- /* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
- #include <ndb_global.h>
- #include "NDBT.hpp"
- #include "NDBT_Test.hpp"
- #include <PortDefs.h>
- #include <getarg.h>
- #include <time.h>
- // No verbose outxput
- NDBT_Context::NDBT_Context(){
- tab = NULL;
- suite = NULL;
- testcase = NULL;
- ndb = NULL;
- records = 1;
- loops = 1;
- stopped = false;
- remote_mgm ="";
- propertyMutexPtr = NdbMutex_Create();
- propertyCondPtr = NdbCondition_Create();
- }
- char * NDBT_Context::getRemoteMgm() const {
- return remote_mgm;
- }
- void NDBT_Context::setRemoteMgm(char * mgm) {
- remote_mgm = strdup(mgm);
- }
- NDBT_Context::~NDBT_Context(){
- NdbCondition_Destroy(propertyCondPtr);
- NdbMutex_Destroy(propertyMutexPtr);
- }
- const NdbDictionary::Table* NDBT_Context::getTab(){
- assert(tab != NULL);
- return tab;
- }
- NDBT_TestSuite* NDBT_Context::getSuite(){
- assert(suite != NULL);
- return suite;
- }
- NDBT_TestCase* NDBT_Context::getCase(){
- assert(testcase != NULL);
- return testcase;
- }
- int NDBT_Context::getNumRecords() const{
- return records;
- }
- int NDBT_Context::getNumLoops() const{
- return loops;
- }
- int NDBT_Context::getNoOfRunningSteps() const {
- return testcase->getNoOfRunningSteps();
- }
- int NDBT_Context::getNoOfCompletedSteps() const {
- return testcase->getNoOfCompletedSteps();
- }
- Uint32 NDBT_Context::getProperty(const char* _name, Uint32 _default){
- Uint32 val;
- NdbMutex_Lock(propertyMutexPtr);
- if(!props.get(_name, &val))
- val = _default;
- NdbMutex_Unlock(propertyMutexPtr);
- return val;
- }
- bool NDBT_Context::getPropertyWait(const char* _name, Uint32 _waitVal){
- bool result;
- NdbMutex_Lock(propertyMutexPtr);
- Uint32 val =! _waitVal;
- while((!props.get(_name, &val) || (props.get(_name, &val) && val != _waitVal)) &&
- !stopped)
- NdbCondition_Wait(propertyCondPtr,
- propertyMutexPtr);
- result = (val == _waitVal);
- NdbMutex_Unlock(propertyMutexPtr);
- return stopped;
- }
- const char* NDBT_Context::getProperty(const char* _name, const char* _default){
- const char* val;
- NdbMutex_Lock(propertyMutexPtr);
- if(!props.get(_name, &val))
- val = _default;
- NdbMutex_Unlock(propertyMutexPtr);
- return val;
- }
- const char* NDBT_Context::getPropertyWait(const char* _name, const char* _waitVal){
- const char* val;
- NdbMutex_Lock(propertyMutexPtr);
- while(!props.get(_name, &val) && (strcmp(val, _waitVal)==0))
- NdbCondition_Wait(propertyCondPtr,
- propertyMutexPtr);
- NdbMutex_Unlock(propertyMutexPtr);
- return val;
- }
- void NDBT_Context::setProperty(const char* _name, Uint32 _val){
- NdbMutex_Lock(propertyMutexPtr);
- const bool b = props.put(_name, _val, true);
- assert(b == true);
- NdbMutex_Unlock(propertyMutexPtr);
- }
- void
- NDBT_Context::decProperty(const char * name){
- NdbMutex_Lock(propertyMutexPtr);
- Uint32 val = 0;
- if(props.get(name, &val)){
- assert(val > 0);
- props.put(name, (val - 1), true);
- }
- NdbCondition_Broadcast(propertyCondPtr);
- NdbMutex_Unlock(propertyMutexPtr);
- }
- void
- NDBT_Context::incProperty(const char * name){
- NdbMutex_Lock(propertyMutexPtr);
- Uint32 val = 0;
- props.get(name, &val);
- props.put(name, (val + 1), true);
- NdbCondition_Broadcast(propertyCondPtr);
- NdbMutex_Unlock(propertyMutexPtr);
- }
