Visual C++
- /****************License************************************************
- * Vocalocity OpenVXI
- * Copyright (C) 2004-2005 by Vocalocity, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- * Vocalocity, the Vocalocity logo, and VocalOS are trademarks or
- * registered trademarks of Vocalocity, Inc.
- * OpenVXI is a trademark of Scansoft, Inc. and used under license
- * by Vocalocity.
- ***********************************************************************/
- #endif
- #include <wchar.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "SBinetValidator.h" // For this class
- #include "SBinetLog.h" // For logging definitions
- #include "HttpUtils.hpp"
- #include "SBinetUtils.hpp"
- #include "SBinetChannel.h"
- #include <iostream>
- #endif
- using namespace std;
- /*****************************************************************************
- *****************************************************************************
- * SBinetValidator Implementation
- *****************************************************************************
- *****************************************************************************
- */
- #if defined(_decunix_) || defined(_solaris_)
- // On solaris,
- // wsncasecmp is defined in widec.h but we don't have the right comp. flags to get the prototype.
- // I'm not sure about decunix though.
- //
- extern "C" int wsncasecmp(const wchar_t *, const wchar_t *, size_t);
- #define wcsncasecmp(s1,s2,n) wsncasecmp(s1,s2,n)
- #if 0
- static int my_wcsncasecmp(const wchar_t *s1, const wchar_t *s2,
- register size_t n)
- {
- register unsigned int u1, u2;
- for (; n != 0; --n) {
- u1 = (unsigned int) *s1++;
- u2 = (unsigned int) *s2++;
- if (HttpUtils::toUpper(u1) != HttpUtils::toUpper(u2)) {
- return HttpUtils::toUpper(u1) - HttpUtils::toUpper(u2);
- }
- if (u1 == ' ') {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- #endif
- #endif
- SBinetValidator::SBinetValidator(VXIlogInterface *log, VXIunsigned diagTagBase)
- : SWIutilLogger(MODULE_SBINET, log, diagTagBase), _freshnessLifetime((time_t) -1),
- _refTime((time_t) -1), _sizeBytes(0), _eTag(NULL), _mustRevalidateF(false),
- _url(NULL), _lastModified((time_t) -1), _expiresTime((time_t) -1),
- _pragmaDirective(NULL), _cacheControlDirective(NULL), _dateTime((time_t) -1)
- {}
- SBinetValidator::~SBinetValidator()
- {
- delete [] _eTag;
- delete [] _url;
- delete [] _cacheControlDirective;
- delete [] _pragmaDirective;
- }
- VXIinetResult SBinetValidator::Create(const VXIchar *filename, VXIulong sizeBytes,
- time_t refTime)
- {
- _lastModified = refTime;
- _refTime = refTime;
- return Create(filename, sizeBytes, (time_t) -1, (VXIMap *) NULL);
- }
- VXIinetResult SBinetValidator::Create(const VXIchar *url,
- time_t requestTime,
- const VXIMap *streamInfo)
- {
- if (url == NULL || !*url || streamInfo == NULL)
- {
- }
- VXIint32 sizeBytes = 0;
- SBinetUtils::getInteger(streamInfo, INET_INFO_SIZE_BYTES, sizeBytes);
- return Create(url, (VXIulong) sizeBytes, requestTime, streamInfo);
- }
- static time_t computeRefTime(time_t requestTime,
- const VXIMap* streamInfo,
- time_t& dateTime)
- {
- // The algorithm is based on the RFC section 13.2.3 but instead of computing
- // an initial age, it computes a reference time that can later be used to
- // retrieve the age.
- // The algo in the RFC to compute current-age is as follows.
