Visual C++
- /****************License************************************************
- * Vocalocity OpenVXI
- * Copyright (C) 2004-2005 by Vocalocity, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- * Vocalocity, the Vocalocity logo, and VocalOS are trademarks or
- * registered trademarks of Vocalocity, Inc.
- * OpenVXI is a trademark of Scansoft, Inc. and used under license
- * by Vocalocity.
- ***********************************************************************/
- #include "GrammarManager.hpp"
- #include "SimpleLogger.hpp"
- #include "CommonExceptions.hpp"
- #include "PropertyList.hpp"
- #include "VXML.h"
- #include "DocumentModel.hpp"
- #include <sstream>
- //#############################################################################
- // Grammar description class
- //#############################################################################
- const VXIchar * const GrammarManager::DTMFTerm = L"@dtmfterm";
- const VXIchar * const GrammarManager::FinalSilence = L"@finalsilence";
- const VXIchar * const GrammarManager::MaxTime = L"@maxtime";
- const VXIchar * const GrammarManager::RecordingType = L"@rectype";
- enum GrammarScope {
- };
- class GrammarInfo {
- public:
- GrammarInfo(VXIrecGrammar *g, const vxistring &id, const VXMLElement &elem,
- unsigned long gSeq, const VXIchar *srcexpr = NULL, const VXIchar *mime = NULL);
- ~GrammarInfo();
- VXIrecGrammar * GetRecGrammar() const { return recgrammar; }
- void SetRecGrammar(VXIrecGrammar *rg) { recgrammar = rg; }
- void SetEnabled(bool b, GrammarScope aScope = GRS_NONE)
- {
- enabled = b;
- activatedScope = aScope;
- }
- GrammarScope GetScope(void) const { return activatedScope; }
- unsigned long GetSequence(void) const { return grammarSeq; }
- bool IsEnabled() const { return enabled; }
- bool IsDynamic() const { return !srcexpr.empty(); }
- bool IsScope(GrammarScope s) const { return s == scope; }
- bool IsField(const vxistring & f) const { return f == field; }
- bool IsDialog(const vxistring & d) const { return d == dialog; }
- bool IsDoc(const vxistring & d) const { return d == docID; }
- void GetElement(VXMLElement & e) const { e = element; }
- const VXIchar *GetSrcExpr() const { return srcexpr.c_str(); }
- const VXIchar *GetMimeType() const { return mimetype.c_str(); }
- private:
- void _Initialize(const VXMLElement & elem);
- // This sets the field & dialog names.
- const VXMLElement element;
- VXIrecGrammar * recgrammar; // grammar handle returned from rec interface
- GrammarScope scope;
- vxistring field;
- vxistring dialog;
- vxistring docID;
- vxistring srcexpr;
- vxistring mimetype;
- bool enabled;
- // store current activated info to determine precedence
- GrammarScope activatedScope;
- unsigned long grammarSeq;
- };
- GrammarInfo::GrammarInfo(VXIrecGrammar * g,
- const vxistring & id,
- const VXMLElement & elem,
- unsigned long gSeq,
- const VXIchar *expr, const VXIchar *mime)
- : element(elem), recgrammar(g), scope(GRS_NONE), docID(id), enabled(false),
- srcexpr(expr?expr:L""), mimetype(mime?mime:L""), activatedScope(GRS_NONE),
- grammarSeq(gSeq)
- {
- // (1) Determine the grammar scope.
- // (1.1) Obtain default from position in the tree.
- VXMLElement par = elem;
- while (par != 0) {
- VXMLElementType name = par.GetName();
- if (name == NODE_INITIAL || name == NODE_FIELD ||
- name == NODE_RECORD || name == NODE_TRANSFER)
- { scope = GRS_FIELD; break; }
- else if (name == NODE_FORM || name == NODE_MENU)
- { scope = GRS_DIALOG; break; }
- else if (name == NODE_VXML || name == DEFAULTS_LANGUAGE ||
- name == DEFAULTS_ROOT)
- { scope = GRS_DOC; break; }
- par = par.GetParent();
- }
- // (1.2) if scope explicitly specified in grammar or parent, override!
- vxistring str;
- elem.GetAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_SCOPE, str);
- if (str.empty() && par != 0) {
- par.GetAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_SCOPE, str);
- }
- if (!str.empty()) {
- if (str == L"dialog") scope = GRS_DIALOG;
- else if (str == L"document") scope = GRS_DOC;
- }
- // (2) Do remaining initialization.
- _Initialize(elem);
- }
- GrammarInfo::~GrammarInfo()
- {
- // NOTE: 'recgrammar' must be freed externally.
- }
- void GrammarInfo::_Initialize(const VXMLElement & elem)
- {
- if (elem == 0) return;
- VXMLElementType name = elem.GetName();
- if (name == NODE_FIELD || name == NODE_INITIAL ||
- name == NODE_RECORD || name == NODE_TRANSFER)
- elem.GetAttribute(ATTRIBUTE__ITEMNAME, field);
- else if (name == NODE_FORM || name == NODE_MENU) {
- elem.GetAttribute(ATTRIBUTE__ITEMNAME, dialog);
- return;
- }
- _Initialize(elem.GetParent());
- }
- //#############################################################################
- class GrammarInfoUniv {
- public:
- GrammarInfoUniv(VXIrecGrammar * g, const VXMLElement & e, const vxistring & l,
- const vxistring & n, unsigned long seq)
- : element(e), recgrammar(g), languageID(l), name(n), enabled(false),
- grammarSeq(seq) { }
- ~GrammarInfoUniv() { } // NOTE: 'recgrammar' must be freed externally.
- public:
- void SetEnabled(bool b) { enabled = b; }
- bool IsEnabled() const { return enabled; }
- VXIrecGrammar * GetRecGrammar() const { return recgrammar; }
- unsigned long GetSequence() const { return grammarSeq; }
- const vxistring & GetLanguage() const { return languageID; }
- const vxistring & GetName() const { return name; }
- void GetElement(VXMLElement & e) const { e = element; }
- private:
- const VXMLElement element;
- VXIrecGrammar * recgrammar; // grammar handle returned from rec interface
- vxistring languageID;
- vxistring name;
- bool enabled;
- unsigned long grammarSeq;
- };
- //#############################################################################
- // Grammar description class
- //#############################################################################
- GrammarManager::GrammarManager(VXIrecInterface * r, const SimpleLogger & l)
- : log(l), vxirec(r), grammarSequence(0)
- {
- }
- GrammarManager::~GrammarManager()
- {
- ReleaseGrammars();
- }
- void GrammarManager::ThrowSpecificEventError(VXIrecResult err, OpType opType)
- {
- switch (err) {
- case VXIrec_RESULT_SUCCESS: break;
- throw VXIException::InterpreterEvent(EV_ERROR_NORESOURCE);
- throw VXIException::InterpreterEvent(EV_ERROR_NOAUTHORIZ);
- throw VXIException::InterpreterEvent(EV_MAXSPEECH);
- throw VXIException::InterpreterEvent(EV_UNSUPPORT_FORMAT);
- throw VXIException::InterpreterEvent(EV_UNSUPPORT_LANGUAGE);
- throw VXIException::InterpreterEvent(EV_UNSUPPORT_BUILTIN);
- throw VXIException::InterpreterEvent(EV_ERROR_BADFETCH);
- throw VXIException::OutOfMemory();
- // these events are supported for hotword transfer functionality
- throw VXIException::InterpreterEvent(EV_TELEPHONE_NOAUTHORIZ);
- throw VXIException::InterpreterEvent(EV_TELEPHONE_BAD_DEST);
- throw VXIException::InterpreterEvent(EV_TELEPHONE_NOROUTE);
- throw VXIException::InterpreterEvent(EV_TELEPHONE_NORESOURCE);
- throw VXIException::InterpreterEvent(EV_TELEPHONE_UNSUPPORT_URI);
- default:
- if( opType == GRAMMAR )
- throw VXIException::InterpreterEvent(EV_ERROR_BAD_GRAMMAR);
- }
- }
- void GrammarManager::LoadGrammars(const VXMLElement& doc,
- vxistring & documentID,
- PropertyList & properties,
- bool isDefaults)
- {
- if (doc == 0) return;
- // (1) Retrieve the ID for this document. This is important for grammar
- // activation.
