Visual C++
- #!/usr/bin/perl
- #
- # Tests MySQL. Output is given to the stderr. Use
- # diff to check the possible differencies.
- #
- use DBI;
- use Getopt::Long;
- $VER = "1.9";
- $| = 1;
- $opt_db = "test";
- $opt_user = $opt_password = $opt_without = "";
- $opt_host = "localhost";
- $opt_port = "3306";
- $opt_socket = "/tmp/mysql.sock";
- $opt_help = 0;
- $NO_ERR = 0; # No error
- $EXP_ERR = 1; # Expect error
- $MAY_ERR = 2; # Maybe error
- $HS = 0; # Horizontal style of output
- $VS = 1; # Vertical style of output
- $VERBOSE = 0; # Print the results
- $SILENT = 1; # No output
- @test_packages = ("FUNC", "PROC", "SHOW");
- ####
- #### main program
- ####
- main();
- sub main()
- {
- GetOptions("help", "db=s", "port=i", "host=s", "password=s", "user=s", "socket=s",
- "without=s") || usage();
- usage() if ($opt_help);
- $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$opt_db:$opt_host:port=$opt_port:mysql_socket=$opt_socket", $opt_user, $opt_password, { PrintError => 0 })
- || die $DBI::errstr;
- ## QQ ######################################
- $sth = $dbh->prepare("show felds from t2")
- || die "Couldn't prepare query: $DBI::errstrn";
- if (!$sth->execute)
- {
- print "Couldn't execute query: $DBI::errstrn";
- $sth->finish;
- die;
- }
- while (($row = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref))
- {
- print "$row->[1]n";
- }
- exit(0);
- ## QQ ######################################
- printf("####n#### THIS IS mysql-test script RUNNINGn");
- printf("#### mysql-test version $VERn####n");
- test_mysql_functions() if (&chk_package($opt_without, $test_packages[0]));
- test_mysql_procedures() if (&chk_package($opt_without, $test_packages[1]));
- test_mysql_show() if (&chk_package($opt_without, $test_packages[2]));
- print "n";
- return;
- }
- ####
- #### test show -command of MySQL
- ####
- sub test_mysql_show
- {
- my ($query, $i);
- $query = create_show_tables();
- &exec_query(["drop table my_t"], $MAY_ERR, $SILENT);
- for ($i = 0; $query[$i]; $i++)
- {
- &exec_query([$query[$i]], $NO_ERR, $VERBOSE, $HS);
- &exec_query(["show fields from my_t"], $NO_ERR, $VERBOSE, $HS);
- &exec_query(["show keys from my_t"], $NO_ERR, $VERBOSE, $HS);
- &exec_query(["drop table my_t"], $NO_ERR, $SILENT);
- }
- }
- sub create_show_tables
- {
- my ($query, $i);
- $query[0] = <<EOF;
- create table my_t (i int, f float, s char(64), b blob, t text)
- $query[1] = <<EOF;
- create table my_t (i int, f float, s char(64), b blob, t text, primary key (i))
- $query[2] = <<EOF;
- create table my_t (i int, f float, s char(64), b blob, t text, unique (i), unique(s))
- for ($i = 0; $query[$i]; $i++) { chop($query[$i]); }
- return $query;
- }
- ####
- #### test procedures, currently only procedure analyze()
- ####
- sub test_mysql_procedures
- {
- test_analyze();
- }
- sub test_analyze
- {
- my ($query, $i, $j);
- if ($opt_help)
- {
- usage();
- }
- # invalid queries
- &exec_query(["select * from mails procedure analyse(-1)"],
- &exec_query(["select * from mails procedure analyse(10, -1)"],
- &exec_query(["select * from mails procedure analyse(1, 2, 3)"],
- &exec_query(["select * from mails procedure analyse(-10, 10)"],
- &exec_query(["select * from mails procedure analyse('a', 'a')"],
- # valid queries
- # &exec_query(["select * from mails procedure analyse(10)"], 0, 0);
- # &exec_query(["select * from mails procedure analyse(10, 10)"], 0, 0);
- # &exec_query(["select hash from mails procedure analyse()"], 0, 0);
- &exec_query(["use mysql_test"], $NO_ERR, $VERBOSE, $HS);
- # &exec_query(["select timestamp from w32_user procedure analyse(0)"], 0, 0);
- $query = create_test_tables();
- &exec_query(["drop table my_t"], $MAY_ERR, $SILENT);
- for ($i = 0; $query[$i][0]; $i++)
- {
- &exec_query([$query[$i][0]], $NO_ERR, $SILENT); # create table
- for ($j = 1; $query[$i][$j]; $j++)
