- /* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
- #ifndef LQH_FRAG_HPP
- #define LQH_FRAG_HPP
- #include "SignalData.hpp"
- class AddFragReq {
- /**
- * Sender(s)
- */
- friend class Dbdih;
- /**
- * Receiver(s)
- */
- friend class Dbdict;
- friend bool printADD_FRAG_REQ(FILE *, const Uint32 *, Uint32, Uint16);
- public:
- STATIC_CONST( SignalLength = 9 );
- enum RequestInfo {
- CreateInRunning = 0x8000000,
- TemporaryTable = 0x00000010
- };
- private:
- Uint32 dihPtr;
- Uint32 senderData; // The same data as sent in DIADDTABREQ
- Uint32 fragmentId;
- Uint32 requestInfo;
- Uint32 tableId;
- Uint32 nextLCP;
- Uint32 nodeId;
- Uint32 totalFragments;
- Uint32 startGci;
- };
- class AddFragRef {
- /**
- * Sender(s)
- */
- friend class Dbdict;
- /**
- * Receiver(s)
- */
- friend class Dbdih;
- friend bool printADD_FRAG_REF(FILE *, const Uint32 *, Uint32, Uint16);
- public:
- STATIC_CONST( SignalLength = 1 );
- private:
- Uint32 dihPtr;
- };
- class AddFragConf {
- /**
- * Sender(s)
- */
- friend class Dbdict;
- /**
- * Receiver(s)
- */
- friend class Dbdih;
- friend bool printADD_FRAG_CONF(FILE *, const Uint32 *, Uint32, Uint16);
- public:
- STATIC_CONST( SignalLength = 2 );
- private:
- Uint32 dihPtr;
- Uint32 fragId;
- };
- class LqhFragReq {
- /**
- * Sender(s)
- */
- friend class Dbdict;
- /**
- * Receiver(s)
- */
- friend class Dblqh;
- friend bool printLQH_FRAG_REQ(FILE *, const Uint32 *, Uint32, Uint16);
- public:
- STATIC_CONST( SignalLength = 25 );
- enum RequestInfo {
- CreateInRunning = 0x8000000,
- TemporaryTable = 0x00000010
- };
- private:
- Uint32 senderData;
- Uint32 senderRef;
- Uint32 fragmentId;
- Uint32 requestInfo;
- Uint32 tableId;
- Uint32 localKeyLength;
- Uint32 maxLoadFactor;
- Uint32 minLoadFactor;
- Uint32 kValue;
- Uint32 lh3DistrBits;
- Uint32 lh3PageBits;
- Uint32 noOfAttributes;
- Uint32 noOfNullAttributes;
- Uint32 noOfPagesToPreAllocate;
- Uint32 schemaVersion;
- Uint32 keyLength;
- Uint32 nextLCP;
- Uint32 noOfKeyAttr;
- Uint32 noOfNewAttr; // noOfCharsets in upper half
- Uint32 checksumIndicator;
- Uint32 noOfAttributeGroups;
- Uint32 GCPIndicator;
- Uint32 startGci;
- Uint32 tableType; // DictTabInfo::TableType
- Uint32 primaryTableId; // table of index or RNIL
- };
- class LqhFragConf {
- /**
- * Sender(s)
- */
- friend class Dblqh;
- /**
- * Receiver(s)
- */
- friend class Dbdict;
- friend bool printLQH_FRAG_CONF(FILE *, const Uint32 *, Uint32, Uint16);
- public:
- STATIC_CONST( SignalLength = 2 );
- private:
- Uint32 senderData;
- Uint32 lqhFragPtr;
- };
- class LqhFragRef {
- /**
- * Sender(s)
- */
- friend class Dblqh;
- /**
- * Receiver(s)
- */
- friend class Dbdict;
- friend bool printLQH_FRAG_REF(FILE *, const Uint32 *, Uint32, Uint16);
- public:
- STATIC_CONST( SignalLength = 2 );
- private:
- Uint32 senderData;
- Uint32 errorCode;
- };
- class LqhAddAttrReq {
- /**
- * Sender(s)
- */
- friend class Dbdict;
- /**
- * Receiver(s)
- */
- friend class Dblqh;
- friend bool printLQH_ADD_ATTR_REQ(FILE *, const Uint32 *, Uint32, Uint16);
- public:
- STATIC_CONST( HeaderLength = 4 );
- STATIC_CONST( EntryLength = 3 );
- struct Entry {
- Uint32 attrId; // for index, includes primary attr id << 16
- Uint32 attrDescriptor; // 2 words type info
- Uint32 extTypeInfo;
- };
- private:
- Uint32 lqhFragPtr;
- Uint32 noOfAttributes;
- Uint32 senderData;
- Uint32 senderAttrPtr;
- Entry attributes[MAX_ATTRIBUTES];
- };
- class LqhAddAttrRef {
- /**
- * Sender(s)
- */
- friend class Dblqh;
- /**
- * Receiver(s)
- */
- friend class Dbdict;
- friend bool printLQH_ADD_ATTR_REF(FILE *, const Uint32 *, Uint32, Uint16);
- public:
- STATIC_CONST( SignalLength = 2 );
- private:
- Uint32 senderData;
- Uint32 errorCode;
- };
- class LqhAddAttrConf {
- /**
- * Sender(s)
- */
- friend class Dblqh;
- /**
- * Receiver(s)
- */
- friend class Dbdict;
- friend bool printLQH_ADD_ATTR_CONF(FILE *, const Uint32 *, Uint32, Uint16);
- public:
- STATIC_CONST( SignalLength = 3 );
- private:
- Uint32 senderData;
- Uint32 senderAttrPtr;
- Uint32 fragId;
- };
- #endif