资源名称:simple.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- origin (1472, 4432)
- terminus (1887, 4432)
- ordinal 36)
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- location (16, 4560)
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- size 10
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- italics FALSE
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- size 10
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- quidu "419E921C0393"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 979
- justify 0
- label "HandleEnter(OhipNum,DoctorName,DoctorPhone)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @1645
- supplier @1693
- Focus_Src @1660
- Focus_Entry @1695
- origin (128, 4560)
- terminus (1887, 4560)
- ordinal 37)
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- location (16, 4656)
- font (object Font
- size 10
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- italics FALSE
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- size 10
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- justify 0
- label "HandleSelect(Allergies,AsthmaStatus,MedicationStatus)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
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- client @1645
- supplier @1693
- Focus_Src @1661
- Focus_Entry @1696
- origin (128, 4656)
- terminus (1887, 4656)
- ordinal 38)
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- location (16, 4736)
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- size 10
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- size 10
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- label "HandleClick(Continue)"
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- height 45
- orientation 0)
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- client @1645
- supplier @1693
- Focus_Src @1662
- Focus_Entry @1697
- origin (128, 4736)
- terminus (1887, 4736)
- ordinal 39)
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- location (16, 4816)
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- size 10
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- size 10
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- anchor_loc 1
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- max_width 841
- justify 0
- label "InitiateAddMedicalInfo(StudentMedicalInfo)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
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- client @1693
- supplier @1708
- Focus_Src @1698
- Focus_Entry @1726
- origin (1888, 4816)
- terminus (2767, 4816)
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- location (16, 4896)
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- size 10
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- size 10
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- max_width 863
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- label "AddStudentMedicalInfo(StudentMedicalInfo)"
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- height 45
- orientation 0)
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- client @1708
- supplier @1759
- Focus_Src @1727
- Focus_Entry @1761
- origin (2768, 4896)
- terminus (4015, 4896)
- ordinal 41)
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- location (16, 5024)
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- size 10
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- size 10
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- anchor_loc 1
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- justify 0
- label "HandleDisplay()"
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- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @1708
- supplier @1699
- Focus_Src @1728
- Focus_Entry @1700
- origin (2767, 5024)
- terminus (2449, 5024)
- ordinal 42)
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- location (16, 5104)
- font (object Font
- size 10
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- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
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- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
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- size 10
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- color 0
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- anchor_loc 1
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- justify 0
- label "HandleEnter(PreviousSchool,PSAddress,PScity,PSprov,PSpostal,PSphone,PSPrincipal,SpecialProgramInfo)"
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- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @1645
- supplier @1699
- Focus_Src @1663
- Focus_Entry @1701
- origin (128, 5104)
- terminus (2447, 5104)
- ordinal 43)
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- size 10
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- size 10
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- anchor_loc 1
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- max_width 716
- justify 0
- label "HandleEnter(class,gradelevel,mark)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
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- client @1645
- supplier @1699
- Focus_Src @1664
- Focus_Entry @1702
- origin (128, 5184)
- terminus (2447, 5184)
- ordinal 44)
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- size 10
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- size 10
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- strike FALSE
- color 0
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- label "HandleClick(Add)"
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- height 45
- orientation 0)
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- supplier @1699
- Focus_Src @1665
- Focus_Entry @1703
- origin (128, 5264)
- terminus (2447, 5264)
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- size 10
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- location (394, 5061)
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- label "In the scenario, there were many previous courses taken added, for the sake of this I will only add the one (statement 47)")
- line_color 3342489
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- location (16, 5360)
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- size 10
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- size 10
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- bold FALSE
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- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
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- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 857
- justify 0
- label "HandleDisplay(UpdatePreviousCourseData)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @1699
- supplier @1699
- Focus_Src @1705
- Focus_Entry @1704
- origin (2449, 5360)
- terminus (2599, 5360)
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- size 10
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- size 10
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- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
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- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
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- justify 0
- label "HandleClick(Finish)"
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- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @1645
- supplier @1699
- Focus_Src @1666
- Focus_Entry @1706
- origin (128, 5504)
- terminus (2447, 5504)
- ordinal 47)
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- size 10
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- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
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- size 10
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- bold FALSE
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- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- quidu "419E958702E6"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 1313