- {
- &exec_query([$query[$i][$j]], $NO_ERR, $SILENT); # do inserts
- }
- &exec_query(["select * from my_t procedure analyse(0,0)"],
- &exec_query(["select * from my_t procedure analyse()"],
- &exec_query(["drop table my_t"], $NO_ERR, $SILENT);
- }
- }
- ####
- #### if $opt is found as a part from the '--without=...' option string
- #### return 0, else 1. if zero is returned, then that part of MySQL
- #### won't be tested
- ####
- sub chk_package
- {
- my ($opt_str, $opt) = @_;
- $sub_opt_str = '';
- for ($i = 0, $ptr = substr($opt_str, $i, 1); $ptr || $ptr eq '0';
- $i++, $ptr = substr($opt_str, $i, 1))
- {
- $sub_opt_str .= $ptr;
- if ($sub_opt_str eq $opt)
- {
- $next_chr = substr($opt_str, ($i + 1), 1);
- if ($next_chr eq ',' || (!$next_chr && $next_chr ne '0'))
- {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- if ($ptr eq ',')
- {
- # next word on the opt_str
- $sub_opt_str = '';
- }
- }
- return 1;
- }
- ####
- #### Tests given function(s) with given value(s) $count rounds
- #### If function doesn't have an arg, test it once and continue.
- #### ulargs (number of unlimited args) is the number of arguments
- #### to be placed in place of '.' . '.' means that any number
- #### of the last argument type is possible to the function.
- #### If force is given, never mind about errors
- #### args: $func: list of functions to be tested
- #### $value: list of values to be used with functions
- #### $count: number of times one function should be tested
- #### $ulargs: number of unlimited args to be used when possible
- #### $table_info: information about the table to be used, contains:
- #### table name, info about the fields in the table, for example:
- #### [mysql_test1, "Zi", "Rd"], where mysql_test1 is the name of the
- #### table, "Zi" tells, that the first field name is 'i' and it is
- #### type 'Z' (integer), see test_mysql_functions, 'Rd' tells that
- #### the second field name is 'd' and the type is 'R' (real number)
- #### $force: if given, never mind about errors
- #### $mix: if 0, use the same argument at a time in a
- #### function that has two or more same type arguments
- #### if 1, use different values
- ####
- sub test_func()
- {
- my ($func, $value, $count, $ulargs, $table_info, $force, $mix) = @_;
- my ($query, $i, $j, $k, $no_arg, $row, $ulimit, $tbinfo, $tbused, $arg);
- if (!$func->[0][0])
- {
- printf("No function found!n");
- if (!$force) { die; }
- }
- for ($i = 0; $func->[$i][0]; $i++)
- {
- $tbused = 0;
- $no_arg = 0;
- for ($j = 0; $j < $count && !$no_arg; $j++)
- {
- if ($tbused || $no_arg) { next; }
- $query = "select $func->[$i][0](";
- #search the values for the args
- for ($k = 0; $k < length($func->[$i][1]) && !$no_arg; $k++)
- {
- if ($mix)
- {
- $arg = $j + 1 + $k;
- }
- else
- {
- $arg = $j + 1;
- }
- if (substr($func->[$i][1], $k, 1) eq 'E')
- {
- $no_arg = 1;
- next;
- }
- if ($k) { $query .= ','; }
- if (substr($func->[$i][1], $k, 1) eq 'S')
- {
- $query .= &find_value(@value, 'S', $arg);
- }
- elsif (substr($func->[$i][1], $k, 1) eq 'N')
- {
- $query .= &find_value(@value, 'N', $arg);
- }
- elsif (substr($func->[$i][1], $k, 1) eq 'Z')
- {
- $query .= &find_value(@value, 'Z', $arg);
- }
- elsif ((substr($func->[$i][1], $k, 1) eq 'R'))
- {
- $query .= &find_value(@value, 'R', $arg);
- }
- elsif (substr($func->[$i][1], $k, 1) eq 'T')
- {
- $query .= &find_value(@value, 'T', $arg);
- }
- elsif (substr($func->[$i][1], $k, 1) eq 'D')
- {
- $query .= &find_value(@value, 'D', $arg);
- }
- elsif (substr($func->[$i][1], $k, 1) eq 'B')
- {
- $query .= &find_value(@value, 'B', $arg);
- }
- elsif (substr($func->[$i][1], $k, 1) eq 'C')
- {
- $query .= &find_value(@value, 'C', $arg);
- }
- elsif (substr($func->[$i][1], $k, 1) eq 'F')
- {
- $query .= &find_value(@value, 'F', $arg);
- }
- elsif (substr($func->[$i][1], $k, 1) eq '.')
