- /*-
- * See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1999-2002
- * Sleepycat Software. All rights reserved.
- *
- * $Id: hash_verify.c,v 1.53 2002/08/06 05:35:02 bostic Exp $
- */
- #include "db_config.h"
- #ifndef lint
- static const char revid[] = "$Id: hash_verify.c,v 1.53 2002/08/06 05:35:02 bostic Exp $";
- #endif /* not lint */
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #endif
- #include "db_int.h"
- #include "dbinc/db_page.h"
- #include "dbinc/db_verify.h"
- #include "dbinc/btree.h"
- #include "dbinc/hash.h"
- static int __ham_dups_unsorted __P((DB *, u_int8_t *, u_int32_t));
- static int __ham_vrfy_bucket __P((DB *, VRFY_DBINFO *, HMETA *, u_int32_t,
- u_int32_t));
- static int __ham_vrfy_item __P((DB *,
- VRFY_DBINFO *, db_pgno_t, PAGE *, u_int32_t, u_int32_t));
- /*
- * __ham_vrfy_meta --
- * Verify the hash-specific part of a metadata page.
- *
- * Note that unlike btree, we don't save things off, because we
- * will need most everything again to verify each page and the
- * amount of state here is significant.
- *
- * PUBLIC: int __ham_vrfy_meta __P((DB *, VRFY_DBINFO *, HMETA *,
- * PUBLIC: db_pgno_t, u_int32_t));
- */
- int
- __ham_vrfy_meta(dbp, vdp, m, pgno, flags)
- DB *dbp;
- HMETA *m;
- db_pgno_t pgno;
- u_int32_t flags;
- {
- HASH *hashp;
- int i, ret, t_ret, isbad;
- u_int32_t pwr, mbucket;
- u_int32_t (*hfunc) __P((DB *, const void *, u_int32_t));
- if ((ret = __db_vrfy_getpageinfo(vdp, pgno, &pip)) != 0)
- return (ret);
- isbad = 0;
- hashp = dbp->h_internal;
- if (hashp != NULL && hashp->h_hash != NULL)
- hfunc = hashp->h_hash;
- else
- hfunc = __ham_func5;
- /*
- * If we haven't already checked the common fields in pagezero,
- * check them.
- */
- (ret = __db_vrfy_meta(dbp, vdp, &m->dbmeta, pgno, flags)) != 0) {
- if (ret == DB_VERIFY_BAD)
- isbad = 1;
- else
- goto err;
- }
- /* h_charkey */
- if (m->h_charkey != hfunc(dbp, CHARKEY, sizeof(CHARKEY))) {
- EPRINT((dbp->dbenv,
- "Page %lu: database has different custom hash function; reverify with DB_NOORDERCHK set",
- (u_long)pgno));
- /*
- * Return immediately; this is probably a sign
- * of user error rather than database corruption, so
- * we want to avoid extraneous errors.
- */
- isbad = 1;
- goto err;
- }
- /* max_bucket must be less than the last pgno. */
- if (m->max_bucket > vdp->last_pgno) {
- EPRINT((dbp->dbenv,
- "Page %lu: Impossible max_bucket %lu on meta page",
- (u_long)pgno, (u_long)m->max_bucket));
- /*
- * Most other fields depend somehow on max_bucket, so
- * we just return--there will be lots of extraneous
- * errors.
- */
- isbad = 1;
- goto err;
- }
- /*
- * max_bucket, high_mask and low_mask: high_mask must be one
- * less than the next power of two above max_bucket, and
- * low_mask must be one less than the power of two below it.
- *
- *
- */
- pwr = (m->max_bucket == 0) ? 1 : 1 << __db_log2(m->max_bucket + 1);
- if (m->high_mask != pwr - 1) {
- EPRINT((dbp->dbenv,
- "Page %lu: incorrect high_mask %lu, should be %lu",
- (u_long)pgno, (u_long)m->high_mask, (u_long)pwr - 1));
- isbad = 1;
- }
- pwr >>= 1;
- if (m->low_mask != pwr - 1) {
- EPRINT((dbp->dbenv,
- "Page %lu: incorrect low_mask %lu, should be %lu",
- (u_long)pgno, (u_long)m->low_mask, (u_long)pwr - 1));
- isbad = 1;
- }
- /* ffactor: no check possible. */
- pip->h_ffactor = m->ffactor;
- /*
- * nelem: just make sure it's not astronomical for now. This is the
- * same check that hash_upgrade does, since there was a bug in 2.X
- * which could make nelem go "negative".