- justify 0
- label "AddPreviousEducationInfo(PreviousSchoolInfo,PreviousEducationInfo)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @1735
- supplier @1762
- Focus_Src @1745
- Focus_Entry @1764
- origin (3072, 5696)
- terminus (4383, 5696)
- ordinal 49)
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- location (5152, 5872)
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- size 10
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- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
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- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
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- size 10
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- bold FALSE
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- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- quidu "419E95960316"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 513
- justify 0
- label "CreatePreviousSchool( )"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @1762
- supplier @1766
- Focus_Src @1765
- Focus_Entry @1767
- origin (4384, 5872)
- terminus (4719, 5872)
- ordinal 51)
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- location (2912, 5824)
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- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
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- location (2919, 5780)
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- size 10
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- bold FALSE
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- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
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- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 494
- justify 0
- label "CreateStudent(Student)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @1708
- supplier @1735
- Focus_Src @1730
- Focus_Entry @1746
- origin (2768, 5824)
- terminus (3071, 5824)
- ordinal 50)
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- location (2912, 5936)
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- size 10
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- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
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- location (2919, 5892)
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- size 10
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- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
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- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- quidu "419E96D90353"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 719
- justify 0
- label "CopyStudent(Student,TempRecord)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @1708
- supplier @1735
- Focus_Src @1731
- Focus_Entry @1747
- origin (2768, 5936)
- terminus (3071, 5936)
- ordinal 52)
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- location (2912, 6048)
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- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
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- location (2919, 6004)
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- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
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- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
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- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 448
- justify 0
- label "GenerateStudentID()"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @1708
- supplier @1735
- Focus_Src @1732
- Focus_Entry @1748
- origin (2768, 6048)
- terminus (3071, 6048)
- ordinal 53)
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- location (1968, 5712)
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- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
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- Parent_View @1875
- location (1680, 5596)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 4
- max_width 540
- label "This is where I'm making the actual student record with the information formed in the temp record.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 600
- height 244)
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1875
- supplier @1872
- line_style 0)
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1860
- supplier @1857
- line_style 0)
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- location (2928, 6128)
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- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
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- location (2919, 6084)
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- size 10
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- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
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- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- quidu "419E982D00E2"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 501
- justify 0
- label "ChangeStatus(enrolled)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @1708
- supplier @1735
- Focus_Src @1733
- Focus_Entry @1749
- origin (2768, 6128)
- terminus (3071, 6128)
- ordinal 54)
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- location (4208, 6208)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
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- location (4063, 6164)
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- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
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- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- quidu "419E987100B4"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 394
- justify 0
- label "AddYearlyFees( )"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @1735
- supplier @1768
- Focus_Src @1750
- Focus_Entry @1769
- origin (3072, 6208)
- terminus (5055, 6208)
- ordinal 55)
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- location (16, 384)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
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- location (343, 340)
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- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
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- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- quidu "419E99060316"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 416
- justify 0
- label "HandleClick(Create)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @1645
- supplier @1770
- Focus_Src @1646
- Focus_Entry @1771
- origin (128, 384)
- terminus (559, 384)
- ordinal 0)
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- location (16, 480)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
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- location (1663, 436)
- font (object Font
- size 10
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- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
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- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- quidu "419E991C0279"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 473
- justify 0
- label "InitiateCreateStudent( )"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @1770
- supplier @1708
- Focus_Src @1772
- Focus_Entry @1709
- origin (560, 480)
- terminus (2767, 480)
- ordinal 1)
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- location (1664, 6256)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
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- location (1664, 6212)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- quidu "419E995301CC"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 1341
- justify 0
- label "HandleDisplay(UpdateStudentList,DisplayNewStudentInfoinQuickView)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @1708