- void NDBT_Context::setProperty(const char* _name, const char* _val){
- NdbMutex_Lock(propertyMutexPtr);
- const bool b = props.put(_name, _val);
- assert(b == true);
- NdbMutex_Unlock(propertyMutexPtr);
- }
- void NDBT_Context::stopTest(){
- NdbMutex_Lock(propertyMutexPtr);
- g_info << "|- stopTest called" << endl;
- stopped = true;
- NdbCondition_Broadcast(propertyCondPtr);
- NdbMutex_Unlock(propertyMutexPtr);
- }
- bool NDBT_Context::isTestStopped(){
- NdbMutex_Lock(propertyMutexPtr);
- bool val = stopped;
- NdbMutex_Unlock(propertyMutexPtr);
- return val;
- }
- void NDBT_Context::wait(){
- NdbMutex_Lock(propertyMutexPtr);
- NdbCondition_Wait(propertyCondPtr,
- propertyMutexPtr);
- NdbMutex_Unlock(propertyMutexPtr);
- }
- void NDBT_Context::wait_timeout(int msec){
- NdbMutex_Lock(propertyMutexPtr);
- NdbCondition_WaitTimeout(propertyCondPtr,
- propertyMutexPtr,
- msec);
- NdbMutex_Unlock(propertyMutexPtr);
- }
- void NDBT_Context::broadcast(){
- NdbMutex_Lock(propertyMutexPtr);
- NdbCondition_Broadcast(propertyCondPtr);
- NdbMutex_Unlock(propertyMutexPtr);
- }
- Uint32 NDBT_Context::getDbProperty(const char*){
- abort();
- return 0;
- }
- bool NDBT_Context::setDbProperty(const char*, Uint32){
- abort();
- return true;
- }
- void NDBT_Context::setTab(const NdbDictionary::Table* ptab){
- assert(ptab != NULL);
- tab = ptab;
- }
- void NDBT_Context::setSuite(NDBT_TestSuite* psuite){
- assert(psuite != NULL);
- suite = psuite;
- }
- void NDBT_Context::setCase(NDBT_TestCase* pcase){
- assert(pcase != NULL);
- testcase = pcase;
- }
- void NDBT_Context::setNumRecords(int _records){
- records = _records;
- }
- void NDBT_Context::setNumLoops(int _loops){
- loops = _loops;
- }
- NDBT_Step::NDBT_Step(NDBT_TestCase* ptest, const char* pname,
- NDBT_TESTFUNC* pfunc): name(pname){
- assert(pfunc != NULL);
- func = pfunc;
- testcase = ptest;
- step_no = -1;
- }
- int NDBT_Step::execute(NDBT_Context* ctx) {
- assert(ctx != NULL);
- int result;
- g_info << " |- " << name << " started [" << ctx->suite->getDate() << "]"
- << endl;
- result = setUp();
- if (result != NDBT_OK){
- return result;
- }
- result = func(ctx, this);
- if (result != NDBT_OK) {
- g_err << " |- " << name << " FAILED [" << ctx->suite->getDate()
- << "]" << endl;
- }
- else {
- g_info << " |- " << name << " PASSED [" << ctx->suite->getDate() << "]"
- << endl;
- }
- tearDown();
- return result;
- }
- void NDBT_Step::setContext(NDBT_Context* pctx){
- assert(pctx != NULL);
- m_ctx = pctx;
- }
- NDBT_Context* NDBT_Step::getContext(){
- assert(m_ctx != NULL);
- return m_ctx;
- }
- NDBT_NdbApiStep::NDBT_NdbApiStep(NDBT_TestCase* ptest,
- const char* pname,
- : NDBT_Step(ptest, pname, pfunc),
- ndb(NULL) {
- }
- int
- NDBT_NdbApiStep::setUp(){
- ndb = new Ndb( "TEST_DB" );
- ndb->init(1024);
- int result = ndb->waitUntilReady(300); // 5 minutes
- if (result != 0){
- g_err << name << ": Ndb was not ready" << endl;
- return NDBT_FAILED;
- }
- return NDBT_OK;
- }
- void
- NDBT_NdbApiStep::tearDown(){
- delete ndb;
- ndb = NULL;
- }
- Ndb* NDBT_NdbApiStep::getNdb(){
- assert(ndb != NULL);
- return ndb;
- }
- NDBT_ParallelStep::NDBT_ParallelStep(NDBT_TestCase* ptest,
- const char* pname,
- : NDBT_NdbApiStep(ptest, pname, pfunc) {
- }
- NDBT_Verifier::NDBT_Verifier(NDBT_TestCase* ptest,