- if (doc.GetName() == NODE_VXML)
- doc.GetAttribute(ATTRIBUTE__ITEMNAME, documentID);
- // (2) Recursively find and build all grammars on this page.
- if (isDefaults)
- BuildUniversals(doc, properties);
- else {
- VXIMapHolder temp(NULL);
- BuildGrammars(doc, documentID, properties, temp);
- }
- }
- VXIrecGrammar * GrammarManager::BuildInlineGrammar(const VXMLElement & element,
- const VXIMapHolder & localProps)
- {
- vxistring text, header, trailer;
- // (1) Get CDATA in this element
- GetEnclosedText(log, element, text);
- // (2) Get attributes
- vxistring mimeType, mode, root, tagFormat, xmlBase, xmlLang;
- element.GetAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, mimeType);
- element.GetAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_MODE, mode);
- element.GetAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_ROOT, root);
- element.GetAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_TAGFORMAT, tagFormat);
- element.GetAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_BASE, xmlBase);
- element.GetAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_XMLLANG, xmlLang);
- // (3) Determine the mimetype.
- // if mimetype is empty but root is defined
- // assume that this is srgs+xml mimetype
- if( mimeType.empty() && !root.empty())
- mimeType = L"application/srgs+xml";
- if( mimeType.empty() && mode == L"dtmf" )
- // (4) Is this an SRGS grammar?
- if (mimeType.find(L"application/srgs+xml") == 0 &&
- (mimeType.length() == 20 || mimeType[20] == L';'))
- {
- // All grammars have a language assigned during parsing.
- header = L"<?xml version='1.0'?>"
- L"<grammar xmlns=''"
- L" version='1.0' mode='";
- header += mode;
- header += L"' root='";
- header += root;
- if (!tagFormat.empty()) {
- header += L"' tag-format='";
- header += tagFormat;
- }
- if (!xmlLang.empty()) {
- header += L"' xml:lang='";
- header += xmlLang;
- }
- if (!xmlBase.empty()) {
- header += L"' xml:base='";
- // remove query-string (info. after ?) from the base if exists
- vxistring::size_type qPos = xmlBase.find_first_of(L"?");
- header += (qPos == vxistring::npos ? xmlBase : xmlBase.substr(0, qPos));
- }
- header += L"'>";
- trailer = L"</grammar>";
- }
- // (5) Create the grammar.
- if (log.IsLogging(2)) {
- log.StartDiagnostic(2) << L"GrammarManager::LoadGrammars - type="
- << mimeType << L", grammar=" << header << text << trailer << L">";
- log.EndDiagnostic();
- }
- VXIrecGrammar * vg = NULL;
- if (header.empty() && trailer.empty())
- vg = GrammarManager::CreateGrammarFromString(vxirec, log, text,
- mimeType.c_str(),
- localProps);
- else
- vg = GrammarManager::CreateGrammarFromString(vxirec, log,
- header + text + trailer,
- mimeType.c_str(),
- localProps);
- if (vg == NULL)
- throw VXIException::InterpreterEvent(EV_ERROR_BAD_INLINE);
- return vg;
- }
- // This function is used to recursively walk through the tree, loading and
- // speech or dtmf grammars which are found.
- //
- // NOTE: There is a rather messy optimization with properties, levelProperties,
- // and localProps. This made the code much harder to read but had
- // significant performance benefits. Be very careful!
- //
- void GrammarManager::BuildGrammars(const VXMLElement& doc,
- const vxistring & documentID,
- PropertyList & properties,
- VXIMapHolder & levelProperties,
- int menuAcceptLevel)
- {
- // (1) Look for grammars in current nodes.
- for (VXMLNodeIterator it(doc); it; ++it) {
- VXMLNode child = *it;
- if (child.GetType() != VXMLNode::Type_VXMLElement) continue;
- const VXMLElement & element = reinterpret_cast<const VXMLElement &>(child);
- VXMLElementType elementName = element.GetName();
- // (2) Handle <grammar>
- if (elementName == NODE_GRAMMAR) {
- vxistring src;
- // skip dynamic grammars
- element.GetAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_SRCEXPR, src);
- if (!src.empty()) {
- vxistring mime;
- element.GetAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, mime);
- if (mime.empty()) mime = VXI_MIME_SRGS;
- AddGrammar(NULL, documentID, element, src.c_str(), mime.c_str());
- continue;
- }
- element.GetAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_SRC, src);
- // (2.1) Get the recognizer properties associated with this element.
- if (levelProperties.GetValue() == NULL)
- levelProperties.Acquire(GetRecProperties(properties));
- VXIMapHolder localProps(NULL);
- localProps = levelProperties;
- SetGrammarLoadProperties(element, properties, localProps);
- // (2.2) Does the grammar come from an external URI?
- if (!src.empty()) {
- if (log.IsLogging(2)) {
- log.StartDiagnostic(2) << L"GrammarManager::LoadGrammars - <grammar "
- L"src="" << src << L"">";
- log.EndDiagnostic();
- }
- // (2.2.1) Generate error if fragment-only URI in external grammar
- if (!src.empty() && src[0] == '#') {
- log.LogError(215);
- throw VXIException::InterpreterEvent(EV_ERROR_SEMANTIC,
- L"a fragment-only URI is not permited in external grammar");
- }
- VXIMapHolder fetchobj;
- if (fetchobj.GetValue() == NULL) throw VXIException::OutOfMemory();
- properties.GetFetchobjCacheAttrs(element, PropertyList::Grammar,
- fetchobj);
- // (2.2.2) Load the grammar from the URI.
- vxistring mimeType;
- element.GetAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, mimeType);
- if (mimeType.empty()) mimeType = VXI_MIME_SRGS;
- VXIrecGrammar * vg
- = GrammarManager::CreateGrammarFromURI(vxirec, log, src,
- mimeType.c_str(),
- fetchobj.GetValue(),
- localProps);
- AddGrammar(vg, documentID, element);
- }
- // (2.3) Otherwise this is an inlined grammar.
- else {
- log.LogDiagnostic(2, L"GrammarManager::LoadGrammars - <grammar>");
- AddGrammar(BuildInlineGrammar(element, localProps),
- documentID, element);
- }
- }
- // (3) Handle <link>. Properties cannot be defined in <link>.
- else if (elementName == NODE_LINK) {
- log.LogDiagnostic(2, L"GrammarManager::LoadGrammars - <link>");
- // (3.1) Create DTMF grammar is specified.
- vxistring dtmf;
- element.GetAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_DTMF, dtmf);
- if (!dtmf.empty()) {
- // Flatten grammar properties if necessary.
- if (levelProperties.GetValue() == NULL)
- levelProperties.Acquire(GetRecProperties(properties));
- // NOTE: We don't need to worry about xml:lang, xml:base, or weight;
- // This is a generated (no xml:base) dtmf (xml:lang) grammar.
- VXIrecGrammar * vg = NULL;
- vg = GrammarManager::CreateGrammarFromString(vxirec, log, dtmf,
- levelProperties);
- if (vg == NULL)
- throw VXIException::InterpreterEvent(EV_ERROR_BAD_CHOICE);
- AddGrammar(vg, documentID, element);
- }
- // (3.2) Create child grammars.
