- #!@PERL@
- # Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB & MySQL Finland AB & TCX DataKonsult AB
- #
- # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- # modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
- # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- # version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- #
- # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # Library General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
- # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
- # Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
- # MA 02111-1307, USA
- #
- # AS3AP single-user benchmark.
- #
- ##################### Standard benchmark inits ##############################
- use Cwd;
- use DBI;
- use Benchmark;
- $pwd = cwd(); $pwd = "." if ($pwd eq '');
- require "$pwd/" || die "Can't read Configuration file: $!n";
- $opt_loop_count=1;
- #Create tables
- $dbh = $server->connect();
- #Create Table
- $sth = $dbh->do("drop table uniques");
- $sth = $dbh->do("drop table updates");
- $sth = $dbh->do("drop table hundred");
- $sth = $dbh->do("drop table tenpct");
- $sth = $dbh->do("drop table tiny");
- #Temporary table
- $sth = $dbh->do("drop table saveupdates");
- @fields=("col_key int not null",
- "col_int int not null",
- "col_signed int not null",
- "col_float float not null",
- "col_double float not null",
- "col_decim numeric(18,2) not null",
- "col_date char(20) not null",
- "col_code char(10) not null",
- "col_name char(20) not null",
- "col_address varchar(80) not null");
- do_many($dbh,$server->create("uniques",@fields,[]));
- do_many($dbh,$server->create("updates",@fields,[]));
- do_many($dbh,$server->create("hundred",@fields,[]));
- do_many($dbh,$server->create("tenpct",@fields,[]));
- do_many($dbh,$server->create("tiny",["col_key int not null"],[]));
- print "Start AS3AP benchmarknn";
- $start_time=new Benchmark;
- print "Load DATAn";
- #Load DATA
- @table_names=("uniques","updates","hundred","tenpct","tiny");
- $loop_time=new Benchmark;
- if ($opt_fast && $server->{'limits'}->{'load_data_infile'})
- {
- for ($ti = 0; $ti <= $#table_names; $ti++)
- {
- my $table_name = $table_names[$ti];
- my $file = "$pwd/Data/AS3AP/${table_name}.new";
- print "$table_name - $filen" if ($opt_debug);
- $row_count += $server->insert_file($table_name,$file,$dbh);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for ($ti = 0; $ti <= $#table_names; $ti++)
- {
- my $table_name = $table_names[$ti];
- print "$table_name - $filen" if ($opt_debug);
- my $insert_start = "insert into $table_name values (";
- open(DATA, "$pwd/Data/AS3AP/${table_name}.new") || die "Can't open text file: $pwd/Data/AS3AP/${table_name}.newn";
- while(<DATA>)
- {
- chomp;
- next unless ( $_ =~ /w/ ); # skip blank lines
- $command = $insert_start."$_".")";
- $command =~ $server->fix_to_insert($command);
- print "$commandn" if ($opt_debug);
- $sth = $dbh->do($command) or die "Got error: $DBI::errstr when executing '$command'n";
- $row_count++;
- }
- close(DATA);
- }
- }
- $end_time=new Benchmark;
- print "Time for Load Data - " . "($row_count): " .