- {
- chop($query);
- for ($ulimit = 0; $ulimit < $ulargs; $ulimit++)
- {
- $query .= ',';
- $query .= &find_value(@value,
- substr($func->[$i][1], $k - 1, 1),
- $j + $ulimit + 2);
- }
- }
- elsif (substr($func->[$i][1], $k, 1) eq 'A')
- {
- for ($tbinfo = 1; substr($table_info->[$tbinfo], 0, 1) ne
- substr($func->[$i][1], $k + 1, 1); $tbinfo++)
- {
- if (!defined($table_info->[$tbinfo]))
- {
- printf("Illegal function structure!n");
- printf("A table was needed, but no type specified!n");
- printf("Unready query was: $queryn");
- if (!$force) { die; }
- else { next; }
- }
- }
- if ($k) { $query .= ","; }
- $query .= substr($table_info->[$tbinfo], 1,
- length($table_info->[$tbinfo]) - 1);
- $k++;
- $tbused = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- printf("Not a valid type: n");
- printf(substr($func->[$i][1], $k, 1));
- printf("nAttempted to be used with unready query: n");
- printf("$queryn");
- }
- }
- $query .= ")";
- if ($tbused)
- {
- $query .= " from ";
- $query .= $table_info->[0];
- }
- if (!($sth = $dbh->prepare($query)))
- {
- printf("Couldn't prepare: $queryn");
- if (!$force) { die; }
- }
- if (!$sth->execute)
- {
- printf("Execution failed: $DBI::errstrn");
- printf("Attempted query was:n$queryn");
- $sth->finish;
- if (!$force) { die; }
- }
- else
- {
- printf("mysql> $query;n");
- display($sth, 1);
- printf("Query OKnn");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ####
- #### mk_str returns a string where the first arg is repeated second arg times
- #### if repeat is 1, return the original str
- ####
- sub mk_str()
- {
- my ($str, $repeat) = @_;
- my ($res_str);
- if ($repeat <= 0)
- {
- die "Invalid repeat times!n";
- }
- for ($repeat--, $res_str = $str; $repeat > 0; $repeat--)
- {
- $res_str .= $str;
- }
- return $res_str;
- }
- ####
- #### find_value: returns a value from list of values
- #### args: $values: list of values
- #### $type: type of argument (S = string, N = integer etc.)
- #### $ordinal: the ordinal number of an argument in the list
- ####
- sub find_value()
- {
- my ($values, $type, $ordinal) = @_;
- my ($total, $i, $j, $tmp, $val);
- $total = -1; # The first one is the type
- for ($i = 0; $values[$i][0]; $i++)
- {
- if ($values[$i][0] eq $type)
- {
- $tmp = $values[$i];
- foreach $val (@$tmp) { $total++; }
- for ( ;$total < $ordinal; )
- {
- $ordinal -= $total;
- }
- return $values[$i][$ordinal];
- }
- }
- printf("No type '$type' found in valuesn");
- die;
- }
- ####
- #### exec_query: execute a query, print information if wanted and exit
- #### args: $queries: list of queries to be executed
- #### $expect_error: if 0, error is not expected. In this case if an
- #### error occurs, inform about it and quit
- #### if 1, error is expected. In this case if sql server
- #### doesn't give an error message, inform about it
- #### and quit
- #### if 2, error may happen or not, don't care
- #### $silent: if true, reduce output
- #### $style: type of output, 0 == horizontal, 1 == vertical
- ####
- sub exec_query()
- {
- my ($queries, $expect_error, $silent, $style) = @_;
- my ($query);
- foreach $query (@$queries)
- {
- if (!($sth = $dbh->prepare($query)))
- {
- printf("Couldn't prepare: $queryn");
- die;
- }
- if (!$sth->execute)
- {
- if ($expect_error == 1)
- {