- const char* pname,
- : NDBT_NdbApiStep(ptest, pname, pfunc) {
- }
- NDBT_Initializer::NDBT_Initializer(NDBT_TestCase* ptest,
- const char* pname,
- : NDBT_NdbApiStep(ptest, pname, pfunc) {
- }
- NDBT_Finalizer::NDBT_Finalizer(NDBT_TestCase* ptest,
- const char* pname,
- : NDBT_NdbApiStep(ptest, pname, pfunc) {
- }
- NDBT_TestCase::NDBT_TestCase(NDBT_TestSuite* psuite,
- const char* pname,
- const char* pcomment) :
- name(strdup(pname)) ,
- comment(strdup(pcomment)),
- suite(psuite)
- {
- _name.assign(pname);
- _comment.assign(pcomment);
- name= _name.c_str();
- comment= _comment.c_str();
- assert(suite != NULL);
- }
- NDBT_TestCaseImpl1::NDBT_TestCaseImpl1(NDBT_TestSuite* psuite,
- const char* pname,
- const char* pcomment) :
- NDBT_TestCase(psuite, pname, pcomment){
- numStepsOk = 0;
- numStepsFail = 0;
- numStepsCompleted = 0;
- waitThreadsMutexPtr = NdbMutex_Create();
- waitThreadsCondPtr = NdbCondition_Create();
- }
- NDBT_TestCaseImpl1::~NDBT_TestCaseImpl1(){
- NdbCondition_Destroy(waitThreadsCondPtr);
- NdbMutex_Destroy(waitThreadsMutexPtr);
- size_t i;
- for(i = 0; i < initializers.size(); i++)
- delete initializers[i];
- initializers.clear();
- for(i = 0; i < verifiers.size(); i++)
- delete verifiers[i];
- verifiers.clear();
- for(i = 0; i < finalizers.size(); i++)
- delete finalizers[i];
- finalizers.clear();
- for(i = 0; i < steps.size(); i++)
- delete steps[i];
- steps.clear();
- results.clear();
- for(i = 0; i < testTables.size(); i++)
- delete testTables[i];
- testTables.clear();
- for(i = 0; i < testResults.size(); i++)
- delete testResults[i];
- testResults.clear();
- }
- int NDBT_TestCaseImpl1::addStep(NDBT_Step* pStep){
- assert(pStep != NULL);
- steps.push_back(pStep);
- pStep->setStepNo(steps.size());
- int res = NORESULT;
- results.push_back(res);
- return 0;
- }
- int NDBT_TestCaseImpl1::addVerifier(NDBT_Verifier* pVerifier){
- assert(pVerifier != NULL);
- verifiers.push_back(pVerifier);
- return 0;
- }
- int NDBT_TestCaseImpl1::addInitializer(NDBT_Initializer* pInitializer){
- assert(pInitializer != NULL);
- initializers.push_back(pInitializer);
- return 0;
- }
- int NDBT_TestCaseImpl1::addFinalizer(NDBT_Finalizer* pFinalizer){
- assert(pFinalizer != NULL);
- finalizers.push_back(pFinalizer);
- return 0;
- }
- void NDBT_TestCaseImpl1::addTable(const char* tableName, bool isVerify) {
- assert(tableName != NULL);
- const NdbDictionary::Table* pTable = NDBT_Tables::getTable(tableName);
- assert(pTable != NULL);
- testTables.push_back(pTable);
- isVerifyTables = isVerify;
- }
- bool NDBT_TestCaseImpl1::tableExists(NdbDictionary::Table* aTable) {
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < testTables.size(); i++) {
- if (strcasecmp(testTables[i]->getName(), aTable->getName()) == 0) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- bool NDBT_TestCaseImpl1::isVerify(const NdbDictionary::Table* aTable) {
- if (testTables.size() > 0) {
- int found = false;
- // OK, we either exclude or include this table in the actual test
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < testTables.size(); i++) {
- if (strcasecmp(testTables[i]->getName(), aTable->getName()) == 0) {
- // Found one!
- if (isVerifyTables) {
- // Found one to test
- found = true;
- } else {
- // Skip this one!
