- /* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
- #include <ndb_global.h>
- #include <getarg.h>
- #include "CpcClient.hpp"
- #include <NdbEnv.h>
- #define DEFAULT_PORT 1234
- struct settings {
- int m_longl;
- short m_port;
- } g_settings = { 0 , DEFAULT_PORT };
- Vector<SimpleCpcClient*> g_hosts;
- int connect(Vector<SimpleCpcClient*>&);
- class Expression {
- public:
- virtual bool evaluate(SimpleCpcClient*, const SimpleCpcClient::Process &)= 0;
- };
- int for_each(Vector<SimpleCpcClient*>& list, Expression &);
- int start_stop(const char * cmd, Vector<SimpleCpcClient*>& list,
- Vector<Vector<Uint32> >& procs);
- class True : public Expression {
- public:
- virtual bool evaluate(SimpleCpcClient*, const SimpleCpcClient::Process & p){
- return true;
- }
- };
- class FieldEQ : public Expression {
- BaseString m_field;
- BaseString m_value;
- public:
- FieldEQ(const BaseString & field, const BaseString & value){
- m_field = field;
- m_value = value;
- }
- virtual ~FieldEQ(){}
- virtual bool evaluate(SimpleCpcClient*, const SimpleCpcClient::Process & p){
- BaseString v;
- if(m_field == "name") v = p.m_name;
- if(m_field == "type") v = p.m_type;
- if(m_field == "status") v = p.m_status;
- if(m_field == "owner") v = p.m_owner;
- if(m_field == "group") v = p.m_group;
- if(m_field == "path") v = p.m_path;
- if(m_field == "args") v = p.m_args;
- if(m_field == "env") v = p.m_env;
- if(m_field == "cwd") v = p.m_cwd;
- if(m_field == "stdin") v = p.m_stdin;
- if(m_field == "stdout") v = p.m_stdout;
- if(m_field == "stderr") v = p.m_stderr;
- return v == m_value;
- }
- };
- class Match : public Expression {
- Expression & m_cond;
- Expression & m_apply;
- public:
- Match(Expression& condition, Expression & rule)
- : m_cond(condition), m_apply(rule) {
- }
- virtual ~Match(){}
- virtual bool evaluate(SimpleCpcClient* c,const SimpleCpcClient::Process & p){
- if(m_cond.evaluate(c, p))
- return m_apply.evaluate(c, p);
- return false;
- }
- };
- class Operate : public Expression {
- const char * cmd;
- SimpleCpcClient * host;
- settings & sets;
- public:
- Operate(const char * c, settings & s) : sets(s) {
- cmd = c;
- host = 0;
- }
- virtual bool evaluate(SimpleCpcClient*, const SimpleCpcClient::Process & p);
- };
- class ProcEQ : public Expression {
- SimpleCpcClient * host;
- Uint32 id;
- public:
- ProcEQ(SimpleCpcClient* h, Uint32 i){
- host = h; id = i;
- }
- virtual bool evaluate(SimpleCpcClient* c,const SimpleCpcClient::Process & p){
- return p.m_id == (int)id && c == host;
- }
- };
- class OrExpr : public Expression {
- Expression * m_rule;
- Vector<Expression *> m_cond;
- bool on_empty;
- public:
- OrExpr(Expression * rule, bool onEmp = true){
- m_rule = rule;
- on_empty = onEmp;
- }
- virtual ~OrExpr(){}
- virtual bool evaluate(SimpleCpcClient* c, const SimpleCpcClient::Process & p){
- bool run = on_empty;
- for(size_t i = 0; i<m_cond.size(); i++){
- if(m_cond[i]->evaluate(c, p)){
- run = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if(run)
- return m_rule->evaluate(c, p);
- return false;
- }
- void push_back(Expression * expr){
- m_cond.push_back(expr);
- }
- };
- void
- add_host(Vector<SimpleCpcClient*> & hosts, BaseString tmp){
- Vector<BaseString> split;
- tmp.split(split, ":");
- short port = g_settings.m_port;
- if(split.size() > 1)
- port = atoi(split[1].c_str());
- hosts.push_back(new SimpleCpcClient(split[0].c_str(), port));
- }
- void
- add_hosts(Vector<SimpleCpcClient*> & hosts, BaseString list){
- Vector<BaseString> split;
- list.split(split);
- for(size_t i = 0; i<split.size(); i++){
- add_host(hosts, split[i]);
- }
- }
- int
- main(int argc, const char** argv){
- ndb_init();
- int help = 0;
- const char *cmd=0, *name=0, *group=0, *owner=0;
- int list = 0, start = 0, stop = 0, rm = 0;
- struct getargs args[] = {
- { "cmd", 'c', arg_string, &cmd, "command", "command to run (default ls)" }
- ,{ "name", 'n', arg_string, &name,
- "apply command for all processes with name" }
- ,{ "group", 'g', arg_string, &group,
- "apply command for all processes in group" }
- ,{ "owner", 'g', arg_string, &owner,
- "apply command for all processes with owner" }