- // response_delay = response_time - request_time;
- // corrected_initial_age = corrected_received_age + response_delay;
- // resident_time = now - response_time;
- // current_age = corrected_initial_age + resident_time;
- // Which can be rewritten as follows:
- // current_age = (corrected_received_age + response_delay) + (now - response_time)
- // = (corrected_received_age + response_time - request_time) + (now - response_time)
- // = corrected_received_age + now - request_time
- // = now - (request_time - corrected_received_age)
- // This algorithm computes the ref. time to be equal to request_time - corrected_received_age.
- // Using this algorithm has two advantages:
- //
- // 1) More efficient: less computation required to compute the ref. time
- // than to compute the corrected initial age. When computing the current
- //
- // 2) Only requires to store the ref. time in the validator rather than the
- // response time and the corrected initial age.
- VXIint32 tmp;
- time_t responseTime = time(NULL);
- time_t computed_age = (time_t) 0;
- if (SBinetUtils::getInteger(streamInfo, L"Date", tmp))
- {
- dateTime = (time_t) tmp;
- computed_age = responseTime - dateTime;
- if (computed_age < (time_t) 0) computed_age = (time_t) 0;
- }
- else
- {
- dateTime = responseTime;
- }
- if (SBinetUtils::getInteger(streamInfo, L"Age", tmp))
- {
- time_t age = (time_t) tmp;
- if (age > computed_age) computed_age = age;
- }
- return requestTime - computed_age;
- }
- VXIinetResult SBinetValidator::Create(const VXIchar *url, VXIulong sizeBytes,
- time_t requestTime,
- const VXIMap *streamInfo)
- {
- if (url == NULL || !*url)
- {
- }
- if (_url)
- delete [] _url;
- _url = ::wcscpy(new VXIchar[::wcslen(url) + 1], url);
- _sizeBytes = sizeBytes;
- _freshnessLifetime = (time_t) -1;
- const VXIchar *eTag = NULL;
- delete [] _eTag;
- // // Sanity check
- // if (_expiresTime >= 0 && _lastModifiedTime >= _expiresTime)
- // _expiresTime = 0;
- // time_t now = time(NULL);
- // if (_lastModifiedTime > now)
- // _lastModifiedTime = now;
- if (streamInfo != NULL)
- {
- // Reference time
- _refTime = computeRefTime(requestTime, streamInfo, _dateTime);
- // Last-modified
- VXIint32 lastModified = -1;
- SBinetUtils::getInteger(streamInfo, L"Last-Modified", lastModified);
- _lastModified = (time_t) lastModified;
- // Expires
- VXIint32 expiresTime = -1;
- SBinetUtils::getInteger(streamInfo, L"Expires", expiresTime);
- _expiresTime = (time_t) expiresTime;
- // ETag
- eTag = SBinetUtils::getString(streamInfo, L"ETag");
- // Pragma
- const VXIchar* pragmaDirective = SBinetUtils::getString(streamInfo, L"Pragma");
- if (pragmaDirective)
- {
- _pragmaDirective = new VXIchar [::wcslen(pragmaDirective) + 1];
- ::wcscpy(_pragmaDirective, pragmaDirective);
- }
- // Cache-control
- const VXIchar* cacheControlDirective = SBinetUtils::getString(streamInfo, L"Cache-Control");
- if (cacheControlDirective)
- {
- _cacheControlDirective = new VXIchar [::wcslen(cacheControlDirective) + 1];
- ::wcscpy(_cacheControlDirective, cacheControlDirective);
- }
- computeFreshnessLifetime();
- }
- if (eTag == NULL || !*eTag)
- {
- _eTag = NULL;
- }
- else
- {
- _eTag = ::wcscpy(new VXIchar[::wcslen(eTag) + 1], eTag);
- }
- Log(L"SBinetValidator::Create");
- return VXIinet_RESULT_SUCCESS;
- }
- void SBinetValidator::computeFreshnessLifetime()
- {
- // Inspect the headers for other relevant directives ('no-cache' etc.)