- found = false;
- }
- }
- } // for
- return found;
- } else {
- // No included or excluded test tables, i.e., all tables should be
- // tested
- return true;
- }
- return true;
- }
- void NDBT_TestCase::setProperty(const char* _name, Uint32 _val){
- const bool b = props.put(_name, _val);
- assert(b == true);
- }
- void NDBT_TestCase::setProperty(const char* _name, const char* _val){
- const bool b = props.put(_name, _val);
- assert(b == true);
- }
- void *
- runStep(void * s){
- assert(s != NULL);
- NDBT_Step* pStep = (NDBT_Step*)s;
- NDBT_Context* ctx = pStep->getContext();
- assert(ctx != NULL);
- // Execute function
- int res = pStep->execute(ctx);
- if(res != NDBT_OK){
- ctx->stopTest();
- }
- // Report
- NDBT_TestCaseImpl1* pCase = (NDBT_TestCaseImpl1*)ctx->getCase();
- assert(pCase != NULL);
- pCase->reportStepResult(pStep, res);
- return NULL;
- }
- extern "C"
- void *
- runStep_C(void * s)
- {
- runStep(s);
- return NULL;
- }
- void NDBT_TestCaseImpl1::startStepInThread(int stepNo, NDBT_Context* ctx){
- NDBT_Step* pStep = steps[stepNo];
- pStep->setContext(ctx);
- char buf[16];
- BaseString::snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "step_%d", stepNo);
- NdbThread* pThread = NdbThread_Create(runStep_C,
- (void**)pStep,
- 65535,
- buf,
- threads.push_back(pThread);
- }
- void NDBT_TestCaseImpl1::waitSteps(){
- NdbMutex_Lock(waitThreadsMutexPtr);
- while(numStepsCompleted != steps.size())
- NdbCondition_Wait(waitThreadsCondPtr,
- waitThreadsMutexPtr);
- unsigned completedSteps = 0;
- unsigned i;
- for(i=0; i<steps.size(); i++){
- if (results[i] != NORESULT){
- completedSteps++;
- if (results[i] == NDBT_OK)
- numStepsOk++;
- else
- numStepsFail++;
- }
- }
- assert(completedSteps == steps.size());
- assert(completedSteps == numStepsCompleted);
- NdbMutex_Unlock(waitThreadsMutexPtr);
- void *status;
- for(i=0; i<steps.size();i++){
- NdbThread_WaitFor(threads[i], &status);
- NdbThread_Destroy(&threads[i]);
- }
- threads.clear();
- }
- int
- NDBT_TestCaseImpl1::getNoOfRunningSteps() const {
- return steps.size() - getNoOfCompletedSteps();
- }
- int
- NDBT_TestCaseImpl1::getNoOfCompletedSteps() const {
- return numStepsCompleted;
- }
- void NDBT_TestCaseImpl1::reportStepResult(const NDBT_Step* pStep, int result){
- NdbMutex_Lock(waitThreadsMutexPtr);
- assert(pStep != NULL);
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < steps.size(); i++){
- if(steps[i] != NULL && steps[i] == pStep){
- results[i] = result;
- numStepsCompleted++;
- }
- }
- if(numStepsCompleted == steps.size()){
- NdbCondition_Signal(waitThreadsCondPtr);
- }
- NdbMutex_Unlock(waitThreadsMutexPtr);
- }
- int NDBT_TestCase::execute(NDBT_Context* ctx){
- int res;
- ndbout << "- " << name << " started [" << ctx->suite->getDate()
- << "]" << endl;
- ctx->setCase(this);
- // Copy test case properties to ctx
- Properties::Iterator it(&props);
- for(const char * key = it.first(); key != 0; key = it.next()){
- PropertiesType pt;
- const bool b = props.getTypeOf(key, &pt);
- assert(b == true);
- switch(pt){
- case PropertiesType_Uint32:{
- Uint32 val;
- props.get(key, &val);
- ctx->setProperty(key, val);
- break;
- }
- case PropertiesType_char:{
- const char * val;
- props.get(key, &val);
- ctx->setProperty(key, val);
- break;
- }
- default:
- abort();
- }
- }
- // start timer so that we get a time even if
- // test case consist only of initializer
- startTimer(ctx);
- if ((res = runInit(ctx)) == NDBT_OK){
- // If initialiser is ok, run steps
- res = runSteps(ctx);
