- /* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
- /*
- ha_example is a stubbed storage engine. It does nothing at this point. It
- will let you create/open/delete tables but that is all. You can enable it
- in your buld by doing the following during your build process:
- ./configure --with-example-storage-engine
- Once this is done mysql will let you create tables with:
- The example is setup to use table locks. It implements an example "SHARE"
- that is inserted into a hash by table name. You can use this to store
- information of state that any example handler object will be able to see
- if it is using the same table.
- Please read the object definition in ha_example.h before reading the rest
- if this file.
- To get an idea of what occurs here is an example select that would do a
- scan of an entire table:
- ha_example::store_lock
- ha_example::external_lock
- ha_example::info
- ha_example::rnd_init
- ha_example::extra
- ENUM HA_EXTRA_CACHE Cash record in HA_rrnd()
- ha_example::rnd_next
- ha_example::rnd_next
- ha_example::rnd_next
- ha_example::rnd_next
- ha_example::rnd_next
- ha_example::rnd_next
- ha_example::rnd_next
- ha_example::rnd_next
- ha_example::rnd_next
- ha_example::extra
- ENUM HA_EXTRA_NO_CACHE End cacheing of records (def)
- ha_example::external_lock
- ha_example::extra
- ENUM HA_EXTRA_RESET Reset database to after open
- In the above example has 9 row called before rnd_next signalled that it was
- at the end of its data. In the above example the table was already opened
- (or you would have seen a call to ha_example::open(). Calls to
- ha_example::extra() are hints as to what will be occuring to the request.
- Happy coding!
- -Brian
- */
- #pragma implementation // gcc: Class implementation
- #endif
- #include "../mysql_priv.h"
- #include "ha_example.h"
- /* Variables for example share methods */
- static HASH example_open_tables; // Hash used to track open tables
- pthread_mutex_t example_mutex; // This is the mutex we use to init the hash
- static int example_init= 0; // Variable for checking the init state of hash
- /*
- Function we use in the creation of our hash to get key.
- */
- static byte* example_get_key(EXAMPLE_SHARE *share,uint *length,
- my_bool not_used __attribute__((unused)))
- {
- *length=share->table_name_length;
- return (byte*) share->table_name;
- }
- /*
- Example of simple lock controls. The "share" it creates is structure we will
- pass to each example handler. Do you have to have one of these? Well, you have
- pieces that are used for locking, and they are needed to function.
- */
- static EXAMPLE_SHARE *get_share(const char *table_name, TABLE *table)
- {
- uint length;
- char *tmp_name;
- /*
- So why does this exist? There is no way currently to init a storage engine.
- Innodb and BDB both have modifications to the server to allow them to
- do this. Since you will not want to do this, this is probably the next
- best method.
- */
- if (!example_init)
- {
- /* Hijack a mutex for init'ing the storage engine */
- pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_mysql_create_db);
- if (!example_init)
- {
- example_init++;
- VOID(pthread_mutex_init(&example_mutex,MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST));
- (void) hash_init(&example_open_tables,system_charset_info,32,0,0,
- (hash_get_key) example_get_key,0,0);
- }
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_mysql_create_db);
- }
- pthread_mutex_lock(&example_mutex);
- length=(uint) strlen(table_name);
- if (!(share=(EXAMPLE_SHARE*) hash_search(&example_open_tables,
- (byte*) table_name,
- length)))
- {
- if (!(share=(EXAMPLE_SHARE *)
- my_multi_malloc(MYF(MY_WME | MY_ZEROFILL),
- &share, sizeof(*share),
- &tmp_name, length+1,
- NullS)))
- {
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&example_mutex);
- return NULL;
- }
- share->use_count=0;
- share->table_name_length=length;
- share->table_name=tmp_name;
- strmov(share->table_name,table_name);
- if (my_hash_insert(&example_open_tables, (byte*) share))
- goto error;
- thr_lock_init(&share->lock);
- pthread_mutex_init(&share->mutex,MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST);
- }
- share->use_count++;
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&example_mutex);
- return share;
- error:
- pthread_mutex_destroy(&share->mutex);
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&example_mutex);
- my_free((gptr) share, MYF(0));
- return NULL;
- }
- /*
- Free lock controls. We call this whenever we close a table. If the table had
- the last reference to the share then we free memory associated with it.
