382. Pcount = CLng(totalrec / maxperpage)  '得到总页数
  383. If Pcount < totalrec / maxperpage Then Pcount = Pcount + 1
  384. If CurrentPage < 1 Then CurrentPage = 1
  385. If CurrentPage > Pcount Then CurrentPage = Pcount
  386. Rs.PageSize = maxperpage
  387. Rs.AbsolutePage = CurrentPage
  388. i = 0
  389. Do While Not Rs.EOF And i < maxperpage
  390. If Not Response.IsClientConnected Then ResponseEnd
  391. Response.Write " <tr>"
  392. Response.Write " <td " & CenterClass & "><input type=""checkbox"" name=""selID"" value="""
  393. Response.Write Rs("ID")
  394. Response.Write """></td>"
  395. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
  396. Response.Write Rs("game")
  397. Response.Write "</td>"
  398. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
  399. Response.Write Rs("name")
  400. Response.Write "</td>"
  401. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
  402. Response.Write Rs("ip")
  403. Response.Write "</td>"
  404. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
  405. If Rs("Sdate")<>"" then
  406. Response.Write year(Rs("sdate"))&"年"&month(Rs("sdate"))&"月"&day(Rs("Sdate"))&"日" & Rs("hour") & "时" & Rs("minute") & "分"
  407. End If
  408. Response.Write "</td>"
  409. AdsTime=Rs("Daytime")+1
  410. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
  411. Response.Write Rs("BestTime")
  412. Response.Write "</td>"
  413. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
  414. If Rs("Daytime")=0 then
  415. Response.Write "<FONT color=#FF0000>一天</FONT>"
  416. Else
  417. Response.Write AdsTime
  418. Response.Write "天"
  419. End If
  420. Response.Write "</td>"
  421. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
  422. If Rs("isBest")=0 then
  423. Response.Write "<a href=?ID="&Rs("ID")&"&act=top>固</a>"
  424. Else
  425. Response.Write "<a href=?selID="&Rs("ID")&"&action=batutop><font color=red>解</font></a>"
  426. End If
  427. Response.Write "|<a href=?ID="
  428. Response.Write Rs("ID")
  429. Response.Write "&action=edit><font color=""#008000"">编</font></a>|<a href=?selID="
  430. Response.Write Rs("ID")
  431. Response.Write "&action=batdel><font color=""#008000"">删</font></a></td>"
  432. Response.Write "</tr>"
  433. Rs.movenext
  434. i = i + 1
  435. If i >= maxperpage Then Exit Do
  436. Loop
  437. End If
  438. Rs.Close:Set Rs = Nothing
  439. Response.Write "<TR height=25>" & vbCrLf
  440. Response.Write "<TD " & LeftClass & " colspan=8><B>操作选项:<B> "
  441. Response.Write "<input class=Button type=button value='全选' onClick=""CheckAll(this.form)"">"
  442. Response.Write "<input class=Button type=button value='撤消' onClick=""CheckCel(this.form)"">"
  443. Response.Write "<input class=Button type=button value='反选' onClick=""CheckSel(this.form)""> "
  444. Response.Write "<input class=Button type=""submit"" name=""Submit1"" value=批量解固 onclick=""document.selform.action.value='batuTop';""> "
  445. Response.Write "<input class=Button type=""submit"" name=""Submit2"" value=批量删除 onclick=""document.selform.action.value='batdel';"">"
  446. Response.Write "</td>" & vbCrLf
  447. Response.Write "</tr>" & vbCrLf
  448. Response.Write "</form>" & vbCrLf
  449. Response.Write "<TR height=25>" & vbCrLf
  450. Response.Write "<TD " & RightClass & " colspan=8>" & vbCrLf
  451. tee5.ShowListPage CurrentPage,Pcount,totalrec,maxperpage,"&action=top","固顶私服"
  452. Response.Write "</TD></TR></TABLE>" & vbCrLf
  453. End Sub
  454. '=========================================================
  455. '作者声明:转载请保留版权信息,鄙视不要脸的人
  456. '程序制作:╲、衡少゛  QQ: 18159079
  457. '官方网站:蓝宇网络(
  458. '=========================================================
  459. ' Copyright 2004-2007 863sf.Cn - All Rights Reserved.
  460. '=========================================================
  461. '=================================================
  462. '过程名:HotGame
  463. '作  用:通宵推荐管理
  464. '=================================================
  465. Sub HotGame()
  466. Response.Write "<table border=""0"" cellspacing=""1"" cellpadding=""3"" align=center class=""tableBorder"">"
  467. Response.Write " <tr>"
  468. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""5%"">选择</th>"
  469. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""9%"">类型</th>"
  470. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""16%"">名称</th>"
  471. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""15%"">IP</th>"
  472. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""*"">开机时间</th>"
  473. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""18%"">推荐时间</th>"
  474. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""5%"">广告</th>"
  475. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""6%"">人气</th>"
  476. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""8%"">操作</th>"
  477. Response.Write "</tr>"
  478. Response.Write " <form name=selform method=Get action="""">"
  479. Response.Write " <input type=hIDden name=action value=''>"
  480. Sql="select Gq_sfdata.ID,,Gq_sfdata.IP,Gq_sfdata.service,Gq_sfdata.Sdate,Gq_sfdata.hour,Gq_sfdata.minute,Gq_sfdata.addr,Gq_sfdata.xingzhi,Gq_sfdata.QQ,Gq_sfdata.homepage,,Gq_sfdata.addtime,Gq_sfdata.ulock,,Gq_sfdata.hottime,Gq_sfdata.Daytime,Gq_sfdata.hits,Gq_sfdata.gameID,"
  481. Sql=Sql&" from Gq_sfdata,Gq_GameType where Gq_sfdata.gameID=Gq_GameType.ID and"
  482. Sql=Sql&" order by Gq_sfdata.ID desc"
  483. Sql,conn,1,1 
  484. If Rs.eof and Rs.bof then
  485. Response.Write "<tr><td align='center' class=tablerow1 colspan='9'>当前没有通宵推荐私服!</td></tr>"
  486. Else 
  487. totalrec = Rs.RecordCount
  488. Pcount = CLng(totalrec / maxperpage)  '得到总页数
  489. If Pcount < totalrec / maxperpage Then Pcount = Pcount + 1
  490. If CurrentPage < 1 Then CurrentPage = 1
  491. If CurrentPage > Pcount Then CurrentPage = Pcount
  492. Rs.PageSize = maxperpage
  493. Rs.AbsolutePage = CurrentPage
  494. i = 0
  495. Do While Not Rs.EOF And i < maxperpage
  496. If Not Response.IsClientConnected Then ResponseEnd