- */
- if (m->nelem > 0x80000000) {
- EPRINT((dbp->dbenv,
- "Page %lu: suspiciously high nelem of %lu",
- (u_long)pgno, (u_long)m->nelem));
- isbad = 1;
- pip->h_nelem = 0;
- } else
- pip->h_nelem = m->nelem;
- /* flags */
- if (F_ISSET(&m->dbmeta, DB_HASH_DUP))
- if (F_ISSET(&m->dbmeta, DB_HASH_DUPSORT))
- /* XXX: Why is the DB_HASH_SUBDB flag necessary? */
- /* spares array */
- for (i = 0; m->spares[i] != 0 && i < NCACHED; i++) {
- /*
- * We set mbucket to the maximum bucket that would use a given
- * spares entry; we want to ensure that it's always less
- * than last_pgno.
- */
- mbucket = (1 << i) - 1;
- if (BS_TO_PAGE(mbucket, m->spares) > vdp->last_pgno) {
- EPRINT((dbp->dbenv,
- "Page %lu: spares array entry %d is invalid",
- (u_long)pgno, i));
- isbad = 1;
- }
- }
- err: if ((t_ret =
- __db_vrfy_putpageinfo(dbp->dbenv, vdp, pip)) != 0 && ret == 0)
- ret = t_ret;
- return ((ret == 0 && isbad == 1) ? DB_VERIFY_BAD : ret);
- }
- /*
- * __ham_vrfy --
- * Verify hash page.
- *
- * PUBLIC: int __ham_vrfy __P((DB *, VRFY_DBINFO *, PAGE *, db_pgno_t,
- * PUBLIC: u_int32_t));
- */
- int
- __ham_vrfy(dbp, vdp, h, pgno, flags)
- DB *dbp;
- PAGE *h;
- db_pgno_t pgno;
- u_int32_t flags;
- {
- u_int32_t ent, himark, inpend;
- db_indx_t *inp;
- int isbad, ret, t_ret;
- isbad = 0;
- if ((ret = __db_vrfy_getpageinfo(vdp, pgno, &pip)) != 0)
- return (ret);
- /* Sanity check our flags and page type. */
- if ((ret = __db_fchk(dbp->dbenv, "__ham_vrfy",
- goto err;
- if (TYPE(h) != P_HASH) {
- TYPE_ERR_PRINT(dbp->dbenv, "__ham_vrfy", pgno, TYPE(h));
- ret = EINVAL;
- goto err;
- }
- /* Verify and save off fields common to all PAGEs. */
- if ((ret = __db_vrfy_datapage(dbp, vdp, h, pgno, flags)) != 0) {
- if (ret == DB_VERIFY_BAD)
- isbad = 1;
- else
- goto err;
- }
- /*
- * Verify inp[]. Each offset from 0 to NUM_ENT(h) must be lower
- * than the previous one, higher than the current end of the inp array,
- * and lower than the page size.
- *
- * In any case, we return immediately if things are bad, as it would
- * be unsafe to proceed.
- */
- inp = P_INP(dbp, h);
- for (ent = 0, himark = dbp->pgsize,
- inpend = (u_int32_t)((u_int8_t *)inp - (u_int8_t *)h);
- ent < NUM_ENT(h); ent++)
- if (inp[ent] >= himark) {
- EPRINT((dbp->dbenv,
- "Page %lu: item %lu is out of order or nonsensical",
- (u_long)pgno, (u_long)ent));
- isbad = 1;
- goto err;
- } else if (inpend >= himark) {
- EPRINT((dbp->dbenv,
- "Page %lu: entries array collided with data",
- (u_long)pgno));
- isbad = 1;
- goto err;
- } else {
- himark = inp[ent];
- inpend += sizeof(db_indx_t);
- if ((ret = __ham_vrfy_item(
- dbp, vdp, pgno, h, ent, flags)) != 0)
- goto err;
- }
- err: if ((t_ret =
- __db_vrfy_putpageinfo(dbp->dbenv, vdp, pip)) != 0 && ret == 0)
- ret = t_ret;
- return (ret == 0 && isbad == 1 ? DB_VERIFY_BAD : ret);
- }
- /*
- * __ham_vrfy_item --
- * Given a hash page and an offset, sanity-check the item itself,
- * and save off any overflow items or off-page dup children as necessary.
