Visual C++
- --disable_warnings
- drop table if exists t1;
- --enable_warnings
- create table t1(n1 int, n2 int, s char(20), vs varchar(20), t text);
- insert into t1 values (1,11, 'one','eleven', 'eleven'),
- (1,11, 'one','eleven', 'eleven'),
- (2,11, 'two','eleven', 'eleven'),
- (2,12, 'two','twevle', 'twelve'),
- (2,13, 'two','thirteen', 'foo'),
- (2,13, 'two','thirteen', 'foo'),
- (2,13, 'two','thirteen', 'bar'),
- (NULL,13, 'two','thirteen', 'bar'),
- (2,NULL, 'two','thirteen', 'bar'),
- (2,13, NULL,'thirteen', 'bar'),
- (2,13, 'two',NULL, 'bar'),
- (2,13, 'two','thirteen', NULL);
- select distinct n1 from t1;
- select count(distinct n1) from t1;
- select distinct n2 from t1;
- select count(distinct n2) from t1;
- select distinct s from t1;
- select count(distinct s) from t1;
- select distinct vs from t1;
- select count(distinct vs) from t1;
- select distinct t from t1;
- select count(distinct t) from t1;
- select distinct n1,n2 from t1;
- select count(distinct n1,n2) from t1;
- select distinct n1,s from t1;
- select count(distinct n1,s) from t1;
- select distinct s,n1,vs from t1;
- select count(distinct s,n1,vs) from t1;
- select distinct s,t from t1;
- select count(distinct s,t) from t1;
- select count(distinct n1), count(distinct n2) from t1;
- select count(distinct n2), n1 from t1 group by n1;
- drop table t1;
- # test the conversion from tree to MyISAM
- create table t1 (n int default NULL);
- let $1=5000;
- disable_query_log;
- while ($1)
- {
- eval insert into t1 values($1);
- dec $1;
- }
- enable_query_log;
- flush status;
- select count(distinct n) from t1;
- show status like 'Created_tmp_disk_tables';
- drop table t1;
- #test conversion from heap to MyISAM
- create table t1 (s text);
- let $1=5000;
- disable_query_log;
- while ($1)
- {
- eval insert into t1 values('$1');
- dec $1;
- }
- enable_query_log;
- flush status;
- select count(distinct s) from t1;
- show status like 'Created_tmp_disk_tables';
- drop table t1;
- # End of 4.1 tests