  497. Response.Write " <tr>"
  498. Response.Write " <td " & CenterClass & "><input type=""checkbox"" name=""selID"" value="""
  499. Response.Write Rs("ID")
  500. Response.Write """></td>"
  501. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
  502. Response.Write Rs("game")
  503. Response.Write "</td>"
  504. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
  505. Response.Write Rs("name")
  506. Response.Write "</td>"
  507. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
  508. Response.Write Rs("ip")
  509. Response.Write "</td>"
  510. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
  511. If Rs("Sdate")<>"" then
  512. Response.Write year(Rs("sdate"))&"年"&month(Rs("sdate"))&"月"&day(Rs("Sdate"))&"日" & Rs("hour") & "时" & Rs("minute") & "分"
  513. End If
  514. Response.Write "</td>"
  515. AdsTime=Rs("Daytime")+1
  516. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
  517. Response.Write Rs("hottime")
  518. Response.Write "</td>"
  519. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
  520. If Rs("Daytime")=0 then
  521. Response.Write "<FONT color=#FF0000>一天</FONT>"
  522. Else
  523. Response.Write AdsTime
  524. Response.Write "天"
  525. End If
  526. Response.Write "</td>"
  527. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
  528. Response.Write "<font color=red>"
  529. Response.Write Rs("hits")
  530. Response.Write "</font></td>"
  531. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
  532. If Rs("hot")=0 then
  533. Response.Write "<a href=?selID="
  534. Response.Write Rs("ID")
  535. Response.Write "&action=bathot>荐</a>"
  536. Else
  537. Response.Write "<a href=?selID="
  538. Response.Write Rs("ID")
  539. Response.Write "&action=batuhot><font color=red>普</font></a>"
  540. End If
  541. Response.Write "|<a href=?ID="
  542. Response.Write Rs("ID")
  543. Response.Write "&action=edit><font color=""#008000"">编</font></a>|<a href=?selID="
  544. Response.Write Rs("ID")
  545. Response.Write "&action=batdel><font color=""#008000"">删</font></a></td>"
  546. Response.Write "</tr>"
  547. Rs.movenext
  548. i = i + 1
  549. If i >= maxperpage Then Exit Do
  550. Loop
  551. End If
  552. Rs.Close:Set Rs = Nothing
  553. Response.Write "<TR height=25>" & vbCrLf
  554. Response.Write "<TD " & LeftClass & " colspan=9><B>操作选项:<B> "
  555. Response.Write "<input class=Button type=button value='全选' onClick=""CheckAll(this.form)"">"
  556. Response.Write "<input class=Button type=button value='撤消' onClick=""CheckCel(this.form)"">"
  557. Response.Write "<input class=Button type=button value='反选' onClick=""CheckSel(this.form)""> "
  558. Response.Write "<input class=Button type=""submit"" name=""Submit1"" value=批量解荐 onclick=""document.selform.action.value='batuHot';""> "
  559. Response.Write "<input class=Button type=""submit"" name=""Submit2"" value=批量删除 onclick=""document.selform.action.value='batdel';"">"
  560. Response.Write "</td>" & vbCrLf
  561. Response.Write "</tr>" & vbCrLf
  562. Response.Write "</form>" & vbCrLf
  563. Response.Write "<TR height=25>" & vbCrLf
  564. Response.Write "<TD " & RightClass & " colspan=9>" & vbCrLf
  565. tee5.ShowListPage CurrentPage,Pcount,totalrec,maxperpage,"&action=hot","通宵私服"
  566. Response.Write "</TD></TR></TABLE>" & vbCrLf
  567. End Sub
  568. '=========================================================
  569. '作者声明:转载请保留版权信息,鄙视不要脸的人
  570. '程序制作:╲、衡少゛  QQ: 18159079
  571. '官方网站:蓝宇网络(
  572. '=========================================================
  573. ' Copyright 2004-2007 863sf.Cn - All Rights Reserved.
  574. '=========================================================
  575. '=================================================
  576. '过程名:FineGame
  577. '作  用:精品推荐管理
  578. '=================================================
  579. Sub FineGame()
  580. Response.Write "<table border=""0"" cellspacing=""1"" cellpadding=""3"" align=center class=""tableBorder"">"
  581. Response.Write " <tr>"
  582. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""5%"">选择</th>"
  583. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""9%"">类型</th>"
  584. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""16%"">名称</th>"
  585. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""15%"">IP</th>"
  586. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""*"">开机时间</th>"
  587. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""18%"">推荐时间</th>"
  588. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""6%"">广告</th>"
  589. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""6%"">人气</th>"
  590. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""8%"">操作</th>"
  591. Response.Write "</tr>"
  592. Response.Write " <form name=selform method=Get action="""">"
  593. Response.Write " <input type=hIDden name=action value=''>"
  594. Sql="select Gq_sfdata.ID,,Gq_sfdata.IP,Gq_sfdata.service,Gq_sfdata.Sdate,Gq_sfdata.hour,Gq_sfdata.minute,Gq_sfdata.addr,Gq_sfdata.xingzhi,Gq_sfdata.homepage,,Gq_sfdata.addtime,Gq_sfdata.ulock,Gq_sfdata.Fine,Gq_sfdata.Finetime,Gq_sfdata.Daytime,Gq_sfdata.hits,Gq_sfdata.gameID,"
  595. Sql=Sql&" from Gq_sfdata,Gq_GameType where Gq_sfdata.gameID=Gq_GameType.ID and Gq_sfdata.Fine=1"
  596. Sql=Sql&" order by Gq_sfdata.ID desc"
  597. Sql,conn,1,1 
  598. If Rs.eof and Rs.bof then
  599. Response.Write "<tr><td align='center' class=tablerow1 colspan='9'>当前还没有精品私服推荐!</td></tr>"
  600. Else 
  601. totalrec = Rs.RecordCount
  602. Pcount = CLng(totalrec / maxperpage)  '得到总页数
  603. If Pcount < totalrec / maxperpage Then Pcount = Pcount + 1
  604. If CurrentPage < 1 Then CurrentPage = 1
  605. If CurrentPage > Pcount Then CurrentPage = Pcount
  606. Rs.PageSize = maxperpage
  607. Rs.AbsolutePage = CurrentPage
  608. i = 0
  609. Do While Not Rs.EOF And i < maxperpage
  610. If Not Response.IsClientConnected Then ResponseEnd
  611. Response.Write " <tr>"
  612. Response.Write " <td " & CenterClass & "><input type=""checkbox"" name=""selID"" value="""