- timestr(timediff($end_time, $loop_time),"all") . "nn";
- print "Create Indexn";
- test_command("create_idx_uniques_key_bt",
- "time for create_idx_uniques_key_bt",
- "create unique index uniques_key_bt on uniques (col_key)",$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- test_command("create_idx_updates_key_bt",
- "time for create_idx_updates_key_bt",
- "create unique index updates_key_bt on updates (col_key)",$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- test_command("create_idx_hundred_key_bt",
- "time for create_idx_hundred_key_bt",
- "create unique index hundred_key_bt on hundred (col_key)",
- $dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- test_command("create_idx_tenpct_key_bt",
- "time for create_idx_tenpct_key_bt",
- "create unique index tenpct_key_bt on tenpct (col_key)",$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- test_command("create_idx_tenpct_key_code_bt",
- "time for create_idx_tenpct_key_code_bt",
- "create index tenpct_key_code_bt on tenpct (col_key,col_code)",
- $dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- test_command("create_idx_tiny_key_bt",
- "time for create_idx_tiny_key_bt",
- "create index tiny_key_bt on tiny (col_key)",$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- test_command("create_idx_tenpct_int_bt",
- "time for create_idx_tenpct_int_bt",
- "create index tenpct_int_bt on tenpct (col_int)",$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- test_command("create_idx_tenpct_signed_bt",
- "time for create_idx_tenpct_signed_bt",
- "create index tenpct_signed_bt on tenpct (col_signed)",$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- test_command("create_idx_uniques_code_h",
- "time for create_idx_uniques_code_h",
- "create index uniques_code_h on uniques (col_code)",$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- test_command("create_idx_tenpct_double_bt",
- "time for create_idx_tenpct_double_bt",
- "create index tenpct_double_bt on tenpct (col_double)",$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- test_command("create_idx_updates_decim_bt",
- "time for create_idx_updates_decim_bt",
- "create index updates_decim_bt on updates (col_decim)",$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- test_command("create_idx_tenpct_float_bt",
- "time for create_idx_tenpct_float_bt",
- "create index tenpct_float_bt on tenpct (col_float)",$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- test_command("create_idx_updates_int_bt",
- "time for create_idx_updates_int_bt",
- "create index updates_int_bt on updates (col_int)",$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- test_command("create_idx_tenpct_decim_bt",
- "time for create_idx_tenpct_decim_bt",
- "create index tenpct_decim_bt on tenpct (col_decim)",$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- test_command("create_idx_hundred_code_h",
- "time for create_idx_hundred_code_h",
- "create index hundred_code_h on hundred (col_code)",$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- test_command("create_idx_tenpct_name_h",
- "time for create_idx_tenpct_name_h",
- "create index tenpct_name_h on tenpct (col_name)",$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- test_command("create_idx_updates_code_h",
- "time for create_idx_updates_code_h",
- "create index updates_code_h on updates (col_code)",$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- test_command("create_idx_tenpct_code_h",
- "time for create_idx_tenpct_code_h",
- "create index tenpct_code_h on tenpct (col_code)",$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- test_command("create_idx_updates_double_bt",
- "time for create_idx_updates_double_bt",
- "create index updates_double_bt on updates (col_double)",$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- test_command("create_idx_hundred_foreign",
- "time for create_idx_hundred_foreign",
- "alter table hundred add constraint fk_hundred_updates foreign key (col_signed)
- references updates (col_key)",$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- test_query("sel_1_cl",
- "Time to sel_1_cl",
- "select col_key, col_int, col_signed, col_code, col_double, col_name
- from updates where col_key = 1000",$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- test_query("join_3_cl",
- "Time to join_3_cl",
- "select uniques.col_signed, uniques.col_date,
- hundred.col_signed, hundred.col_date,
- tenpct.col_signed, tenpct.col_date