- ,{ "long", 'l', arg_flag, &g_settings.m_longl, "long", "long listing"}
- ,{ "usage", '?', arg_flag, &help, "Print help", "" }
- ,{ "ls", 0, arg_flag, &list, "-c list", "list process(es)" }
- ,{ "start", 0, arg_flag, &start, "-c start", "start process(es)" }
- ,{ "stop", 0, arg_flag, &stop, "-c stop", "stop process(es)" }
- ,{ "rm", 0, arg_flag, &rm, "-c rm", "undefine process(es)" }
- };
- const int num_args = 10;
- int i;
- int optind = 0;
- char desc[] = "[host:[port]]n";
- if(getarg(args, num_args, argc, argv, &optind) || help) {
- arg_printusage(args, num_args, argv[0], desc);
- return 1;
- }
- if(list + start + stop + rm > 1){
- ndbout_c("Can only specify one command");
- arg_printusage(args, num_args, argv[0], desc);
- return 1;
- }
- if(list) cmd = "list";
- if(start) cmd = "start";
- if(stop) cmd = "stop";
- if(rm) cmd = "rm";
- if(!cmd) cmd = "list";
- Expression * m_expr = 0;
- for(i = optind; i<argc; i++){
- add_host(g_hosts, argv[i]);
- }
- OrExpr * orE = new OrExpr(new Operate(cmd, g_settings), true);
- m_expr = orE;
- for(i = optind; i<argc; i++){
- BaseString tmp(argv[i]);
- Vector<BaseString> split;
- tmp.split(split, ":");
- if(split.size() > 2){
- Uint32 id = atoi(split[2].c_str());
- orE->push_back(new ProcEQ(g_hosts[i-optind], id));
- }
- }
- if(g_hosts.size() == 0){
- char buf[1024];
- if(NdbEnv_GetEnv(ENV_HOSTS, buf, sizeof(buf))){
- add_hosts(g_hosts, BaseString(buf));
- }
- }
- if(g_hosts.size() == 0){
- g_hosts.push_back(new SimpleCpcClient("localhost", g_settings.m_port));
- }
- if(group != 0){
- Expression * tmp = new FieldEQ("group", group);
- m_expr = new Match(* tmp, * m_expr);
- }
- if(name != 0){
- Expression * tmp = new FieldEQ("name", name);
- m_expr = new Match(* tmp, * m_expr);
- }
- if(owner != 0){
- Expression * tmp = new FieldEQ("owner", owner);
- m_expr = new Match(* tmp, * m_expr);
- }
- connect(g_hosts);
- for_each(g_hosts, * m_expr);
- return 0;
- }
- int
- connect(Vector<SimpleCpcClient*>& list){
- for(size_t i = 0; i<list.size(); i++){
- if(list[i]->connect() != 0){
- ndbout_c("Failed to connect to %s:%d",
- list[i]->getHost(), list[i]->getPort());
- delete list[i]; list[i] = 0;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int
- for_each(Vector<SimpleCpcClient*>& list, Expression & expr){
- for(size_t i = 0; i<list.size(); i++){
- if(list[i] == 0)
- continue;
- Properties p;
- Vector<SimpleCpcClient::Process> procs;
- if(list[i]->list_processes(procs, p) != 0){
- ndbout << "Failed to list processes on "
- << list[i]->getHost() << ":" << list[i]->getPort() << endl;
- }
- for(size_t j = 0; j<procs.size(); j++)
- expr.evaluate(list[i], procs[j]);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- bool
- Operate::evaluate(SimpleCpcClient* c, const SimpleCpcClient::Process & pp){
- Uint32 id = pp.m_id;
- Properties p;
- int res;
- if(strcasecmp(cmd, "start") == 0)
- res = c->start_process(id, p);
- else if(strcasecmp(cmd, "stop") == 0)
- res = c->stop_process(id, p);
- else if(strcasecmp(cmd, "rm") == 0)
- res = c->undefine_process(id, p);
- else if(strcasecmp(cmd, "list") == 0){
- if(!sets.m_longl){
- if(host != c){
- ndbout_c("--- %s:%d", c->getHost(), c->getPort());
- host = c;
- }
- }
- char s = 0;
- const char * status = pp.m_status.c_str();
- if(strcmp(status, "stopped") == 0) s = '-';
- if(strcmp(status, "starting") == 0) s = 's';
- if(strcmp(status, "running") == 0) s = 'r';
- if(strcmp(status, "stopping") == 0) s = 'k';
- if(s == 0) s = '?';
- if(!sets.m_longl){
- ndbout_c("%c%ct%dt%st%st%s(%s)",
- s,
- pp.m_type.c_str()[0], id, pp.m_owner.c_str(),
- pp.m_group.c_str(), pp.m_name.c_str(), pp.m_path.c_str());
- } else {
- ndbout_c("%c%c %s:%d:%d %s %s %s(%s)",
- s, pp.m_type.c_str()[0], c->getHost(), c->getPort(),
- id, pp.m_owner.c_str(), pp.m_group.c_str(),
- pp.m_name.c_str(), pp.m_path.c_str());
- }
- return true;
- }
- if(res != 0){
- BaseString msg;
- p.get("errormessage", msg);
- ndbout_c("Failed to %s %d on %s:%d - %s",
- cmd, id,
- c->getHost(), c->getPort(), msg.c_str());
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- template class Vector<Expression*>;
- template class Vector<SimpleCpcClient*>;