  613. Response.Write Rs("ID")
  614. Response.Write """></td>"
  615. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
  616. Response.Write Rs("game")
  617. Response.Write "</td>"
  618. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
  619. Response.Write Rs("name")
  620. Response.Write "</td>"
  621. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
  622. Response.Write Rs("ip")
  623. Response.Write "</td>"
  624. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
  625. If Rs("Sdate")<>"" then
  626. Response.Write year(Rs("sdate"))&"年"&month(Rs("sdate"))&"月"&day(Rs("Sdate"))&"日" & Rs("hour") & "时" & Rs("minute") & "分"
  627. End If
  628. Response.Write "</td>"
  629. AdsTime=Rs("Daytime")+1
  630. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
  631. Response.Write Rs("finetime")
  632. Response.Write "</td>"
  633. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
  634. If Rs("Daytime")=0 then
  635. Response.Write "<FONT color=#FF0000>一天</FONT>"
  636. Else
  637. Response.Write AdsTime
  638. Response.Write "天"
  639. End If
  640. Response.Write "</td>"
  641. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & "><font color=red>"
  642. Response.Write Rs("hits")
  643. Response.Write "</font></td>"
  644. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
  645. If Rs("fine")=0 then
  646. Response.Write "<a href=?selID="&Rs("ID")&"&action=batfine>精</a>"
  647. Else
  648. Response.Write "<a href=?selID="&Rs("ID")&"&action=batufine><font color=red>简</font></a>"
  649. End If
  650. Response.Write "|<a href=?ID="
  651. Response.Write Rs("ID")
  652. Response.Write "&action=edit><font color=""#008000"">编</font></a>|<a href=?selID="
  653. Response.Write Rs("ID")
  654. Response.Write "&action=batdel><font color=""#008000"">删</font></a></td>"
  655. Response.Write "</tr>"
  656. Rs.movenext
  657. i = i + 1
  658. If i >= maxperpage Then Exit Do
  659. Loop
  660. End If
  661. Rs.Close:Set Rs = Nothing
  662. Response.Write "<TR height=25>" & vbCrLf
  663. Response.Write "<TD " & LeftClass & " colspan=9><B>操作选项:<B> "
  664. Response.Write "<input class=Button type=button value='全选' onClick=""CheckAll(this.form)"">"
  665. Response.Write "<input class=Button type=button value='撤消' onClick=""CheckCel(this.form)"">"
  666. Response.Write "<input class=Button type=button value='反选' onClick=""CheckSel(this.form)""> "
  667. Response.Write "<input class=Button type=""submit"" name=""Submit1"" value=批量解精 onclick=""document.selform.action.value='batuFine';""> "
  668. Response.Write "<input class=Button type=""submit"" name=""Submit2"" value=批量删除 onclick=""document.selform.action.value='batdel';"">"
  669. Response.Write "</td>" & vbCrLf
  670. Response.Write "</tr>" & vbCrLf
  671. Response.Write "</form>" & vbCrLf
  672. Response.Write "<TR height=25>" & vbCrLf
  673. Response.Write "<TD " & RightClass & " colspan=9>" & vbCrLf
  674. tee5.ShowListPage CurrentPage,Pcount,totalrec,maxperpage,"&action=fine","精品私服"
  675. Response.Write "</TD></TR></TABLE>" & vbCrLf
  676. End Sub
  677. '=================================================
  678. '过程名:FineGame2
  679. '作  用:固顶精品推荐管理
  680. '=================================================
  681. Sub FineGame2()
  682. Response.Write "<table border=""0"" cellspacing=""1"" cellpadding=""3"" align=center class=""tableBorder"">"
  683. Response.Write " <tr>"
  684. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""5%"">选择</th>"
  685. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""9%"">类型</th>"
  686. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""16%"">名称</th>"
  687. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""15%"">IP</th>"
  688. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""*"">开机时间</th>"
  689. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""18%"">推荐时间</th>"
  690. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""6%"">广告</th>"
  691. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""6%"">人气</th>"
  692. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""8%"">操作</th>"
  693. Response.Write "</tr>"
  694. Response.Write " <form name=selform method=Get action="""">"
  695. Response.Write " <input type=hIDden name=action value=''>"
  696. Sql="select Gq_sfdata.ID,,Gq_sfdata.IP,Gq_sfdata.service,Gq_sfdata.Sdate,Gq_sfdata.hour,Gq_sfdata.minute,Gq_sfdata.addr,Gq_sfdata.xingzhi,Gq_sfdata.homepage,,Gq_sfdata.addtime,Gq_sfdata.ulock,Gq_sfdata.Fine,Gq_sfdata.Finetime,Gq_sfdata.Daytime,Gq_sfdata.hits,Gq_sfdata.gameID,"
  697. Sql=Sql&" from Gq_sfdata,Gq_GameType where Gq_sfdata.gameID=Gq_GameType.ID and Gq_sfdata.Fine=2"
  698. Sql=Sql&" order by Gq_sfdata.ID desc"
  699. Sql,conn,1,1 
  700. If Rs.eof and Rs.bof then
  701. Response.Write "<tr><td align='center' class=tablerow1 colspan='9'>当前还没有固顶精品私服推荐!</td></tr>"
  702. Else 
  703. totalrec = Rs.RecordCount
  704. Pcount = CLng(totalrec / maxperpage)  '得到总页数
  705. If Pcount < totalrec / maxperpage Then Pcount = Pcount + 1
  706. If CurrentPage < 1 Then CurrentPage = 1
  707. If CurrentPage > Pcount Then CurrentPage = Pcount
  708. Rs.PageSize = maxperpage
  709. Rs.AbsolutePage = CurrentPage
  710. i = 0
  711. Do While Not Rs.EOF And i < maxperpage
  712. If Not Response.IsClientConnected Then ResponseEnd
  713. Response.Write " <tr>"
  714. Response.Write " <td " & CenterClass & "><input type=""checkbox"" name=""selID"" value="""
  715. Response.Write Rs("ID")
  716. Response.Write """></td>"
  717. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
  718. Response.Write Rs("game")
  719. Response.Write "</td>"
  720. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
  721. Response.Write Rs("name")
  722. Response.Write "</td>"
  723. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
  724. Response.Write Rs("ip")
  725. Response.Write "</td>"
  726. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