- */
- static int
- __ham_vrfy_item(dbp, vdp, pgno, h, i, flags)
- DB *dbp;
- db_pgno_t pgno;
- PAGE *h;
- u_int32_t i, flags;
- {
- HOFFDUP hod;
- db_indx_t offset, len, dlen, elen;
- int ret, t_ret;
- u_int8_t *databuf;
- if ((ret = __db_vrfy_getpageinfo(vdp, pgno, &pip)) != 0)
- return (ret);
- switch (HPAGE_TYPE(dbp, h, i)) {
- case H_KEYDATA:
- /* Nothing to do here--everything but the type field is data */
- break;
- /* Are we a datum or a key? Better be the former. */
- if (i % 2 == 0) {
- EPRINT((dbp->dbenv,
- "Page %lu: hash key stored as duplicate item %lu",
- (u_long)pip->pgno, (u_long)i));
- }
- /*
- * Dups are encoded as a series within a single HKEYDATA,
- * in which each dup is surrounded by a copy of its length
- * on either side (so that the series can be walked in either
- * direction. We loop through this series and make sure
- * each dup is reasonable.
- *
- * Note that at this point, we've verified item i-1, so
- * it's safe to use LEN_HKEYDATA (which looks at inp[i-1]).
- */
- len = LEN_HKEYDATA(dbp, h, dbp->pgsize, i);
- databuf = HKEYDATA_DATA(P_ENTRY(dbp, h, i));
- for (offset = 0; offset < len; offset += DUP_SIZE(dlen)) {
- memcpy(&dlen, databuf + offset, sizeof(db_indx_t));
- /* Make sure the length is plausible. */
- if (offset + DUP_SIZE(dlen) > len) {
- EPRINT((dbp->dbenv,
- "Page %lu: duplicate item %lu has bad length",
- (u_long)pip->pgno, (u_long)i));
- ret = DB_VERIFY_BAD;
- goto err;
- }
- /*
- * Make sure the second copy of the length is the
- * same as the first.
- */
- memcpy(&elen,
- databuf + offset + dlen + sizeof(db_indx_t),
- sizeof(db_indx_t));
- if (elen != dlen) {
- EPRINT((dbp->dbenv,
- "Page %lu: duplicate item %lu has two different lengths",
- (u_long)pip->pgno, (u_long)i));
- ret = DB_VERIFY_BAD;
- goto err;
- }
- }
- __ham_dups_unsorted(dbp, databuf, len))
- break;
- case H_OFFPAGE:
- /* Offpage item. Make sure pgno is sane, save off. */
- memcpy(&hop, P_ENTRY(dbp, h, i), HOFFPAGE_SIZE);
- if (!IS_VALID_PGNO(hop.pgno) || hop.pgno == pip->pgno ||
- hop.pgno == PGNO_INVALID) {
- EPRINT((dbp->dbenv,
- "Page %lu: offpage item %lu has bad pgno %lu",
- (u_long)pip->pgno, (u_long)i, (u_long)hop.pgno));
- ret = DB_VERIFY_BAD;
- goto err;
- }
- memset(&child, 0, sizeof(VRFY_CHILDINFO));
- child.pgno = hop.pgno;
- child.type = V_OVERFLOW;
- child.tlen = hop.tlen; /* This will get checked later. */
- if ((ret = __db_vrfy_childput(vdp, pip->pgno, &child)) != 0)
- goto err;
- break;
- case H_OFFDUP:
- /* Offpage duplicate item. Same drill. */
- memcpy(&hod, P_ENTRY(dbp, h, i), HOFFDUP_SIZE);
- if (!IS_VALID_PGNO(hod.pgno) || hod.pgno == pip->pgno ||
- hod.pgno == PGNO_INVALID) {
- EPRINT((dbp->dbenv,
- "Page %lu: offpage item %lu has bad page number",
- (u_long)pip->pgno, (u_long)i));
- ret = DB_VERIFY_BAD;
- goto err;
- }
- memset(&child, 0, sizeof(VRFY_CHILDINFO));
- child.pgno = hod.pgno;
- child.type = V_DUPLICATE;
- if ((ret = __db_vrfy_childput(vdp, pip->pgno, &child)) != 0)
- goto err;
- break;
- default:
- EPRINT((dbp->dbenv,
- "Page %lu: item %i has bad type",
- (u_long)pip->pgno, (u_long)i));
- ret = DB_VERIFY_BAD;
- break;
- }
- err: if ((t_ret =
- __db_vrfy_putpageinfo(dbp->dbenv, vdp, pip)) != 0 && ret == 0)
- ret = t_ret;
- return (ret);
- }
- /*
- * __ham_vrfy_structure --
- * Verify the structure of a hash database.