- BuildGrammars(element, documentID, properties, levelProperties);
- }
- // (4) Handle <field>.
- else if (elementName == NODE_FIELD) {
- log.LogDiagnostic(2, L"GrammarManager::LoadGrammars - <field>");
- // (4.1) Get the properties from the field.
- bool doPop = properties.PushProperties(element);
- VXIMapHolder localProps(NULL);
- if (doPop || levelProperties.GetValue() == NULL)
- localProps.Acquire(GetRecProperties(properties));
- else
- localProps = levelProperties;
- // Set weight, language, and fetchhint.
- SetGrammarLoadProperties(element, properties, localProps);
- // (4.2) Build option grammar (if necessary).
- BuildOptionGrammars(documentID, element, localProps);
- // (4.3) Add the built-in grammars (if they exist).
- VXIrecGrammar * vg = NULL;
- vxistring type;
- element.GetAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, type);
- if (!type.empty()) {
- vxistring newuri(L"builtin:grammar/");
- newuri += type;
- vg = GrammarManager::CreateGrammarFromURI(vxirec, log, newuri,
- NULL, NULL, localProps);
- AddGrammar(vg, documentID, element);
- newuri = L"builtin:dtmf/";
- newuri += type;
- vg = GrammarManager::CreateGrammarFromURI(vxirec, log, newuri,
- NULL, NULL, localProps);
- AddGrammar(vg, documentID, element);
- }
- // (4.4) Recursively add grammars (this handles <grammar>)
- BuildGrammars(element, documentID, properties, localProps);
- if (doPop) properties.PopProperties();
- }
- // (5) Handle <menu>.
- else if (elementName == NODE_MENU) {
- log.LogDiagnostic(2, L"GrammarManager::LoadGrammars - <menu>");
- // (5.1) Get the properties from the menu.
- bool doPop = properties.PushProperties(element);
- VXIMapHolder localProps(NULL);
- if (doPop || levelProperties.GetValue() == NULL)
- localProps.Acquire(GetRecProperties(properties));
- else
- localProps = levelProperties;
- // Set weight, language, and fetchhint.
- SetGrammarLoadProperties(element, properties, localProps);
- // (5.2) Get grammar accept attribute & handle <choice>s.
- vxistring accept;
- if (element.GetAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_ACCEPT, accept) == true &&
- accept == L"approximate")
- {
- BuildGrammars(element, documentID, properties, localProps, 1);
- }
- else
- BuildGrammars(element, documentID, properties, localProps, 0);
- // (5.3) Undo pop if necessary.
- if (doPop) properties.PopProperties();
- }
- // (6) Handle <choice>
- else if (elementName == NODE_CHOICE) {
- log.LogDiagnostic(2, L"GrammarManager::LoadGrammars - <choice>");
- // (6.1) If there is a <grammar> tag, it overrides any implicit grammar.
- // (6.1.1) Check for <grammar> element.
- bool foundGrammar = false;
- for (VXMLNodeIterator it(element); it; ++it) {
- VXMLNode child = *it;
- if (child.GetType() != VXMLNode::Type_VXMLElement) continue;
- const VXMLElement & temp = reinterpret_cast<const VXMLElement&>(child);
- if (temp.GetName() != NODE_GRAMMAR) continue;
- foundGrammar = true;
- break;
- }
- // (6.1.2) If found, apply recursion.
- if (foundGrammar) {
- // <choice> nodes can't contain properties. Don't need to call Push.
- BuildGrammars(element, documentID, properties, levelProperties);
- }
- // (6.2) DTMF & CDATA grammars.
- vxistring dtmf;
- element.GetAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_DTMF, dtmf);
- vxistring text;
- if (!foundGrammar)
- GetEnclosedText(log, element, text);
- if (!dtmf.empty() || !text.empty()) {
- // (6.2.1) Set up properties.
- // This should not ever be necessary, but just in case...
- if (levelProperties.GetValue() == NULL) {
- levelProperties.Acquire(GetRecProperties(properties));
- log.LogError(999, SimpleLogger::MESSAGE,
- L"GrammarManager::BuildGrammars levelProperties "
- L"not already built for a <choice>");
- }
- // (6.2.2) Build DTMF grammars
- if (!dtmf.empty()) {
- VXIrecGrammar * vg = GrammarManager::CreateGrammarFromString(
- vxirec, log, dtmf,
- levelProperties);
- if (vg == NULL)
- throw VXIException::InterpreterEvent(EV_ERROR_BAD_CHOICE);
- AddGrammar(vg, documentID, element);
- }
- // (6.2.3) Build CDATA grammars (if not overriden by explicit <grammar>
- if (!text.empty()) {
- // Set accept property. This changes the pseudo-read-only
- // levelProperties, so we'll undo the change after creating the
- // grammar.
- vxistring accept;
- if (element.GetAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_ACCEPT, accept)) {
- if (accept == L"approximate")
- AddParamValue(levelProperties, REC_GRAMMAR_ACCEPTANCE, 1);
- else
- AddParamValue(levelProperties, REC_GRAMMAR_ACCEPTANCE, 0);
- }
- else
- AddParamValue(levelProperties, REC_GRAMMAR_ACCEPTANCE,
- menuAcceptLevel ? 1 : 0);
- VXIrecGrammar * vg = GrammarManager::CreateGrammarFromString(
- vxirec, log, text,
- levelProperties);
- if (vg == NULL)
- throw VXIException::InterpreterEvent(EV_ERROR_BAD_CHOICE);
- AddGrammar(vg, documentID, element);
- // As promised, undo the REC_GRAMMAR_ACCEPTANCE property.
- VXIMapDeleteProperty(levelProperties.GetValue(),
- }
- }
- }
- // (7) Otherwise, nothing was found at this level. Use recursion to check
- // the next level down.
- else {
- bool doPop = properties.PushProperties(element);
- if (doPop) {
- VXIMapHolder temp(NULL);
- BuildGrammars(element, documentID, properties, temp, menuAcceptLevel);
- }
- else
- BuildGrammars(element, documentID, properties, levelProperties,
- menuAcceptLevel);
- if (doPop) properties.PopProperties();
- }
- }
- }
- // The defaults have a very simple structure. The element in this case is the
- // desired language. This has an 'id' attribute and contains the <link> and
- // <property> elements.
- //
- void GrammarManager::BuildUniversals(const VXMLElement& doc,
- PropertyList & properties)
- {
- // (1) Collect all the properties defined at this level. This is the only
- // point at which properties may be declared.
- properties.PushProperties(doc);
- VXIMapHolder localProps(GetRecProperties(properties));
- // (2) Get the name of the language.
- vxistring languageID;
- if (!doc.GetAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_ID, languageID)) {
- log.LogError(999, SimpleLogger::MESSAGE, L"defaults document corrupted - "
- L"no id attribute on <language> element");
- throw VXIException::InterpreterEvent(EV_ERROR_BADFETCH);
- }
- // (3) Find each link.
- for (VXMLNodeIterator temp3(doc); temp3; ++temp3) {
- VXMLNode child = *temp3;
- if (child.GetType() != VXMLNode::Type_VXMLElement) continue;
- const VXMLElement & link = reinterpret_cast<const VXMLElement&>(child);
- if (link.GetName() != NODE_LINK) continue;
- // (3.1) Get the name of the link.
- vxistring linkName;
- if (!link.GetAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_EVENT, linkName)) {
- log.LogError(999, SimpleLogger::MESSAGE, L"defaults document corrupted "
- L"- no event attribute on <link> element");
- throw VXIException::InterpreterEvent(EV_ERROR_BADFETCH);
- }
- // (3.2) Process dtmf grammars for this link.
