- /* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
- #define DBTUP_C
- #include "Dbtup.hpp"
- #include <RefConvert.hpp>
- #include <ndb_limits.h>
- #include <pc.hpp>
- #include <signaldata/DropTab.hpp>
- #include <signaldata/DumpStateOrd.hpp>
- #include <signaldata/EventReport.hpp>
- #include <Vector.hpp>
- #define ljam() { jamLine(30000 + __LINE__); }
- #define ljamEntry() { jamEntryLine(30000 + __LINE__); }
- /* **************************************************************** */
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* ------------------------ DEBUG MODULE -------------------------- */
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* **************************************************************** */
- void Dbtup::execDEBUG_SIG(Signal* signal)
- {
- PagePtr regPagePtr;
- ljamEntry();
- regPagePtr.i = signal->theData[0];
- ptrCheckGuard(regPagePtr, cnoOfPage, page);
- }//Dbtup::execDEBUG_SIG()
- #ifdef TEST_MR
- #include <time.h>
- void startTimer(struct timespec *tp)
- {
- clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, tp);
- }//startTimer()
- int stopTimer(struct timespec *tp)
- {
- double timer_count;
- struct timespec theStopTime;
- clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &theStopTime);
- timer_count = (double)(1000000*((double)theStopTime.tv_sec - (double)tp->tv_sec)) +
- (double)((double)((double)theStopTime.tv_nsec - (double)tp->tv_nsec)/(double)1000);
- return (int)timer_count;
- }//stopTimer()
- #endif // end TEST_MR
- struct Chunk {
- Uint32 pageId;
- Uint32 pageCount;
- };
- void
- Dbtup::reportMemoryUsage(Signal* signal, int incDec){
- signal->theData[0] = EventReport::MemoryUsage;
- signal->theData[1] = incDec;
- signal->theData[2] = sizeof(Page);
- signal->theData[3] = cnoOfAllocatedPages;
- signal->theData[4] = cnoOfPage;
- signal->theData[5] = DBTUP;
- sendSignal(CMVMI_REF, GSN_EVENT_REP, signal, 6, JBB);
- }
- void
- Dbtup::execDUMP_STATE_ORD(Signal* signal)
- {
- Uint32 type = signal->theData[0];
- if(type == DumpStateOrd::DumpPageMemory){
- reportMemoryUsage(signal, 0);
- return;
- }
- DumpStateOrd * const dumpState = (DumpStateOrd *)&signal->theData[0];
- #if 0
- if (type == 100) {
- RelTabMemReq * const req = (RelTabMemReq *)signal->getDataPtrSend();
- req->primaryTableId = 2;
- req->secondaryTableId = RNIL;
- req->userPtr = 2;
- req->userRef = DBDICT_REF;
- sendSignal(cownref, GSN_REL_TABMEMREQ, signal,
- RelTabMemReq::SignalLength, JBB);
- return;
- }//if
- if (type == 101) {
- RelTabMemReq * const req = (RelTabMemReq *)signal->getDataPtrSend();
- req->primaryTableId = 4;
- req->secondaryTableId = 5;
- req->userPtr = 4;
- req->userRef = DBDICT_REF;
- sendSignal(cownref, GSN_REL_TABMEMREQ, signal,
- RelTabMemReq::SignalLength, JBB);
- return;
- }//if
- if (type == 102) {
- RelTabMemReq * const req = (RelTabMemReq *)signal->getDataPtrSend();
- req->primaryTableId = 6;
- req->secondaryTableId = 8;
- req->userPtr = 6;
- req->userRef = DBDICT_REF;
- sendSignal(cownref, GSN_REL_TABMEMREQ, signal,
- RelTabMemReq::SignalLength, JBB);
- return;
- }//if
- if (type == 103) {
- DropTabFileReq * const req = (DropTabFileReq *)signal->getDataPtrSend();
- req->primaryTableId = 2;
- req->secondaryTableId = RNIL;
- req->userPtr = 2;
- req->userRef = DBDICT_REF;
- sendSignal(cownref, GSN_DROP_TABFILEREQ, signal,
- DropTabFileReq::SignalLength, JBB);
- return;
- }//if
- if (type == 104) {
- DropTabFileReq * const req = (DropTabFileReq *)signal->getDataPtrSend();
- req->primaryTableId = 4;
- req->secondaryTableId = 5;
- req->userPtr = 4;
- req->userRef = DBDICT_REF;
- sendSignal(cownref, GSN_DROP_TABFILEREQ, signal,
- DropTabFileReq::SignalLength, JBB);
- return;
- }//if
- if (type == 105) {
- DropTabFileReq * const req = (DropTabFileReq *)signal->getDataPtrSend();
- req->primaryTableId = 6;
- req->secondaryTableId = 8;