- *
- * PUBLIC: int __ham_vrfy_structure __P((DB *, VRFY_DBINFO *, db_pgno_t,
- * PUBLIC: u_int32_t));
- */
- int
- __ham_vrfy_structure(dbp, vdp, meta_pgno, flags)
- DB *dbp;
- db_pgno_t meta_pgno;
- u_int32_t flags;
- {
- DB *pgset;
- HMETA *m;
- PAGE *h;
- int isbad, p, ret, t_ret;
- db_pgno_t pgno;
- u_int32_t bucket, spares_entry;
- mpf = dbp->mpf;
- pgset = vdp->pgset;
- h = NULL;
- ret = isbad = 0;
- if ((ret = __db_vrfy_pgset_get(pgset, meta_pgno, &p)) != 0)
- return (ret);
- if (p != 0) {
- EPRINT((dbp->dbenv,
- "Page %lu: Hash meta page referenced twice",
- (u_long)meta_pgno));
- return (DB_VERIFY_BAD);
- }
- if ((ret = __db_vrfy_pgset_inc(pgset, meta_pgno)) != 0)
- return (ret);
- /* Get the meta page; we'll need it frequently. */
- if ((ret = mpf->get(mpf, &meta_pgno, 0, &m)) != 0)
- return (ret);
- /* Loop through bucket by bucket. */
- for (bucket = 0; bucket <= m->max_bucket; bucket++)
- if ((ret =
- __ham_vrfy_bucket(dbp, vdp, m, bucket, flags)) != 0) {
- if (ret == DB_VERIFY_BAD)
- isbad = 1;
- else
- goto err;
- }
- /*
- * There may be unused hash pages corresponding to buckets
- * that have been allocated but not yet used. These may be
- * part of the current doubling above max_bucket, or they may
- * correspond to buckets that were used in a transaction
- * that then aborted.
- *
- * Loop through them, as far as the spares array defines them,
- * and make sure they're all empty.
- *
- * Note that this should be safe, since we've already verified
- * that the spares array is sane.
- */
- for (bucket = m->max_bucket + 1; spares_entry = __db_log2(bucket + 1),
- spares_entry < NCACHED && m->spares[spares_entry] != 0; bucket++) {
- pgno = BS_TO_PAGE(bucket, m->spares);
- if ((ret = __db_vrfy_getpageinfo(vdp, pgno, &pip)) != 0)
- goto err;
- /* It's okay if these pages are totally zeroed; unmark it. */
- /* It's also OK if this page is simply invalid. */
- if (pip->type == P_INVALID) {
- if ((ret = __db_vrfy_putpageinfo(dbp->dbenv,
- vdp, pip)) != 0)
- goto err;
- continue;
- }
- if (pip->type != P_HASH) {
- EPRINT((dbp->dbenv,
- "Page %lu: hash bucket %lu maps to non-hash page",
- (u_long)pgno, (u_long)bucket));
- isbad = 1;
- } else if (pip->entries != 0) {
- EPRINT((dbp->dbenv,
- "Page %lu: non-empty page in unused hash bucket %lu",
- (u_long)pgno, (u_long)bucket));
- isbad = 1;
- } else {
- if ((ret = __db_vrfy_pgset_get(pgset, pgno, &p)) != 0)
- goto err;
- if (p != 0) {
- EPRINT((dbp->dbenv,
- "Page %lu: above max_bucket referenced",
- (u_long)pgno));
- isbad = 1;
- } else {
- if ((ret =
- __db_vrfy_pgset_inc(pgset, pgno)) != 0)
- goto err;
- if ((ret = __db_vrfy_putpageinfo(dbp->dbenv,
- vdp, pip)) != 0)
- goto err;
- continue;
- }
- }
- /* If we got here, it's an error. */
- (void)__db_vrfy_putpageinfo(dbp->dbenv, vdp, pip);
- goto err;
- }
- err: if ((t_ret = mpf->put(mpf, m, 0)) != 0)
- return (t_ret);
- if (h != NULL && (t_ret = mpf->put(mpf, h, 0)) != 0)
- return (t_ret);
- return ((isbad == 1 && ret == 0) ? DB_VERIFY_BAD: ret);
- }
- /*
- * __ham_vrfy_bucket --
- * Verify a given bucket.