- from uniques, hundred, tenpct
- where uniques.col_key = hundred.col_key
- and uniques.col_key = tenpct.col_key
- and uniques.col_key = 1000",$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- test_query("sel_100_ncl",
- "Time to sel_100_ncl",
- "select col_key, col_int, col_signed, col_code,col_double, col_name
- from updates where col_int <= 100",$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- test_query("table_scan",
- "Time to table_scan",
- "select * from uniques where col_int = 1",$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- test_query("agg_func",
- "Time for agg_func",
- "select min(col_key) from hundred group by col_name",$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- test_query("agg_scal",
- "Time for agg_scal",
- "select min(col_key) from uniques",$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- test_query("sel_100_cl",
- "Time for sel_100_cl",
- "select col_key, col_int, col_signed, col_code,
- col_double, col_name
- from updates where col_key <= 100",$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- test_query("join_3_ncl",
- "Time for join_3_ncl",
- "select uniques.col_signed, uniques.col_date,
- hundred.col_signed, hundred.col_date,
- tenpct.col_signed, tenpct.col_date
- from uniques, hundred, tenpct
- where uniques.col_code = hundred.col_code
- and uniques.col_code = tenpct.col_code
- and uniques.col_code = 'BENCHMARKS'",$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- test_query("sel_10pct_ncl",
- "Time for sel_10pct_ncl",
- "select col_key, col_int, col_signed, col_code,
- col_double, col_name
- from tenpct
- where col_name = 'THE+ASAP+BENCHMARKS+'",$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- if ($limits->{'subqueries'}){
- test_query("agg_simple_report",
- "Time for agg_simple_report",
- "select avg(updates.col_decim)
- from updates
- where updates.col_key in
- (select updates.col_key
- from updates, hundred
- where hundred.col_key = updates.col_key
- and updates.col_decim > 980000000)",$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- }else{
- print "agg_simple_report - Failednn";
- }
- test_query("agg_info_retrieval",
- "Time for agg_info_retrieval",
- "select count(col_key)
- from tenpct
- where col_name = 'THE+ASAP+BENCHMARKS'
- and col_int <= 100000000
- and col_signed between 1 and 99999999
- and not (col_float between -450000000 and 450000000)
- and col_double > 600000000
- and col_decim < -600000000",$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- if ($limits->{'views'}){
- test_query("agg_create_view",
- "Time for agg_create_view",
- "create view
- reportview(col_key,col_signed,col_date,col_decim,
- col_name,col_code,col_int) as
- select updates.col_key, updates.col_signed,
- updates.col_date, updates.col_decim,
- hundred.col_name, hundred.col_code,
- hundred.col_int
- from updates, hundred
- where updates.col_key = hundred.col_key",$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- test_query("agg_subtotal_report",
- "Time for agg_subtotal_report",
- "select avg(col_signed), min(col_signed), max(col_signed),
- max(col_date), min(col_date),
- count(distinct col_name), count(col_name),
- col_code, col_int
- from reportview
- where col_decim >980000000
- group by col_code, col_int",$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- test_query("agg_total_report",
- "Time for agg_total_report",
- "select avg(col_signed), min(col_signed), max(col_signed),
- max(col_date), min(col_date),
- count(distinct col_name), count(col_name),
- count(col_code), count(col_int)
- from reportview
- where col_decim >980000000",$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- }else{
- print "agg_create_view - Failednn";
- print "agg_subtotal_report - Failednn";
- print "agg_total_report - Failednn";
- }
- #fix from here
- test_query("join_2_cl",
- "Time for join_2_cl",
- "select uniques.col_signed, uniques.col_name,
- hundred.col_signed, hundred.col_name
- from uniques, hundred
- where uniques.col_key = hundred.col_key
- and uniques.col_key =1000"
- ,$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- test_query("join_2",
- "Time for join_2",
- "select uniques.col_signed, uniques.col_name,
- hundred.col_signed, hundred.col_name
- from uniques, hundred
- where uniques.col_address = hundred.col_address
- and uniques.col_address = 'SILICON VALLEY'"
- ,$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- test_query("sel_variable_select_low",