- if (res == NDBT_OK){
- // If steps is ok, run verifier
- res = runVerifier(ctx);
- }
- }
- stopTimer(ctx);
- printTimer(ctx);
- // Always run finalizer to clean up db
- runFinal(ctx);
- if (res == NDBT_OK) {
- ndbout << "- " << name << " PASSED [" << ctx->suite->getDate() << "]"
- << endl;
- }
- else {
- ndbout << "- " << name << " FAILED [" << ctx->suite->getDate() << "]"
- << endl;
- }
- return res;
- }
- void NDBT_TestCase::startTimer(NDBT_Context* ctx){
- timer.doStart();
- }
- void NDBT_TestCase::stopTimer(NDBT_Context* ctx){
- timer.doStop();
- }
- void NDBT_TestCase::printTimer(NDBT_Context* ctx){
- if (suite->timerIsOn()){
- g_info << endl;
- timer.printTestTimer(ctx->getNumLoops(), ctx->getNumRecords());
- }
- }
- int NDBT_TestCaseImpl1::runInit(NDBT_Context* ctx){
- int res = NDBT_OK;
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < initializers.size(); i++){
- initializers[i]->setContext(ctx);
- res = initializers[i]->execute(ctx);
- if (res != NDBT_OK)
- break;
- }
- return res;
- }
- int NDBT_TestCaseImpl1::runSteps(NDBT_Context* ctx){
- int res = NDBT_OK;
- // Reset variables
- numStepsOk = 0;
- numStepsFail = 0;
- numStepsCompleted = 0;
- unsigned i;
- for (i = 0; i < steps.size(); i++)
- startStepInThread(i, ctx);
- waitSteps();
- for(i = 0; i < steps.size(); i++)
- if (results[i] != NDBT_OK)
- res = NDBT_FAILED;
- return res;
- }
- int NDBT_TestCaseImpl1::runVerifier(NDBT_Context* ctx){
- int res = NDBT_OK;
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < verifiers.size(); i++){
- verifiers[i]->setContext(ctx);
- res = verifiers[i]->execute(ctx);
- if (res != NDBT_OK)
- break;
- }
- return res;
- }
- int NDBT_TestCaseImpl1::runFinal(NDBT_Context* ctx){
- int res = NDBT_OK;
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < finalizers.size(); i++){
- finalizers[i]->setContext(ctx);
- res = finalizers[i]->execute(ctx);
- if (res != NDBT_OK)
- break;
- }
- return res;
- }
- void NDBT_TestCaseImpl1::saveTestResult(const NdbDictionary::Table* ptab,
- int result){
- testResults.push_back(new NDBT_TestCaseResult(ptab->getName(),
- result,
- timer.elapsedTime()));
- }
- void NDBT_TestCaseImpl1::printTestResult(){
- char buf[255];
- ndbout << name<<endl;
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < testResults.size(); i++){
- NDBT_TestCaseResult* tcr = testResults[i];
- const char* res;
- if (tcr->getResult() == NDBT_OK)
- res = "OK";
- else if (tcr->getResult() == NDBT_FAILED)
- res = "FAIL";
- else if (tcr->getResult() == FAILED_TO_CREATE)
- else if (tcr->getResult() == FAILED_TO_DISCOVER)
- BaseString::snprintf(buf, 255," %-10s %-5s %-20s", tcr->getName(), res, tcr->getTimeStr());
- ndbout << buf<<endl;
- }
- }
- NDBT_TestSuite::NDBT_TestSuite(const char* pname):name(pname){
- numTestsOk = 0;
- numTestsFail = 0;
- numTestsExecuted = 0;
- records = 0;
- loops = 0;
- createTable = true;
- }
- NDBT_TestSuite::~NDBT_TestSuite(){
- for(unsigned i=0; i<tests.size(); i++){
- delete tests[i];
- }
- tests.clear();
- }
- void NDBT_TestSuite::setCreateTable(bool _flag){
- createTable = _flag;
- }
- bool NDBT_TestSuite::timerIsOn(){
- return (timer != 0);
- }
- int NDBT_TestSuite::addTest(NDBT_TestCase* pTest){
- assert(pTest != NULL);
- tests.push_back(pTest);
- return 0;
- }
- int NDBT_TestSuite::executeAll(const char* _testname){
- if(tests.size() == 0)
- return NDBT_FAILED;
- Ndb ndb("TEST_DB");
- ndb.init(1024);
- int result = ndb.waitUntilReady(300); // 5 minutes
- if (result != 0){
- g_err << name <<": Ndb was not ready" << endl;