  727. If Rs("Sdate")<>"" then
  728. Response.Write year(Rs("sdate"))&"年"&month(Rs("sdate"))&"月"&day(Rs("Sdate"))&"日" & Rs("hour") & "时" & Rs("minute") & "分"
  729. End If
  730. Response.Write "</td>"
  731. AdsTime=Rs("Daytime")+1
  732. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
  733. Response.Write Rs("finetime")
  734. Response.Write "</td>"
  735. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
  736. If Rs("Daytime")=0 then
  737. Response.Write "<FONT color=#FF0000>一天</FONT>"
  738. Else
  739. Response.Write AdsTime
  740. Response.Write "天"
  741. End If
  742. Response.Write "</td>"
  743. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & "><font color=red>"
  744. Response.Write Rs("hits")
  745. Response.Write "</font></td>"
  746. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
  747. If Rs("fine")=0 then
  748. Response.Write "<a href=?selID="&Rs("ID")&"&action=batfine>精</a>"
  749. Else
  750. Response.Write "<a href=?selID="&Rs("ID")&"&action=batufine><font color=red>简</font></a>"
  751. End If
  752. Response.Write "|<a href=?ID="
  753. Response.Write Rs("ID")
  754. Response.Write "&action=edit><font color=""#008000"">编</font></a>|<a href=?selID="
  755. Response.Write Rs("ID")
  756. Response.Write "&action=batdel><font color=""#008000"">删</font></a></td>"
  757. Response.Write "</tr>"
  758. Rs.movenext
  759. i = i + 1
  760. If i >= maxperpage Then Exit Do
  761. Loop
  762. End If
  763. Rs.Close:Set Rs = Nothing
  764. Response.Write "<TR height=25>" & vbCrLf
  765. Response.Write "<TD " & LeftClass & " colspan=9><B>操作选项:<B> "
  766. Response.Write "<input class=Button type=button value='全选' onClick=""CheckAll(this.form)"">"
  767. Response.Write "<input class=Button type=button value='撤消' onClick=""CheckCel(this.form)"">"
  768. Response.Write "<input class=Button type=button value='反选' onClick=""CheckSel(this.form)""> "
  769. Response.Write "<input class=Button type=""submit"" name=""Submit1"" value=批量解精 onclick=""document.selform.action.value='batuFine';""> "
  770. Response.Write "<input class=Button type=""submit"" name=""Submit2"" value=批量删除 onclick=""document.selform.action.value='batdel';"">"
  771. Response.Write "</td>" & vbCrLf
  772. Response.Write "</tr>" & vbCrLf
  773. Response.Write "</form>" & vbCrLf
  774. Response.Write "<TR height=25>" & vbCrLf
  775. Response.Write "<TD " & RightClass & " colspan=9>" & vbCrLf
  776. tee5.ShowListPage CurrentPage,Pcount,totalrec,maxperpage,"&action=fine","固顶精品"
  777. Response.Write "</TD></TR></TABLE>" & vbCrLf
  778. End Sub
  779. '=========================================================
  780. '作者声明:转载请保留版权信息,鄙视不要脸的人
  781. '程序制作:╲、衡少゛  QQ: 18159079
  782. '官方网站:蓝宇网络(
  783. '=========================================================
  784. ' Copyright 2004-2007 863sf.Cn - All Rights Reserved.
  785. '=========================================================
  786. '=================================================
  787. '过程名:FreeGame
  788. '作  用:更多私服管理
  789. '=================================================
  790. Sub FreeGame()
  791. Response.Write "<table border=""0"" cellspacing=""1"" cellpadding=""3"" align=center class=""tableBorder"">"
  792. Response.Write " <tr>"
  793. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""5%"">选择</th>"
  794. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""9%"">类型</th>"
  795. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""16%"">名称</th>"
  796. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""15%"">IP</th>"
  797. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""*"">开机时间</th>"
  798. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""14%"">客服QQ</th>"
  799. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""7%"">审核</th>"
  800. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""14%"">操作</th>"
  801. Response.Write "</tr>"
  802. Response.Write " <form name=selform method=Get action="""">"
  803. Response.Write " <input type=hIDden name=action value=''>"
  804. 'If menu<>"" then
  805. 'Sql="select Gq_sfdata.ID,,Gq_sfdata.IP,Gq_sfdata.service,Gq_sfdata.Sdate,Gq_sfdata.hour,Gq_sfdata.minute,Gq_sfdata.addr,Gq_sfdata.xingzhi,Gq_sfdata.QQ,Gq_sfdata.homepage,,Gq_sfdata.addtime,Gq_sfdata.ulock,Gq_sfdata.isBest,,Gq_sfdata.fine,Gq_sfdata.gameID,"
  806. 'Sql=Sql&" from Gq_sfdata,Gq_gametype where Gq_sfdata.gameID=Gq_gametype.ID and Gq_sfdata.gameID="&menu
  807. 'Sql=Sql&" order by Gq_sfdata.ID desc"
  808. 'Else
  809. Sql="select Gq_sfdata.ID,,Gq_sfdata.IP,Gq_sfdata.service,Gq_sfdata.Sdate,Gq_sfdata.hour,Gq_sfdata.minute,Gq_sfdata.addr,Gq_sfdata.xingzhi,Gq_sfdata.QQ,Gq_sfdata.homepage,,Gq_sfdata.addtime,Gq_sfdata.ulock,Gq_sfdata.isBest,,Gq_sfdata.fine,Gq_sfdata.gameID,"
  810. Sql=Sql&" from Gq_sfdata,Gq_gametype where Gq_sfdata.gameID=Gq_gametype.ID and Gq_sfdata.ulock=1 and Gq_sfdata.isBest=0 and and Gq_sfdata.fine=0"
  811. Sql=Sql&" order by Gq_sfdata.ID desc"
  812. 'End If
  813. Sql,conn,1,1 
  814. If Rs.eof and Rs.bof then
  815. Response.Write "<tr><td align='center' class=tablerow1 colspan='8'>当前没有任何私服!</td></tr>"
  816. Else 
  817. totalrec = Rs.RecordCount
  818. Pcount = CLng(totalrec / maxperpage)  '得到总页数
  819. If Pcount < totalrec / maxperpage Then Pcount = Pcount + 1
  820. If CurrentPage < 1 Then CurrentPage = 1
  821. If CurrentPage > Pcount Then CurrentPage = Pcount
  822. Rs.PageSize = maxperpage
  823. Rs.AbsolutePage = CurrentPage
  824. i = 0
  825. Do While Not Rs.EOF And i < maxperpage
  826. If Not Response.IsClientConnected Then ResponseEnd
  827. Response.Write " <tr>"
  828. Response.Write " <td " & CenterClass & "><input type=""checkbox"" name=""selID"" value="""
  829. Response.Write Rs("ID")
  830. Response.Write """></td>"
  831. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
  832. Response.Write Rs("game")
  833. Response.Write "</td>"
  834. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
  835. Response.Write Rs("name")