- printf("An invalid instruction was purposely made,n");
- printf("server failed succesfully:n");
- printf("$DBI::errstrn");
- printf("Everything OK, continuing...n");
- return;
- }
- if ($expect_error != 2)
- {
- printf("Execution failed: $DBI::errstrn");
- printf("Attempted query was:n$queryn");
- die;
- }
- }
- if ($expect_error == 1)
- {
- printf("An invalid instruction was purposely made,n");
- printf("server didn't note, ALARM!n");
- printf("The query made was: $queryn");
- printf("The output from the server:n");
- }
- if ($expect_error == 2) { return; }
- if (!$silent) { printf("mysql> $query;n"); }
- display($sth, $style);
- if (!$silent) { printf("Query OKnn"); }
- if ($expect_error) { die; }
- }
- return;
- }
- ####
- #### Display to stderr
- #### Args: 1: ($sth) statememt handler
- #### 2: ($style) 0 == horizontal style, 1 == vertical style
- ####
- sub display()
- {
- my ($sth, $style) = @_;
- my (@data, @max_length, $row, $nr_rows, $nr_cols, $i, $j, $tmp, $mxl);
- # Store the field names and values in @data.
- # Store the max field lengths in @max_length
- for ($i = 0; ($row = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref); $i++)
- {
- if (!$i)
- {
- $nr_cols = $#$row;
- for ($j = 0; $j <= $#$row; $j++)
- {
- $data[$i][$j] = $sth->{NAME}->[$j];
- $max_length[$j] = length($data[$i][$j]);
- }
- $i++;
- }
- for ($j = 0; $j <= $#$row; $j++)
- {
- $data[$i][$j] = $row->[$j];
- $max_length[$j] = $tmp if ($max_length[$j] <
- ($tmp = length($data[$i][$j])));
- }
- }
- if (!($nr_rows = $i))
- {
- return;
- }
- # Display data
- if ($style == 0)
- {
- for ($i = 0; $i < $nr_rows; $i++)
- {
- if (!$i)
- {
- for ($j = 0; $j <= $nr_cols; $j++)
- {
- print "+"; print "-" x ($max_length[$j] + 2);
- }
- print "+n";
- }
- print "|";
- for ($j = 0; $j <= $nr_cols; $j++)
- {
- print " ";
- if (defined($data[$i][$j]))
- {
- print $data[$i][$j];
- $tmp = length($data[$i][$j]);
- }
- else
- {
- print "NULL";
- $tmp = 4;
- }
- print " " x ($max_length[$j] - $tmp);
- print " |";
- }
- print "n";
- if (!$i)
- {
- for ($j = 0; $j <= $nr_cols; $j++)
- {
- print "+"; print "-" x ($max_length[$j] + 2);
- }
- print "+n";
- }
- }
- for ($j = 0; $j <= $nr_cols; $j++)
- {
- print "+"; print "-" x ($max_length[$j] + 2);
- }
- print "+n";
- return;
- }
- if ($style == 1)
- {
- for ($i = 0; $max_length[$i]; $i++)
- {
- $mxl = $max_length[$i] if ($mxl < $max_length[$i]);
- }
- for ($i = 1; $i < $nr_rows; $i++)
- {
- print "*" x 27;
- print " " . $i . ". row ";
- print "*" x 27;
- print "n";
- for ($j = 0; $j <= $nr_cols; $j++)
- {
- print " " x ($mxl - length($data[0][$j]));
- print "$data[0][$j]: ";
- if (defined($data[$i][$j]))
- {
- print "$data[$i][$j] n";
- }
- else
- {
- print "NULLn";
- }
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- }
- ####
- #### usage
- ####
- sub usage
- {
- print <<EOF;
- mysql-test $VER by Jani Tolonen
- Usage: mysql-test [options]
- Options:
- --help Show this help
- --db= Database to use (Default: $opt_db)
- --port= TCP/IP port to use for connection (Default: $opt_port)
- --socket= UNIX socket to use for connection (Default: $opt_socket)
- --host= Connect to host (Default: $opt_host)
- --user= User for login if not current user
- --password Password to use when connecting to server
- --without=PART_NAME1,PART_NAME2,...