- vxistring dtmf;
- link.GetAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_DTMF, dtmf);
- if (!dtmf.empty()) {
- // NOTE: We don't need to worry about xml:lang, xml:base, or weight;
- // This is a generated (no xml:base) dtmf (xml:lang) grammar.
- VXIrecGrammar * vg = NULL;
- vg = GrammarManager::CreateGrammarFromString(vxirec, log, dtmf,
- localProps);
- if (vg == NULL)
- throw VXIException::InterpreterEvent(EV_ERROR_BAD_CHOICE);
- AddUniversal(vg, link, languageID, linkName);
- }
- // (4) And each grammar.
- for (VXMLNodeIterator temp4(link); temp4; ++temp4) {
- VXMLNode child = *temp4;
- if (child.GetType() != VXMLNode::Type_VXMLElement) continue;
- const VXMLElement & gram = reinterpret_cast<const VXMLElement &>(child);
- if (gram.GetName() != NODE_GRAMMAR) continue;
- // (4.1) Get caching properties on the <grammar> element.
- SetGrammarLoadProperties(gram, properties, localProps);
- // (4.2) Process remote grammars
- vxistring src;
- gram.GetAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_SRC, src);
- if (!src.empty()) {
- // (4.2.1) Generate error if fragment-only URI in external grammar
- if (!src.empty() && src[0] == '#') {
- log.LogError(215);
- throw VXIException::InterpreterEvent(EV_ERROR_SEMANTIC,
- L"a fragment-only URI is not permited in external grammar");
- }
- VXIMapHolder fetchobj;
- if (fetchobj.GetValue() == NULL) throw VXIException::OutOfMemory();
- properties.GetFetchobjCacheAttrs(gram, PropertyList::Grammar, fetchobj);
- // (4.2.2) Load the grammar from the URI.
- vxistring mimeType;
- gram.GetAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, mimeType);
- VXIrecGrammar * vg
- = GrammarManager::CreateGrammarFromURI(vxirec, log, src,
- mimeType.c_str(),
- fetchobj.GetValue(),
- localProps);
- AddUniversal(vg, gram, languageID, linkName);
- }
- else {
- AddUniversal(BuildInlineGrammar(gram, localProps),
- gram, languageID, linkName);
- }
- } // end <grammar>
- } // end <link>
- properties.PopProperties();
- }
- class VXIVectorHolder {
- public:
- VXIVectorHolder() : _v(NULL) { _v = VXIVectorCreate(); }
- ~VXIVectorHolder() { if (_v != NULL) VXIVectorDestroy(&_v); }
- VXIVector * GetValue() const { return _v; }
- private:
- VXIVectorHolder(const VXIVectorHolder &); /* intentionally not defined. */
- VXIVector * _v;
- };
- void GrammarManager::BuildOptionGrammars(const vxistring & documentID,
- const VXMLElement & element,
- const VXIMapHolder & props)
- {
- log.LogDiagnostic(2, L"GrammarManager::BuildOptionGrammars()");
- // (1) Create new vectors to hold the grammar.
- VXIVectorHolder speechUtts;
- VXIVectorHolder speechVals;
- VXIVectorHolder dtmfUtts;
- VXIVectorHolder dtmfVals;
- VXIVectorHolder gramAcceptanceAttrs;
- if (speechUtts.GetValue() == NULL || speechVals.GetValue() == NULL ||
- dtmfUtts.GetValue() == NULL || dtmfVals.GetValue() == NULL ||
- gramAcceptanceAttrs.GetValue() == NULL)
- throw VXIException::OutOfMemory();
- // (2) Get each option.
- for (VXMLNodeIterator it(element); it; ++it) {
- VXMLNode child = *it;
- // (2.1) Ignore anything which isn't an option.
- if (child.GetType() != VXMLNode::Type_VXMLElement) continue;
- VXMLElement & domElem = reinterpret_cast<VXMLElement &>(child);
- if (domElem.GetName() != NODE_OPTION) continue;
- // (2.2) Get attributes and CDATA.
- vxistring value;
- domElem.GetAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_VALUE, value);
- vxistring dtmf;
- domElem.GetAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_DTMF, dtmf);
- vxistring accept;
- domElem.GetAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_ACCEPT, accept);
- vxistring text;
- GrammarManager::GetEnclosedText(log, domElem, text);
- if (value.empty()) value = text;
- if (value.empty()) value = dtmf;
- // (2.3) Add to vectors as appropriate.
- if (!text.empty()) {
- VXIVectorAddElement(speechUtts.GetValue(),
- reinterpret_cast<VXIValue *>(VXIStringCreate(text.c_str())));
- VXIVectorAddElement(speechVals.GetValue(),
- reinterpret_cast<VXIValue *>(VXIStringCreate(value.c_str())));
- }
- if (!dtmf.empty()) {
- VXIVectorAddElement(dtmfUtts.GetValue(),
- reinterpret_cast<VXIValue *>(VXIStringCreate(dtmf.c_str())));
- VXIVectorAddElement(dtmfVals.GetValue(),
- reinterpret_cast<VXIValue *>(VXIStringCreate(value.c_str())));
- }
- if( !text.empty() || !dtmf.empty() )
- {
- if (!accept.empty() && accept == L"approximate") {
- VXIVectorAddElement(gramAcceptanceAttrs.GetValue(),
- reinterpret_cast<VXIValue *>(VXIIntegerCreate(1)));
- } else {
- VXIVectorAddElement(gramAcceptanceAttrs.GetValue(),
- reinterpret_cast<VXIValue *>(VXIIntegerCreate(0)));
- }
- }
- }
- // (3) Add grammars.
- VXIrecGrammar * grammar;
- if (VXIVectorLength(speechUtts.GetValue()) > 0) {
- VXIrecResult err = vxirec->LoadGrammarOption(vxirec, props.GetValue(),
- speechUtts.GetValue(),
- speechVals.GetValue(),
- gramAcceptanceAttrs.GetValue(),
- FALSE, &grammar);
- if( err != VXIrec_RESULT_SUCCESS )
- ThrowSpecificEventError(err, GRAMMAR);
- AddGrammar(grammar, documentID, element);
- }
- if (VXIVectorLength(dtmfUtts.GetValue()) > 0) {
- VXIrecResult err = vxirec->LoadGrammarOption(vxirec, props.GetValue(),
- dtmfUtts.GetValue(),
- dtmfVals.GetValue(),
- gramAcceptanceAttrs.GetValue(),
- TRUE, &grammar);
- if( err != VXIrec_RESULT_SUCCESS )
- ThrowSpecificEventError(err, GRAMMAR);
- AddGrammar(grammar, documentID, element);
- }
- log.LogDiagnostic(2, L"GrammarManager::BuildOptionGrammar - end");
- }
- bool GrammarManager::GetEnclosedText(const SimpleLogger & log,
- const VXMLElement & doc, vxistring & str)
- {
- log.LogDiagnostic(2, L"GrammarManager::GetEnclosedText()");
- // Clear the result first...