  836. Response.Write "</td>"
  837. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
  838. Response.Write Rs("ip")
  839. Response.Write "</td>"
  840. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
  841. If Rs("Sdate")<>"" then
  842. Response.Write year(Rs("sdate"))&"年"&month(Rs("sdate"))&"月"&day(Rs("Sdate"))&"日" & Rs("hour") & "时" & Rs("minute") & "分"
  843. End If
  844. Response.Write "</td>"
  845. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
  846. Response.Write Rs("QQ")
  847. Response.Write "</td>"
  848. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
  849. If Rs("ulock")=1 then
  850. Response.Write "<font color=#CCCCCC>通过</font>"
  851. Else
  852. Response.Write "<font color=red>等待</font>"
  853. End If
  854. Response.Write "</td>"
  855. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
  856. If Rs("isBest")=0 then
  857. Response.Write "<a href=?selID="&Rs("ID")&"&action=battop>固</a>"
  858. Else
  859. Response.Write "<a href=?selID="&Rs("ID")&"&action=batutop><font color=red>解</font></a>"
  860. End If
  861. Response.Write "|"
  862. If Rs("hot")=0 then
  863. Response.Write "<a href=admin_hot.asp?selID="
  864. Response.Write Rs("ID")
  865. Response.Write "&action=bathot>荐</a>"
  866. Else
  867. Response.Write "<a href=admin_hot.asp?ID="
  868. Response.Write Rs("ID")
  869. Response.Write "&action=batuhot><font color=BLUE>普</font></a>"
  870. End If
  871. Response.Write "|<a href=?ID="
  872. Response.Write Rs("ID")
  873. Response.Write "&action=edit><font color=""#008000"">编</font></a>|<a href=?selID="
  874. Response.Write Rs("ID")
  875. Response.Write "&action=batdel><font color=""#008000"">删</font></a></td>"
  876. Response.Write "</tr>"
  877. Rs.movenext
  878. i = i + 1
  879. If i >= maxperpage Then Exit Do
  880. Loop
  881. End If
  882. Rs.Close:Set Rs = Nothing
  883. Response.Write "<TR height=25>" & vbCrLf
  884. Response.Write "<TD " & LeftClass & " colspan=8><B>操作选项:<B> "
  885. Response.Write "<input class=Button type=button value='全选' onClick=""CheckAll(this.form)"">"
  886. Response.Write "<input class=Button type=button value='撤消' onClick=""CheckCel(this.form)"">"
  887. Response.Write "<input class=Button type=button value='反选' onClick=""CheckSel(this.form)""> "
  888. Response.Write "<input class=Button type=""submit"" name=""Submit1"" value=批量审核 onclick=""document.selform.action.value='batulock';""> "
  889. Response.Write "<input class=Button type=""submit"" name=""Submit2"" value=批量删除 onclick=""document.selform.action.value='batdel';"">"
  890. Response.Write "</td>" & vbCrLf
  891. Response.Write "</tr>" & vbCrLf
  892. Response.Write "</form>" & vbCrLf
  893. Response.Write "<TR height=25>" & vbCrLf
  894. Response.Write "<TD " & RightClass & " colspan=9>" & vbCrLf
  895. tee5.ShowListPage CurrentPage,Pcount,totalrec,maxperpage,"&action=free","其他私服"
  896. Response.Write "</TD></TR></TABLE>" & vbCrLf
  897. End Sub
  898. '=========================================================
  899. '作者声明:转载请保留版权信息,鄙视不要脸的人
  900. '程序制作:╲、衡少゛  QQ: 18159079
  901. '官方网站:蓝宇网络(
  902. '=========================================================
  903. ' Copyright 2004-2007 863sf.Cn - All Rights Reserved.
  904. '=========================================================
  905. '=================================================
  906. '过程名:EditGame
  907. '作  用:私服编辑
  908. '=================================================
  909. Sub EditGame()
  910. ID=tee5.CheckStr(request("ID"))
  911. If ID="" or (not isnumeric(ID)) then
  912. tee5.OutClertScript ("参数不正确!")
  913. End If
  914. Sql="select Gq_sfdata.ID,,Gq_sfdata.IP,Gq_sfdata.service,Gq_sfdata.Sdate,Gq_sfdata.hour,Gq_sfdata.minute,Gq_sfdata.addr,Gq_sfdata.xingzhi,Gq_sfdata.QQ,Gq_sfdata.homepage,,Gq_sfdata.addtime,Gq_sfdata.ulock,Gq_sfdata.isBest,Gq_sfdata.fine,,Gq_sfdata.Daytime,Gq_sfdata.gameID, "
  915. Sql=Sql&" from Gq_sfdata,Gq_gametype where Gq_sfdata.gameID=Gq_gametype.ID and Gq_sfdata.ID="&ID
  916. Sql,conn,1,1 
  917. If Rs.bof and Rs.eof then
  918. Response.Write "<script>alert('无此数据!!!');window.close()</script>"
  919. response.end
  920. Else
  921. Response.Write "<table border=""0"" cellspacing=""1"" cellpadding=""3"" align=center class=""tableBorder"">"
  922. Response.Write "<FORM name=form1 action=admin_edit.asp method=post>"
  923. Response.Write " <tr>"
  924. Response.Write "<th colspan=""2"">私服管理--编辑私服</th>"
  925. Response.Write "</tr>"
  926. Response.Write "<TR>"
  927. Response.Write "<td wIDth=""15%"" " & RightClass & ">私服类型:</TD>"
  928. Response.Write "<td " & LeftClass & ">"
  929. Set Rs_type = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
  930. Sql_Type="select * from Gq_gametype order by orderID"
  931. Sql_type,conn,1,1
  932. Response.Write "<SELECT ID=gameID size=1 name=gameID>"
  933. If Rs_type.eof and Rs_type.bof then
  934. Response.Write "<option value= selected>请添加游戏分类</option>"
  935. Else
  936. Do While Not Rs_type.EOF
  937. If Rs_type("ID")=Rs("gameID") then
  938. Response.Write "<option value="&Rs_type("ID")&" selected>"&Rs_type("game")&"</option>"
  939. Else
  940. Response.Write "<option value="&Rs_type("ID")&">"&Rs_type("game")&"</option>"
  941. End If
  942. Rs_type.movenext
  943. loop
  944. Rs_type.close
  945. End If
  946. Response.Write "</SELECT></TD>"
  947. Response.Write "</TR>"
  948. Response.Write "<TR>"
  949. Response.Write "<td " & RightClass & ">私服名称:</TD>"
  950. Response.Write "<td " & LeftClass & "><INPUT name=name value=""" & Rs("name") & """ maxLength=14></TD>"
  951. Response.Write "</TR>"
  952. Response.Write "<tr>"
  953. Response.Write "<td " & RightClass & ">私服IP:</TD>"
  954. Response.Write "<td " & LeftClass & "><INPUT name=ip value=""" & Rs("ip") & """ maxLength=16></TD>"
  955. Response.Write "</tr>"
  956. Response.Write "<TR>"
  957. Response.Write "<td " & RightClass & ">开区时间:</TD>"