- supplier @1770
- Focus_Src @1734
- Focus_Entry @1773
- origin (2767, 6256)
- terminus (561, 6256)
- ordinal 56)
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- location (336, 6464)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
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- location (343, 6420)
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- size 10
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- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- quidu "419E998B0084"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 441
- justify 0
- label "HandleClick(Logout)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @1645
- supplier @1770
- Focus_Src @1667
- Focus_Entry @1774
- origin (128, 6464)
- terminus (559, 6464)
- ordinal 57)
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- location (16, 5616)
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- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
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- Parent_View @1890
- location (2607, 5572)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
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- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- quidu "419F66EC0330"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 1551
- justify 0
- label "InitiateUpdateStudentEducationHistory(PreviousSchoolInfo,PreviousEducationInfo)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @1699
- supplier @1708
- Focus_Src @1707
- Focus_Entry @1729
- origin (2448, 5616)
- terminus (2767, 5616)
- ordinal 48)
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- location (3696, 3024)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
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- location (3543, 2980)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- quidu "41A7B6240267"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 378
- justify 0
- label "CreateCaregiver()"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @1751
- supplier @1756
- Focus_Src @1753
- Focus_Entry @1757
- origin (3376, 3024)
- terminus (3711, 3024)
- ordinal 25)
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- location (16, 4000)
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- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
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- Parent_View @1894
- location (3543, 3956)
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- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
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- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
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- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 388
- justify 0
- label "CreateCaregiver()"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @1751
- supplier @1756
- Focus_Src @1755
- Focus_Entry @1758
- origin (3376, 4000)
- terminus (3711, 4000)
- ordinal 33)))
- (object InteractionDiagram "HDEditStudent"
- mechanism_ref @1644
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- title "HDEditStudent"
- zoom 100
- max_height 28350
- max_width 21600
- origin_x 3119
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- items (list diagram_item_list
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- location (224, 224)
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- size 10
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- italics FALSE
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- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1896
- location (224, 249)
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
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- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (224, 368)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @1896
- height -60
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- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @1898
- location (224, 800)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @1896
- height -60
- y_coord -60
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @1899
- location (224, 1232)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @1896
- height -60
- y_coord -60
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @1900
- location (224, 1584)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @1896
- height -60
- y_coord -60
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @1901
- location (224, 2304)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @1896
- height -28
- y_coord -28
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @1902
- location (224, 2544)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @1896
- height -28
- y_coord -28
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @1903
- location (224, 2672)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @1896
- height -28
- y_coord -28
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @1904
- location (224, 3328)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @1896
- height -60
- y_coord -60
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (656, 224)
- font (object Font
- size 10
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- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline TRUE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1905
- location (656, 250)
- anchor_loc 1
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- label "")
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- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @1906
- location (656, 368)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @1905
- height -60
- y_coord -60
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @1907
- location (656, 464)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @1905
- height -60
- y_coord -60
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @1908
- location (656, 688)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @1905
- height -60
- y_coord -60
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @1909
- location (656, 800)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @1905
- height -60
- y_coord -60
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @1910
- location (656, 912)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @1905
- height -60
- y_coord -60
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @1911
- location (656, 1120)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @1905
- height -60
- y_coord -60
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @1912
- location (656, 1232)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @1905
- height -60
- y_coord -60
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @1913
- location (656, 1328)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @1905
- height -60
- y_coord -60
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (1152, 224)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline TRUE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1914
- location (1152, 250)
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
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- label "")
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- width 662
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- icon_width 229
- icon_y_offset 0
- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @1915
- location (1152, 1456)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @1914
- height -60
- y_coord -60
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @1916
- location (1152, 1584)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @1914
- height -60
- y_coord -60
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @1917
- location (1152, 1664)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @1914
- height -60
- y_coord -60
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (1616, 224)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline TRUE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1918