- */
- static int
- __ham_vrfy_bucket(dbp, vdp, m, bucket, flags)
- DB *dbp;
- HMETA *m;
- u_int32_t bucket, flags;
- {
- HASH *hashp;
- VRFY_PAGEINFO *mip, *pip;
- int ret, t_ret, isbad, p;
- db_pgno_t pgno, next_pgno;
- DBC *cc;
- u_int32_t (*hfunc) __P((DB *, const void *, u_int32_t));
- isbad = 0;
- pip = NULL;
- cc = NULL;
- hashp = dbp->h_internal;
- if (hashp != NULL && hashp->h_hash != NULL)
- hfunc = hashp->h_hash;
- else
- hfunc = __ham_func5;
- if ((ret = __db_vrfy_getpageinfo(vdp, PGNO(m), &mip)) != 0)
- return (ret);
- /* Calculate the first pgno for this bucket. */
- pgno = BS_TO_PAGE(bucket, m->spares);
- if ((ret = __db_vrfy_getpageinfo(vdp, pgno, &pip)) != 0)
- goto err;
- /* Make sure we got a plausible page number. */
- if (pgno > vdp->last_pgno || pip->type != P_HASH) {
- EPRINT((dbp->dbenv,
- "Page %lu: impossible first page in bucket %lu",
- (u_long)pgno, (u_long)bucket));
- /* Unsafe to continue. */
- isbad = 1;
- goto err;
- }
- if (pip->prev_pgno != PGNO_INVALID) {
- EPRINT((dbp->dbenv,
- "Page %lu: first page in hash bucket %lu has a prev_pgno",
- (u_long)pgno, (u_long)bucket));
- isbad = 1;
- }
- /*
- * Set flags for dups and sorted dups.
- */
- flags |= F_ISSET(mip, VRFY_HAS_DUPS) ? ST_DUPOK : 0;
- flags |= F_ISSET(mip, VRFY_HAS_DUPSORT) ? ST_DUPSORT : 0;
- /* Loop until we find a fatal bug, or until we run out of pages. */
- for (;;) {
- /* Provide feedback on our progress to the application. */
- __db_vrfy_struct_feedback(dbp, vdp);
- if ((ret = __db_vrfy_pgset_get(vdp->pgset, pgno, &p)) != 0)
- goto err;
- if (p != 0) {
- EPRINT((dbp->dbenv,
- "Page %lu: hash page referenced twice",
- (u_long)pgno));
- isbad = 1;
- /* Unsafe to continue. */
- goto err;
- } else if ((ret = __db_vrfy_pgset_inc(vdp->pgset, pgno)) != 0)
- goto err;
- /*
- * Hash pages that nothing has ever hashed to may never
- * have actually come into existence, and may appear to be
- * entirely zeroed. This is acceptable, and since there's
- * no real way for us to know whether this has actually
- * occurred, we clear the "wholly zeroed" flag on every
- * hash page. A wholly zeroed page, by nature, will appear
- * to have no flags set and zero entries, so should
- * otherwise verify correctly.
- */
- /* If we have dups, our meta page had better know about it. */
- if (F_ISSET(pip, VRFY_HAS_DUPS) &&
- EPRINT((dbp->dbenv,
- "Page %lu: duplicates present in non-duplicate database",
- (u_long)pgno));
- isbad = 1;
- }
- /*
- * If the database has sorted dups, this page had better
- * not have unsorted ones.
- */
- EPRINT((dbp->dbenv,
- "Page %lu: unsorted dups in sorted-dup database",
- (u_long)pgno));
- isbad = 1;
- }
- /* Walk overflow chains and offpage dup trees. */
- if ((ret = __db_vrfy_childcursor(vdp, &cc)) != 0)
- goto err;
- for (ret = __db_vrfy_ccset(cc, pip->pgno, &child); ret == 0;
- ret = __db_vrfy_ccnext(cc, &child))
- if (child->type == V_OVERFLOW) {
- if ((ret = __db_vrfy_ovfl_structure(dbp, vdp,
- child->pgno, child->tlen, flags)) != 0) {
- if (ret == DB_VERIFY_BAD)
- isbad = 1;
- else
- goto err;
- }
- } else if (child->type == V_DUPLICATE) {
- if ((ret = __db_vrfy_duptype(dbp,
- vdp, child->pgno, flags)) != 0) {
- isbad = 1;
- continue;
- }
- if ((ret = __bam_vrfy_subtree(dbp, vdp,