- "Time for sel_variable_select_low",
- "select col_key, col_int, col_signed, col_code,
- col_double, col_name
- from tenpct
- where col_signed < -500000000"
- ,$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- test_query("sel_variable_select_high",
- "Time for sel_variable_select_high",
- "select col_key, col_int, col_signed, col_code,
- col_double, col_name
- from tenpct
- where col_signed < -250000000"
- ,$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- test_query("join_4_cl",
- "Time for join_4_cl",
- "select uniques.col_date, hundred.col_date,
- tenpct.col_date, updates.col_date
- from uniques, hundred, tenpct, updates
- where uniques.col_key = hundred.col_key
- and uniques.col_key = tenpct.col_key
- and uniques.col_key = updates.col_key
- and uniques.col_key = 1000"
- ,$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- test_query("proj_100",
- "Time for proj_100",
- "select distinct col_address, col_signed from hundred"
- ,$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- test_query("join_4_ncl",
- "Time for join_4_ncl",
- "select uniques.col_date, hundred.col_date,
- tenpct.col_date, updates.col_date
- from uniques, hundred, tenpct, updates
- where uniques.col_code = hundred.col_code
- and uniques.col_code = tenpct.col_code
- and uniques.col_code = updates.col_code
- and uniques.col_code = 'BENCHMARKS'"
- ,$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- test_query("proj_10pct",
- "Time for proj_10pct",
- "select distinct col_signed from tenpct"
- ,$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- test_query("sel_1_ncl",
- "Time for sel_1_ncl",
- "select col_key, col_int, col_signed, col_code,
- col_double, col_name
- from updates where col_code = 'BENCHMARKS'"
- ,$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- test_query("join_2_ncl",
- "Time for join_2_ncl",
- "select uniques.col_signed, uniques.col_name,
- hundred.col_signed, hundred.col_name
- from uniques, hundred
- where uniques.col_code = hundred.col_code
- and uniques.col_code = 'BENCHMARKS'"
- ,$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- if ($limits->{'foreign_key'}){
- do_many($dbh,$server->create("integrity_temp",@fields,[]));
- test_query("integrity_test_1",
- "Time for integrity_test",
- "insert into integrity_temp select *
- from hundred where col_int=0",$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- test_query("integrity_test_2",
- "Time for integrity_test",
- "update hundred set col_signed = '-500000000'
- where col_int = 0",$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- test_query("integrity_test_3",
- "Time for integrity_test",
- "update hundred set col_signed = '-500000000'
- where col_int = 0",$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- }else{
- print "integrity_test - Failednn";
- }
- push @drop_seq_command,$server->drop_index("updates","updates_int_bt");
- push @drop_seq_command,$server->drop_index("updates","updates_double_bt");
- push @drop_seq_command,$server->drop_index("updates","updates_decim_bt");
- push @drop_seq_command,$server->drop_index("updates","updates_code_h");
- test_many_command("Drop updates keys",
- "Time for drop_updates_keys",
- @drop_seq_command,$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- do_many($dbh,$server->create("saveupdates",@fields,[]));
- test_command("bulk_save",
- "Time for bulk_save",
- "insert into saveupdates select *
- from updates where col_key between 5000 and 5999"
- ,$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- test_command("bulk_modify",
- "Time for bulk_modify",
- "update updates
- set col_key = col_key - 100000
- where col_key between 5000 and 5999"
- ,$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- safe_command("upd_append_duplicate",
- "Time for upd_append_duplicate",
- "insert into updates
- values (6000, 0, 60000, 39997.90,
- 50005.00, 50005.00,
- '11/10/1985', 'CONTROLLER',
- ,$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- test_command("upd_remove_duplicate",
- "Time for upd_remove_duplicate",
- "delete from updates where col_key = 6000 and col_int = 0"
- ,$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- test_command("upd_app_t_mid",
- "Time for upd_app_t_mid",
- "insert into updates
- values (5005, 5005, 50005, 50005.00, 50005.00,
- 50005.00, '1/1/1988', 'CONTROLLER',
- ,$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- test_command("upd_mod_t_mid",
- "Time for upd_mod_t_mid",
- "update updates set col_key = '-5000'