  958. Response.Write "<td " & LeftClass & "><INPUT name=sdate value=""" & Rs("sdate") & """ size=16 maxLength=16> <input name=hour value=""" & Rs("hour") & """ size=4 maxlength=4> 时 <INPUT name=minute value=""" & Rs("minute") & """ size=4 maxLength=4> 分</TD>"
  959. Response.Write "</TR>"
  960. Response.Write "<TR>"
  961. Response.Write "<td " & RightClass & ">客服QQ:</TD>"
  962. Response.Write "<td " & LeftClass & "><INPUT name=QQ value=""" & Rs("QQ") & """ maxLength=50></TD>"
  963. Response.Write "</TR>"
  964. Response.Write "<TR>"
  965. Response.Write "<td " & RightClass & ">地区线路:</TD>"
  966. Response.Write "<td " & LeftClass & ">"
  967. Response.Write "<INPUT name=addr value=""" & Rs("addr") & """ maxLength=50> "
  968. Response.Write "<SELECT ID=service size=1 name=service>"
  969. For i=0 to ubound(split(tee5.ssign,","))
  970. Response.Write " <OPTION value='"&i&"' "
  971. If Rs("Service")=i then Response.Write "selected" End If
  972. Response.Write ">"&split(tee5.ssign,",")(i)&"</option>"
  973. Next
  974. Response.Write "</SELECT></TD>"
  975. Response.Write "</TR>"
  976. Response.Write "<TR>"
  977. Response.Write "<td " & RightClass & ">版本简介:</TD>"
  978. Response.Write "<td " & LeftClass & "><INPUT name=xingzhi value=""" & Rs("xingzhi") & """ size=40 maxLength=28></TD>"
  979. Response.Write "</TR>"
  980. Response.Write "<TR>"
  981. Response.Write "<td " & RightClass & ">主页地址:</TD>"
  982. Response.Write "<td " & LeftClass & "><INPUT name=homepage value=""" & Rs("homepage") & """ size=36 maxLength=100></TD>"
  983. Response.Write "</TR>"
  984. Response.Write "<TR>"
  985. Response.Write "<td " & RightClass & ">登陆器下载:</TD>"
  986. Response.Write "<td " & LeftClass & "><INPUT name=download value=""" & Rs("download") & """ size=36 maxLength=100></TD>"
  987. Response.Write "</TR>"
  988. Response.Write "<TR>"
  989. Response.Write "<td " & RightClass & ">广告期限:</TD>"
  990. Response.Write "<td " & LeftClass & ">"
  991. Response.Write "<select name=""Daytime"" size=""1"">"
  992. Response.Write "<option selected value=""0"">请 选 择</option>"
  993. Response.Write "<OPTION value=0 "
  994. If Rs("Daytime")="0" then Response.Write "selected"
  995. Response.Write ">推荐一天</OPTION>"
  996. Response.Write "<OPTION value=1 "
  997. If Rs("Daytime")="1" then Response.Write "selected"
  998. Response.Write ">推荐二天</OPTION>"
  999. Response.Write "<OPTION value=2 "
  1000. If Rs("Daytime")="2" then Response.Write "selected"
  1001. Response.Write ">推荐三天</OPTION>"
  1002. Response.Write "<OPTION value=3 "
  1003. If Rs("Daytime")="3" then Response.Write "selected"
  1004. Response.Write ">推荐四天</OPTION>"
  1005. Response.Write "<OPTION value=4 "
  1006. If Rs("Daytime")="4" then Response.Write "selected"
  1007. Response.Write ">推荐五天</OPTION>"
  1008. Response.Write "<OPTION value=5 "
  1009. If Rs("Daytime")="5" then Response.Write "selected"
  1010. Response.Write ">推荐六天</OPTION>"
  1011. Response.Write "<OPTION value=6 "
  1012. If Rs("Daytime")="6" then Response.Write "selected"
  1013. Response.Write ">推荐七天</OPTION>"
  1014. Response.Write "</select>"
  1015. Response.Write "</TD>"
  1016. Response.Write "</TR>"
  1017. Response.Write "<TR>"
  1018. Response.Write "<td " & RightClass & ">固顶精品:</TD>"
  1019. Response.Write "<td " & LeftClass & "><input name=""fine"" type=""checkbox"" value=""2"" "
  1020. If Rs("fine")=2 then Response.Write "checked"
  1021. Response.Write "></TD>"
  1022. Response.Write "</TR>"
  1023. Response.Write "<TR>"
  1024. Response.Write "<td " & RightClass & ">精品推荐:</TD>"
  1025. Response.Write "<td " & LeftClass & "><input name=""fine"" type=""checkbox"" value=""1"" "
  1026. If Rs("fine")=1 then Response.Write "checked"
  1027. Response.Write "></TD>"
  1028. Response.Write "</TR>"
  1029. Response.Write "<TR>"
  1030. Response.Write "<td " & RightClass & ">固顶推荐:</TD>"
  1031. Response.Write "<td " & LeftClass & "><input name=""isBest"" type=""checkbox"" value=""1"" "
  1032. If Rs("isBest")=1 then Response.Write "checked"
  1033. Response.Write "></TD>"
  1034. Response.Write "</TR>"
  1035. Response.Write "<TR>"
  1036. Response.Write "<td " & RightClass & ">通宵推荐:</TD>"
  1037. Response.Write "<td " & LeftClass & "><input name=""hot"" type=""checkbox"" value=""1"" "
  1038. If Rs("hot")=1 then Response.Write "checked"
  1039. Response.Write "></TD>"
  1040. Response.Write "</TR>"
  1041. Response.Write "<TR>"
  1042. Response.Write "<td " & RightClass & ">审核状态:</TD>"
  1043. Response.Write "<td " & LeftClass & "><input name=""ulock"" type=""checkbox"" value=""1"" "
  1044. If Rs("ulock")=1 then Response.Write "checked"
  1045. Response.Write "></TD>"
  1046. Response.Write "</TR>"
  1047. Response.Write "<TR>"
  1048. Response.Write "<td " & RightClass & ">发布日期:</TD>"
  1049. Response.Write "<td " & LeftClass & "><INPUT name=addtime value="""
  1050. If Rs("addtime")="" then
  1051. Response.Write Rs("sdate")
  1052. Else
  1053. Response.Write Rs("addtime")
  1054. End If
  1055. Response.Write """ size=20 maxLength=19></TD>"
  1056. Response.Write "</TR>"
  1057. Response.Write "<TR>"
  1058. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & " colspan=""2"">"
  1059. Response.Write "<input name=""ID"" type=""hIDden"" value=""" & Rs("ID") & """>"
  1060. Response.Write "<INPUT type=submit value="" 编 辑 "" name=submit2>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"
  1061. Response.Write "<INPUT type=reset value="" 清 除 "" name=cmdcancel>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"
  1062. Response.Write "</TD>"
  1063. Response.Write "</TR>"
  1064. Response.Write "</form>"
  1065. Response.Write "</TABLE>"
  1066. End If
  1067. End Sub
  1068. '=========================================================
  1069. '作者声明:转载请保留版权信息,鄙视不要脸的人
  1070. '程序制作:╲、衡少゛  QQ: 18159079
  1071. '官方网站:蓝宇网络(
  1072. '=========================================================
  1073. ' Copyright 2004-2007 863sf.Cn - All Rights Reserved.
