- drop table if exists t1,t2;
- SELECT 10,10.0,10.,.1e+2,100.0e-1;
- 10 10.0 10. .1e+2 100.0e-1
- 10 10.0 10 10 10
- SELECT 6e-05, -6e-05, --6e-05, -6e-05+1.000000;
- 6e-05 -6e-05 --6e-05 -6e-05+1.000000
- 6e-05 -6e-05 6e-05 0.99994
- SELECT 1e1,1.e1,1.0e1,1e+1,1.e+1,1.0e+1,1e-1,1.e-1,1.0e-1;
- 1e1 1.e1 1.0e1 1e+1 1.e+1 1.0e+1 1e-1 1.e-1 1.0e-1
- 10 10 10 10 10 10 0.1 0.1 0.1
- SELECT 0.001e+1,0.001e-1, -0.001e+01,-0.001e-01;
- 0.001e+1 0.001e-1 -0.001e+01 -0.001e-01
- 0.01 0.0001 -0.01 -0.0001
- SELECT 123.23E+02,-123.23E-02,"123.23E+02"+0.0,"-123.23E-02"+0.0;
- 123.23E+02 -123.23E-02 "123.23E+02"+0.0 "-123.23E-02"+0.0
- 12323 -1.2323 12323 -1.2323
- SELECT 2147483647E+02,21474836.47E+06;
- 2147483647E+02 21474836.47E+06
- 214748364700 21474836470000
- create table t1 (f1 float(24),f2 float(52));
- show full columns from t1;
- Field Type Collation Null Key Default Extra Privileges Comment
- f1 float NULL YES NULL #
- f2 double NULL YES NULL #
- insert into t1 values(10,10),(1e+5,1e+5),(1234567890,1234567890),(1e+10,1e+10),(1e+15,1e+15),(1e+20,1e+20),(1e+50,1e+50),(1e+150,1e+150);
- Warnings:
- Warning 1264 Data truncated; out of range for column 'f1' at row 7
- Warning 1264 Data truncated; out of range for column 'f1' at row 8
- insert into t1 values(-10,-10),(1e-5,1e-5),(1e-10,1e-10),(1e-15,1e-15),(1e-20,1e-20),(1e-50,1e-50),(1e-150,1e-150);
- select * from t1;
- f1 f2
- 10 10
- 100000 100000
- 1.23457e+9 1234567890
- 1e+10 10000000000
- 1e+15 1e+15
- 1e+20 1e+20
- 3.40282e+38 1e+50
- 3.40282e+38 1e+150
- -10 -10
- 1e-5 1e-5
- 1e-10 1e-10
- 1e-15 1e-15
- 1e-20 1e-20
- 0 1e-50
- 0 1e-150
- drop table t1;
- create table t1 (datum double);
- insert into t1 values (0.5),(1.0),(1.5),(2.0),(2.5);
- select * from t1;
- datum
- 0.5
- 1
- 1.5
- 2
- 2.5
- select * from t1 where datum < 1.5;
- datum
- 0.5
- 1
- select * from t1 where datum > 1.5;
- datum
- 2
- 2.5
- select * from t1 where datum = 1.5;
- datum
- 1.5
- drop table t1;
- create table t1 (a decimal(7,3) not null, key (a));
- insert into t1 values ("0"),("-0.00"),("-0.01"),("-0.002"),("1");
- select a from t1 order by a;
- a
- -0.010
- -0.002
- -0.000
- 0.000
- 1.000
- select min(a) from t1;
- min(a)
- -0.010
- drop table t1;
- create table t1 (c1 double, c2 varchar(20));
- insert t1 values (121,"16");
- select c1 + c1 * (c2 / 100) as col from t1;
- col
- 140.36
- create table t2 select c1 + c1 * (c2 / 100) as col1, round(c1, 5) as col2, round(c1, 35) as col3, sqrt(c1*1e-15) col4 from t1;
- select * from t2;
- col1 col2 col3 col4
- 140.36 121.00000 121 3.47850542618522e-07
- show create table t2;
- Table Create Table
- t2 CREATE TABLE `t2` (
- `col1` double default NULL,
- `col2` double(53,5) default NULL,
- `col3` double default NULL,
- `col4` double default NULL
- drop table t1,t2;
- create table t1 (a float);
- insert into t1 values (1);
- select max(a),min(a),avg(a) from t1;
- max(a) min(a) avg(a)
- 1 1 1
- drop table t1;
- create table t1 (f float, f2 float(24), f3 float(6,2), d double, d2 float(53), d3 double(10,3), de decimal, de2 decimal(6), de3 decimal(5,2), n numeric, n2 numeric(8), n3 numeric(5,6));
- show full columns from t1;
- Field Type Collation Null Key Default Extra Privileges Comment
- f float NULL YES NULL #
- f2 float NULL YES NULL #
- f3 float(6,2) NULL YES NULL #
- d double NULL YES NULL #
- d2 double NULL YES NULL #
- d3 double(10,3) NULL YES NULL #
- de decimal(10,0) NULL YES NULL #
- de2 decimal(6,0) NULL YES NULL #
- de3 decimal(5,2) NULL YES NULL #
- n decimal(10,0) NULL YES NULL #
- n2 decimal(8,0) NULL YES NULL #
- n3 decimal(7,6) NULL YES NULL #
- drop table t1;
- create table t1 (a decimal(7,3) not null, key (a));