- str.erase();
- for (VXMLNodeIterator it(doc); it; ++it) {
- if ((*it).GetType() == VXMLNode::Type_VXMLContent) {
- if (!str.empty()) str += ' ';
- VXMLNode temp = *it;
- str = reinterpret_cast<VXMLContent &>(temp).GetValue();
- }
- }
- log.LogDiagnostic(2, L"GrammarManager::GetEnclosedText - end");
- return !str.empty();
- }
- VXIrecGrammar*
- GrammarManager::CreateGrammarFromURI(VXIrecInterface * vxirec,
- const SimpleLogger & log,
- const vxistring & source,
- const VXIchar * type,
- const VXIMap * fetchProps,
- const VXIMapHolder & recProps)
- {
- if (log.IsLogging(3)) {
- log.StartDiagnostic(3) << L"GrammarManager::LoadGrammar (type="
- << ((type == NULL) ? L"NULL" : type)
- << L"): " << source;
- log.EndDiagnostic();
- }
- VXIrecGrammar * vg;
- VXIrecResult err = vxirec->LoadGrammarURI(vxirec, recProps.GetValue(),
- type,
- source.c_str(),
- fetchProps, &vg);
- if( err != VXIrec_RESULT_SUCCESS )
- ThrowSpecificEventError(err, GRAMMAR);
- log.LogDiagnostic(2, L"GrammarManager::CreateGrammarFromURI - success");
- return vg;
- }
- VXIrecGrammar*
- GrammarManager::CreateGrammarFromString(VXIrecInterface * vxirec,
- const SimpleLogger & log,
- const vxistring & source,
- const VXIchar * type,
- const VXIMapHolder & recProps)
- {
- if (log.IsLogging(3)) {
- log.StartDiagnostic(3) << L"GrammarManager::LoadGrammar (type=" << type
- << L"): " << source;
- log.EndDiagnostic();
- }
- VXIrecGrammar * grammar;
- VXIrecResult err = vxirec->LoadGrammarString(vxirec, recProps.GetValue(),
- type, source.c_str(), &grammar);
- if( err != VXIrec_RESULT_SUCCESS )
- ThrowSpecificEventError(err, GRAMMAR);
- log.LogDiagnostic(2, L"GrammarManager::CreateGrammarFromString - success");
- return grammar;
- }
- void GrammarManager::AddGrammar(VXIrecGrammar * gr,
- const vxistring & documentID,
- const VXMLElement & elem,
- const VXIchar *expr, const VXIchar *type)
- {
- GrammarInfo* gp = new GrammarInfo(gr, documentID, elem, GetGrammarSequence(), expr, type);
- if (gp == NULL) throw VXIException::OutOfMemory();
- if (log.IsLogging(2)) {
- log.StartDiagnostic(2) << L"GrammarManager::AddGrammar(" << gr << L")"
- << L" seq: " << gp->GetSequence();
- log.EndDiagnostic();
- }
- grammars.push_back(gp);
- }
- void GrammarManager::AddUniversal(VXIrecGrammar * gr,
- const VXMLElement & elem,
- const vxistring & langID,
- const vxistring & name)
- {
- GrammarInfoUniv * gp = new GrammarInfoUniv(gr, elem, langID, name,
- GetGrammarSequence());
- if (gp == NULL) throw VXIException::OutOfMemory();
- if (log.IsLogging(2)) {
- log.StartDiagnostic(2) << L"GrammarManager::AddGrammar(" << gr << L")"
- << L" seq: " << gp->GetSequence();
- log.EndDiagnostic();
- }
- universals.push_back(gp);
- }
- void GrammarManager::DisableAllGrammars()
- {
- if (log.IsLogging(2)) {
- log.StartDiagnostic(2) << L"GrammarManager::DisableAllGrammars: Enter";
- log.EndDiagnostic();
- }
- for (GRAMMARS::iterator i = grammars.begin(); i != grammars.end(); ++i) {
- if ((*i)->IsEnabled()) {
- vxirec->DeactivateGrammar(vxirec, (*i)->GetRecGrammar());
- (*i)->SetEnabled(false);
- if ((*i)->IsDynamic()){
- if (log.IsLogging(2)) {
- log.StartDiagnostic(2) << L"GrammarManager::DisableAllGrammars: Free dynamic grammar";
- log.EndDiagnostic();
- }
- VXIrecGrammar * grammar = (*i)->GetRecGrammar();
- vxirec->FreeGrammar(vxirec, &grammar);
- (*i)->SetRecGrammar(NULL);
- }
- }
- }
- for (UNIVERSALS::iterator j = universals.begin(); j != universals.end(); ++j){
- if ((*j)->IsEnabled()) {
- vxirec->DeactivateGrammar(vxirec, (*j)->GetRecGrammar());
- (*j)->SetEnabled(false);
- }
- }
- if (log.IsLogging(2)) {
- log.StartDiagnostic(2) << L"GrammarManager::DisableAllGrammars: Leave";
- log.EndDiagnostic();
- }
- }
- void GrammarManager::ReleaseGrammars()
- {
- while (!grammars.empty()) {
- GrammarInfo * gp = grammars.back();
- grammars.pop_back();
- VXIrecGrammar * grammar = gp->GetRecGrammar();
- if (grammar) {
- if (log.IsLogging(2)) {
- log.StartDiagnostic(2) << L"GrammarManager::ReleaseGrammars(" << grammar
- << L")";
- log.EndDiagnostic();
- }
- if (gp->IsEnabled())
- vxirec->DeactivateGrammar(vxirec, grammar);
- vxirec->FreeGrammar(vxirec, &grammar);
- delete gp;
- }
- }
- while (!universals.empty()) {
- GrammarInfoUniv * gp = universals.back();
- universals.pop_back();
- VXIrecGrammar * grammar = gp->GetRecGrammar();
- if (log.IsLogging(2)) {
- log.StartDiagnostic(2) << L"GrammarManager::ReleaseGrammars(" << grammar
- << L")";
- log.EndDiagnostic();
- }
- vxirec->FreeGrammar(vxirec, &grammar);
- delete gp;
- }
- }
- bool GrammarManager::EnableGrammars(const vxistring & documentID,
- const vxistring & dialogName,
- const vxistring & fieldName,
- const VXIMapHolder & properties,
- bool isModal,
- Scripter &script,
- PropertyList & propList)
- {
- bool enabled = false;
- if (log.IsLogging(2)) {
- log.StartDiagnostic(2) << L"GrammarManager::EnableGrammar: Enter";
- log.EndDiagnostic();
- }
- // (1) Do ordinary grammars...
- // They are activated in reverse order. This should activate them
- // in the order of precedence the VXMl spec dictates (3.1.4)
- for (GRAMMARS::iterator i = grammars.end(); i != grammars.begin();)
- {
- i--;
- bool docsMatch = (*i)->IsDoc(documentID);
- bool dialogsMatch = docsMatch && (*i)->IsDialog(dialogName);
- bool fieldsMatch = dialogsMatch && (*i)->IsField(fieldName);
- bool fieldGram = (!fieldName.empty() && fieldsMatch);
- bool dialogGram = (!isModal && (*i)->IsScope(GRS_DIALOG) && dialogsMatch);
- bool docGram = (!isModal && (*i)->IsScope(GRS_DOC));
- GrammarScope cScope = GRS_NONE;
- if ( fieldGram ||
- // Enable those field grammars matching our (field, form) pair
- dialogGram ||
- // Enable form grammars & dialog scope fields, if not modal
- docGram
- // Enable document level grammars, if not modal
- )
- {
- // Dynamic grammars have to be loaded prior to activation.
