Visual C++
- drop table if exists t1;
- show variables like "ft_%";
- Variable_name Value
- ft_boolean_syntax + -><()~*:""&|
- ft_max_word_len 84
- ft_min_word_len 4
- ft_query_expansion_limit 20
- ft_stopword_file (built-in)
- create table t1 (b text not null);
- insert t1 values ('aaaaaa bbbbbb cccccc');
- insert t1 values ('bbbbbb cccccc');
- insert t1 values ('aaaaaa cccccc');
- select * from t1 where match b against ('+aaaaaa bbbbbb' in boolean mode);
- b
- aaaaaa bbbbbb cccccc
- aaaaaa cccccc
- set ft_boolean_syntax=' +-><()~*:""&|';
- ERROR HY000: Variable 'ft_boolean_syntax' is a GLOBAL variable and should be set with SET GLOBAL
- set global ft_boolean_syntax=' +-><()~*:""&|';
- select * from t1 where match b against ('+aaaaaa bbbbbb' in boolean mode);
- b
- aaaaaa bbbbbb cccccc
- bbbbbb cccccc
- set global ft_boolean_syntax='@ -><()~*:""&|';
- select * from t1 where match b against ('+aaaaaa bbbbbb' in boolean mode);
- b
- aaaaaa bbbbbb cccccc
- bbbbbb cccccc
- aaaaaa cccccc
- select * from t1 where match b against ('+aaaaaa @bbbbbb' in boolean mode);
- b
- aaaaaa bbbbbb cccccc
- bbbbbb cccccc
- set global ft_boolean_syntax='@ -><()~*:""@|';
- ERROR 42000: Variable 'ft_boolean_syntax' can't be set to the value of '@ -><()~*:""@|'
- set global ft_boolean_syntax='+ -><()~*:""@!|';
- ERROR 42000: Variable 'ft_boolean_syntax' can't be set to the value of '+ -><()~*:""@!|'
- drop table t1;