  1074. '=========================================================
  1075. '=================================================
  1076. '过程名:SearchGame
  1077. '作  用:私服搜索
  1078. '=================================================
  1079. Sub SearchGame()
  1080. Dim Key, Otype
  1081. Menu=tee5.CheckStr(request("menu"))
  1082. Key=tee5.CheckStr(request("key"))
  1083. Otype=tee5.CheckStr(request("otype"))
  1084. If key="" then
  1085. Response.Write "<script>alert('请输入查询条件');history.back()</script>"
  1086. response.end
  1087. End If
  1088. Response.Write "<table border=""0"" cellspacing=""1"" cellpadding=""3"" align=center class=""tableBorder"">"
  1089. Response.Write " <tr>"
  1090. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""5%"">选择</th>"
  1091. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""9%"">类型</th>"
  1092. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""16%"">名称</th>"
  1093. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""15%"">IP</th>"
  1094. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""*"">开机时间</th>"
  1095. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""6%"">人气</th>"
  1096. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""5%"">主页</th>"
  1097. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""5%"">验证</th>"
  1098. Response.Write "<th wIDth=""15%"">操作</th>"
  1099. Response.Write "</tr>"
  1100. Response.Write " <form name=selform method=Get action="""">"
  1101. Response.Write " <input type=hIDden name=action value=''>"
  1102. If menu<>"" then
  1103. Sql="select Gq_sfdata.ID,,Gq_sfdata.IP,Gq_sfdata.service,Gq_sfdata.Sdate,Gq_sfdata.hour,Gq_sfdata.minute,Gq_sfdata.addr,Gq_sfdata.xingzhi,Gq_sfdata.QQ,Gq_sfdata.hits,Gq_sfdata.homepage,,Gq_sfdata.addtime,Gq_sfdata.ulock,Gq_sfdata.isBest,Gq_sfdata.fine,Gq_sfdata.BestTime,,Gq_sfdata.gameID,"
  1104. Sql=Sql&" from Gq_SFdata,Gq_Gametype where "&otype&" like '%"&key&"%' and Gq_SFdata.gameID=Gq_gametype.ID and Gq_SFdata.gameID="&menu
  1105. Sql=Sql&" and Gq_SFdata.ulock=1 order by Gq_SFdata.addtime desc"
  1106. Else
  1107. Sql="select Gq_sfdata.ID,,Gq_sfdata.IP,Gq_sfdata.service,Gq_sfdata.Sdate,Gq_sfdata.hour,Gq_sfdata.minute,Gq_sfdata.addr,Gq_sfdata.xingzhi,Gq_sfdata.QQ,Gq_sfdata.hits,Gq_sfdata.homepage,,Gq_sfdata.addtime,Gq_sfdata.ulock,Gq_sfdata.isBest,Gq_sfdata.fine,Gq_sfdata.BestTime,,Gq_sfdata.gameID,"
  1108. Sql=Sql&" from Gq_SFdata,Gq_Gametype where "&otype&" like '%"&key&"%' and Gq_SFdata.gameID=Gq_gametype.ID"
  1109. Sql=Sql&" and Gq_SFdata.ulock=1 order by Gq_SFdata.addtime desc"
  1110. End If
  1111. Sql,conn,1,1
  1112. If Rs.eof and Rs.bof then
  1113. Response.Write "<tr><td " & CenterClass & " colspan='9'><b>Sorry!<b><font color=red>没有找到您搜索的私服~!</font></td></tr>"
  1114. Else
  1115. totalrec = Rs.RecordCount
  1116. Pcount = CLng(totalrec / maxperpage)  '得到总页数
  1117. If Pcount < totalrec / maxperpage Then Pcount = Pcount + 1
  1118. If CurrentPage < 1 Then CurrentPage = 1
  1119. If CurrentPage > Pcount Then CurrentPage = Pcount
  1120. Rs.PageSize = maxperpage
  1121. Rs.AbsolutePage = CurrentPage
  1122. i = 0
  1123. Do While Not Rs.EOF And i < maxperpage
  1124. If Not Response.IsClientConnected Then ResponseEnd
  1125. Response.Write " <tr>"
  1126. Response.Write " <td " & CenterClass & "><input type=""checkbox"" name=""selID"" value="""
  1127. Response.Write Rs("ID")
  1128. Response.Write """></td>"
  1129. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
  1130. Response.Write Rs("game")
  1131. Response.Write "</td>"
  1132. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
  1133. Response.Write Rs("name")
  1134. Response.Write "</td>"
  1135. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
  1136. Response.Write Rs("ip")
  1137. Response.Write "</td>"
  1138. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
  1139. If Rs("Sdate")<>"" then
  1140. Response.Write year(Rs("sdate"))&"年"&month(Rs("sdate"))&"月"&day(Rs("Sdate"))&"日" & Rs("hour") & "时" & Rs("minute") & "分"
  1141. End If
  1142. Response.Write "</td>"
  1143. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & "><font color=red>"
  1144. Response.Write Rs("hits")
  1145. Response.Write "</font></td>"
  1146. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
  1147. If Rs("homepage")="" or Rs("homepage")="无" or Rs("homepage")="http://" then
  1148. Response.Write "未知"
  1149. Else
  1150. Response.Write "<a href="&Rs("homepage")&" target=_blank><FONT color=#0000FF>查看</FONT></a>" 
  1151. End If
  1152. Response.Write "</td>"
  1153. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
  1154. If Rs("ulock")=1 then
  1155. Response.Write "<font color=#CCCCCC>通过</font>"
  1156. Else
  1157. Response.Write "<font color=red>等待</font>"
  1158. End If
  1159. Response.Write "</td>"
  1160. Response.Write "<td " & CenterClass & ">"
  1161. If Rs("isBest")=0 then
  1162. Response.Write "<a href=?selID="&Rs("ID")&"&action=battop>固</a>"
  1163. Else
  1164. Response.Write "<a href=?selID="&Rs("ID")&"&action=batutop><font color=red>解</font></a>"
  1165. End If
  1166. Response.Write "|"
  1167. If Rs("hot")=0 then
  1168. Response.Write "<a href=?selID="&Rs("ID")&"&action=bathot>荐</a>"
  1169. Else
  1170. Response.Write "<a href=?selID="&Rs("ID")&"&action=batuhot><font color=BLUE>普</font></a>"
  1171. End If
  1172. Response.Write "|"
  1173. If Rs("fine")=0 then
  1174. Response.Write "<a href=?selID="&Rs("ID")&"&action=batfine>精</a>"
  1175. Else
  1176. Response.Write "<a href=?selID="&Rs("ID")&"&action=batufine><font color=red>简</font></a>"
  1177. End If
  1178. Response.Write "|<a href=?ID="
  1179. Response.Write Rs("ID")