- _freshnessLifetime = checkPragma();
- if (_freshnessLifetime == (time_t) -1)
- {
- _freshnessLifetime = checkCacheControl();
- }
- if (_freshnessLifetime == (time_t) -1)
- {
- if (_expiresTime != (time_t) -1)
- _freshnessLifetime = ((time_t) _expiresTime) - _dateTime;
- else
- _freshnessLifetime = (time_t) 0;
- }
- if (_freshnessLifetime < (time_t) 0)
- _freshnessLifetime = (time_t) 0;
- }
- VXIinetResult SBinetValidator::Create(const VXIValue *content)
- {
- if (VXIValueGetType(content) != VALUE_CONTENT)
- {
- Error(214, L"Type: %d", VXIValueGetType(content));
- }
- // Get the content
- const VXIchar *contentType;
- const VXIbyte *contentData;
- VXIulong contentSizeBytes;
- if ( VXIContentValue((const VXIContent*) content,
- &contentType, &contentData,
- &contentSizeBytes) != VXIvalue_RESULT_SUCCESS )
- {
- Error(215, NULL);
- }
- else if ( ::wcscmp(contentType, VALIDATOR_MIME_TYPE) != 0 )
- {
- Error(216, L"mimeType: %s", contentType);
- }
- return Create(contentData, contentSizeBytes);
- }
- VXIinetResult SBinetValidator::Create(const VXIbyte *data, VXIulong contentSizeBytes)
- {
- // Unpack the data
- const VXIbyte *ptr = data;
- ::memcpy(&_dateTime, ptr, sizeof _dateTime);
- ptr += sizeof _dateTime;
- ::memcpy(&_expiresTime, ptr, sizeof _expiresTime);
- ptr += sizeof _expiresTime;
- ::memcpy(&_refTime, ptr, sizeof _refTime);
- ptr += sizeof _refTime;
- ::memcpy(&_freshnessLifetime, ptr, sizeof _freshnessLifetime);
- ptr += sizeof _freshnessLifetime;
- ::memcpy(&_lastModified, ptr, sizeof _lastModified);
- ptr += sizeof _lastModified;
- ::memcpy(&_mustRevalidateF, ptr, sizeof _mustRevalidateF);
- ptr += sizeof _mustRevalidateF;
- ::memcpy(&_sizeBytes, ptr, sizeof _sizeBytes);
- ptr += sizeof _sizeBytes;
- int len;
- ::memcpy(&len, ptr, sizeof len);
- ptr += sizeof len;
- delete [] _eTag;
- if (len > 0)
- {
- int size = len * sizeof(VXIchar);
- _eTag = new VXIchar[len + 1];
- ::memcpy(_eTag, ptr, size);
- ptr += size;
- _eTag[len] = L' ';
- }
- else
- {
- _eTag = NULL;
- }
- ::memcpy(&len, ptr, sizeof len);
- ptr += sizeof len;
- delete [] _url;
- if (len > 0)
- {
- int size = len * sizeof(VXIchar);
- _url = new VXIchar[len + 1];
- ::memcpy(_url, ptr, size);
- ptr += size;
- _url[len] = L' ';
- }
- else
- {
- _url = NULL;
- }
- ::memcpy(&len, ptr, sizeof len);
- ptr += sizeof len;
- delete [] _pragmaDirective;
- if (len > 0)
- {
- int size = len * sizeof(VXIchar);
- _pragmaDirective = new VXIchar[len + 1];
- ::memcpy(_pragmaDirective, ptr, size);
- ptr += size;
- _pragmaDirective[len] = L' ';
- }
- else
- {
- _pragmaDirective = NULL;
- }
- delete [] _cacheControlDirective;
- if (len > 0)
- {
- int size = len * sizeof(VXIchar);
- _cacheControlDirective = new VXIchar[len + 1];
- ::memcpy(_cacheControlDirective, ptr, size);
- ptr += size;
- _cacheControlDirective[len] = L' ';
- }
- else
- {
- _cacheControlDirective = NULL;
- }
- Log(L"SBinetValidator::Deserialize");
- return VXIinet_RESULT_SUCCESS;
- }
- VXIContent *SBinetValidator::serialize() const
- {