- location (1616, 250)
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 687
- justify 0
- label "")
- icon "boundary"
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- width 662
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- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @1919
- location (1616, 2208)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @1918
- height -60
- y_coord -60
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @1920
- location (1616, 2336)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @1918
- height -60
- y_coord -60
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @1921
- location (1616, 2416)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @1918
- height -28
- y_coord -28
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @1922
- location (1616, 2448)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @1918
- height -60
- y_coord -60
- Nested TRUE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @1923
- location (1616, 2576)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @1918
- height -60
- y_coord -60
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @1924
- location (1616, 2704)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @1918
- height -60
- y_coord -60
- Nested FALSE)
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- location (1616, 2768)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @1918
- height -28
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- Nested FALSE)
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- location (1616, 3152)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @1918
- height -60
- y_coord -60
- Nested FALSE)
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- location (1616, 3328)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @1918
- height -60
- y_coord -60
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (2096, 224)
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- size 10
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- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline TRUE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
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- Parent_View @1928
- location (2096, 249)
- anchor_loc 1
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- annotation 1
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- location (2096, 464)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @1928
- height -60
- y_coord -60
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @1930
- location (2096, 560)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @1928
- height -60
- y_coord -60
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @1931
- location (2096, 688)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @1928
- height -60
- y_coord -60
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @1932
- location (2096, 912)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @1928
- height -60
- y_coord -60
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @1933
- location (2096, 1024)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @1928
- height -60
- y_coord -60
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @1934
- location (2096, 1120)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @1928
- height -60
- y_coord -60
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @1935
- location (2096, 1328)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @1928
- height -60
- y_coord -60
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @1936
- location (2096, 1456)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @1928
- height -60
- y_coord -60
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @1937
- location (2096, 1664)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @1928
- height -60
- y_coord -60
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @1938
- location (2096, 1760)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @1928
- height -60
- y_coord -60
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @1939
- location (2096, 2176)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @1928
- height -28
- y_coord -28
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @1940
- location (2096, 2800)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @1928
- height -60
- y_coord -60
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @1941
- location (2096, 2864)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @1928
- height -28
- y_coord -28
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @1942
- location (2096, 3152)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @1928
- height -60
- y_coord -60
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (2528, 224)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline TRUE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1943
- location (2528, 250)
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 462
- justify 0
- label "")
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- width 438
- height 3133
- icon_height 153
- icon_width 154
- icon_y_offset 0
- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @1944
- location (2528, 560)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @1943
- height -60
- y_coord -60
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @1945
- location (2528, 1024)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @1943
- height -60
- y_coord -60
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @1946
- location (2528, 1760)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @1943
- height -60
- y_coord -60
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @1947
- location (2528, 1856)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @1943
- height -60
- y_coord -60
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @1948
- location (2528, 2896)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @1943
- height -60
- y_coord -60
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @1949
- location (2528, 2944)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @1943
- height -28
- y_coord -28
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (2848, 224)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline TRUE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1950
- location (2848, 250)
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 462
- justify 0
- label "")
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- width 438
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- icon_width 154
- icon_y_offset 0
- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @1951
- location (2848, 1856)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @1950
- height -60
- y_coord -60
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @1952
- location (2848, 1952)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @1950
- height -60
- y_coord -60
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @1953
- location (2848, 2976)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @1950
- height -60
- y_coord -60
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @1954
- location (2848, 3040)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @1950
- height -60
- y_coord -60
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (3184, 224)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline TRUE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1955
- location (3184, 250)
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 462
- justify 0
- label "")
- icon "entity"
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- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "419E9B130017"
- width 438
- height 3133
- icon_height 153
- icon_width 154
- icon_y_offset 0
- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @1956
- location (3184, 1952)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @1955