- return NDBT_FAILED;
- }
- ndbout << name << " started [" << getDate() << "]" << endl;
- testSuiteTimer.doStart();
- for (int t=0; t < NDBT_Tables::getNumTables(); t++){
- const NdbDictionary::Table* ptab = NDBT_Tables::getTable(t);
- ndbout << "|- " << ptab->getName() << endl;
- execute(&ndb, ptab, _testname);
- }
- testSuiteTimer.doStop();
- return reportAllTables(_testname);
- }
- int
- NDBT_TestSuite::executeOne(const char* _tabname, const char* _testname){
- if(tests.size() == 0)
- return NDBT_FAILED;
- Ndb ndb("TEST_DB");
- ndb.init(1024);
- int result = ndb.waitUntilReady(300); // 5 minutes
- if (result != 0){
- g_err << name <<": Ndb was not ready" << endl;
- return NDBT_FAILED;
- }
- ndbout << name << " started [" << getDate() << "]" << endl;
- const NdbDictionary::Table* ptab = NDBT_Tables::getTable(_tabname);
- if (ptab == NULL)
- return NDBT_FAILED;
- ndbout << "|- " << ptab->getName() << endl;
- execute(&ndb, ptab, _testname);
- if (numTestsFail > 0){
- return NDBT_FAILED;
- }else{
- return NDBT_OK;
- }
- }
- void NDBT_TestSuite::execute(Ndb* ndb, const NdbDictionary::Table* pTab,
- const char* _testname){
- int result;
- for (unsigned t = 0; t < tests.size(); t++){
- if (_testname != NULL &&
- strcasecmp(tests[t]->getName(), _testname) != 0)
- continue;
- if (tests[t]->isVerify(pTab) == false) {
- continue;
- }
- tests[t]->initBeforeTest();
- NdbDictionary::Dictionary* pDict = ndb->getDictionary();
- const NdbDictionary::Table* pTab2 = pDict->getTable(pTab->getName());
- if (createTable == true){
- if(pTab2 != 0 && pDict->dropTable(pTab->getName()) != 0){
- numTestsFail++;
- numTestsExecuted++;
- g_err << "ERROR0: Failed to drop table " << pTab->getName() << endl;
- tests[t]->saveTestResult(pTab, FAILED_TO_CREATE);
- continue;
- }
- if(NDBT_Tables::createTable(ndb, pTab->getName()) != 0){
- numTestsFail++;
- numTestsExecuted++;
- g_err << "ERROR1: Failed to create table " << pTab->getName()
- << pDict->getNdbError() << endl;
- tests[t]->saveTestResult(pTab, FAILED_TO_CREATE);
- continue;
- }
- pTab2 = pDict->getTable(pTab->getName());
- } else if(!pTab2) {
- pTab2 = pTab;
- }
- ctx = new NDBT_Context();
- ctx->setTab(pTab2);
- ctx->setNumRecords(records);
- ctx->setNumLoops(loops);
- if(remote_mgm != NULL)
- ctx->setRemoteMgm(remote_mgm);
- ctx->setSuite(this);
- result = tests[t]->execute(ctx);
- tests[t]->saveTestResult(pTab, result);
- if (result != NDBT_OK)
- numTestsFail++;
- else
- numTestsOk++;
- numTestsExecuted++;
- if (result == NDBT_OK && createTable == true){
- pDict->dropTable(pTab->getName());
- }
- delete ctx;
- }
- }
- int
- NDBT_TestSuite::report(const char* _tcname){
- int result;
- ndbout << "Completed " << name << " [" << getDate() << "]" << endl;
- printTestCaseSummary(_tcname);
- ndbout << numTestsExecuted << " test(s) executed" << endl;
- ndbout << numTestsOk << " test(s) OK"
- << endl;
- if(numTestsFail > 0)
- ndbout << numTestsFail << " test(s) failed"
- << endl;
- testSuiteTimer.printTotalTime();
- if (numTestsFail > 0 || numTestsExecuted == 0){
- result = NDBT_FAILED;
- }else{
- result = NDBT_OK;
- }
- return result;
- }
- void NDBT_TestSuite::printTestCaseSummary(const char* _tcname){
- ndbout << "= SUMMARY OF TEST EXECUTION ==============" << endl;
- for (unsigned t = 0; t < tests.size(); t++){
- if (_tcname != NULL &&
- strcasecmp(tests[t]->getName(), _tcname) != 0)
- continue;
- tests[t]->printTestResult();
- }
- ndbout << "==========================================" << endl;
- }
