- /* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
- #include <BlockNumbers.h>
- #include <signaldata/ScanTab.hpp>
- #include <signaldata/ScanFrag.hpp>
- bool
- printSCANTABREQ(FILE * output, const Uint32 * theData, Uint32 len, Uint16 receiverBlockNo){
- const ScanTabReq * const sig = (ScanTabReq *) theData;
- const UintR requestInfo = sig->requestInfo;
- fprintf(output, " apiConnectPtr: H'%.8x",
- sig->apiConnectPtr);
- fprintf(output, " requestInfo: H'%.8x:n", requestInfo);
- fprintf(output, " Parallellism: %u, Batch: %u LockMode: %u, Keyinfo: %u Holdlock: %u, RangeScan: %u ReadCommitted: %un",
- sig->getParallelism(requestInfo),
- sig->getScanBatch(requestInfo),
- sig->getLockMode(requestInfo),
- sig->getKeyinfoFlag(requestInfo),
- sig->getHoldLockFlag(requestInfo),
- sig->getRangeScanFlag(requestInfo),
- sig->getReadCommittedFlag(requestInfo));
- Uint32 keyLen = (sig->attrLenKeyLen >> 16);
- Uint32 attrLen = (sig->attrLenKeyLen & 0xFFFF);
- fprintf(output, " attrLen: %d, keyLen: %d tableId: %d, tableSchemaVer: %dn",
- attrLen, keyLen, sig->tableId, sig->tableSchemaVersion);
- fprintf(output, " transId(1, 2): (H'%.8x, H'%.8x) storedProcId: H'%.8xn",
- sig->transId1, sig->transId2, sig->storedProcId);
- fprintf(output, " batch_byte_size: %d, first_batch_size: %dn",
- sig->batch_byte_size, sig->first_batch_size);
- return false;
- }
- bool
- printSCANTABCONF(FILE * output, const Uint32 * theData, Uint32 len, Uint16 receiverBlockNo){
- const ScanTabConf * const sig = (ScanTabConf *) theData;
- const UintR requestInfo = sig->requestInfo;
- fprintf(output, " apiConnectPtr: H'%.8xn",
- sig->apiConnectPtr);
- fprintf(output, " transId(1, 2): (H'%.8x, H'%.8x)n",
- sig->transId1, sig->transId2);
- fprintf(output, " requestInfo: Eod: %d OpCount: %dn",
- (requestInfo & ScanTabConf::EndOfData == ScanTabConf::EndOfData),
- (requestInfo & (~ScanTabConf::EndOfData)));
- size_t op_count= requestInfo & (~ScanTabConf::EndOfData);
- if(op_count){
- fprintf(output, " Operation(s) [api tc rows len]:n");
- ScanTabConf::OpData * op = (ScanTabConf::OpData*)
- (theData + ScanTabConf::SignalLength);
- for(size_t i = 0; i<op_count; i++){
- if(op->info != ScanTabConf::EndOfData)
- fprintf(output, " [0x%x 0x%x %d %d]",
- op->apiPtrI, op->tcPtrI,
- ScanTabConf::getRows(op->info),
- ScanTabConf::getLength(op->info));
- else
- fprintf(output, " [0x%x 0x%x eod]",
- op->apiPtrI, op->tcPtrI);
- op++;
- }
- fprintf(output, "n");
- }
- return false;
- }
- bool
- printSCANTABREF(FILE * output, const Uint32 * theData, Uint32 len, Uint16 receiverBlockNo){
- const ScanTabRef * const sig = (ScanTabRef *) theData;
- fprintf(output, " apiConnectPtr: H'%.8xn",
- sig->apiConnectPtr);
- fprintf(output, " transId(1, 2): (H'%.8x, H'%.8x)n",
- sig->transId1, sig->transId2);
- fprintf(output, " Errorcode: %un", sig->errorCode);
- fprintf(output, " closeNeeded: %un", sig->closeNeeded);
- return false;
- }
- bool
- printSCANFRAGNEXTREQ(FILE * output, const Uint32 * theData, Uint32 len, Uint16 receiverBlockNo){
- const ScanFragNextReq * const sig = (ScanFragNextReq *) theData;
- fprintf(output, " senderData: H'%.8xn",
- sig->senderData);
- fprintf(output, " transId(1, 2): (H'%.8x, H'%.8x)n",
- sig->transId1, sig->transId2);
- fprintf(output, " Close scan: %un", sig->closeFlag);
- return false;
- }
- bool
- printSCANNEXTREQ(FILE * output, const Uint32 * theData, Uint32 len, Uint16 receiverBlockNo){
- if(receiverBlockNo == DBTC){
- const ScanNextReq * const sig = (ScanNextReq *) theData;
- fprintf(output, " apiConnectPtr: H'%.8xn",
- sig->apiConnectPtr);
- fprintf(output, " transId(1, 2): (H'%.8x, H'%.8x) ",
- sig->transId1, sig->transId2);
- fprintf(output, " Stop this scan: %un", sig->stopScan);
- const Uint32 * ops = theData + ScanNextReq::SignalLength;
- if(len > ScanNextReq::SignalLength){
- fprintf(output, " tcFragPtr(s): ");
- for(size_t i = ScanNextReq::SignalLength; i<len; i++)
- fprintf(output, " 0x%x", * ops++);
- fprintf(output, "n");
- }
- }
- if (receiverBlockNo == DBLQH){
- return printSCANFRAGNEXTREQ(output, theData, len, receiverBlockNo);
- }
- return false;
- }