- height -60
- y_coord -60
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @1957
- location (3184, 3040)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @1955
- height -60
- y_coord -60
- Nested FALSE))
- (object InterMessView "" @1958
- location (16, 368)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object SegLabel @1959
- Parent_View @1958
- location (439, 324)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- quidu "419E9B300364"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 679
- justify 0
- label "HandleEnter(StudentSearchName)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @1896
- supplier @1905
- Focus_Src @1897
- Focus_Entry @1906
- origin (224, 368)
- terminus (655, 368)
- ordinal 0)
- (object InterMessView "" @1960
- location (16, 464)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object SegLabel @1961
- Parent_View @1960
- location (1375, 420)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- quidu "419E9B700306"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 469
- justify 0
- label "InitiateStudentSearch()"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @1905
- supplier @1928
- Focus_Src @1907
- Focus_Entry @1929
- origin (656, 464)
- terminus (2095, 464)
- ordinal 1)
- (object InterMessView "" @1962
- location (16, 560)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object SegLabel @1963
- Parent_View @1962
- location (2311, 516)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- quidu "419E9B7C0160"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 310
- justify 0
- label "GetStudents()"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @1928
- supplier @1943
- Focus_Src @1930
- Focus_Entry @1944
- origin (2096, 560)
- terminus (2527, 560)
- ordinal 2)
- (object InterMessView "" @1964
- location (16, 688)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object SegLabel @1965
- Parent_View @1964
- location (1376, 644)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- quidu "419E9B8B0075"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 697
- justify 0
- label "HandleDisplay(UpdatedStudentList)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @1928
- supplier @1905
- Focus_Src @1931
- Focus_Entry @1908
- origin (2095, 688)
- terminus (657, 688)
- ordinal 3)
- (object InterMessView "" @1966
- location (16, 800)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object SegLabel @1967
- Parent_View @1966
- location (439, 756)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- quidu "419E9B9F0111"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 569
- justify 0
- label "HandleSelect(StudentName)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @1896
- supplier @1905
- Focus_Src @1898
- Focus_Entry @1909
- origin (224, 800)
- terminus (655, 800)
- ordinal 4)
- (object InterMessView "" @1968
- location (16, 912)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object SegLabel @1969
- Parent_View @1968
- location (1375, 868)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- quidu "419E9BBE020B"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 760
- justify 0
- label "InitiateGetStudentInfo(SelectedStudent)"
- pctDist 0.499653
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @1905
- supplier @1928
- Focus_Src @1910
- Focus_Entry @1932
- origin (656, 912)
- terminus (2095, 912)
- ordinal 5)
- (object InterMessView "" @1970
- location (16, 1024)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object SegLabel @1971
- Parent_View @1970
- location (2311, 980)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- quidu "419E9BE0021B"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 651
- justify 0
- label "GetStudentInfo(SelectedStudent)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @1928
- supplier @1943
- Focus_Src @1933
- Focus_Entry @1945
- origin (2096, 1024)
- terminus (2527, 1024)
- ordinal 6)
- (object InterMessView "" @1972
- location (16, 1120)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object SegLabel @1973
- Parent_View @1972
- location (1376, 1076)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- quidu "419E9BF803A1"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 804
- justify 0
- label "HandleDisplay(UpdateStudentQuickView)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @1928
- supplier @1905
- Focus_Src @1934
- Focus_Entry @1911
- origin (2095, 1120)
- terminus (657, 1120)
- ordinal 7)
- (object InterMessView "" @1974
- location (16, 1232)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object SegLabel @1975
- Parent_View @1974
- location (439, 1188)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- quidu "419E9C0C0140"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 576
- justify 0
- label "HandleClick(ViewEditButton)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @1896
- supplier @1905
- Focus_Src @1899
- Focus_Entry @1912
- origin (224, 1232)
- terminus (655, 1232)
- ordinal 8)
- (object InterMessView "" @1976
- location (16, 1328)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object SegLabel @1977
- Parent_View @1976
- location (1375, 1284)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- quidu "419E9C200094"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 682
- justify 0
- label "InitiateViewEdit(SelectedStudent)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @1905
- supplier @1928
- Focus_Src @1913
- Focus_Entry @1935
- origin (656, 1328)
- terminus (2095, 1328)
- ordinal 9)
- (object InterMessView "" @1978
- location (16, 1456)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object SegLabel @1979
- Parent_View @1978
- location (1624, 1412)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- quidu "419E9C3D0383"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 807
- justify 0
- label "HandleDisplay(SelectedStudentVitalInfo)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @1928
- supplier @1914
- Focus_Src @1936
- Focus_Entry @1915
- origin (2095, 1456)
- terminus (1153, 1456)
- ordinal 10)
- (object InterMessView "" @1980
- location (16, 1584)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object SegLabel @1981
- Parent_View @1980
- location (687, 1540)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- quidu "419E9C79022A"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 710
- justify 0
- label "HandleClick(CaregiverBreadCrumb)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @1896
- supplier @1914
- Focus_Src @1900
- Focus_Entry @1916
- origin (224, 1584)
- terminus (1151, 1584)
- ordinal 11)
- (object InterMessView "" @1982
- location (16, 1664)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object SegLabel @1983
- Parent_View @1982
- location (1623, 1620)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- quidu "419E9CC60298"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 966
- justify 0
- label "InitiateGetStudentCaregiverInfo(SelectedSTudent)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @1914
- supplier @1928
- Focus_Src @1917
- Focus_Entry @1937
- origin (1152, 1664)
- terminus (2095, 1664)
- ordinal 12)
- (object InterMessView "" @1984
- location (16, 1760)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object SegLabel @1985
- Parent_View @1984
- location (2311, 1716)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- quidu "419E9CDA03A1"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 707
- justify 0
- label "GetCareGiverInfo(SelectedStudent)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @1928
- supplier @1943
- Focus_Src @1938
- Focus_Entry @1946
- origin (2096, 1760)
- terminus (2527, 1760)
- ordinal 13)
- (object InterMessView "" @1986
- location (16, 1856)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object SegLabel @1987
- Parent_View @1986
- location (2687, 1812)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- quidu "419E9D0C0160"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 538