- int NDBT_TestSuite::reportAllTables(const char* _testname){
- int result;
- ndbout << "Completed running test [" << getDate() << "]" << endl;
- const int totalNumTests = numTestsExecuted;
- printTestCaseSummary(_testname);
- ndbout << numTestsExecuted<< " test(s) executed" << endl;
- ndbout << numTestsOk << " test(s) OK("
- <<(int)(((float)numTestsOk/totalNumTests)*100.0) <<"%)"
- << endl;
- if(numTestsFail > 0)
- ndbout << numTestsFail << " test(s) failed("
- <<(int)(((float)numTestsFail/totalNumTests)*100.0) <<"%)"
- << endl;
- testSuiteTimer.printTotalTime();
- if (numTestsExecuted > 0){
- if (numTestsFail > 0){
- result = NDBT_FAILED;
- }else{
- result = NDBT_OK;
- }
- } else {
- result = NDBT_FAILED;
- }
- return result;
- }
- int NDBT_TestSuite::execute(int argc, const char** argv){
- int res = NDBT_FAILED;
- /* Arguments:
- Run only a subset of tests
- -n testname Which test to run
- Recommendations to test functions:
- --records Number of records to use(default: 10000)
- --loops Number of loops to execute in the test(default: 100)
- Other parameters should:
- * be calculated from the above two parameters
- * be divided into different test cases, ex. one testcase runs
- with FragmentType = Single and another perfoms the same
- test with FragmentType = Large
- * let the test case iterate over all/subset of appropriate parameters
- ex. iterate over FragmentType = Single to FragmentType = AllLarge
- Remeber that the intention is that it should be _easy_ to run
- a complete test suite without any greater knowledge of what
- should be tested ie. keep arguments at a minimum
- */
- int _records = 1000;
- int _loops = 5;
- int _timer = 0;
- char * _remote_mgm =NULL;
- char* _testname = NULL;
- const char* _tabname = NULL;
- int _print = false;
- int _print_html = false;
- int _print_cases = false;
- int _verbose = false;
- #ifndef DBUG_OFF
- const char *debug_option= 0;
- #endif
- struct getargs args[] = {
- { "print", ' ', arg_flag, &_print, "Print execution tree", "" },
- { "print_html", ' ', arg_flag, &_print_html, "Print execution tree in html table format", "" },
- { "print_cases", ' ', arg_flag, &_print_cases, "Print list of test cases", "" },
- { "records", 'r', arg_integer, &_records, "Number of records", "records" },
- { "loops", 'l', arg_integer, &_loops, "Number of loops", "loops" },
- { "testname", 'n', arg_string, &_testname, "Name of test to run", "testname" },
- { "remote_mgm", 'm', arg_string, &_remote_mgm,
- "host:port to mgmsrv of remote cluster", "host:port" },
- { "timer", 't', arg_flag, &_timer, "Print execution time", "time" },
- #ifndef DBUG_OFF
- { "debug", 0, arg_string, &debug_option,
- "Specify debug options e.g. d:t:i:o,out.trace", "options" },
- #endif
- { "verbose", 'v', arg_flag, &_verbose, "Print verbose status", "verbose" }
- };
- int num_args = sizeof(args) / sizeof(args[0]);
- int optind = 0;
- if(getarg(args, num_args, argc, argv, &optind)) {
- arg_printusage(args, num_args, argv[0], "tabname1 tabname2 ... tabnameNn");
- }
- #ifndef DBUG_OFF
- if (debug_option)
- DBUG_PUSH(debug_option);
- #endif
- // Check if table name is supplied
- if (argv[optind] != NULL)
- _tabname = argv[optind];
- if (_print == true){
- printExecutionTree();
- return 0;
- }
- if (_print_html == true){
- printExecutionTreeHTML();
- return 0;
- }
- if (_print_cases == true){
- printCases();
- return NDBT_ProgramExit(NDBT_FAILED);
- }
- if (_verbose)
- setOutputLevel(2); // Show g_info
- else
- setOutputLevel(0); // Show only g_err ?