- req->userPtr = 6;
- req->userRef = DBDICT_REF;
- sendSignal(cownref, GSN_DROP_TABFILEREQ, signal,
- DropTabFileReq::SignalLength, JBB);
- return;
- }//if
- #endif
- if (type == DumpStateOrd::EnableUndoDelayDataWrite) {
- ndbout << "Dbtup:: delay write of datapages for table = "
- << dumpState->args[1]<< endl;
- c_errorInsert4000TableId = dumpState->args[1];
- return;
- }//if
- #endif
- #ifdef VM_TRACE
- if (type == 1211){
- ndbout_c("Startar modul test av Page Manager");
- Vector<Chunk> chunks;
- const Uint32 LOOPS = 1000;
- for(Uint32 i = 0; i<LOOPS; i++){
- // Case
- Uint32 c = (rand() % 3);
- const Uint32 free = cnoOfPage - cnoOfAllocatedPages;
- Uint32 alloc = 0;
- if(free <= 1){
- c = 0;
- alloc = 1;
- } else
- alloc = 1 + (rand() % (free - 1));
- if(chunks.size() == 0 && c == 0){
- c = 1 + rand() % 2;
- }
- ndbout_c("loop=%d case=%d free=%d alloc=%d", i, c, free, alloc);
- switch(c){
- case 0:{ // Release
- const int ch = rand() % chunks.size();
- Chunk chunk = chunks[ch];
- chunks.erase(ch);
- returnCommonArea(chunk.pageId, chunk.pageCount);
- }
- break;
- case 2: { // Seize(n) - fail
- alloc += free;
- // Fall through
- }
- case 1: { // Seize(n) (success)
- Chunk chunk;
- allocConsPages(alloc, chunk.pageCount, chunk.pageId);
- ndbrequire(chunk.pageCount <= alloc);
- if(chunk.pageCount != 0){
- chunks.push_back(chunk);
- if(chunk.pageCount != alloc) {
- ndbout_c(" Tried to allocate %d - only allocated %d - free: %d",
- alloc, chunk.pageCount, free);
- }
- } else {
- ndbout_c(" Failed to alloc %d pages with %d pages free",
- alloc, free);
- }
- for(Uint32 i = 0; i<chunk.pageCount; i++){
- PagePtr pagePtr;
- pagePtr.i = chunk.pageId + i;
- ptrCheckGuard(pagePtr, cnoOfPage, page);
- pagePtr.p->pageWord[ZPAGE_STATE_POS] = ~ZFREE_COMMON;
- }
- if(alloc == 1 && free > 0)
- ndbrequire(chunk.pageCount == alloc);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- while(chunks.size() > 0){
- Chunk chunk = chunks.back();
- returnCommonArea(chunk.pageId, chunk.pageCount);
- chunks.erase(chunks.size() - 1);
- }
- }
- #endif
- }//Dbtup::execDUMP_STATE_ORD()
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* --------- MEMORY CHECK ----------------------- */
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
- void Dbtup::execMEMCHECKREQ(Signal* signal)
- {
- PagePtr regPagePtr;
- DiskBufferSegmentInfoPtr dbsiPtr;
- CheckpointInfoPtr ciPtr;
- UndoPagePtr regUndoPagePtr;
- Uint32* data = &signal->theData[0];
- ljamEntry();
- BlockReference blockref = signal->theData[0];
- Uint32 i;
- for (i = 0; i < 25; i++) {
- ljam();
- data[i] = 0;
- }//for
- for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
- regPagePtr.i = cfreepageList[i];
- ljam();
- while (regPagePtr.i != RNIL) {
- ljam();
- ptrCheckGuard(regPagePtr, cnoOfPage, page);
- regPagePtr.i = regPagePtr.p->pageWord[ZPAGE_NEXT_POS];
- data[0]++;
- }//while
- }//for
- regUndoPagePtr.i = cfirstfreeUndoSeg;
- while (regUndoPagePtr.i != RNIL) {
- ljam();
- ptrCheckGuard(regUndoPagePtr, cnoOfUndoPage, undoPage);
- regUndoPagePtr.i = regUndoPagePtr.p->undoPageWord[ZPAGE_NEXT_POS];
- data[1] += ZUB_SEGMENT_SIZE;
- }//while
- ciPtr.i = cfirstfreeLcp;
- while (ciPtr.i != RNIL) {
- ljam();
- ptrCheckGuard(ciPtr, cnoOfLcpRec, checkpointInfo);
- ciPtr.i = ciPtr.p->lcpNextRec;
- data[2]++;
- }//while
- dbsiPtr.i = cfirstfreePdx;
- while (dbsiPtr.i != ZNIL) {
- ljam();
- ptrCheckGuard(dbsiPtr, cnoOfConcurrentWriteOp, diskBufferSegmentInfo);
- dbsiPtr.i = dbsiPtr.p->pdxNextRec;
- data[3]++;
- }//while
- sendSignal(blockref, GSN_MEMCHECKCONF, signal, 25, JBB);
- }//Dbtup::memCheck()
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Help function to be used when debugging. Prints out a tuple page.
- // printLimit is the number of bytes that is printed out from the page. A
- // page is of size 32768 bytes as of March 2003.