- justify 0
- label "GetStudentCaregiverInfo()"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @1943
- supplier @1950
- Focus_Src @1947
- Focus_Entry @1951
- origin (2528, 1856)
- terminus (2847, 1856)
- ordinal 14)
- (object InterMessView "" @1988
- location (16, 2208)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object SegLabel @1989
- Parent_View @1988
- location (1856, 2164)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- quidu "419E9D5403C1"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 741
- justify 0
- label "HandleDisplay(StudentCareGiverInfo)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @1928
- supplier @1918
- Focus_Src @1939
- Focus_Entry @1919
- origin (2095, 2208)
- terminus (1617, 2208)
- ordinal 16)
- (object InterMessView "" @1990
- location (16, 2336)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object SegLabel @1991
- Parent_View @1990
- location (918, 2293)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- quidu "419E9D7A03E1"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 594
- justify 0
- label "HandleSelect(CareGiver2Info)"
- pctDist 0.498922
- height 44
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @1896
- supplier @1918
- Focus_Src @1901
- Focus_Entry @1920
- origin (224, 2336)
- terminus (1615, 2336)
- ordinal 17)
- (object SelfMessView "" @1992
- location (16, 2448)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object SegLabel @1993
- Parent_View @1992
- location (1692, 2404)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- quidu "419E9D8C0373"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 613
- justify 0
- label "HandleDisplay(Caregiver2Info)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @1918
- supplier @1918
- Focus_Src @1921
- Focus_Entry @1922
- origin (1617, 2448)
- terminus (1767, 2448)
- ordinal 18)
- (object InterMessView "" @1994
- location (16, 2576)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object SegLabel @1995
- Parent_View @1994
- location (919, 2532)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- quidu "419E9DB40084"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 797
- justify 0
- label "HandleEnter(WorkAddress,WorkPhone)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @1896
- supplier @1918
- Focus_Src @1902
- Focus_Entry @1923
- origin (224, 2576)
- terminus (1615, 2576)
- ordinal 19)
- (object InterMessView "" @1996
- location (16, 2704)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object SegLabel @1997
- Parent_View @1996
- location (919, 2660)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- quidu "419E9DC60278"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 391
- justify 0
- label "HandleClick(Edit)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @1896
- supplier @1918
- Focus_Src @1903
- Focus_Entry @1924
- origin (224, 2704)
- terminus (1615, 2704)
- ordinal 20)
- (object InterMessView "" @1998
- location (16, 2800)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object SegLabel @1999
- Parent_View @1998
- location (1855, 2756)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- quidu "419E9DD402B7"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 1204
- justify 0
- label "InitiateUpdateStudentCaregiver(Caregiver2,Waddress,Wphone)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @1918
- supplier @1928
- Focus_Src @1925
- Focus_Entry @1940
- origin (1616, 2800)
- terminus (2095, 2800)
- ordinal 21)
- (object InterMessView "" @2000
- location (16, 2896)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object SegLabel @2001
- Parent_View @2000
- location (2311, 2852)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- quidu "419E9E0001EC"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 647
- justify 0
- label "UpdateCareGiverInfo(Caregiver2)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @1928
- supplier @1943
- Focus_Src @1941
- Focus_Entry @1948
- origin (2096, 2896)
- terminus (2527, 2896)
- ordinal 22)
- (object InterMessView "" @2002
- location (16, 2976)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object SegLabel @2003
- Parent_View @2002
- location (2687, 2933)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- quidu "419E9E310334"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 726
- justify 0
- label "UpdateStudentCaregiver(Caregiver2)"
- pctDist 0.499255
- height 44
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @1943
- supplier @1950
- Focus_Src @1949
- Focus_Entry @1953
- origin (2528, 2976)
- terminus (2847, 2976)
- ordinal 23)
- (object InterMessView "" @2004
- location (912, 3328)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object SegLabel @2005
- Parent_View @2004
- location (919, 3284)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- quidu "419E9E890036"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 451
- justify 0
- label "HandleClick(LogOut)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @1896
- supplier @1918
- Focus_Src @1904
- Focus_Entry @1927
- origin (224, 3328)
- terminus (1615, 3328)
- ordinal 26)
- (object InterMessView "" @2006
- location (16, 1952)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object SegLabel @2007
- Parent_View @2006
- location (3015, 1908)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- quidu "41A7B6910277"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 335
- justify 0
- label "GetCaregiver()"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @1950
- supplier @1955
- Focus_Src @1952
- Focus_Entry @1956
- origin (2848, 1952)
- terminus (3183, 1952)
- ordinal 15)
- (object InterMessView "" @2008
- location (16, 3040)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object SegLabel @2009
- Parent_View @2008
- location (3014, 2996)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- quidu "41A7B6B8039F"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 397
- justify 0
- label "UpdateCaregiver()"
- pctDist 0.498507
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @1950
- supplier @1955
- Focus_Src @1954
- Focus_Entry @1957
- origin (2848, 3040)
- terminus (3183, 3040)
- ordinal 24)
- (object InterMessView "" @2010
- location (16, 3152)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object SegLabel @2011
- Parent_View @2010
- location (1856, 3108)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- quidu "41A7B6E601F9"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 741
- justify 0
- label "HandleDisplay(UpdatedCaregiverInfo)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @1928
- supplier @1918
- Focus_Src @1942
- Focus_Entry @1926
- origin (2095, 3152)
- terminus (1617, 3152)
- ordinal 25))))))
- logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list
- (object ClassDiagram "EnityClassDiagram"
- quid "415994E702EE"
- title "EnityClassDiagram"
- zoom 100
- max_height 28350
- max_width 21600
- origin_x 0
- origin_y 2782
- items (list diagram_item_list
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::SchedulePrinting::ScheduleReportPrinting" @2012
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (304, 2784)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @2012
- location (304, 2940)
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 1081
- justify 0
- label "ScheduleReportPrinting")
- icon "entity"
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "419A3ABB014E"
- compartment (object Compartment
- Parent_View @2012
- location (175, 3035)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- icon_style "Icon"
- anchor 2
- nlines 6
- max_width 284
- justify 0)
- height 154
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object NoteView @2013
- location (3120, 1632)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @2013
- location (2829, 1501)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 5
- max_width 547
