Visual C++
- #
- # Test of replicating some difficult functions
- #
- source include/master-slave.inc;
- create table t1(id int, i int, r1 int, r2 int, p varchar(100));
- insert into t1 values(1, connection_id(), 0, 0, "");
- # don't put rand and password in the same query, to see if they replicate
- # independently
- # Pure rand test
- insert into t1 values(2, 0, rand()*1000, rand()*1000, "");
- # change the rand suite on the master (we do this because otherwise password()
- # benefits from the fact that the above rand() is well replicated :
- # it picks the same sequence element, which hides a possible bug in password() replication.
- set sql_log_bin=0;
- insert into t1 values(6, 0, rand(), rand(), "");
- delete from t1 where id=6;
- set sql_log_bin=1;
- # Pure password test
- insert into t1 values(3, 0, 0, 0, password('does_this_work?'));
- # "altogether now"
- insert into t1 values(4, connection_id(), rand()*1000, rand()*1000, password('does_this_still_work?'));
- select * into outfile 'rpl_misc_functions.outfile' from t1;
- sync_slave_with_master;
- create table t2 like t1;
- # read the values from the master table
- load data local infile './var/master-data/test/rpl_misc_functions.outfile' into table t2;
- # compare them with the replica; the SELECT below should return no row
- select * from t1, t2 where (t1.id=t2.id) and not(t1.i=t2.i and t1.r1=t2.r1 and t1.r2=t2.r2 and t1.p=t2.p);
- stop slave;
- # End of 4.1 tests