- */
- static int free_share(EXAMPLE_SHARE *share)
- {
- pthread_mutex_lock(&example_mutex);
- if (!--share->use_count)
- {
- hash_delete(&example_open_tables, (byte*) share);
- thr_lock_delete(&share->lock);
- pthread_mutex_destroy(&share->mutex);
- my_free((gptr) share, MYF(0));
- }
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&example_mutex);
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- If frm_error() is called then we will use this to to find out what file extentions
- exist for the storage engine. This is also used by the default rename_table and
- delete_table method in handler.cc.
- */
- const char **ha_example::bas_ext() const
- { static const char *ext[]= { NullS }; return ext; }
- /*
- Used for opening tables. The name will be the name of the file.
- A table is opened when it needs to be opened. For instance
- when a request comes in for a select on the table (tables are not
- open and closed for each request, they are cached).
- Called from handler.cc by handler::ha_open(). The server opens all tables by
- calling ha_open() which then calls the handler specific open().
- */
- int ha_example::open(const char *name, int mode, uint test_if_locked)
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("ha_example::open");
- if (!(share = get_share(name, table)))
- thr_lock_data_init(&share->lock,&lock,NULL);
- }
- /*
- Closes a table. We call the free_share() function to free any resources
- that we have allocated in the "shared" structure.
- Called from sql_base.cc, sql_select.cc, and table.cc.
- In sql_select.cc it is only used to close up temporary tables or during
- the process where a temporary table is converted over to being a
- myisam table.
- For sql_base.cc look at close_data_tables().
- */
- int ha_example::close(void)
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("ha_example::close");
- DBUG_RETURN(free_share(share));
- }
- /*
- write_row() inserts a row. No extra() hint is given currently if a bulk load
- is happeneding. buf() is a byte array of data. You can use the field
- information to extract the data from the native byte array type.
- Example of this would be:
- for (Field **field=table->field ; *field ; field++)
- {
- ...
- }
- See ha_tina.cc for an example of extracting all of the data as strings.
- ha_berekly.cc has an example of how to store it intact by "packing" it
- for ha_berkeley's own native storage type.
- See the note for update_row() on auto_increments and timestamps. This
- case also applied to write_row().
- Called from item_sum.cc, item_sum.cc, sql_acl.cc, sql_insert.cc,
- sql_insert.cc, sql_select.cc, sql_table.cc, sql_udf.cc, and sql_update.cc.
- */
- int ha_example::write_row(byte * buf)
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("ha_example::write_row");
- }
- /*
- Yes, update_row() does what you expect, it updates a row. old_data will have
- the previous row record in it, while new_data will have the newest data in
- it.
- Keep in mind that the server can do updates based on ordering if an ORDER BY
- clause was used. Consecutive ordering is not guarenteed.
- Currently new_data will not have an updated auto_increament record, or
- and updated timestamp field. You can do these for example by doing these:
- if (table->timestamp_field_type & TIMESTAMP_AUTO_SET_ON_UPDATE)
- table->timestamp_field->set_time();
- if (table->next_number_field && record == table->record[0])
- update_auto_increment();
- Called from sql_select.cc, sql_acl.cc, sql_update.cc, and sql_insert.cc.
- */
- int ha_example::update_row(const byte * old_data, byte * new_data)
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("ha_example::update_row");
- }
- /*
- This will delete a row. buf will contain a copy of the row to be deleted.
- The server will call this right after the current row has been called (from
- either a previous rnd_nexT() or index call).
- If you keep a pointer to the last row or can access a primary key it will
- make doing the deletion quite a bit easier.
- Keep in mind that the server does no guarentee consecutive deletions. ORDER BY
- clauses can be used.
- Called in sql_acl.cc and sql_udf.cc to manage internal table information.
- Called in sql_delete.cc, sql_insert.cc, and sql_select.cc. In sql_select it is
- used for removing duplicates while in insert it is used for REPLACE calls.
- */
- int ha_example::delete_row(const byte * buf)
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("ha_example::delete_row");
- }
- /*
- Positions an index cursor to the index specified in the handle. Fetches the
- row if available. If the key value is null, begin at the first key of the
- index.
- */
- int ha_example::index_read(byte * buf, const byte * key,
- uint key_len __attribute__((unused)),
- enum ha_rkey_function find_flag
- __attribute__((unused)))
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("ha_example::index_read");
- }
- /*
- Positions an index cursor to the index specified in key. Fetches the
- row if any. This is only used to read whole keys.
- */
- int ha_example::index_read_idx(byte * buf, uint index, const byte * key,
- uint key_len __attribute__((unused)),
- enum ha_rkey_function find_flag
- __attribute__((unused)))
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("ha_example::index_read_idx");
- }
- /*
- Used to read forward through the index.
