- /* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
- #include <signaldata/DictTabInfo.hpp>
- #include <ndb_limits.h>
- //static
- const
- SimpleProperties::SP2StructMapping
- DictTabInfo::TableMapping[] = {
- DTIMAPS(Table, TableName, TableName, 0, MAX_TAB_NAME_SIZE),
- DTIMAP(Table, TableId, TableId),
- DTIMAP(Table, SecondTableId, SecondTableId),
- DTIMAPS(Table, PrimaryTable, PrimaryTable, 0, MAX_TAB_NAME_SIZE),
- DTIMAP(Table, PrimaryTableId, PrimaryTableId),
- DTIMAP2(Table, TableLoggedFlag, TableLoggedFlag, 0, 1),
- DTIMAP2(Table, TableKValue, TableKValue, 6, 6),
- DTIMAP2(Table, MinLoadFactor, MinLoadFactor, 0, 90),
- DTIMAP2(Table, MaxLoadFactor, MaxLoadFactor, 25, 110),
- DTIMAP2(Table, FragmentTypeVal, FragmentType, 0, 3),
- DTIMAP2(Table, TableStorageVal, TableStorage, 0, 0),
- DTIMAP2(Table, ScanOptimised, ScanOptimised, 0, 0),
- DTIMAP2(Table, FragmentKeyTypeVal, FragmentKeyType, 0, 2),
- DTIMAP2(Table, TableTypeVal, TableType, 1, 3),
- DTIMAP(Table, NoOfKeyAttr, NoOfKeyAttr),
- DTIMAP2(Table, NoOfAttributes, NoOfAttributes, 1, MAX_ATTRIBUTES_IN_TABLE),
- DTIMAP(Table, NoOfNullable, NoOfNullable),
- DTIMAP2(Table, NoOfVariable, NoOfVariable, 0, 0),
- DTIMAP(Table, KeyLength, KeyLength),
- DTIMAP(Table, TableVersion, TableVersion),
- DTIMAP(Table, IndexState, IndexState),
- DTIMAP(Table, InsertTriggerId, InsertTriggerId),
- DTIMAP(Table, UpdateTriggerId, UpdateTriggerId),
- DTIMAP(Table, DeleteTriggerId, DeleteTriggerId),
- DTIMAP(Table, CustomTriggerId, CustomTriggerId),
- DTIMAP2(Table, FrmLen, FrmLen, 0, MAX_FRM_DATA_SIZE),
- DTIMAPB(Table, FrmData, FrmData, 0, MAX_FRM_DATA_SIZE, FrmLen),
- DTIMAP(Table, FragmentCount, FragmentCount),
- DTIBREAK(AttributeName)
- };
- //static
- const Uint32 DictTabInfo::TableMappingSize =
- sizeof(DictTabInfo::TableMapping) / sizeof(SimpleProperties::SP2StructMapping);
- //static
- const
- SimpleProperties::SP2StructMapping
- DictTabInfo::AttributeMapping[] = {
- DTIMAPS(Attribute, AttributeName, AttributeName, 0, MAX_ATTR_NAME_SIZE),
- DTIMAP(Attribute, AttributeId, AttributeId),
- DTIMAP2(Attribute, AttributeType, AttributeType, 0, 3),
- DTIMAP2(Attribute, AttributeSize, AttributeSize, 3, 7),
- DTIMAP2(Attribute, AttributeArraySize, AttributeArraySize, 0, 65535),
- DTIMAP2(Attribute, AttributeKeyFlag, AttributeKeyFlag, 0, 1),
- DTIMAP2(Attribute, AttributeStorage, AttributeStorage, 0, 0),
- DTIMAP2(Attribute, AttributeNullableFlag, AttributeNullableFlag, 0, 1),
- DTIMAP2(Attribute, AttributeDGroup, AttributeDGroup, 0, 1),
- DTIMAP2(Attribute, AttributeDKey, AttributeDKey, 0, 1),
- DTIMAP2(Attribute, AttributeStoredInd, AttributeStoredInd, 0, 1),
- DTIMAP2(Attribute, AttributeGroup, AttributeGroup, 0, 0),
- DTIMAP(Attribute, AttributeExtType, AttributeExtType),
- DTIMAP(Attribute, AttributeExtPrecision, AttributeExtPrecision),
- DTIMAP(Attribute, AttributeExtScale, AttributeExtScale),
- DTIMAP(Attribute, AttributeExtLength, AttributeExtLength),
- DTIMAP2(Attribute, AttributeAutoIncrement, AttributeAutoIncrement, 0, 1),
- DTIMAPS(Attribute, AttributeDefaultValue, AttributeDefaultValue,
- DTIBREAK(AttributeEnd)
- };
- //static
- const Uint32 DictTabInfo::AttributeMappingSize =
- sizeof(DictTabInfo::AttributeMapping) /
- sizeof(SimpleProperties::SP2StructMapping);
- bool printDICTTABINFO(FILE * output, const Uint32 * theData,
- Uint32 len, Uint16 receiverBlockNo)
- {
- // const DictTabInfo * const sig = (DictTabInfo *) theData;
- fprintf(output, "Signal data: ");
- Uint32 i = 0;
- while (i < len)
- fprintf(output, "H'%.8x ", theData[i++]);
- fprintf(output,"n");
- return true;
- }
- void
- DictTabInfo::Table::init(){
- memset(TableName, 0, sizeof(TableName));//TableName[0] = 0;
- TableId = ~0;
- SecondTableId = ~0;
- memset(PrimaryTable, 0, sizeof(PrimaryTable));//PrimaryTable[0] = 0; // Only used when "index"
- PrimaryTableId = RNIL;
- TableLoggedFlag = 1;
- NoOfKeyAttr = 0;
- NoOfAttributes = 0;
- NoOfNullable = 0;
- NoOfVariable = 0;
- TableKValue = 6;
- MinLoadFactor = 78;
- MaxLoadFactor = 80;
- KeyLength = 0;
- FragmentType = DictTabInfo::AllNodesSmallTable;
- TableStorage = 0;
- ScanOptimised = 0;
- FragmentKeyType = DictTabInfo::PrimaryKey;
- TableType = DictTabInfo::UndefTableType;
- TableVersion = 0;
- IndexState = ~0;
- InsertTriggerId = RNIL;
- UpdateTriggerId = RNIL;
- DeleteTriggerId = RNIL;
- CustomTriggerId = RNIL;
- FrmLen = 0;
- memset(FrmData, 0, sizeof(FrmData));
- FragmentCount = 0;
- }
- void
- DictTabInfo::Attribute::init(){
- memset(AttributeName, 0, sizeof(AttributeName));//AttributeName[0] = 0;
- AttributeId = 0;
- AttributeType = DictTabInfo::UnSignedType;
- AttributeSize = DictTabInfo::a32Bit;
- AttributeArraySize = 1;
- AttributeKeyFlag = 0;
- AttributeStorage = 1;
- AttributeNullableFlag = 0;
- AttributeDGroup = 0;
- AttributeDKey = 0;
- AttributeStoredInd = 1;
- AttributeGroup = 0;
- AttributeExtType = 0,
- AttributeExtPrecision = 0,
- AttributeExtScale = 0,
- AttributeExtLength = 0,
- AttributeAutoIncrement = false;
- memset(AttributeDefaultValue, 0, sizeof(AttributeDefaultValue));//AttributeDefaultValue[0] = 0;
- }