- VXIbyte *data = NULL;
- VXIulong dataSize;
- VXIContent *content;
- if (serialize(data, dataSize))
- {
- // Create the content
- content = VXIContentCreate(VALIDATOR_MIME_TYPE, data, dataSize,
- ContentDestroy, NULL);
- if (content == NULL)
- delete [] data;
- }
- return content;
- }
- bool SBinetValidator::serialize(VXIbyte*& content, VXIulong& contentSize) const
- {
- // Pack the data
- int eTagLen = 0;
- int urlLen = 0;
- int pragmaDirectiveLen = 0;
- int cacheControlDirectiveLen = 0;
- contentSize = ((sizeof _dateTime) +
- (sizeof _expiresTime) +
- (sizeof _refTime) +
- (sizeof _freshnessLifetime) +
- (sizeof _lastModified) +
- (sizeof _mustRevalidateF) +
- (sizeof _sizeBytes) +
- (sizeof eTagLen) +
- (sizeof urlLen) +
- (sizeof pragmaDirectiveLen) +
- (sizeof cacheControlDirectiveLen));
- if (_eTag != NULL)
- {
- eTagLen = ::wcslen(_eTag);
- contentSize += eTagLen * sizeof(VXIchar);
- }
- if (_url != NULL)
- {
- urlLen = ::wcslen(_url);
- contentSize += urlLen * sizeof(VXIchar);
- }
- if (_pragmaDirective != NULL)
- {
- pragmaDirectiveLen = ::wcslen(_pragmaDirective);
- contentSize += pragmaDirectiveLen * sizeof(VXIchar);
- }
- if (_cacheControlDirective != NULL)
- {
- cacheControlDirectiveLen = ::wcslen(_cacheControlDirective);
- contentSize += cacheControlDirectiveLen * sizeof(VXIchar);
- }
- content = new VXIbyte[contentSize];
- VXIbyte *ptr = content;
- ::memcpy(ptr, &_dateTime, sizeof _refTime);
- ptr += sizeof _dateTime;
- ::memcpy(ptr, &_expiresTime, sizeof _expiresTime);
- ptr += sizeof _expiresTime;
- ::memcpy(ptr, &_refTime, sizeof _refTime);
- ptr += sizeof _refTime;
- ::memcpy(ptr, &_freshnessLifetime, sizeof _freshnessLifetime);
- ptr += sizeof _freshnessLifetime;
- ::memcpy(ptr, &_lastModified, sizeof _lastModified);
- ptr += sizeof _lastModified;
- ::memcpy(ptr, &_mustRevalidateF, sizeof _mustRevalidateF);
- ptr += sizeof _mustRevalidateF;
- ::memcpy(ptr, &_sizeBytes, sizeof _sizeBytes);
- ptr += sizeof _sizeBytes;
- ::memcpy(ptr, &eTagLen, sizeof eTagLen);
- ptr += sizeof eTagLen;
- if (eTagLen > 0)
- {
- ::memcpy(ptr, _eTag, eTagLen * sizeof(VXIchar));
- ptr += eTagLen * sizeof(VXIchar);
- }
- ::memcpy(ptr, &urlLen, sizeof urlLen);
- ptr += sizeof urlLen;
- if (urlLen > 0)
- {
- ::memcpy(ptr, _url, urlLen * sizeof(VXIchar));
- ptr += urlLen * sizeof(VXIchar);
- }
- ::memcpy(ptr, &pragmaDirectiveLen, sizeof pragmaDirectiveLen);
- ptr += sizeof pragmaDirectiveLen;
- if (pragmaDirectiveLen > 0)
- {
- ::memcpy(ptr, _pragmaDirective, pragmaDirectiveLen * sizeof(VXIchar));
- ptr += pragmaDirectiveLen * sizeof(VXIchar);
- }
- ::memcpy(ptr, &cacheControlDirectiveLen, sizeof cacheControlDirectiveLen);
- ptr += sizeof cacheControlDirectiveLen;
- if (pragmaDirectiveLen > 0)
- {
- ::memcpy(ptr, _cacheControlDirective, cacheControlDirectiveLen * sizeof(VXIchar));
- ptr += cacheControlDirectiveLen * sizeof(VXIchar);
- }
- return true;
- }
- time_t SBinetValidator::getExpiresTime() const
- {
- if (_freshnessLifetime <= (time_t) 0)
- return (time_t) 0;
