Visual C++
- /****************License************************************************
- * Vocalocity OpenVXI
- * Copyright (C) 2004-2005 by Vocalocity, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- * Vocalocity, the Vocalocity logo, and VocalOS are trademarks or
- * registered trademarks of Vocalocity, Inc.
- * OpenVXI is a trademark of Scansoft, Inc. and used under license
- * by Vocalocity.
- ***********************************************************************/
- #include "VXIvalue.h"
- #include "VXML.h"
- class VXMLElement;
- class VXMLNodeRef;
- class VXMLNodeIterator;
- class VXMLNodeIteratorData;
- class VXMLDocumentRep;
- enum DocumentLevel {
- DOCUMENT, // Current active document
- APPLICATION, // Root Application
- DEFAULTS // Default application
- };
- class VXMLDocumentModel {
- public:
- static bool Initialize();
- static void Deinitialize();
- static void CreateHiddenVariable(vxistring &);
- static bool IsHiddenVariable(const vxistring &);
- class OutOfMemory { };
- class InternalError { };
- };
- class VXMLNode {
- friend class VXMLNodeIterator;
- public:
- enum VXMLNodeType {
- Type_VXMLContent, // This node represents a leaf.
- Type_VXMLElement, // This node represents a branch.
- Type_VXMLNode // This node is not initialized.
- };
- VXMLNode(const VXMLNodeRef * i = NULL) : internals(i) { }
- virtual ~VXMLNode() { }
- VXMLNode(const VXMLNode & x);
- VXMLNode & operator=(const VXMLNode &);
- public:
- VXMLNodeType GetType() const;
- VXMLElement GetParent() const;
- bool operator!=(const VXMLNode &x) const { return internals != x.internals;}
- bool operator==(const VXMLNode &x) const { return internals == x.internals;}
- bool operator==(int a) const { if (a != 0) return false;
- return (internals == NULL); }
- bool operator!=(int a) const { if (a != 0) return false;
- return (internals != NULL); }
- protected:
- const VXMLNodeRef * internals;
- };
- class VXMLNodeIterator {
- public: // Creators
- VXMLNodeIterator(const VXMLNode &);
- ~VXMLNodeIterator();
- public: // Manipulators
- void operator++(); // Increments iterator to next child
- VXMLNode operator*() const; // Returns corresponding node
- operator const void *() const; // Returns 0 if iteration is invalid
- void reset(); // Resets iterator to first child
- private: // not implemented
- VXMLNodeIterator(const VXMLNodeIterator &);
- VXMLNodeIterator & operator=(const VXMLNodeIterator &);
- VXMLNodeIteratorData * data;
- };
- class VXMLContent : public VXMLNode {
- public:
- virtual ~VXMLContent() { }
- VXMLContent(const VXMLNodeRef * ref = NULL) : VXMLNode(ref) { }
- public:
- const vxistring & GetValue() const;
- VXIulong GetSSMLHeaderLen() const;
- private: // Not implemented
- VXMLContent(const VXMLContent & x);
- VXMLContent & operator=(const VXMLNode &);
- VXMLContent(const VXMLElement * p);
- };
- class VXMLElement : public VXMLNode {
- public: // Creation & comparison functions
- VXMLElement(const VXMLNodeRef * ref = NULL);
- VXMLElement(const VXMLElement & x);
- virtual ~VXMLElement() { }
- // Navigation functions (moving up & down the tree)
- bool hasChildren() const;
- // Information retrieval
- VXMLElementType GetName() const;
- bool GetAttribute(VXMLAttributeType key, vxistring & attr) const;
- DocumentLevel GetDocumentLevel() const;
- private:
- VXMLElement & operator=(const VXMLNode &);
- };
- #endif // #ifndef _DOCUMENT_MODEL__HPP_