- child->pgno, NULL, NULL,
- NULL, NULL, NULL)) != 0) {
- if (ret == DB_VERIFY_BAD)
- isbad = 1;
- else
- goto err;
- }
- }
- if ((ret = __db_vrfy_ccclose(cc)) != 0)
- goto err;
- cc = NULL;
- /* If it's safe to check that things hash properly, do so. */
- if (isbad == 0 && !LF_ISSET(DB_NOORDERCHK) &&
- (ret = __ham_vrfy_hashing(dbp, pip->entries,
- m, bucket, pgno, flags, hfunc)) != 0) {
- if (ret == DB_VERIFY_BAD)
- isbad = 1;
- else
- goto err;
- }
- next_pgno = pip->next_pgno;
- ret = __db_vrfy_putpageinfo(dbp->dbenv, vdp, pip);
- pip = NULL;
- if (ret != 0)
- goto err;
- if (next_pgno == PGNO_INVALID)
- break; /* End of the bucket. */
- /* We already checked this, but just in case... */
- if (!IS_VALID_PGNO(next_pgno)) {
- EPRINT((dbp->dbenv,
- "Page %lu: hash page has bad next_pgno",
- (u_long)pgno));
- isbad = 1;
- goto err;
- }
- if ((ret = __db_vrfy_getpageinfo(vdp, next_pgno, &pip)) != 0)
- goto err;
- if (pip->prev_pgno != pgno) {
- EPRINT((dbp->dbenv,
- "Page %lu: hash page has bad prev_pgno",
- (u_long)next_pgno));
- isbad = 1;
- }
- pgno = next_pgno;
- }
- err: if (cc != NULL && ((t_ret = __db_vrfy_ccclose(cc)) != 0) && ret == 0)
- ret = t_ret;
- if (mip != NULL && ((t_ret =
- __db_vrfy_putpageinfo(dbp->dbenv, vdp, mip)) != 0) && ret == 0)
- ret = t_ret;
- if (pip != NULL && ((t_ret =
- __db_vrfy_putpageinfo(dbp->dbenv, vdp, pip)) != 0) && ret == 0)
- ret = t_ret;
- return ((ret == 0 && isbad == 1) ? DB_VERIFY_BAD : ret);
- }
- /*
- * __ham_vrfy_hashing --
- * Verify that all items on a given hash page hash correctly.
- *
- * PUBLIC: int __ham_vrfy_hashing __P((DB *,
- * PUBLIC: u_int32_t, HMETA *, u_int32_t, db_pgno_t, u_int32_t,
- * PUBLIC: u_int32_t (*) __P((DB *, const void *, u_int32_t))));
- */
- int
- __ham_vrfy_hashing(dbp, nentries, m, thisbucket, pgno, flags, hfunc)
- DB *dbp;
- u_int32_t nentries;
- HMETA *m;
- u_int32_t thisbucket;
- db_pgno_t pgno;
- u_int32_t flags;
- u_int32_t (*hfunc) __P((DB *, const void *, u_int32_t));
- {
- DBT dbt;
- PAGE *h;
- db_indx_t i;
- int ret, t_ret, isbad;
- u_int32_t hval, bucket;
- mpf = dbp->mpf;
- ret = isbad = 0;
- memset(&dbt, 0, sizeof(DBT));
- if ((ret = mpf->get(mpf, &pgno, 0, &h)) != 0)
- return (ret);
- for (i = 0; i < nentries; i += 2) {
- /*
- * We've already verified the page integrity and that of any
- * overflow chains linked off it; it is therefore safe to use
- * __db_ret. It's also not all that much slower, since we have
- * to copy every hash item to deal with alignment anyway; we
- * can tweak this a bit if this proves to be a bottleneck,
- * but for now, take the easy route.
- */
- if ((ret = __db_ret(dbp, h, i, &dbt, NULL, NULL)) != 0)
- goto err;
- hval = hfunc(dbp, dbt.data, dbt.size);
- bucket = hval & m->high_mask;
- if (bucket > m->max_bucket)
- bucket = bucket & m->low_mask;
- if (bucket != thisbucket) {
- EPRINT((dbp->dbenv,
- "Page %lu: item %lu hashes incorrectly",
- (u_long)pgno, (u_long)i));
- isbad = 1;
- }
- }
- err: if (dbt.data != NULL)
- __os_ufree(dbp->dbenv, dbt.data);
- if ((t_ret = mpf->put(mpf, h, 0)) != 0)
- return (t_ret);
- return ((ret == 0 && isbad == 1) ? DB_VERIFY_BAD : ret);
- }
- /*
- * __ham_salvage --
- * Safely dump out anything that looks like a key on an alleged
- * hash page.
