- /* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
- #include <limits.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- #include "Ndbfs.hpp"
- #include "AsyncFile.hpp"
- #include "Filename.hpp"
- #include "Error.hpp"
- #include <signaldata/FsOpenReq.hpp>
- #include <signaldata/FsCloseReq.hpp>
- #include <signaldata/FsReadWriteReq.hpp>
- #include <signaldata/FsAppendReq.hpp>
- #include <signaldata/FsRemoveReq.hpp>
- #include <signaldata/FsConf.hpp>
- #include <signaldata/FsRef.hpp>
- #include <signaldata/NdbfsContinueB.hpp>
- #include <signaldata/DumpStateOrd.hpp>
- #include <RefConvert.hpp>
- #include <NdbSleep.h>
- #include <NdbOut.hpp>
- #include <Configuration.hpp>
- #define DEBUG(x) { ndbout << "FS::" << x << endl; }
- VoidFs::VoidFs(const Configuration & conf) :
- SimulatedBlock(NDBFS, conf)
- {
- // Set received signals
- addRecSignal(GSN_DUMP_STATE_ORD, &VoidFs::execDUMP_STATE_ORD);
- addRecSignal(GSN_STTOR, &VoidFs::execSTTOR);
- addRecSignal(GSN_FSOPENREQ, &VoidFs::execFSOPENREQ);
- addRecSignal(GSN_FSCLOSEREQ, &VoidFs::execFSCLOSEREQ);
- addRecSignal(GSN_FSWRITEREQ, &VoidFs::execFSWRITEREQ);
- addRecSignal(GSN_FSREADREQ, &VoidFs::execFSREADREQ);
- addRecSignal(GSN_FSSYNCREQ, &VoidFs::execFSSYNCREQ);
- addRecSignal(GSN_FSAPPENDREQ, &VoidFs::execFSAPPENDREQ);
- addRecSignal(GSN_FSREMOVEREQ, &VoidFs::execFSREMOVEREQ);
- // Set send signals
- }
- VoidFs::~VoidFs()
- {
- }
- void
- VoidFs::execSTTOR(Signal* signal)
- {
- jamEntry();
- if(signal->theData[1] == 0){ // StartPhase 0
- jam();
- signal->theData[3] = 255;
- sendSignal(NDBCNTR_REF, GSN_STTORRY, signal, 4, JBB);
- return;
- }
- ndbrequire(0);
- }
- void
- VoidFs::execFSOPENREQ(Signal* signal)
- {
- jamEntry();
- const FsOpenReq * const fsOpenReq = (FsOpenReq *)&signal->theData[0];
- const BlockReference userRef = fsOpenReq->userReference;
- const Uint32 userPointer = fsOpenReq->userPointer;
- Uint32 flags = fsOpenReq->fileFlags;
- if(flags == FsOpenReq::OM_READONLY){
- // Initialise FsRef signal
- FsRef * const fsRef = (FsRef *)&signal->theData[0];
- fsRef->userPointer = userPointer;
- fsRef->errorCode = FsRef::fsErrFileDoesNotExist;
- fsRef->osErrorCode = ~0;
- sendSignal(userRef, GSN_FSOPENREF, signal, 3, JBB);
- return;
- }
- if(flags & FsOpenReq::OM_WRITEONLY || flags & FsOpenReq::OM_READWRITE){
- signal->theData[0] = userPointer;
- signal->theData[1] = c_maxFileNo++;
- sendSignal(userRef, GSN_FSOPENCONF, signal, 2, JBB);
- }
- }
- void
- VoidFs::execFSREMOVEREQ(Signal* signal)
- {
- jamEntry();
- const FsRemoveReq * const req = (FsRemoveReq *)signal->getDataPtr();
- const Uint32 userRef = req->userReference;
- const Uint32 userPointer = req->userPointer;
- signal->theData[0] = userPointer;
- sendSignal(userRef, GSN_FSREMOVECONF, signal, 1, JBB);
- }
- /*
- * PR0: File Pointer DR0: User reference DR1: User Pointer DR2: Flag bit 0= 1
- * remove file
- */
- void
- VoidFs::execFSCLOSEREQ(Signal * signal)
- {
- jamEntry();
- const FsCloseReq * const req = (FsCloseReq *)signal->getDataPtr();
- const Uint32 userRef = req->userReference;
- const Uint32 userPointer = req->userPointer;
- signal->theData[0] = userPointer;
- sendSignal(userRef, GSN_FSCLOSECONF, signal, 1, JBB);
- }
- void
- VoidFs::execFSWRITEREQ(Signal* signal)
- {
- jamEntry();
- const FsReadWriteReq * const req = (FsReadWriteReq *)signal->getDataPtr();
- const Uint32 userRef = req->userReference;
- const Uint32 userPointer = req->userPointer;
- signal->theData[0] = userPointer;
- sendSignal(userRef, GSN_FSWRITECONF, signal, 1, JBB);
- }
- void
- VoidFs::execFSREADREQ(Signal* signal)
- {
- jamEntry();
- const FsReadWriteReq * const req = (FsReadWriteReq *)signal->getDataPtr();
- const Uint32 userRef = req->userReference;
- const Uint32 userPointer = req->userPointer;
- signal->theData[0] = userPointer;
- sendSignal(userRef, GSN_FSREADCONF, signal, 1, JBB);
- #if 0
- FsRef * const fsRef = (FsRef *)&signal->theData[0];
- fsRef->userPointer = userPointer;
- fsRef->errorCode = FsRef::fsErrEnvironmentError;
- fsRef->osErrorCode = ~0; // Indicate local error
- sendSignal(userRef, GSN_FSREADREF, signal, 3, JBB);
- #endif
- }
- void
- VoidFs::execFSSYNCREQ(Signal * signal)
- {
- jamEntry();
- BlockReference userRef = signal->theData[1];
- const UintR userPointer = signal->theData[2];
- signal->theData[0] = userPointer;
- sendSignal(userRef, GSN_FSSYNCCONF, signal, 1, JBB);
- return;
- }
- void
- VoidFs::execFSAPPENDREQ(Signal * signal)
- {
- const FsAppendReq * const fsReq = (FsAppendReq *)&signal->theData[0];
- const UintR userPointer = fsReq->userPointer;
- const BlockReference userRef = fsReq->userReference;
- const Uint32 size = fsReq->size;
- signal->theData[0] = userPointer;
- signal->theData[1] = size << 2;
- sendSignal(userRef, GSN_FSAPPENDCONF, signal, 2, JBB);
- }
- void
- VoidFs::execDUMP_STATE_ORD(Signal* signal)
- {
- }//VoidFs::execDUMP_STATE_ORD()