- # Initialise
- --disable_warnings
- drop table if exists t1;
- drop database if exists mysqltest;
- # If earlier test failed
- drop database if exists client_test_db;
- --enable_warnings
- --error 1051
- drop table t1;
- create table t1(n int);
- insert into t1 values(1);
- create temporary table t1( n int);
- insert into t1 values(2);
- --error 1050
- create table t1(n int);
- drop table t1;
- select * from t1;
- # now test for a bug in drop database - it is important that the name
- # of the table is the same as the name of the database - in the original
- # code this triggered a bug
- create database mysqltest;
- drop database if exists mysqltest;
- create database mysqltest;
- create table mysqltest.mysqltest (n int);
- insert into mysqltest.mysqltest values (4);
- select * from mysqltest.mysqltest;
- --enable_info
- drop database if exists mysqltest;
- --disable_info
- create database mysqltest;
- #
- # drop many tables - bug#3891
- # we'll do it in mysqltest db, to be able to use longer table names
- # (tableN instead on tN)
- #
- use mysqltest;
- --error 1051
- drop table table1, table2, table3, table4, table5, table6,
- table7, table8, table9, table10, table11, table12, table13,
- table14, table15, table16, table17, table18, table19, table20,
- table21, table22, table23, table24, table25, table26, table27,
- table28;
- --error 1051
- drop table table1, table2, table3, table4, table5, table6,
- table7, table8, table9, table10, table11, table12, table13,
- table14, table15, table16, table17, table18, table19, table20,
- table21, table22, table23, table24, table25, table26, table27,
- table28, table29, table30;
- use test;
- drop database mysqltest;
- # test drop/create database and FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK
- flush tables with read lock;
- --error 1209,1223
- create database mysqltest;
- unlock tables;
- create database mysqltest;
- show databases;
- flush tables with read lock;
- --error 1208,1223
- drop database mysqltest;
- unlock tables;
- drop database mysqltest;
- show databases;
- --error 1008
- drop database mysqltest;
- # test create table and FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK
- drop table t1;
- flush tables with read lock;
- --error 1223
- create table t1(n int);
- unlock tables;
- create table t1(n int);
- show tables;
- drop table t1;
- # End of 4.1 tests