- *
- * PUBLIC: int __ham_salvage __P((DB *, VRFY_DBINFO *, db_pgno_t, PAGE *,
- * PUBLIC: void *, int (*)(void *, const void *), u_int32_t));
- */
- int
- __ham_salvage(dbp, vdp, pgno, h, handle, callback, flags)
- DB *dbp;
- db_pgno_t pgno;
- PAGE *h;
- void *handle;
- int (*callback) __P((void *, const void *));
- u_int32_t flags;
- {
- DBT dbt, unkdbt;
- db_pgno_t dpgno;
- int ret, err_ret, t_ret;
- u_int32_t himark, tlen;
- u_int8_t *hk;
- void *buf;
- u_int32_t dlen, len, i;
- memset(&dbt, 0, sizeof(DBT));
- dbt.flags = DB_DBT_REALLOC;
- memset(&unkdbt, 0, sizeof(DBT));
- unkdbt.size = (u_int32_t)strlen("UNKNOWN") + 1;
- unkdbt.data = "UNKNOWN";
- err_ret = 0;
- /*
- * Allocate a buffer for overflow items. Start at one page;
- * __db_safe_goff will realloc as needed.
- */
- if ((ret = __os_malloc(dbp->dbenv, dbp->pgsize, &buf)) != 0)
- return (ret);
- himark = dbp->pgsize;
- for (i = 0;; i++) {
- /* If we're not aggressive, break when we hit NUM_ENT(h). */
- if (!LF_ISSET(DB_AGGRESSIVE) && i >= NUM_ENT(h))
- break;
- /* Verify the current item. */
- ret = __db_vrfy_inpitem(dbp,
- h, pgno, i, 0, flags, &himark, NULL);
- /* If this returned a fatality, it's time to break. */
- if (ret == DB_VERIFY_FATAL)
- break;
- if (ret == 0) {
- hk = P_ENTRY(dbp, h, i);
- len = LEN_HKEYDATA(dbp, h, dbp->pgsize, i);
- if ((u_int32_t)(hk + len - (u_int8_t *)h) >
- dbp->pgsize) {
- /*
- * Item is unsafely large; either continue
- * or set it to the whole page, depending on
- * aggressiveness.
- */
- continue;
- len = dbp->pgsize -
- (u_int32_t)(hk - (u_int8_t *)h);
- err_ret = DB_VERIFY_BAD;
- }
- switch (HPAGE_PTYPE(hk)) {
- default:
- break;
- err_ret = DB_VERIFY_BAD;
- case H_KEYDATA:
- keydata: memcpy(buf, HKEYDATA_DATA(hk), len);
- dbt.size = len;
- dbt.data = buf;
- if ((ret = __db_prdbt(&dbt,
- 0, " ", handle, callback, 0, vdp)) != 0)
- err_ret = ret;
- break;
- case H_OFFPAGE:
- if (len < HOFFPAGE_SIZE) {
- err_ret = DB_VERIFY_BAD;
- continue;
- }
- memcpy(&dpgno,
- HOFFPAGE_PGNO(hk), sizeof(dpgno));
- if ((ret = __db_safe_goff(dbp, vdp,
- dpgno, &dbt, &buf, flags)) != 0) {
- err_ret = ret;
- (void)__db_prdbt(&unkdbt, 0, " ",
- handle, callback, 0, vdp);
- break;
- }
- if ((ret = __db_prdbt(&dbt,
- 0, " ", handle, callback, 0, vdp)) != 0)
- err_ret = ret;
- break;
- case H_OFFDUP:
- if (len < HOFFPAGE_SIZE) {
- err_ret = DB_VERIFY_BAD;
- continue;
- }
- memcpy(&dpgno,
- HOFFPAGE_PGNO(hk), sizeof(dpgno));
- /* UNKNOWN iff pgno is bad or we're a key. */
- if (!IS_VALID_PGNO(dpgno) || (i % 2 == 0)) {
- if ((ret = __db_prdbt(&unkdbt, 0, " ",
- handle, callback, 0, vdp)) != 0)
- err_ret = ret;
- } else if ((ret = __db_salvage_duptree(dbp,
- vdp, dpgno, &dbt, handle, callback,
- flags | SA_SKIPFIRSTKEY)) != 0)
- err_ret = ret;
- break;
- /*
- * We're a key; printing dups will seriously
- * foul the output. If we're being aggressive,
- * pretend this is a key and let the app.
- * programmer sort out the mess.
- */
- if (i % 2 == 0) {
- err_ret = ret;
- goto keydata;
- break;
- }
- /* Too small to have any data. */
- if (len <
- HKEYDATA_SIZE(2 * sizeof(db_indx_t))) {
- err_ret = DB_VERIFY_BAD;
- continue;
- }
- /* Loop until we hit the total length. */
- for (tlen = 0; tlen + sizeof(db_indx_t) < len;
- tlen += dlen) {
- tlen += sizeof(db_indx_t);
- memcpy(&dlen, hk, sizeof(db_indx_t));
- /*
- * If dlen is too long, print all the
- * rest of the dup set in a chunk.