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void Dbtup::printoutTuplePage(Uint32 fragid, Uint32 pageid, Uint32 printLimit)
- {
- PagePtr tmpPageP;
- FragrecordPtr tmpFragP;
- TablerecPtr tmpTableP;
- Uint32 tmpTupleSize;
- tmpPageP.i = pageid;
- ptrCheckGuard(tmpPageP, cnoOfPage, page);
- tmpFragP.i = fragid;
- ptrCheckGuard(tmpFragP, cnoOfFragrec, fragrecord);
- tmpTableP.i = tmpFragP.p->fragTableId;
- ptrCheckGuard(tmpTableP, cnoOfTablerec, tablerec);
- tmpTupleSize = tmpTableP.p->tupheadsize;
- ndbout << "Fragid: " << fragid << " Pageid: " << pageid << endl
- << "----------------------------------------" << endl;
- ndbout << "PageHead : ";
- for (Uint32 i1 = 0; i1 < ZPAGE_HEADER_SIZE; i1++) {
- if (i1 == 3)
- ndbout << (tmpPageP.p->pageWord[i1] >> 16) << "," << (tmpPageP.p->pageWord[i1] & 0xffff) << " ";
- else if (tmpPageP.p->pageWord[i1] == 4059165169u)
- ndbout << "F1F1F1F1 ";
- else if (tmpPageP.p->pageWord[i1] == 268435455u)
- ndbout << "RNIL ";
- else
- ndbout << tmpPageP.p->pageWord[i1] << " ";
- }//for
- ndbout << endl;
- for (Uint32 i = ZPAGE_HEADER_SIZE; i < printLimit; i += tmpTupleSize) {
- ndbout << "pagepos " << i << " : ";
- for (Uint32 j = i; j < i + tmpTupleSize; j++) {
- if (tmpPageP.p->pageWord[j] == 4059165169u)
- ndbout << "F1F1F1F1 ";
- else if (tmpPageP.p->pageWord[j] == 268435455u)
- ndbout << "RNIL ";
- else
- ndbout << tmpPageP.p->pageWord[j] << " ";
- }//for
- ndbout << endl;
- }//for
- }//Dbtup::printoutTuplePage
- #ifdef VM_TRACE
- NdbOut&
- operator<<(NdbOut& out, const Dbtup::Operationrec& op)
- {
- out << "[Operationrec " << hex << &op;
- // table
- out << " [tableRef " << dec << op.tableRef << "]";
- out << " [fragId " << dec << op.fragId << "]";
- out << " [fragmentPtr " << hex << op.fragmentPtr << "]";
- // type
- out << " [optype " << dec << op.optype << "]";
- out << " [deleteInsertFlag " << dec << op.deleteInsertFlag << "]";
- out << " [dirtyOp " << dec << op.dirtyOp << "]";
- out << " [interpretedExec " << dec << op.interpretedExec << "]";
- out << " [opSimple " << dec << op.opSimple << "]";
- // state
- out << " [tupleState " << dec << (Uint32) op.tupleState << "]";
- out << " [transstate " << dec << (Uint32) op.transstate << "]";
- out << " [inFragList " << dec << op.inFragList << "]";
- out << " [inActiveOpList " << dec << op.inActiveOpList << "]";
- out << " [undoLogged " << dec << (Uint32) op.undoLogged << "]";
- // links
- out << " [prevActiveOp " << hex << op.prevActiveOp << "]";
- out << " [nextActiveOp " << hex << op.nextActiveOp << "]";
- // tuples
- out << " [tupVersion " << hex << op.tupVersion << "]";
- out << " [fragPageId " << dec << op.fragPageId << "]";
- out << " [pageIndex " << dec << op.pageIndex << "]";
- out << " [realPageId " << hex << op.realPageId << "]";
- out << " [pageOffset " << dec << op.pageOffset << "]";
- out << " [fragPageIdC " << dec << op.fragPageIdC << "]";
- out << " [pageIndexC " << dec << op.pageIndexC << "]";
- out << " [realPageIdC " << hex << op.realPageIdC << "]";
- out << " [pageOffsetC " << dec << op.pageOffsetC << "]";
- // trans
- out << " [transid1 " << hex << op.transid1 << "]";
- out << " [transid2 " << hex << op.transid2 << "]";
- out << "]";
- return out;
- }
- // uses global tabptr
- NdbOut&
- operator<<(NdbOut& out, const Dbtup::Th& th)
- {
- // ugly
- Dbtup* tup = (Dbtup*)globalData.getBlock(DBTUP);
- const Dbtup::Tablerec& tab = *tup->tabptr.p;
- unsigned i = 0;
- out << "[Th " << hex << &th;
- out << " [op " << hex << th.data[i++] << "]";
- out << " [version " << hex << (Uint16)th.data[i++] << "]";
- if (tab.checksumIndicator)
- out << " [checksum " << hex << th.data[i++] << "]";
- out << " [nullbits";
- for (unsigned j = 0; j < tab.tupNullWords; j++)
- out << " " << hex << th.data[i++];
- out << "]";
- if (tab.GCPIndicator)
- out << " [gcp " << dec << th.data[i++] << "]";
- out << " [data";
- while (i < tab.tupheadsize)
- out << " " << hex << th.data[i++];
- out << "]";
- out << "]";
- return out;
- }
- #endif
- #ifdef VM_TRACE
- template class Vector<Chunk>;
- #endif