Visual C++
- <!-- LimitsStrings.strings - For ease of localization, strings have been separated into this file. Place all localizable strings here. -->
- <!-- NOTE: assignments require left justification and the assignment to appear as "$=" without whitespace between the $ and =. -->
- <!-- File location: <<Install>>ClientAdminInclude -->
- <!-- **************** Advanced Limits **************** -->
- $LIMIT_ADV_CONVERTURLCHARS$=Convert URL characters in commands to ASCII
- $LIMIT_ADV_CHECKDIRSIZE$=Automatically check directory sizes during upload
- $LIMIT_ADV_INLINEOOB$=Inline out-of-band data
- $LIMIT_ADV_KEEPALIVE$=Send keep-alive packets to detect broken connections
- $LIMIT_ADV_NAGLE$=Disable usage of Nagle algorithm
- $LIMIT_ADV_ADAPTIVETO$=Use adaptive time-out on fast file uploads
- $LIMIT_ADV_SFTPMAXVERSION$=Maximum supported SFTP version
- $LIMIT_ADV_WARNOLDBROWSER$=Warn end users when using old web browsers
- <!-- **************** Connection Limits **************** -->
- $LIMIT_CONN_MAXSERVERSESS$=Maximum number of sessions on server
- $LIMIT_CONN_MAXSERVERSESSIP$=Maximum sessions per IP address on server
- $LIMIT_CONN_MAXDOMAINSESS$=Maximum number of sessions on domain
- $LIMIT_CONN_MAXDOMAINSESSIP$=Maximum sessions per IP address on domain
- $LIMIT_CONN_MAXGROUPSESS$=Maximum number of sessions for group
- $LIMIT_CONN_MAXGROUPSESSIP$=Maximum sessions per IP address for group
- $LIMIT_CONN_MAXSESSUSER$=Maximum number of sessions per user account
- $LIMIT_CONN_MAXSESSIPUSER$=Maximum sessions per IP address for user account
- $LIMIT_CONN_REQUIRESECURE$=Require secure connection before login
- $LIMIT_CONN_IDLETO$=Automatic idle connection timeout
- $LIMIT_CONN_SESSTO$=Automatic session timeout
- $LIMIT_CONN_BLOCKANTITO$=Block anti-timeout schemes
- $LIMIT_CONN_AUTOCREATE$=Automatically create home directories
- $LIMIT_CONN_TIMEOUTBLOCKIP$=Block IP address of timed out session
- $LIMIT_CONN_FTP$=Allow FTP and FTPS connections
- $LIMIT_CONN_SSH$=Allow SFTP connections
- $LIMIT_CONN_HTTP$=Allow HTTP and HTTPS connections
- $LIMIT_CONN_REQ_REV_DNS$=Require reverse DNS name
- $LIMIT_CONN_ALLOWXFORWARD$=Allow X-Forwarded-For to change HTTP connection IP addresses
- <!-- **************** Directory Listing Limits **************** -->
- $LIMIT_DL_HIDEHIDDEN$=Hide files marked as hidden from listings
- $LIMIT_DL_LOWERCASE$=Use lowercase for file names and directories
- $LIMIT_DL_SCLINKS$=Interpret Windows shortcuts as links
- $LIMIT_DL_SCASTARGET$=Treat Windows shortcuts as target in listings
- $LIMIT_DL_LOCK$=Lock users in home directory
- $LIMIT_DL_ROOT$=Allow root ("/") to list drives for unlocked users
- <!-- **************** Password Limits **************** -->
- $LIMIT_PW_CHECKANON$=Check anonymous passwords
- $LIMIT_PW_REQCOMPLEX$=Require complex passwords
- $LIMIT_PW_MINLENGTH$=Minimum password length
- $LIMIT_PW_EXPIRES$=Automatically expire passwords
- $LIMIT_PW_CHANGE$=Allow users to change password
- $LIMIT_PW_ENCRYPT$=Store passwords in encrypted form
- $LIMIT_PW_HIDEINLOG$=Mask received passwords in logs
- $LIMIT_PW_SSHAUTHTYPE$=SSH authentication type
- $LIMIT_PW_TYPE$=FTP password type
- $LIMIT_PW_ENCRYPT_MODE$=Password encryption mode
- $LIMIT_PW_ENABLE_RECOVERY$=Allow users to recover passwords
- <!-- **************** Transfer Limits **************** -->
- $LIMIT_TRAN_SERVERUP$=Maximum upload speed for server
- $LIMIT_TRAN_SERVERDN$=Maximum download speed for server
- $LIMIT_TRAN_DOMAINUP$=Maximum upload speed for domain
- $LIMIT_TRAN_DOMAINDN$=Maximum download speed for domain
- $LIMIT_TRAN_GROUPUP$=Maximum upload speed for all group members
- $LIMIT_TRAN_GROUPDN$=Maximum download speed for all group members
- $LIMIT_TRAN_USERUP$=Maximum upload speed for user accounts
- $LIMIT_TRAN_USERDN$=Maximum download speed for user accounts
- $LIMIT_TRAN_SESSUP$=Maximum upload speed per session
- $LIMIT_TRAN_SESSDN$=Maximum download speed per session
- $LIMIT_TRAN_DELETEPARTIAL$=Delete partially uploaded files
- $LIMIT_TRAN_MAX_FILE_SIZE$=Maximum upload file size
- $LIMIT_TRAN_INTERPRETLFASEOL$=Interpret line feed byte as a new line when in ASCII mode
- <!-- NOTE TO TRANSLATORS: The following BLOCK MUST be removed from your translation -->
- <!-- localized strings, keep these at the end of this file, they "overwrite" any previously defined string -->
- <!--#include de "LimitsStrings_DE.strings"-->
- <!--#include fr "LimitsStrings_FR.strings"-->
- <!--#include it "LimitsStrings_IT.strings"-->
- <!--#include es "LimitsStrings_ES.strings"-->
- <!--#include se "LimitsStrings_SE.strings"-->
- <!--#include fi "LimitsStrings_FI.strings"-->
- <!--#include no "LimitsStrings_NO.strings"-->
- <!--#include dk "LimitsStrings_DK.strings"-->
- <!--#include ru "LimitsStrings_RU.strings"-->
- <!--#include zh,TW "LimitsStrings_TW.strings"-->
- <!--#include zh,CN "LimitsStrings_CN.strings"-->
- <!--#include jp "LimitsStrings_JP.strings"-->