- bool dynamic = (*i)->IsDynamic();
- if (dynamic) {
- vxistring src;
- try {
- script.EvalScriptToString((*i)->GetSrcExpr(), src);
- }
- catch(...) {
- // per spec, throw error.semantic on eval error
- throw VXIException::InterpreterEvent(EV_ERROR_SEMANTIC);
- }
- if (log.IsLogging(2)) {
- log.StartDiagnostic(2) << L"GrammarManager::EnableGrammar, Load Dynamic: "
- << (*i)->GetSrcExpr();
- log.EndDiagnostic();
- }
- VXIMapHolder localProps(GetRecProperties(propList));
- VXMLElement elem;
- (*i)->GetElement(elem);
- SetGrammarLoadProperties(elem, propList, localProps);
- VXIMapHolder fetchobj;
- if (fetchobj.GetValue() == NULL) throw VXIException::OutOfMemory();
- propList.GetFetchobjCacheAttrs(elem,PropertyList::Grammar,fetchobj);
- VXIrecGrammar * vg
- = GrammarManager::CreateGrammarFromURI(vxirec, log, src,
- (*i)->GetMimeType(),
- fetchobj.GetValue(),
- localProps);
- (*i)->SetRecGrammar(vg);
- }
- if (log.IsLogging(2)) {
- log.StartDiagnostic(2) << L"GrammarManager::EnableGrammar("
- << (*i)->GetRecGrammar() << L")";
- log.EndDiagnostic();
- }
- // activate the grammar
- VXIrecResult err = vxirec->ActivateGrammar(vxirec, properties.GetValue(),
- (*i)->GetRecGrammar());
- if( err != VXIrec_RESULT_SUCCESS )
- ThrowSpecificEventError(err, GRAMMAR);
- // determine grammar scope
- if (fieldGram)
- cScope = GRS_FIELD;
- else if (dialogGram)
- cScope = GRS_DIALOG;
- else if (docGram)
- cScope = GRS_DOC;
- (*i)->SetEnabled(true, cScope);
- enabled = true;
- }
- }
- // (2) Do universals
- #pragma message("Universals should be sensitive to the active language.")
- // (2.1) Get the property.
- const VXIValue * val = VXIMapGetProperty(properties.GetValue(),
- if (val == NULL || VXIValueGetType(val) != VALUE_STRING)
- return enabled;
- const VXIchar * temp = VXIStringCStr(reinterpret_cast<const VXIString*>(val));
- // (2.2) Convert the property into a set of tokens separated by the delimiter
- // characters.
- const VXIchar * DELIM = L"|";
- vxistring request = DELIM;
- for (; *temp != ' '; ++temp) {
- VXIchar t = *temp;
- if (t == ' ' || t == 't' || t == 'r' || t == 'n')
- request += DELIM;
- else
- request += t;
- }
- request += DELIM;
- // (2.3) If the universals string is 'none', we are done.
- if (request == L"|none|")
- return enabled;
- // (2.4) Check for all anywhere in the string.
- bool doAll = (request.find(L"|all|") != vxistring::npos);
- // (2.5) Now walk the list.
- for (UNIVERSALS::iterator j = universals.begin(); j != universals.end(); ++j)
- {
- bool doThis = doAll;
- if (!doThis) {
- vxistring delimName = DELIM;
- delimName += (*j)->GetName();
- delimName += DELIM;
- doThis = (request.find(delimName) != vxistring::npos);
- }
- if (doThis) {
- VXIrecResult err = vxirec->ActivateGrammar(vxirec, properties.GetValue(),
- (*j)->GetRecGrammar());
- if (err != VXIrec_RESULT_SUCCESS)
- ThrowSpecificEventError(err, GRAMMAR);
- (*j)->SetEnabled(true);
- enabled = true;
- }
- }
- return enabled;
- }
- // This function is responsible for calling the VXIrec level Recognize function
- // and then mapping the grammar back to the corresponding VXML node.
- //
- GrammarManager::RecResult GrammarManager::Recognize(const VXIMapHolder & properties,
- VXIrecRecognitionResult * & result)
- {
- // (1) Attempt a recognition.
- VXIrecResult err = vxirec->Recognize(vxirec, properties.GetValue(), &result);
- if (err != VXIrec_RESULT_SUCCESS && result != NULL) {
- result->Destroy(&result);
- result = NULL;
- }
- // (2) Process return value.
- switch (err) {
- break;
- default:
- // try to throw any specific event for the error before bail out
- ThrowSpecificEventError(err, RECOGNIZE);
- // throw an internal error
- log.StartDiagnostic(0) << L"GrammarManager::InternalRecognize - "
- L"VXIrecInterface::Recognize returned " << int (err);
- log.EndDiagnostic();
- log.LogError(420, SimpleLogger::MESSAGE,
- L"function did not return the expected VXIrecSUCCESS result");
- return GrammarManager::InternalError;
- }
- // (3) Is the result structure valid?
- if (result == NULL) {
- log.LogError(420, SimpleLogger::MESSAGE,
- L"function returned VXIrecSUCCESS but did not allocate "
- L"an answer structure");
- return GrammarManager::InternalError;
- }
- if (result->xmlresult == NULL) {
- log.LogError(420, SimpleLogger::MESSAGE,
- L"function returned VXIrecSUCCESS but did not allocate "
- L"an XML result");
- result->Destroy(&result);
- result = NULL;
- return GrammarManager::InternalError;
- }
- return GrammarManager::Success;
- }
- bool GrammarManager::FindMatchedElement(const vxistring & id,
- VXMLElement & match) const
- {
- unsigned long trash;
- return FindMatchedElement(id, match, trash);
- }
- // Find the VXML element associated with the matched grammar.
- //
- bool GrammarManager::FindMatchedElement(const vxistring & id,
- VXMLElement & match,
- unsigned long & grammarInfo) const
- {
- const VXIrecGrammar * bestGrammar = NULL;
- if (id.empty()) return false;
- VXIrecResult err = vxirec->GetMatchedGrammar(vxirec, id.c_str(),
- &bestGrammar);
- if (err != VXIrec_RESULT_SUCCESS) {
- log.LogError(420, SimpleLogger::MESSAGE,
- L"function failed to return a grammar match");
- return false;
- }
- for (GRAMMARS::const_iterator i = grammars.begin(); i!=grammars.end(); ++i) {
- if ((*i)->GetRecGrammar() != bestGrammar) continue;
- if (!(*i)->IsEnabled()) {
- log.StartDiagnostic(0) << L"GrammarManager::FindMatchedElement - "
- L"Grammar <" << (*i)->GetRecGrammar() << L"> is not activated!";
- log.EndDiagnostic();
- log.LogError(420, SimpleLogger::MESSAGE,
- L"function returned an inactive grammar");
- return false;
- }
- (*i)->GetElement(match);
- grammarInfo = (*i)->GetSequence();
- return true;
- }
- for (UNIVERSALS::const_iterator j = universals.begin();
- j != universals.end(); ++j)
- {
- if ((*j)->GetRecGrammar() != bestGrammar) continue;
- if (!(*j)->IsEnabled()) {
- log.LogError(420, SimpleLogger::MESSAGE,
- L"function returned an inactive grammar");
- return false;
- }
- (*j)->GetElement(match);
- grammarInfo = (*j)->GetSequence();
- return true;
- }
- log.LogError(420, SimpleLogger::MESSAGE,
- L"function returned a non-existent grammar");
- return false;
- }
- // compare the precedence of info1 against info2, return 1 if info1 has
- // higher precedence than info2, -1 otherwise, 0 if both has the same precedence
- int GrammarManager::CompareGrammar(const unsigned long grammar1,
- const unsigned long grammar2)
- {
- // Is either grammar an universal?
- bool firstIsUniversal = false;
- bool secondIsUniversal = false;
- for (UNIVERSALS::const_iterator j = universals.begin();
- j != universals.end(); ++j)
- {
- unsigned long temp = (*j)->GetSequence();
- if (temp == grammar1) firstIsUniversal = true;
- if (temp == grammar2) secondIsUniversal = true;
- }
- if (firstIsUniversal && secondIsUniversal) {
- if (grammar1 < grammar2) return 1;
- if (grammar1 > grammar2) return -1;
- return 0;
- }
- if (firstIsUniversal) return 1;
- if (secondIsUniversal) return -1;
- // The remaining grammars are not universals.