- insert into t1 values ("0"),("-0.00"),("-0.01"),("-0.002"),("1");
- select a from t1 order by a;
- a
- -0.010
- -0.002
- -0.000
- 0.000
- 1.000
- select min(a) from t1;
- min(a)
- -0.010
- drop table t1;
- create table t1 (a float(200,100), b double(200,100));
- insert t1 values (1.0, 2.0);
- select * from t1;
- a b
- 1.000000000000000000000000000000 2.000000000000000000000000000000
- show create table t1;
- Table Create Table
- t1 CREATE TABLE `t1` (
- `a` float(200,30) default NULL,
- `b` double(200,30) default NULL
- drop table t1;
- create table t1 (c20 char);
- insert into t1 values (5000.0);
- Warnings:
- Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
- insert into t1 values (0.5e4);
- Warnings:
- Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
- drop table t1;
- create table t1 (f float(54));
- ERROR 42000: Incorrect column specifier for column 'f'
- drop table if exists t1;
- create table t1 (d1 double, d2 double unsigned);
- insert into t1 set d1 = -1.0;
- update t1 set d2 = d1;
- Warnings:
- Warning 1264 Data truncated; out of range for column 'd2' at row 1
- select * from t1;
- d1 d2
- -1 0
- drop table t1;
- create table t1 (f float(4,3));
- insert into t1 values (-11.0),(-11),("-11"),(11.0),(11),("11");
- Warnings:
- Warning 1264 Data truncated; out of range for column 'f' at row 1
- Warning 1264 Data truncated; out of range for column 'f' at row 2
- Warning 1264 Data truncated; out of range for column 'f' at row 3
- Warning 1264 Data truncated; out of range for column 'f' at row 4
- Warning 1264 Data truncated; out of range for column 'f' at row 5
- Warning 1264 Data truncated; out of range for column 'f' at row 6
- select * from t1;
- f
- -9.999
- -9.999
- -9.999
- 9.999
- 9.999
- 9.999
- drop table if exists t1;
- create table t1 (f double(4,3));
- insert into t1 values (-11.0),(-11),("-11"),(11.0),(11),("11");
- Warnings:
- Warning 1264 Data truncated; out of range for column 'f' at row 1
- Warning 1264 Data truncated; out of range for column 'f' at row 2
- Warning 1264 Data truncated; out of range for column 'f' at row 3
- Warning 1264 Data truncated; out of range for column 'f' at row 4
- Warning 1264 Data truncated; out of range for column 'f' at row 5
- Warning 1264 Data truncated; out of range for column 'f' at row 6
- select * from t1;
- f
- -9.999
- -9.999
- -9.999
- 9.999
- 9.999
- 9.999
- drop table if exists t1;
- create table t1 (c char(20));
- insert into t1 values (5e-28);
- select * from t1;
- c
- 5e-28
- drop table t1;
- create table t1 (c char(6));
- insert into t1 values (2e5),(2e6),(2e-4),(2e-5);
- select * from t1;
- c
- 200000
- 2e+06
- 0.0002
- 2e-05
- drop table t1;
- reckey int unsigned NOT NULL,
- recdesc varchar(50) NOT NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (reckey)
- INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (108, 'Has 108 as key');
- INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (109, 'Has 109 as key');
- select * from t1 where reckey=108;
- reckey recdesc
- 108 Has 108 as key
- select * from t1 where reckey=1.08E2;
- reckey recdesc
- 108 Has 108 as key
- select * from t1 where reckey=109;
- reckey recdesc
- 109 Has 109 as key
- select * from t1 where reckey=1.09E2;
- reckey recdesc
- 109 Has 109 as key
- drop table t1;
- create table t1 (d double(10,1));
- create table t2 (d double(10,9));
- insert into t1 values ("100000000.0");
- insert into t2 values ("1.23456780");
- create table t3 select * from t2 union select * from t1;
- select * from t3;
- d
- 1.234567800
- 100000000.000000000
- show create table t3;
- Table Create Table
- t3 CREATE TABLE `t3` (
- `d` double(22,9) default NULL
- drop table t1, t2, t3;