- remote_mgm = _remote_mgm;
- records = _records;
- loops = _loops;
- timer = _timer;
- if(optind == argc){
- // No table specified
- res = executeAll(_testname);
- } else {
- testSuiteTimer.doStart();
- Ndb ndb("TEST_DB"); ndb.init();
- for(int i = optind; i<argc; i++){
- executeOne(argv[i], _testname);
- }
- testSuiteTimer.doStop();
- res = report(_testname);
- }
- return NDBT_ProgramExit(res);
- }
- void NDBT_TestSuite::printExecutionTree(){
- ndbout << "Testsuite: " << name << endl;
- for (unsigned t = 0; t < tests.size(); t++){
- tests[t]->print();
- ndbout << endl;
- }
- }
- void NDBT_TestSuite::printExecutionTreeHTML(){
- ndbout << "<tr>" << endl;
- ndbout << "<td><h3>" << name << "</h3></td>" << endl;
- ndbout << "</tr>" << endl;
- for (unsigned t = 0; t < tests.size(); t++){
- tests[t]->printHTML();
- ndbout << endl;
- }
- }
- void NDBT_TestSuite::printCases(){
- ndbout << "# Testsuite: " << name << endl;
- ndbout << "# Number of tests: " << tests.size() << endl;
- for (unsigned t = 0; t < tests.size(); t++){
- ndbout << name << " -n " << tests[t]->getName() << endl;
- }
- }
- const char* NDBT_TestSuite::getDate(){
- static char theTime[128];
- struct tm* tm_now;
- time_t now;
- now = time((time_t*)NULL);
- #ifdef NDB_WIN32
- tm_now = localtime(&now);
- #else
- tm_now = gmtime(&now);
- #endif
- BaseString::snprintf(theTime, 128,
- "%d-%.2d-%.2d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d",
- tm_now->tm_year + 1900,
- tm_now->tm_mon + 1,
- tm_now->tm_mday,
- tm_now->tm_hour,
- tm_now->tm_min,
- tm_now->tm_sec);
- return theTime;
- }
- void NDBT_TestCaseImpl1::printHTML(){
- ndbout << "<tr><td> </td>" << endl;
- ndbout << "<td name=tc>" << endl << name << "</td><td width=70%>"
- << comment << "</td></tr>" << endl;
- }
- void NDBT_TestCaseImpl1::print(){
- ndbout << "Test case: " << name << endl;
- ndbout << "Description: "<< comment << endl;
- ndbout << "Parameters: " << endl;
- Properties::Iterator it(&props);
- for(const char * key = it.first(); key != 0; key = it.next()){
- PropertiesType pt;
- const bool b = props.getTypeOf(key, &pt);
- assert(b == true);
- switch(pt){
- case PropertiesType_Uint32:{
- Uint32 val;
- props.get(key, &val);
- ndbout << " " << key << ": " << val << endl;
- break;
- }
- case PropertiesType_char:{
- const char * val;
- props.get(key, &val);
- ndbout << " " << key << ": " << val << endl;
- break;
- }
- default:
- abort();
- }
- }
- unsigned i;
- for(i=0; i<initializers.size(); i++){
- ndbout << "Initializers[" << i << "]: " << endl;
- initializers[i]->print();
- }
- for(i=0; i<steps.size(); i++){
- ndbout << "Step[" << i << "]: " << endl;
- steps[i]->print();
- }
- for(i=0; i<verifiers.size(); i++){
- ndbout << "Verifier[" << i << "]: " << endl;
- verifiers[i]->print();
- }
- for(i=0; i<finalizers.size(); i++){
- ndbout << "Finalizer[" << i << "]: " << endl;
- finalizers[i]->print();
- }
- }
- void NDBT_Step::print(){
- ndbout << " "<< name << endl;
- }
- void
- NDBT_Context::sync_down(const char * key){
- Uint32 threads = getProperty(key, (unsigned)0);
- if(threads){
- decProperty(key);
- }
- }
- void
- NDBT_Context::sync_up_and_wait(const char * key, Uint32 value){
- setProperty(key, value);
- getPropertyWait(key, (unsigned)0);
- }
- template class Vector<NDBT_TestCase*>;
- template class Vector<NDBT_TestCaseResult*>;
- template class Vector<NDBT_Step*>;
- template class Vector<NdbThread*>;
- template class Vector<NDBT_Verifier*>;
- template class Vector<NDBT_Initializer*>;
- template class Vector<NDBT_Finalizer*>;
- template class Vector<const NdbDictionary::Table*>;