- return _refTime + _freshnessLifetime;
- }
- bool SBinetValidator::isExpired() const
- {
- return _freshnessLifetime == (time_t) 0 ||
- _freshnessLifetime < time(NULL) - _refTime;
- }
- bool SBinetValidator::isExpired(const VXIint maxAge,
- const VXIint maxStale) const
- {
- cout << "maxAge:t" << maxAge << endl;
- cout << "maxStale:t" << maxStale << endl;
- #endif
- if (maxAge == 0) return true;
- time_t now = time(NULL);
- time_t currentAge = now - _refTime;
- cout << "now:t" << now << endl;
- cout << "_refTime:t" << _refTime << endl;
- #endif
- if (maxAge > 0 && currentAge > maxAge) return true;
- time_t staleness = currentAge - _freshnessLifetime;
- cout << "_freshnessLifetime:t" << _freshnessLifetime << endl;
- cout << "staleness: " << staleness << endl;
- cout << "_mustRevalidateF: " << _mustRevalidateF << endl;
- cout << "_expiresTime: " << _expiresTime << endl;
- #endif
- if (staleness < 0) return false;
- if (_mustRevalidateF) return true;
- if (staleness > maxStale) return true;
- if (_freshnessLifetime == (time_t) 0) return true;
- return false;
- }
- bool SBinetValidator::isStrong() const
- {
- return (_eTag != NULL) && (wcsncasecmp(_eTag, L"w/", 2) != 0);
- }
- void SBinetValidator::Log(const VXIchar *name) const
- {
- {
- char refTimeStr[64], expireStr[64], lastModifiedStr[64];
- if (_refTime == (time_t) -1)
- ::strcpy(refTimeStr, "-1");
- else
- SBinetUtils::getTimeStampStr(_refTime, refTimeStr);
- SBinetUtils::getTimeStampStr(getExpiresTime(), expireStr);
- if (_lastModified == (time_t) -1)
- ::strcpy(lastModifiedStr, "-1");
- else
- SBinetUtils::getTimeStampStr(_lastModified, lastModifiedStr);
- L"URL: '%s', refTime %S, last modified %S, expires %S, must revalidate %s, size %lu, etag '%s'",
- _url, refTimeStr, lastModifiedStr, expireStr,
- _mustRevalidateF ? L"true" : L"false",
- _sizeBytes, _eTag ? _eTag : L"");
- }
- }
- void SBinetValidator::ContentDestroy(VXIbyte **content, void *userData)
- {
- if (content)
- {
- delete [] *content;
- *content = NULL;
- }
- }
- time_t SBinetValidator::checkPragma()
- {
- if (_pragmaDirective == NULL)
- {
- Diag(MODULE_SBINET_VALIDATOR_TAGID, L"SBinetValidator::checkPragma",
- L"No Pragma directive.");
- return (time_t) -1;
- }
- Diag(MODULE_SBINET_VALIDATOR_TAGID, L"SBinetValidator::checkPragma",
- L"Pragma directive: '%s'", _pragmaDirective);
- const VXIchar *p = _pragmaDirective;
- while (*p && SBinetHttpUtils::isSpace(*p)) p++;
- if (wcsncasecmp(p, L"no-cache", 8) == 0)
- {
- Diag(MODULE_SBINET_VALIDATOR_TAGID, L"SBinetValidator::checkPragma",
- L"Got Pragma: no-cache directive.");
- return (time_t) 0;
- }
- return (time_t) -1;
- }
- time_t SBinetValidator::checkCacheControl()
- {
- time_t maxAge = (time_t) -1;
- if (_cacheControlDirective == NULL)
- {
- Diag(MODULE_SBINET_VALIDATOR_TAGID, L"SBinetValidator::checkCacheControl",
- L"No Cache-Control directive.");
- return maxAge;
- }
- // We need to convert to narrow string in order to take advantage of the
- // HttpUtils function that are written in terms of narrow character.