  1180. Response.Write "&action=edit><font color=""#008000"">编</font></a>|<a href=?selID="
  1181. Response.Write Rs("ID")
  1182. Response.Write "&action=batdel><font color=""#008000"">删</font></a></td>"
  1183. Response.Write "</tr>"
  1184. Rs.movenext
  1185. i = i + 1
  1186. If i >= maxperpage Then Exit Do
  1187. Loop
  1188. End If
  1189. Rs.Close:Set Rs = Nothing
  1190. Response.Write "<TR height=25>" & vbCrLf
  1191. Response.Write "<TD " & LeftClass & " colspan=9><B>操作选项:<B> "
  1192. Response.Write "<input class=Button type=button value='全选' onClick=""CheckAll(this.form)"">"
  1193. Response.Write "<input class=Button type=button value='撤消' onClick=""CheckCel(this.form)"">"
  1194. Response.Write "<input class=Button type=button value='反选' onClick=""CheckSel(this.form)""> "
  1195. Response.Write "<input class=Button type=""submit"" name=""Submit1"" value=批量固顶 onclick=""document.selform.action.value='battop';""> "
  1196. Response.Write "<input class=Button type=""submit"" name=""Submit2"" value=批量通宵 onclick=""document.selform.action.value='bathot';""> "
  1197. Response.Write "<input class=Button type=""submit"" name=""Submit3"" value=批量精品 onclick=""document.selform.action.value='batfine';""> "
  1198. Response.Write "<input class=Button type=""submit"" name=""Submit4"" value=批量审核 onclick=""document.selform.action.value='batulock';""> "
  1199. Response.Write "<input class=Button type=""submit"" name=""Submit5"" value=批量删除 onclick=""document.selform.action.value='batdel';"">"
  1200. Response.Write "</td>" & vbCrLf
  1201. Response.Write "</tr>" & vbCrLf
  1202. Response.Write "</form>" & vbCrLf
  1203. Response.Write "<TR height=25>" & vbCrLf
  1204. Response.Write "<TD " & RightClass & " colspan=9>" & vbCrLf
  1205. tee5.ShowListPage CurrentPage,Pcount,totalrec,maxperpage,"&action=search","私服搜索"
  1206. Response.Write "</TD></TR></TABLE>" & vbCrLf
  1207. End Sub
  1208. Sub BatTop()
  1209. tee5.Execute ("update Gq_SfData set isBest=1,Ulock=1,Daytime=3,BestTime=Now() where ID in (" & Request("selID") & ")")
  1210. Response.redirect (Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER"))
  1211. End Sub
  1212. Sub BatHot()
  1213. tee5.Execute ("update Gq_SfData set Hot=1,Ulock=1,Daytime=3,HotTime=Now() where ID in (" & Request("selID") & ")")
  1214. Response.redirect (Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER"))
  1215. End Sub
  1216. Sub BatFine()
  1217. tee5.Execute ("update Gq_SfData set Fine=1,Ulock=1,Daytime=3,FineTime=Now() where ID in (" & Request("selID") & ")")
  1218. Response.redirect (Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER"))
  1219. End Sub
  1220. Sub BatUlock()
  1221. tee5.Execute ("update Gq_SfData set Ulock=1 where ID in (" & Request("selID") & ")")
  1222. Response.redirect (Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER"))
  1223. End Sub
  1224. Sub BatDel()
  1225. If Len(Request("selID")) = "" then
  1226. response.write "<script>alert('非法操作');history.back()</script>"
  1227. Else
  1228.          If Len(Request("selID")) > 0 Then
  1229.                  SQL = "DELETE FROM [Gq_SfData] WHERE id in (" & Request("selID") & ")"
  1230.                  tee5.Execute (SQL)
  1231. End If
  1232. End If
  1233.         Succeed ("恭喜您!删除成功,请继续其他操作。")
  1234. End Sub
  1235. Sub BatUtop()
  1236. tee5.Execute ("update Gq_SfData set isBest=0,Daytime=0,BestTime=Now() where ID in (" & Request("selID") & ")")
  1237. Response.redirect (Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER"))
  1238. End Sub
  1239. Sub BatUhot()
  1240. tee5.Execute ("update Gq_SfData set Hot=0,Daytime=0,HotTime=Now() where ID in (" & Request("selID") & ")")
  1241. Response.redirect (Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER"))
  1242. End Sub
  1243. Sub BatUfine()
  1244. tee5.Execute ("update Gq_SfData set Fine=0,Daytime=0,FineTime=Now() where ID in (" & Request("selID") & ")")
  1245. Response.redirect (Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER"))
  1246. End Sub
  1247. Sub ContentIDHtml(Pattern,selID)
  1248. Dim SQLID, AllsfID
  1249. Dim totalnum, FileUrl, FolderPath, FileName, FilePath
  1250. On Error Resume Next
  1251. selID = Request("selID")
  1252. AllsfID = Split(selID, ",")
  1253. If selID = "" Then
  1254. Response.Write "<script>alert('请选择后操作');history.back()</script>"
  1255. End If
  1256. totalnum = tee5.Execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [Gq_sfdata] WHERE Ulock <> 0 And ID in (" & selID & ")")(0)
  1257. SQL = "SELECT * FROM Gq_sfData WHERE Ulock <> 0 And ID in (" & selID & ")"
  1258. Set rs = tee5.Execute(SQL)
  1259. SQL=Rs.GetRows(totalnum)
  1260. Set Rs = Nothing
  1261. If Pattern = 1 then SQLID= UBound(AllsfID): Else SQLID= UBound(SQL,2)
  1262. If Pattern = 1 then Response.Write "<ol>"
  1263. If Pattern = 1 then Response.Write "<b>生成私服内容(HTML)开始</b><br><br>"
  1264. For i = 0 To SQLID
  1265. FolderPath = tee5.ServerDir & "sf" & tee5.ServerDir
  1266. tee5.CreatPathEx (FolderPath)
  1267. FileUrl    = tee5.WebUrl & "/Temp/7.asp?ID=" & Clng(SQL(0,i))
  1268. FileName   = year(SQL(5,i)) & month(SQL(5,i)) & day(SQL(5,i)) & SQL(0,i)
  1269. FilePath   = FolderPath & FileName & ".html"
  1270. Call GetRemoteFiels(FileUrl, FolderPath, FileName)
  1271. If Pattern = 1 then Response.Write "<li style=""font-size: 12px;"">生成私服内容HTML页完成 <a href=" & FilePath & " target=_blank>" & Server.MapPath(FilePath) & "</a></li>" & vbNewLine
  1272. Response.Flush
  1273. Next
  1274. If Pattern = 1 then Response.Write "<br><br><b>恭喜您!私服内容HTML全部生成完毕!</b>"
  1275. If Pattern = 1 then Response.Write "</ol>"
  1276. End Sub
  1277. %>