- #!/usr/bin/perl
- #
- # Prints mails to standard output
- #
- ####
- #### Standard inits and get options
- ####
- use DBI;
- use Getopt::Long;
- $VER="1.5";
- @fldnms= ("mail_from","mail_to","cc","date","time_zone","file","sbj","txt");
- $fields=8;
- @mail= (@from,@to,@cc,@date,@time_zone,@file,@sbj,@txt);
- $opt_user= $opt_password= "";
- $opt_socket= "/tmp/mysql.sock";
- $opt_port= 3306;
- $opt_db="mail";
- $opt_table="mails";
- $opt_help=$opt_count=0;
- GetOptions("help","count","port=i","db=s","table=s","host=s","password=s",
- "user=s","socket=s") || usage();
- if ($opt_host eq '')
- {
- $opt_host = "localhost";
- }
- if ($opt_help || !$ARGV[0])
- {
- usage();
- }
- ####
- #### Connect and parsing the query to MySQL
- ####
- $dbh= DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$opt_db:$opt_host:port=$opt_port:mysql_socket=$opt_mysql_socket", $opt_user,$opt_password, { PrintError => 0})
- || die $DBI::errstr;
- if ($opt_count)
- {
- count_mails();
- }
- $fields=0;
- $query = "select ";
- foreach $val (@fldnms)
- {
- if (!$fields)
- {
- $query.= "$val";
- }
- else
- {
- $query.= ",$val";
- }
- $fields++;
- }
- $query.= " from $opt_table where $ARGV[0] order by date desc";
- ####
- #### Send query and save result
- ####
- $sth= $dbh->prepare($query);
- if (!$sth->execute)
- {
- print "$DBI::errstrn";
- $sth->finish;
- die;
- }
- for ($i=0; ($row= $sth->fetchrow_arrayref); $i++)
- {
- for ($j=0; $j < $fields; $j++)
- {
- $mail[$j][$i]= $row->[$j];
- }
- }
- ####
- #### Print to stderr
- ####
- for ($i=0; $mail[0][$i]; $i++)
- {
- print "#" x 33;
- print " " . ($i+1) . ". Mail ";
- print "#" x 33;
- print "nFrom: $mail[0][$i]n";
- print "To: $mail[1][$i]n";
- print "Cc: $mail[2][$i]n";
- print "Date: $mail[3][$i]n";
- print "Timezone: $mail[4][$i]n";
- print "File: $mail[5][$i]n";
- print "Subject: $mail[6][$i]n";
- print "Message:n$mail[7][$i]n";
- }
- print "#" x 20;
- print " Summary: ";
- if ($i == 1)
- {
- print "$i Mail ";
- print "matches the query ";
- }
- else
- {
- print "$i Mails ";
- print "match the query ";
- }
- print "#" x 20;
- print "n";
- ####
- #### Count mails that matches the query, but don't show them
- ####
- sub count_mails
- {
- $sth= $dbh->prepare("select count(*) from $opt_table where $ARGV[0]");
- if (!$sth->execute)
- {
- print "$DBI::errstrn";
- $sth->finish;
- die;
- }
- while (($row= $sth->fetchrow_arrayref))
- {
- $mail_count= $row->[0];
- }
- if ($mail_count == 1)
- {
- print "$mail_count Mail matches the query.n";
- }
- else
- {
- print "$mail_count Mails match the query.n";
- }
- exit;
- }
- ####
- #### Usage
- ####
- sub usage
- {
- print <<EOF;
- pmail version $VER by Jani Tolonen
- Usage: pmail [options] "SQL where clause"
- Options:
- --help show this help
- --count Shows how many mails matches the query, but not the mails.
- --db= database to use (Default: $opt_db)
- --table= table to use (Default: $opt_table)
- --host= Hostname which to connect (Default: $opt_host)
- --socket= Unix socket to be used for connection (Default: $opt_socket)
- --password= Password to use for mysql
- --user= User to be used for mysql connection, if not current user
- --port= mysql port to be used (Default: $opt_port)
- "SQL where clause" is the end of the select clause,
- where the condition is expressed. The result will
- be the mail(s) that matches the condition and
- will be displayed with the fields:
- - From
- - To
- - Cc
- - Date
- - Timezone
- - File (Where from the current mail was loaded into the database)
- - Subject
- - Message text
- The field names that can be used in the where clause are:
- Field Type
- - mail_from varchar(120)
- - date datetime
- - sbj varchar(200)
- - txt mediumtext
- - cc text
- - mail_to text
- - time_zone varchar(6)
- - reply varchar(120)
- - file varchar(32)
- - hash int(11)
- An example of the pmail:
- pmail "txt like '%libmysql.dll%' and sbj like '%delphi%'"
- NOTE: the txt field is NOT case sensitive!
- exit(0);
- }