- */
- int ha_example::index_next(byte * buf)
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("ha_example::index_next");
- }
- /*
- Used to read backwards through the index.
- */
- int ha_example::index_prev(byte * buf)
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("ha_example::index_prev");
- }
- /*
- index_first() asks for the first key in the index.
- Called from opt_range.cc, opt_sum.cc, sql_handler.cc,
- and sql_select.cc.
- */
- int ha_example::index_first(byte * buf)
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("ha_example::index_first");
- }
- /*
- index_last() asks for the last key in the index.
- Called from opt_range.cc, opt_sum.cc, sql_handler.cc,
- and sql_select.cc.
- */
- int ha_example::index_last(byte * buf)
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("ha_example::index_last");
- }
- /*
- rnd_init() is called when the system wants the storage engine to do a table
- scan.
- See the example in the introduction at the top of this file to see when
- rnd_init() is called.
- Called from filesort.cc, records.cc, sql_handler.cc, sql_select.cc, sql_table.cc,
- and sql_update.cc.
- */
- int ha_example::rnd_init(bool scan)
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("ha_example::rnd_init");
- }
- int ha_example::rnd_end()
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("ha_example::rnd_end");
- }
- /*
- This is called for each row of the table scan. When you run out of records
- you should return HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE. Fill buff up with the row information.
- The Field structure for the table is the key to getting data into buf
- in a manner that will allow the server to understand it.
- Called from filesort.cc, records.cc, sql_handler.cc, sql_select.cc, sql_table.cc,
- and sql_update.cc.
- */
- int ha_example::rnd_next(byte *buf)
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("ha_example::rnd_next");
- }
- /*
- position() is called after each call to rnd_next() if the data needs
- to be ordered. You can do something like the following to store
- the position:
- ha_store_ptr(ref, ref_length, current_position);
- The server uses ref to store data. ref_length in the above case is
- the size needed to store current_position. ref is just a byte array
- that the server will maintain. If you are using offsets to mark rows, then
- current_position should be the offset. If it is a primary key like in
- BDB, then it needs to be a primary key.
- Called from filesort.cc, sql_select.cc, sql_delete.cc and sql_update.cc.
- */
- void ha_example::position(const byte *record)
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("ha_example::position");
- }
- /*
- This is like rnd_next, but you are given a position to use
- to determine the row. The position will be of the type that you stored in
- ref. You can use ha_get_ptr(pos,ref_length) to retrieve whatever key
- or position you saved when position() was called.
- Called from filesort.cc records.cc sql_insert.cc sql_select.cc sql_update.cc.
- */
- int ha_example::rnd_pos(byte * buf, byte *pos)
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("ha_example::rnd_pos");
- }
- /*
- ::info() is used to return information to the optimizer.
- Currently this table handler doesn't implement most of the fields
- really needed. SHOW also makes use of this data
- Another note, you will probably want to have the following in your
- code:
- if (records < 2)
- records = 2;
- The reason is that the server will optimize for cases of only a single
- record. If in a table scan you don't know the number of records
- it will probably be better to set records to two so you can return
- as many records as you need.
- Along with records a few more variables you may wish to set are:
- records
- deleted
- data_file_length
- index_file_length
- delete_length
- check_time
- Take a look at the public variables in handler.h for more information.
- Called in:
- filesort.cc
- ha_heap.cc
- item_sum.cc
- opt_sum.cc
- sql_delete.cc
- sql_delete.cc
- sql_derived.cc
- sql_select.cc
- sql_select.cc
- sql_select.cc
- sql_select.cc
- sql_select.cc
- sql_show.cc
- sql_show.cc
- sql_show.cc
- sql_show.cc
- sql_table.cc
- sql_union.cc
- sql_update.cc
- */
- void ha_example::info(uint flag)
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("ha_example::info");
- }
- /*
- extra() is called whenever the server wishes to send a hint to
- the storage engine. The myisam engine implements the most hints.
- ha_innodb.cc has the most exhaustive list of these hints.
- */
- int ha_example::extra(enum ha_extra_function operation)
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("ha_example::extra");
- }
- /*
- Deprecated and likely to be removed in the future. Storage engines normally
- just make a call like:
- ha_example::extra(HA_EXTRA_RESET);
- to handle it.
- */
- int ha_example::reset(void)
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("ha_example::reset");
- }
- /*
- Used to delete all rows in a table. Both for cases of truncate and
- for cases where the optimizer realizes that all rows will be
- removed as a result of a SQL statement.