- SBinetNString tmp = _cacheControlDirective;
- const char *content = tmp.c_str();
- Diag(MODULE_SBINET_VALIDATOR_TAGID, L"SBinetValidator::checkCacheControl",
- L"Cache-Control directive: '%S'", content);
- int priority = 0;
- static const int maxAgePriority = 0;
- static const int sMaxAgePriority = 1;
- static const int cacheControlPriority = 2;
- SBinetNString attrib;
- SBinetNString val;
- for (;;)
- {
- content = SBinetHttpUtils::getValue(content, attrib);
- if (content == NULL)
- {
- L"SBinetValidator::checkCacheControl",
- L"Could not get value.");
- break;
- }
- content = SBinetHttpUtils::expectChar(content, "=,");
- if (content == NULL)
- {
- L"SBinetValidator::checkCacheControl",
- L"Expecting '=' or ','.");
- break;
- }
- const char *attribute = attrib.c_str();
- const char *value = NULL;
- if (*content == '=')
- {
- content = SBinetHttpUtils::getValue(++content, val);
- if (content == NULL)
- {
- L"SBinetValidator::checkCacheControl",
- L"Could not extract value for attribute",
- attribute);
- break;
- }
- value = val.c_str();
- }
- Diag(MODULE_SBINET_VALIDATOR_TAGID, L"SBinetValidator::checkCacheControl",
- L"attribute = '%S', value = '%S'", attribute, value);
- if (strcasecmp(attribute, "no-cache") == 0)
- {
- // Ignore no-cache="something" as we have one cookie jar per channel.
- // So they are not shared.
- if (value == NULL && priority <= cacheControlPriority)
- {
- maxAge = (time_t) 0;
- priority = cacheControlPriority;
- }
- }
- else if ((strcasecmp(attribute, "no-store") == 0 ||
- strcasecmp(attribute, "private") == 0)
- && priority <= cacheControlPriority)
- {
- maxAge = (time_t) 0;
- priority = cacheControlPriority;
- }
- else if (strcasecmp(attribute, "must-revalidate") == 0)
- {
- // This directive does not affect priority nor does it depend on a
- // priority as it does not modify the maxAge value.
- _mustRevalidateF = true;
- }
- else if (strcasecmp(attribute, "max-age") == 0)
- {
- if (value != NULL && priority <= maxAgePriority)
- {
- maxAge = (time_t) atoi(value);
- priority = maxAgePriority;
- }
- }
- else if (strcasecmp(attribute, "s-maxage") == 0)
- {
- if (value != NULL && priority <= sMaxAgePriority)
- {
- maxAge = atoi(value);
- priority = sMaxAgePriority;
- }
- }
- content = SBinetHttpUtils::expectChar(content, ",");
- if (content == NULL)
- {
- L"SBinetValidator::checkCacheControl",
- L"Expecting ','.");
- break;
- }
- if (!*content)
- {
- // end of string. No error.
- break;
- }
- content++;
- }
- return maxAge;
- }
- // Propagates data from an old validator to a new validator.
- // For example, if an HTTP fetch returns 304 (Not-Modified), the
- // validator constructed from the data returned may not contain
- // all the validation data necessary. Some of this data may need
- // to be propagated from the old validator that was stored in the
- // cache.