- const GrammarInfo * info1 = NULL;
- const GrammarInfo * info2 = NULL;
- for (GRAMMARS::const_iterator i = grammars.begin(); i!=grammars.end(); ++i) {
- unsigned long temp = (*i)->GetSequence();
- if (temp == grammar1) info1 = *i;
- if (temp == grammar2) info2 = *i;
- }
- if (info1 && info2) {
- GrammarScope s1 = info1->GetScope();
- GrammarScope s2 = info2->GetScope();
- if( info1 == info2 ) return 0;
- if( s1 == GRS_NONE || s2 == GRS_NONE ) return 0; // unable to determine
- if( s1 < s2 ) return 1;
- if( s1 > s2 ) return -1;
- if( s1 == s2 ) {
- // if both have the same precedence, use document order
- // to determine
- if( info1->GetSequence() < info2->GetSequence() )
- return 1;
- else if(info1->GetSequence() > info2->GetSequence())
- return -1;
- else return 0;
- }
- }
- return 0; // unable to determine
- }
- GrammarManager::RecResult GrammarManager::Record(const VXIMapHolder & properties,
- bool flushBeforeRecord,
- VXIrecRecordResult * & resultStruct)
- {
- const VXIMap *finalProp = NULL;
- VXIMapHolder addlProp(NULL);
- if (flushBeforeRecord) {
- addlProp = properties;
- AddParamValue(addlProp, REC_DTMF_FLUSH_QUEUE, true);
- finalProp = addlProp.GetValue();
- } else {
- finalProp = properties.GetValue();
- }
- VXIrecResult err = vxirec->Record(vxirec, finalProp, &resultStruct);
- if (err != VXIrec_RESULT_SUCCESS) {
- // try to throw a specific event for the error before bailing out
- ThrowSpecificEventError(err, RECORD);
- // throw an internal error if specific event cannot be thrown
- log.StartDiagnostic(0) << L"GrammarManager::Record - "
- L"VXIrecInterface::Record returned " << int (err);
- log.EndDiagnostic();
- log.LogError(421, SimpleLogger::MESSAGE,
- L"function did not return the expected VXIrecSUCCESS result");
- if (resultStruct) {
- resultStruct->Destroy(&resultStruct);
- resultStruct = NULL;
- }
- return GrammarManager::InternalError;
- }
- if (resultStruct == NULL) {
- log.LogError(421, SimpleLogger::MESSAGE,
- L"function returned VXIrecSUCCESS but did not allocate "
- L"an answer structure");
- return GrammarManager::InternalError;
- }
- if (resultStruct->waveform == NULL && resultStruct->xmlresult == NULL) {
- log.LogError(421, SimpleLogger::MESSAGE,
- L"function did not produce a recording or XML result");
- return GrammarManager::InternalError;
- }
- if (resultStruct->waveform != NULL && resultStruct->duration == 0) {
- log.LogError(421, SimpleLogger::MESSAGE,
- L"function returned invalid recording duration");
- return GrammarManager::InternalError;
- }
- return GrammarManager::Success;
- }
- void GrammarManager::SetInputMode(const VXIchar *mode, VXIMapHolder &props) const
- {
- if( mode ) {
- vxistring value(mode);
- if (value == L"voice dtmf" || value == L"dtmf voice")
- else if (value == L"voice")
- else if (value == L"dtmf")
- else {
- log.StartDiagnostic(0) << L"GrammarManager::SetInputMode - "
- L"Property '" << REC_INPUT_MODES << L"' contains unrecognized value "" << value <<
- L"", deliberately set to "voice dtmf"";
- log.EndDiagnostic();
- }
- }
- AddParamValue(props, REC_INPUT_MODES, modeVal);
- }
- VXIMap * GrammarManager::GetRecProperties(const PropertyList & props,
- int timeout) const
- {
- VXIMapHolder m;
- if (m.GetValue() == NULL) throw VXIException::OutOfMemory();
- // (1) Retrieve flattened property list.
- props.GetProperties(m);
- // (2) Convert & manipulate the properties.
- const VXIchar * j;
- VXIint time;
- VXIflt32 fraction;
- // (2.1) Language
- j = props.GetProperty(PropertyList::Language);
- if (j != NULL)
- AddParamValue(m, REC_LANGUAGE, j);
- // (2.2) Completion timeout
- j = props.GetProperty(PROP_COMPLETETIME);
- if (j != NULL ) {
- if(!props.ConvertTimeToMilliseconds(log, j, time))
- throw VXIException::InterpreterEvent(EV_ERROR_SEMANTIC);
- AddParamValue(m, REC_TIMEOUT_COMPLETE, time);
- }
- // (2.3) Incompletion timeout
- j = props.GetProperty(PROP_INCOMPLETETIME);
- if (j != NULL ) {
- if(!props.ConvertTimeToMilliseconds(log, j, time))
- throw VXIException::InterpreterEvent(EV_ERROR_SEMANTIC);
- AddParamValue(m, REC_TIMEOUT_INCOMPLETE, time);
- }
- // (2.4) Inter-Digit timeout
- j = props.GetProperty(PROP_INTERDIGITTIME);
- if (j != NULL ) {
- if(!props.ConvertTimeToMilliseconds(log, j, time))
- throw VXIException::InterpreterEvent(EV_ERROR_SEMANTIC);
- AddParamValue(m, REC_DTMF_TIMEOUT_INTERDIGIT, time);
- }
- // (2.5) Inter-Digit timeout
- j = props.GetProperty(PROP_TERMTIME);
- if (j != NULL ) {
- if(!props.ConvertTimeToMilliseconds(log, j, time))
- throw VXIException::InterpreterEvent(EV_ERROR_SEMANTIC);
- AddParamValue(m, REC_DTMF_TIMEOUT_TERMINATOR, time);
- }
- // (2.6) Confidence level
- j = props.GetProperty(PROP_CONFIDENCE);
- if (j != NULL && props.ConvertValueToFraction(log, j, fraction))
- AddParamValue(m, REC_CONFIDENCE_LEVEL, fraction);
- // (2.7) Barge-in sensitivity level
- j = props.GetProperty(PROP_SENSITIVITY);
- if (j != NULL && props.ConvertValueToFraction(log, j, fraction))
- AddParamValue(m, REC_SENSITIVITY, fraction);
- // (2.8) Performance tradeoff - speed vs. accuracy
- j = props.GetProperty(PROP_SPEEDVSACC);
- if (j != NULL && props.ConvertValueToFraction(log, j, fraction))
- AddParamValue(m, REC_SPEED_VS_ACCURACY, fraction);
- // (2.9) DTMF terminator character
- j = props.GetProperty(PROP_TERMCHAR);
- if (j != NULL) {
- if (wcslen(j) < 2)
- AddParamValue(m, REC_DTMF_TERMINATOR_CHAR, j);
- else {
- log.StartDiagnostic(0) << L"GrammarManager::GetRecProperties - "
- L"Unable to set " << REC_DTMF_TERMINATOR_CHAR << L" from value "" <<
- j << L"". Defaulting to '#'.";
- log.EndDiagnostic();
- // Should we use the default, or rather not set anything ?