- */
- if (dlen + tlen > len)
- dlen = len - tlen;
- memcpy(buf, hk + tlen, dlen);
- dbt.size = dlen;
- dbt.data = buf;
- if ((ret = __db_prdbt(&dbt, 0, " ",
- handle, callback, 0, vdp)) != 0)
- err_ret = ret;
- tlen += sizeof(db_indx_t);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- __os_free(dbp->dbenv, buf);
- if ((t_ret = __db_salvage_markdone(vdp, pgno)) != 0)
- return (t_ret);
- return ((ret == 0 && err_ret != 0) ? err_ret : ret);
- }
- /*
- * __ham_meta2pgset --
- * Return the set of hash pages corresponding to the given
- * known-good meta page.
- *
- * PUBLIC: int __ham_meta2pgset __P((DB *, VRFY_DBINFO *, HMETA *, u_int32_t,
- * PUBLIC: DB *));
- */
- int __ham_meta2pgset(dbp, vdp, hmeta, flags, pgset)
- DB *dbp;
- HMETA *hmeta;
- u_int32_t flags;
- DB *pgset;
- {
- PAGE *h;
- db_pgno_t pgno;
- u_int32_t bucket, totpgs;
- int ret, val;
- /*
- * We don't really need flags, but leave them for consistency with
- * __bam_meta2pgset.
- */
- COMPQUIET(flags, 0);
- DB_ASSERT(pgset != NULL);
- mpf = dbp->mpf;
- totpgs = 0;
- /*
- * Loop through all the buckets, pushing onto pgset the corresponding
- * page(s) for each one.
- */
- for (bucket = 0; bucket <= hmeta->max_bucket; bucket++) {
- pgno = BS_TO_PAGE(bucket, hmeta->spares);
- /*
- * We know the initial pgno is safe because the spares array has
- * been verified.
- *
- * Safely walk the list of pages in this bucket.
- */
- for (;;) {
- if ((ret = mpf->get(mpf, &pgno, 0, &h)) != 0)
- return (ret);
- if (TYPE(h) == P_HASH) {
- /*
- * Make sure we don't go past the end of
- * pgset.
- */
- if (++totpgs > vdp->last_pgno) {
- (void)mpf->put(mpf, h, 0);
- return (DB_VERIFY_BAD);
- }
- if ((ret =
- __db_vrfy_pgset_inc(pgset, pgno)) != 0) {
- (void)mpf->put(mpf, h, 0);
- return (ret);
- }
- pgno = NEXT_PGNO(h);
- } else
- pgno = PGNO_INVALID;
- if ((ret = mpf->put(mpf, h, 0)) != 0)
- return (ret);
- /* If the new pgno is wonky, go onto the next bucket. */
- if (!IS_VALID_PGNO(pgno) ||
- pgno == PGNO_INVALID)
- break;
- /*
- * If we've touched this page before, we have a cycle;
- * go on to the next bucket.
- */
- if ((ret = __db_vrfy_pgset_get(pgset, pgno, &val)) != 0)
- return (ret);
- if (val != 0)
- break;
- }
- }
- return (0);
- }
- /*
- * __ham_dups_unsorted --
- * Takes a known-safe hash duplicate set and its total length.
- * Returns 1 if there are out-of-order duplicates in this set,
- * 0 if there are not.
- */
- static int
- __ham_dups_unsorted(dbp, buf, len)
- DB *dbp;
- u_int8_t *buf;
- u_int32_t len;
- {
- DBT a, b;
- db_indx_t offset, dlen;
- int (*func) __P((DB *, const DBT *, const DBT *));
- memset(&a, 0, sizeof(DBT));
- memset(&b, 0, sizeof(DBT));
- func = (dbp->dup_compare == NULL) ? __bam_defcmp : dbp->dup_compare;
- /*
- * Loop through the dup set until we hit the end or we find
- * a pair of dups that's out of order. b is always the current
- * dup, a the one before it.
- */
- for (offset = 0; offset < len; offset += DUP_SIZE(dlen)) {
- memcpy(&dlen, buf + offset, sizeof(db_indx_t));
- b.data = buf + offset + sizeof(db_indx_t);
- b.size = dlen;
- if (a.data != NULL && func(dbp, &a, &b) > 0)
- return (1);
- a.data = b.data;
- a.size = b.size;
- }
- return (0);
- }