- bool SBinetValidator::propagateDataFrom(const SBinetValidator& validator)
- {
- bool changed = false;
- // Document Size in Bytes
- // When a 304 response is received from an HTTP server, we don't know what
- // the actual size of the resource/document is. So, we set it to -1 knowing
- // that when we propagate values from the cached validator, this value gets
- // updated properly. I don't like this, but the original coupled design
- // of INET leaves us no choice for now.
- if (_sizeBytes == -1)
- {
- _sizeBytes = validator._sizeBytes;
- changed = true;
- }
- // Pragma
- if ((_pragmaDirective == NULL) && (validator._pragmaDirective != NULL))
- {
- delete [] _pragmaDirective;
- _pragmaDirective = new VXIchar [::wcslen(validator._pragmaDirective) + 1];
- ::wcscpy(_pragmaDirective, validator._pragmaDirective);
- // Pragma directive overrides other directives, we can just return.
- computeFreshnessLifetime();
- return true;
- }
- // Cache-Control
- if ((_cacheControlDirective == NULL) && (validator._cacheControlDirective != NULL))
- {
- delete [] _cacheControlDirective;
- _cacheControlDirective = new VXIchar [::wcslen(validator._cacheControlDirective) + 1];
- ::wcscpy(_cacheControlDirective, validator._cacheControlDirective);
- changed = true;
- }
- // Expires
- if ((_expiresTime == (time_t) -1) && (validator._expiresTime != (time_t) -1))
- {
- _expiresTime = validator._expiresTime;
- // If a new expiration time is not set, and there was an old expiration time,
- // our new date time should be the same as the old date time.
- _dateTime = validator._dateTime;
- changed = true;
- }
- // Last-Modified
- if ((_lastModified == (time_t) -1) && (validator._lastModified != (time_t) -1))
- {
- _lastModified = validator._lastModified;
- changed = true;
- }
- // ETag
- if ((_eTag == NULL) && (validator._eTag != NULL))
- {
- delete [] _eTag;
- _eTag = new VXIchar [::wcslen(validator._eTag) + 1];
- ::wcscpy(_eTag, validator._eTag);
- changed = true;
- }
- // If some data was propagated from the other validator,
- // compute the new freshness lifetime based on the new data.
- if (changed)
- {
- computeFreshnessLifetime();
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- // Checks whether the current validator's validator info matches that of
- // the specified validator. This is used when an external validator is used
- // to verify whether that external validator matches the cached validator in
- // cases where a conditional fetch on an HTTP server returns NOT_MODIFIED.
- // In such cases, the cached validator says the current cached version of the
- // document is up-to-date. When the external validator does not match the
- // cached validator, it means that the externally cached version of the
- // document does not match the currently cached version.
- bool SBinetValidator::operator==(const SBinetValidator& validator)
- {
- if (_sizeBytes != validator._sizeBytes)
- return false;
- if (_lastModified != validator._lastModified)
- return false;
- if (!_eTag && validator._eTag)
- return false;
- if (_eTag && !validator._eTag)
- return false;
- if (_eTag && validator._eTag && wcscmp(_eTag, validator._eTag))
- return false;
- return true;
- }
- void SBinetValidator::Clear()
- {
- if (_url)
- {
- delete [] _url;
- _url = NULL;
- }
- if (_eTag)
- {
- delete [] _eTag;
- _eTag = NULL;
- }
- if (_pragmaDirective)
- {
- delete [] _pragmaDirective;
- _pragmaDirective = NULL;
- }
- if (_cacheControlDirective)
- {
- delete [] _cacheControlDirective;
- _cacheControlDirective = NULL;
- }
- _sizeBytes = 0;
- _dateTime = _expiresTime = _lastModified = _refTime = _freshnessLifetime = (time_t)-1;
- _mustRevalidateF = false;
- }