- label "Student Course Section contains the keys: Student Key and CourseSectionKey. This will also store student marks per evaluation")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 607
- height 275)
- (object NoteView @2014
- location (3568, 2976)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @2014
- location (3340, 2848)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 5
- max_width 421
- label "Stores the template of a marking page for each Course")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 481
- height 268)
- (object NoteView @2015
- location (880, 1808)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @2015
- location (624, 1667)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 5
- max_width 477
- label "Stores the teacher assigned to each section, the template to use for the section, Course")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 537
- height 294)
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Security::User" @2016
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1840, 3456)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @2016
- location (1840, 3612)
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 615
- justify 0
- label "User")
- icon "entity"
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "419A3B1900C1"
- compartment (object Compartment
- Parent_View @2016
- location (1551, 3707)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- icon_style "Icon"
- anchor 2
- nlines 14
- max_width 638
- justify 0)
- height 154
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::ManageTeacherInfo::TeacherInfo" @2017
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1056, 3312)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @2017
- location (1056, 3468)
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 975
- justify 0
- label "TeacherInfo")
- icon "entity"
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "419A3A800238"
- compartment (object Compartment
- Parent_View @2017
- location (880, 3563)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- icon_style "Icon"
- anchor 2
- nlines 16
- max_width 388
- justify 0)
- height 154
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$84" @2018
- location (1655, 3419)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "419A454902B5"
- roleview_list (list RoleViews
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$86" @2019
- Parent_View @2018
- location (-41, 603)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object SegLabel @2020
- Parent_View @2019
- location (1577, 3363)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- hidden TRUE
- anchor 1
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 450
- justify 0
- label ""
- pctDist 0.800000
- height 42
- orientation 1)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "419A454A0160"
- client @2018
- supplier @2017
- line_style 0
- label (object SegLabel @2021
- Parent_View @2019
- location (1582, 3352)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1"
- pctDist 0.767471
- height 54
- orientation 1))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$85" @2022
- Parent_View @2018
- location (-41, 603)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object SegLabel @2023
- Parent_View @2022
- location (1750, 3395)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- hidden TRUE
- anchor 1
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 450
- justify 0
- label ""
- pctDist 0.800000
- height 42
- orientation 0)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "419A454A015E"
- client @2018
- supplier @2016
- line_style 0
- label (object SegLabel @2024
- Parent_View @2022
- location (1751, 3382)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "0..n"
- pctDist 0.789154
- height 55
- orientation 0))))
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::ManageCourse::Course" @2025
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1072, 2272)
- font (object Font
- size 10
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- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @2025
- location (1072, 2428)
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- Parent_View @2025
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- size 10
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- icon_style "Icon"
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- height 154
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2864, 2896)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
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- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @2026
- location (2864, 3052)
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- size 10
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- icon_style "Icon"
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- height 154
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object AttachView "" @2027
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @2026
- supplier @2014
- line_style 0)
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::ManageSchoolFees::FeeList" @2028
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (3680, 960)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
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- strike FALSE
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- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @2028
- location (3680, 1116)
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- Parent_View @2028
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- size 10
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- icon_style "Icon"
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- height 154
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- autoResize TRUE)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (256, 128)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
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- strike FALSE
- color 0
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- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @2029
- location (256, 284)
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- icon "entity"
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- quidu "419A3C8E01EA"
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- Parent_View @2029
- location (19, 379)
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- size 10
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- bold FALSE
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- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
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- icon_style "Icon"
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- height 154
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (3200, 2144)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
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- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @2030
- location (3200, 2300)
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- Parent_View @2030
- location (3025, 2395)
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- size 10
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- icon_style "Icon"
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- height 154
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1920, 2512)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
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- strike FALSE
- color 0
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- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @2031
- location (1920, 2668)
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- Parent_View @2031
- location (1633, 2763)
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- size 10
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- underline FALSE
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- height 154
- annotation 8
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- location (1366, 3023)