- where col_key = 5005"
- ,$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- test_command("upd_del_t_mid",
- "Time for upd_del_t_mid",
- "delete from updates
- where (col_key='5005') or (col_key='-5000')"
- ,$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- test_command("upd_app_t_end",
- "Time for upd_app_t_end",
- "delete from updates
- where (col_key='5005') or (col_key='-5000')"
- ,$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- test_command("upd_mod_t_end",
- "Time for upd_mod_t_end",
- "update updates
- set col_key = -1000
- where col_key = 1000000001"
- ,$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- test_command("upd_del_t_end",
- "Time for upd_del_t_end",
- "delete from updates where col_key = -1000"
- ,$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- test_command("create_idx_updates_code_h",
- "time for create_idx_updates_code_h",
- "create index updates_code_h on updates (col_code)",
- $dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- test_command("upd_app_t_mid",
- "Time for upd_app_t_mid",
- "insert into updates
- values (5005, 5005, 50005, 50005.00, 50005.00,
- 50005.00, '1/1/1988', 'CONTROLLER',
- ,$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- test_command("upd_mod_t_cod",
- "Time for upd_mod_t_cod",
- "update updates
- set col_code = 'SQL+GROUPS'
- where col_key = 5005"
- ,$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- test_command("upd_del_t_mid",
- "Time for upd_del_t_mid",
- "delete from updates
- where (col_key='5005') or (col_key='-5000')"
- ,$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- test_command("create_idx_updates_int_bt",
- "time for create_idx_updates_int_bt",
- "create index updates_int_bt on updates (col_int)",
- $dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- test_command("upd_app_t_mid",
- "Time for upd_app_t_mid",
- "insert into updates
- values (5005, 5005, 50005, 50005.00, 50005.00,
- 50005.00, '1/1/1988', 'CONTROLLER',
- ,$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- test_command("upd_mod_t_int",
- "Time for upd_mod_t_int",
- "update updates set col_int = 50015 where col_key = 5005"
- ,$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- test_command("upd_del_t_mid",
- "Time for upd_del_t_mid",
- "delete from updates
- where (col_key='5005') or (col_key='-5000')"
- ,$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- test_command("bulk_append",
- "Time for bulk_append",
- "insert into updates select * from saveupdates"
- ,$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- test_command("bulk_delete",
- "Time for bulk_delete",
- "delete from updates where col_key < 0"
- ,$dbh,$opt_loop_count);
- ################################ END ###################################
- ####
- #### End of the test...Finally print time used to execute the
- #### whole test.
- $dbh->disconnect;
- end_benchmark($start_time);
- ############################ HELP FUNCTIONS ##############################
- sub test_query
- {
- my($test_text,$result_text,$query,$dbh,$count)=@_;
- my($i,$loop_time,$end_time);
- print $test_text . "n";
- $loop_time=new Benchmark;
- for ($i=0 ; $i < $count ; $i++)
- {
- defined(fetch_all_rows($dbh,$query)) or warn $DBI::errstr;
- }
- $end_time=new Benchmark;
- print $result_text . "($count): " .
- timestr(timediff($end_time, $loop_time),"all") . "nn";
- }
- sub test_command
- {
- my($test_text,$result_text,$query,$dbh,$count)=@_;
- my($i,$loop_time,$end_time);
- print $test_text . "n";
- $loop_time=new Benchmark;
- for ($i=0 ; $i < $count ; $i++)
- {
- $dbh->do($query) or die $DBI::errstr;
- }
- $end_time=new Benchmark;
- print $result_text . "($count): " .
- timestr(timediff($end_time, $loop_time),"all") . "nn";
- }
- sub safe_command
- {
- my($test_text,$result_text,$query,$dbh,$count)=@_;
- my($i,$loop_time,$end_time);
- print $test_text . "n";
- $loop_time=new Benchmark;
- for ($i=0 ; $i < $count ; $i++)
- {
- safe_do_many($dbh,$query);
- }
- $end_time=new Benchmark;
- print $result_text . "($count): " .
- timestr(timediff($end_time, $loop_time),"all") . "nn";
- }
- sub test_many_command
- {
- my($test_text,$result_text,$query,$dbh,$count)=@_;
- my($i,$loop_time,$end_time);
- $loop_time=new Benchmark;
- for ($i=0 ; $i < $count ; $i++)
- {
- safe_do_many($dbh, @$query);
- }
- $end_time=new Benchmark;
- print $result_text . "($count): " .
- timestr(timediff($end_time, $loop_time),"all") . "nn";
- }