- AddParamValue(m, REC_DTMF_TERMINATOR_CHAR, L"#");
- }
- }
- // (2.10) Input modes
- j = props.GetProperty(PROP_INPUTMODES);
- SetInputMode(j, m);
- // (2.11) Timeout settings
- if (timeout == -1) {
- j = props.GetProperty(PROP_TIMEOUT);
- if (j != NULL)
- if( !PropertyList::ConvertTimeToMilliseconds(log, j, timeout) )
- throw VXIException::InterpreterEvent(EV_ERROR_SEMANTIC);
- }
- if (timeout != -1) {
- AddParamValue(m, REC_DTMF_TIMEOUT, timeout);
- AddParamValue(m, REC_TIMEOUT, timeout);
- }
- // (2.12) Bargein type
- int bargintype = REC_BARGEIN_SPEECH;
- j = props.GetProperty(PROP_BARGEINTYPE);
- if (j != NULL) {
- vxistring value(j);
- if (value == L"hotword")
- bargintype = REC_BARGEIN_HOTWORD;
- else if (value == L"speech")
- bargintype = REC_BARGEIN_SPEECH;
- else {
- log.StartDiagnostic(0) << L"GrammarManager::GetRecProperties - "
- L"Property '" << REC_BARGEIN_TYPE << L"' contains unrecognized value "" << value <<
- L"", deliberately set to "speech"";
- log.EndDiagnostic();
- }
- }
- AddParamValue(m, REC_BARGEIN_TYPE, bargintype);
- // (2.13) maxnbest property
- j = props.GetProperty(PROP_MAXNBEST);
- if (j != NULL) {
- VXIint nbest = 1;
- std::basic_stringstream<VXIchar> nbestStream(j);
- nbestStream >> nbest;
- AddParamValue(m, REC_RESULT_NBEST_SIZE, nbest);
- }
- // (2.14) maxspeechtimeout property
- j = props.GetProperty(PROP_MAXSPEECHTIME);
- if (j != NULL) {
- if( !PropertyList::ConvertTimeToMilliseconds(log, j, timeout) )
- throw VXIException::InterpreterEvent(EV_ERROR_SEMANTIC);
- AddParamValue(m, REC_TIMEOUT_SPEECH, timeout);
- }
- // (2.15) recordutterance properties
- j = props.GetProperty(PROP_RECORDUTTERANCE);
- if (j != NULL)
- AddParamValue(m, REC_RECORDUTTERANCE, j);
- j = props.GetProperty(PROP_RECORDUTTERANCETYPE);
- if (j != NULL)
- return m.Release();
- }
- VXIMap * GrammarManager::GetRecordProperties(const PropertyList & props,
- int timeout) const
- {
- VXIMapHolder m;
- if (m.GetValue() == NULL) throw VXIException::OutOfMemory();
- // (1) Retrieve flattened property list.
- props.GetProperties(m);
- // (2) Convert & manipulate the properties.
- const VXIchar * j;
- VXIint time;
- // (2.1) Completion timeout
- j = props.GetProperty(GrammarManager::MaxTime);
- if (j != NULL ) {
- if(!props.ConvertTimeToMilliseconds(log, j, time))
- throw VXIException::InterpreterEvent(EV_ERROR_SEMANTIC);
- AddParamValue(m, REC_MAX_RECORDING_TIME, time);
- }
- // (2.2) Final silence
- j = props.GetProperty(GrammarManager::FinalSilence);
- if (j != NULL ) {
- if(!props.ConvertTimeToMilliseconds(log, j, time))
- throw VXIException::InterpreterEvent(EV_ERROR_SEMANTIC);
- AddParamValue(m, REC_TIMEOUT_COMPLETE, time);
- }
- // (2.3) Type
- j = props.GetProperty(GrammarManager::RecordingType);
- if (j != NULL)
- AddParamValue(m, REC_RECORD_MIME_TYPE, j);
- // (2.4) DTMF terminates record?
- j = props.GetProperty(GrammarManager::DTMFTerm);
- if (j != NULL) {
- int dtmfterm;
- if (vxistring(j) == L"false")
- dtmfterm = 0;
- else
- dtmfterm = 1;
- AddParamValue(m, REC_TERMINATED_ON_DTMF, dtmfterm);
- }
- // (2.5) Timeout settings
- if (timeout == -1) {
- j = props.GetProperty(PROP_TIMEOUT);
- if (j != NULL)
- if(!PropertyList::ConvertTimeToMilliseconds(log, j, timeout))
- throw VXIException::InterpreterEvent(EV_ERROR_SEMANTIC);
- }
- if (timeout != -1) {
- AddParamValue(m, REC_DTMF_TIMEOUT, timeout);
- AddParamValue(m, REC_TIMEOUT, timeout);
- }
- // (2.6) Inter-Digit timeout
- j = props.GetProperty(PROP_INTERDIGITTIME);
- if (j != NULL ) {
- if(!props.ConvertTimeToMilliseconds(log, j, time))
- throw VXIException::InterpreterEvent(EV_ERROR_SEMANTIC);
- AddParamValue(m, REC_DTMF_TIMEOUT_INTERDIGIT, time);
- }
- // (2.7) Terminator char timeout
- j = props.GetProperty(PROP_TERMTIME);
- if (j != NULL ) {
- if(!props.ConvertTimeToMilliseconds(log, j, time))
- throw VXIException::InterpreterEvent(EV_ERROR_SEMANTIC);
- AddParamValue(m, REC_DTMF_TIMEOUT_TERMINATOR, time);
- }
- // (2.8) DTMF terminator character
- j = props.GetProperty(PROP_TERMCHAR);
- if ((j != NULL) && (j[0] != L' ')) {
- if (wcslen(j) == 1)
- AddParamValue(m, REC_DTMF_TERMINATOR_CHAR, j);
- else {
- log.StartDiagnostic(0) << L"GrammarManager::GetRecordProperties - "
- L"Unable to set " << REC_DTMF_TERMINATOR_CHAR << L" from value "" <<
- j << L"". Defaulting to '#'.";
- log.EndDiagnostic();
- // Should we use the default, or rather not set anything ?
- AddParamValue(m, REC_DTMF_TERMINATOR_CHAR, L"#");
- }
- }
- // (2.9) Input modes
- j = props.GetProperty(PROP_INPUTMODES);
- SetInputMode(j, m);
- // (3) Done
- return m.Release();
- }
- void GrammarManager::SetGrammarLoadProperties(const VXMLElement & element,
- const PropertyList& props,
- VXIMapHolder & properties) const
- {
- vxistring attr;
- const VXIchar * j;
- // (1) Set weight
- VXIflt32 val;
- if (element.GetAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_WEIGHT, attr) == true &&
- PropertyList::ConvertValueToFraction(log, attr, val))
- {
- AddParamValue(properties, REC_GRAMMAR_WEIGHT, val);
- }
- else
- AddParamValue(properties, REC_GRAMMAR_WEIGHT, 1.0f);
- // (1.1) Set Grammar Mode; as a convenience
- attr = L"";
- if( element.GetAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_MODE, attr ) == true )
- {
- AddParamValue(properties, REC_GRAMMAR_MODE, attr );
- }
- // (2) Set language; parsing should ensure that this value is always defined
- attr = L"";
- if (!element.GetAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_XMLLANG, attr)) {
- log.LogError(999, SimpleLogger::MESSAGE,
- L"GrammarManager::SetGrammarLoadProperties did not "
- L"find a language");
- }
- AddParamValue(properties, REC_LANGUAGE, attr);
- // (3) Set prefetch status
- attr = L"";
- if (element.GetAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_FETCHHINT, attr) != true) {
- const VXIValue * v = VXIMapGetProperty(properties.GetValue(),
- L"grammarfetchhint");
- if (VXIValueGetType(v) == VALUE_STRING)
- attr = VXIStringCStr(reinterpret_cast<const VXIString *>(v));
- }
- if (attr == L"prefetch")
- AddParamValue(properties, REC_PREFETCH_REQUEST, 1);
- else
- AddParamValue(properties, REC_PREFETCH_REQUEST, 0);
- // (4) Input Mode
- j = props.GetProperty(PROP_INPUTMODES);
- SetInputMode(j, properties);
- }