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- Parent_View @2032
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- size 10
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- location (1431, 2867)
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- size 10
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- anchor 2
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- Parent_View @2032
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- size 10
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- size 10
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- size 10
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- location (215, 341)
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- size 10
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- size 10
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- Parent_View @2042
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- size 10
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- size 10
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- anchor 2
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- Parent_View @2042
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- size 10
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- location (2748, 2905)
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- size 10
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2912, 464)
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- size 10
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- Parent_View @2047
- location (2912, 620)
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- size 10
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- Parent_View @2048
- location (583, 617)
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- size 10
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- size 10
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- hidden TRUE
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- line_style 0
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- location (3275, 768)
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- size 10
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- anchor 2
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- Parent_View @2048
- location (583, 617)
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- size 10
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- bold FALSE
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- Parent_View @2052
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- size 10
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- hidden TRUE
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- location (3502, 911)
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- size 10
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- anchor 2
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (816, 80)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
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- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @2055
- location (816, 236)
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- Parent_View @2055
- location (543, 331)
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- size 10
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- height 154
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- stereotype TRUE
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- Parent_View @2056
- location (278, -28)
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- size 10
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- bold FALSE
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- size 10
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- hidden TRUE
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- supplier @2055
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- Parent_View @2056
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- size 10
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- size 10
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- hidden TRUE
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- client @2056
- supplier @2029
- line_style 0)))
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- location (534, 100)
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- Parent_View @2061
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- size 10
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- size 10
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- hidden TRUE
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- location (407, 169)
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- size 10
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- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- anchor 2
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- justify 0
- label "0..n"
- pctDist 0.651116
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- orientation 0))
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- Parent_View @2061
- location (-266, -76)
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- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
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- strike FALSE
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- default_color TRUE)
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- location (695, 45)
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- size 10
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- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- hidden TRUE
- anchor 1
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- nlines 1
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- justify 0
- label ""
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- height 42
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- stereotype TRUE
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- Parent_View @2065
- location (720, 139)
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- size 10
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- color 0
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- anchor 2
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- justify 0
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- pctDist 0.900000
- height 54
- orientation 1))))
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (3600, 112)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @2068
- location (3600, 268)
- anchor_loc 1
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- label "StudentMedicalInfo")
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- Parent_View @2068
- location (3353, 363)
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- size 10
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- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- icon_style "Icon"
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- height 154
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2432, 960)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
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- strike FALSE
- color 0
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- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @2069
- location (2432, 1116)
- anchor_loc 1
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- label "StudentCourseSelection")
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- Parent_View @2069
- location (2287, 1211)
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- size 10
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- bold FALSE
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- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- icon_style "Icon"
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- justify 0)
- height 154
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2384, 1920)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @2070
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