- test without a certain part of MySQL, optional parts listed below
- Optional parts:
- FUNC Ignore MySQL basic functions
- PROC Ignore MySQL procedure functions
- exit(0);
- }
- sub test_mysql_functions
- {
- ####
- #### MySQL functions
- ####
- #### Types: S = string (or real number) , N = unsigned integer, Z = integer,
- #### R = real number, T = time_stamp, E = no argument, D = date,
- #### B = boolean, C = character
- #### F = format (usually used with the date-types)
- #### . = any number of the last argument type possible
- #### A = require table for test, the following argument
- #### is the argument for the function
- # Muista get_lock,group_unique_users,
- # position, unique_users
- # ks. kaikki date function, ker滗 yhteen, testaa erikseen
- # adddate, date_add, subdate, date_sub, between, benchmark, count
- # decode, encode, get_lock, make_set, position
- @functions = (["abs","R"],["acos","R"],["ascii","C"],["asin","R"],
- ["atan","R"],["atan2","R"],["avg","AR"],["bin","Z"],
- ["bit_count","Z"],["bit_or","AZ"],["bit_and","AZ"],
- ["ceiling","R"],["char","N."],["char_length","S"],
- ["concat","SS."],["conv","ZZZ"],
- ["cos","R"],["cot","R"],["curdate","E"],
- ["curtime","E"],["database","E"],["date_format","DF"],
- ["dayofmonth","D"],["dayofyear","D"],["dayname","D"],
- ["degrees","R"],["elt","NS."],["encode","SS"],
- ["encrypt","S"],["encrypt","SS"],["exp","R"],["field","SS."],
- ["find_in_set","SS"],["floor","R"],["format","RN"],
- ["from_days","N"],["from_unixtime","N"],
- ["from_unixtime","NF"],["greatest","RR."],["hex","Z"],
- ["hour","D"],["if","ZSS"],["ifnull","SS"],["insert","SNNS"],
- ["instr","SS"],["interval","RR."],["isnull","S"],
- ["last_insert_id","E"],["lcase","S"],["least","RR."],
- ["left","SN"],["length","S"],["locate","SS"],
- ["log","R"],["log10","R"],["lpad","SNS"],["ltrim","S"],
- ["max","AR"],["mid","SNN"],["min","AR"],["minute","D"],
- ["mod","ZZ"],["monthname","D"],
- ["month","D"],["now","E"],["oct","Z"],
- ["octet_length","S"],["password","S"],["period_add","DD"],
- ["period_diff","DD"],["pi","E"],
- ["pow","RR"],["quarter","D"],["radians","R"],
- ["rand","E"],["rand","R"],["release_lock","S"],
- ["repeat","SN"],["replace","SSS"],["reverse","S"],
- ["right","SN"],["round","R"],["round","RN"],
- ["rpad","SNS"],["rtrim","S"],["sec_to_time","N"],
- ["second","T"],["sign","R"],["sin","R"],
- ["space","N"],["soundex","S"],["sqrt","R"],["std","AR"],
- ["strcmp","SS"],["substring","SN"],["substring","SNN"],
- ["substring_index","SSZ"],["sum","AR"],
- ["tan","R"],["time_format","TF"],["time_to_sec","T"],
- ["to_days","D"],["trim","S"],
- ["truncate","RN"],["ucase","S"],
- ["unix_timestamp","E"],["unix_timestamp","D"],["user","E"],
- ["version","E"],["week","D"],["weekday","D"],["year","D"]);
- ####
- #### Various tests for the functions above
- ####
- &exec_query(["drop table mysql_test1"], $MAY_ERR, $SILENT);
- $query .= <<EOF;
- create table mysql_test1 (
- i int,
- d double
- )
- chop($query);
- &exec_query([$query], $NO_ERR, $SILENT);
- ####
- #### Basic tests
- ####
- printf("####n#### BASIC TESTS FOR FUNCTIONSn####nn");
- @bunch = ("insert into mysql_test1 values(-20,-10.5),(20,10.5),(50,100.00)",
- "insert into mysql_test1 values(100,500.333)");
- &exec_query(@bunch, $NO_ERR, $SILENT);
- printf("n####n#### First basic test partn####nn");
- @values = (["S", "'a'", "'abc'", "'abc def'", "'abcd'", "'QWERTY'",
- "'\\'", "'*.!"#