- Called from item_sum.cc by Item_func_group_concat::clear(),
- Item_sum_count_distinct::clear(), and Item_func_group_concat::clear().
- Called from sql_delete.cc by mysql_delete().
- Called from sql_select.cc by JOIN::reinit().
- Called from sql_union.cc by st_select_lex_unit::exec().
- */
- int ha_example::delete_all_rows()
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("ha_example::delete_all_rows");
- }
- /*
- First you should go read the section "locking functions for mysql" in
- lock.cc to understand this.
- This create a lock on the table. If you are implementing a storage engine
- that can handle transacations look at ha_berkely.cc to see how you will
- want to goo about doing this. Otherwise you should consider calling flock()
- here.
- Called from lock.cc by lock_external() and unlock_external(). Also called
- from sql_table.cc by copy_data_between_tables().
- */
- int ha_example::external_lock(THD *thd, int lock_type)
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("ha_example::external_lock");
- }
- /*
- The idea with handler::store_lock() is the following:
- The statement decided which locks we should need for the table
- for updates/deletes/inserts we get WRITE locks, for SELECT... we get
- read locks.
- Before adding the lock into the table lock handler (see thr_lock.c)
- mysqld calls store lock with the requested locks. Store lock can now
- modify a write lock to a read lock (or some other lock), ignore the
- lock (if we don't want to use MySQL table locks at all) or add locks
- for many tables (like we do when we are using a MERGE handler).
- Berkeley DB for example changes all WRITE locks to TL_WRITE_ALLOW_WRITE
- (which signals that we are doing WRITES, but we are still allowing other
- reader's and writer's.
- When releasing locks, store_lock() are also called. In this case one
- usually doesn't have to do anything.
- In some exceptional cases MySQL may send a request for a TL_IGNORE;
- This means that we are requesting the same lock as last time and this
- should also be ignored. (This may happen when someone does a flush
- table when we have opened a part of the tables, in which case mysqld
- closes and reopens the tables and tries to get the same locks at last
- time). In the future we will probably try to remove this.
- Called from lock.cc by get_lock_data().
- */
- THR_LOCK_DATA **ha_example::store_lock(THD *thd,
- enum thr_lock_type lock_type)
- {
- if (lock_type != TL_IGNORE && lock.type == TL_UNLOCK)
- lock.type=lock_type;
- *to++= &lock;
- return to;
- }
- /*
- Used to delete a table. By the time delete_table() has been called all
- opened references to this table will have been closed (and your globally
- shared references released. The variable name will just be the name of
- the table. You will need to remove any files you have created at this point.
- If you do not implement this, the default delete_table() is called from
- handler.cc and it will delete all files with the file extentions returned
- by bas_ext().
- Called from handler.cc by delete_table and ha_create_table(). Only used
- during create if the table_flag HA_DROP_BEFORE_CREATE was specified for
- the storage engine.
- */
- int ha_example::delete_table(const char *name)
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("ha_example::delete_table");
- /* This is not implemented but we want someone to be able that it works. */
- }
- /*
- Renames a table from one name to another from alter table call.
- If you do not implement this, the default rename_table() is called from
- handler.cc and it will delete all files with the file extentions returned
- by bas_ext().
- Called from sql_table.cc by mysql_rename_table().
- */
- int ha_example::rename_table(const char * from, const char * to)
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("ha_example::rename_table ");
- }
- /*
- Given a starting key, and an ending key estimate the number of rows that
- will exist between the two. end_key may be empty which in case determine
- if start_key matches any rows.
- Called from opt_range.cc by check_quick_keys().
- */
- ha_rows ha_example::records_in_range(uint inx, key_range *min_key,
- key_range *max_key)
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("ha_example::records_in_range");
- DBUG_RETURN(10); // low number to force index usage
- }
- /*
- create() is called to create a database. The variable name will have the name
- of the table. When create() is called you do not need to worry about opening
- the table. Also, the FRM file will have already been created so adjusting
- create_info will not do you any good. You can overwrite the frm file at this
- point if you wish to change the table definition, but there are no methods
- currently provided for doing that.
- Called from handle.cc by ha_create_table().
- */
- int ha_example::create(const char *name, TABLE *table_arg,
- HA_CREATE_INFO *create_info)
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("ha_example::create");
- /* This is not implemented but we want someone to be able that it works. */
- }
- #endif /* HAVE_EXAMPLE_DB */