- /* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
- /**
- @mainpage NDB ODBC
- The ODBC Driver Frontend has:
- -# HandleBase : Various ODBC handles
- -# AttrArea : Attributes of handles
- -# ConnArea : Communication area on connection level between driver parts
- -# StmtArea : Communication area on statement level between driver parts
- and controls the following steps:
- -# SQL_compiler : Compiles SQL into SQL_code_tree:s
- -# Parser : Bison grammar
- -# Analyzer : Syntactic and semantic checks (binds names)
- -# PlanGen : Generate initial (execution) plan (PlanTree)
- -# CodeGen : Generates CodeTree:s out of PlanTree:s
- -# Optimizer : Optimizes PlanTree:s
- -# Output : Outputs executable CodeTree:s
- -# Executor : Executes CodeTree:s
- -# CodeTree::allocRun : Allocates runtime data structures (RunTree:s)
- -# Dataflow machine : Executes and evaluates statement and expressions
- The Dataflow machine works in four different ways:
- -# Non-query statements
- -# CodeStmt::execute : Executes (non-query) statement
- -# Query statements
- -# CodeQuery::execute : Execute Query statement
- -# CodeQuery::fetch : Fetch row from CodeQuery node
- -# Boolean expressions
- -# CodePred::evaluate : Evaluates boolean expression
- -# Arithmetical expressions
- -# CodeExpr::evaluate : Evaluates arithmetic expression
- The following components are used throughout the NDB ODBC:
- -# Context (Ctx) : Info regarding execution/evaluation
- -# Diagnostic area (DiagArea) : Errors and warnings (for ODBC user)
- -# DescArea : Description of ODBC user input/output bind varibles/columns
- -# Dictionary (DictBase) : Lookup info stored in NDB Dictionary
- and info regarding temporary
- materialized results
- -# ResultArea : Execution (temporary) results
- @section secCompiler SQL_compiler : SQL to SQL_code_tree
- The SQL_compiler takes an <em>SQL statement</em> and translates
- it into an SQL_code_tree. The compiler uses an SQL_code_tree
- internally during the compilation and the result of the compilation
- is a simlified SQL_code_tree.
- The compiler works in the following steps:
- -# Parse SQL statments and create SQL_code_tree representing the
- statement.
- -# Apply Syntax Rules to the SQL_code_tree. Syntax rules are
- rules which are <em>not</em> expressed in the SQL grammar,
- but are expressed in natural language in the SQL specification.
- -# Apply Access Rules to the SQL_code_tree
- (this is not implemented, since NDB Cluster has no access control)
- -# Apply General Rules to the SQL_code_tree
- -# Apply Conformance Rules to the SQL_code_tree
- The resulting simplified SQL_code_tree is represented by a
- tree of C++ objects.
- @section secCodegen Codegen : SQL_code_tree to CodeTree
- CodeGen takes simplified SQL_code_tree:s and transforms them into
- CodeTree:s.
- @section secOptimizer Optimizer : CodeTree to CodeTree
- The implementation of the ODBC optimizer will uses the
- PlanTree:s to represent statements and transforms them
- into executable format (still PlanTree format).
- @note In the future, more optimizations can be implemented.
- @section secExecutor Executor : Execute CodeTree
- The Executor uses the following data structures:
- -# CodeTree : A read-only quary evaluation plan
- -# RunTree : Runtime data structures containing ResultSet:s
- The execution mechanism is actually implemented as a
- part of the CodeTree.
- */