- ###############################################
- # #
- # Prepared Statements test on MERGE tables #
- # #
- ###############################################
- #
- # NOTE: PLEASE SEE ps_1general.test (bottom)
- use test;
- --disable_warnings
- drop table if exists t1, t1_1, t1_2,
- t9, t9_1, t9_2;
- --enable_warnings
- let $type= 'MYISAM' ;
- -- source include/
- rename table t1 to t1_1, t9 to t9_1 ;
- -- source include/
- rename table t1 to t1_2, t9 to t9_2 ;
- create table t1
- (
- a int, b varchar(30),
- primary key(a)
- ) ENGINE = MERGE UNION=(t1_1,t1_2)
- create table t9
- (
- c1 tinyint, c2 smallint, c3 mediumint, c4 int,
- c5 integer, c6 bigint, c7 float, c8 double,
- c9 double precision, c10 real, c11 decimal(7, 4), c12 numeric(8, 4),
- c13 date, c14 datetime, c15 timestamp(14), c16 time,
- c17 year, c18 bit, c19 bool, c20 char,
- c21 char(10), c22 varchar(30), c23 tinyblob, c24 tinytext,
- c25 blob, c26 text, c27 mediumblob, c28 mediumtext,
- c29 longblob, c30 longtext, c31 enum('one', 'two', 'three'),
- c32 set('monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday'),
- primary key(c1)
- ) ENGINE = MERGE UNION=(t9_1,t9_2)
- -- source include/
- -- source include/
- -- source include/
- # no test of ps_modify1, because insert .. select
- # is not allowed on MERGE tables
- # -- source include/
- -- source include/
- # Lets's try the same tests with INSERT_METHOD=LAST
- drop table t1, t9 ;
- create table t1
- (
- a int, b varchar(30),
- primary key(a)
- ) ENGINE = MERGE UNION=(t1_1,t1_2)
- create table t9
- (
- c1 tinyint, c2 smallint, c3 mediumint, c4 int,
- c5 integer, c6 bigint, c7 float, c8 double,
- c9 double precision, c10 real, c11 decimal(7, 4), c12 numeric(8, 4),
- c13 date, c14 datetime, c15 timestamp(14), c16 time,
- c17 year, c18 bit, c19 bool, c20 char,
- c21 char(10), c22 varchar(30), c23 tinyblob, c24 tinytext,
- c25 blob, c26 text, c27 mediumblob, c28 mediumtext,
- c29 longblob, c30 longtext, c31 enum('one', 'two', 'three'),
- c32 set('monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday'),
- primary key(c1)
- ) ENGINE = MERGE UNION=(t9_1,t9_2)
- -- source include/
- -- source include/
- -- source include/
- # no test of ps_modify1, because insert .. select
- # is not allowed on MERGE tables
- # -- source include/
- -- source include/
- drop table t1, t1_1, t1_2,
- t9_1, t9_2, t9;
- # End of 4.1 tests