- /* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
- #include <NDBT.hpp>
- #include <NDBT_Test.hpp>
- #include <HugoTransactions.hpp>
- #include <UtilTransactions.hpp>
- #include <NdbRestarter.hpp>
- #include <Vector.hpp>
- #include <random.h>
- int runLoadTable(NDBT_Context* ctx, NDBT_Step* step){
- int records = ctx->getNumRecords();
- HugoTransactions hugoTrans(*ctx->getTab());
- if (hugoTrans.loadTable(GETNDB(step), records) != 0){
- return NDBT_FAILED;
- }
- return NDBT_OK;
- }
- int runClearTable(NDBT_Context* ctx, NDBT_Step* step){
- int records = ctx->getNumRecords();
- UtilTransactions utilTrans(*ctx->getTab());
- if (utilTrans.clearTable2(GETNDB(step), records) != 0){
- return NDBT_FAILED;
- }
- return NDBT_OK;
- }
- int create_index_on_pk(Ndb* pNdb, const char* tabName){
- int result = NDBT_OK;
- const NdbDictionary::Table * tab = NDBT_Table::discoverTableFromDb(pNdb,
- tabName);
- // Create index
- const char* idxName = "IDX_ON_PK";
- ndbout << "Create: " <<idxName << "( ";
- NdbDictionary::Index pIdx(idxName);
- pIdx.setTable(tabName);
- pIdx.setType(NdbDictionary::Index::UniqueHashIndex);
- for (int c = 0; c< tab->getNoOfPrimaryKeys(); c++){
- pIdx.addIndexColumn(tab->getPrimaryKey(c));
- ndbout << tab->getPrimaryKey(c)<<" ";
- }
- ndbout << ") ";
- if (pNdb->getDictionary()->createIndex(pIdx) != 0){
- ndbout << "FAILED!" << endl;
- const NdbError err = pNdb->getDictionary()->getNdbError();
- ERR(err);
- result = NDBT_FAILED;
- } else {
- ndbout << "OK!" << endl;
- }
- return result;
- }
- int drop_index_on_pk(Ndb* pNdb, const char* tabName){
- int result = NDBT_OK;
- const char* idxName = "IDX_ON_PK";
- ndbout << "Drop: " << idxName;
- if (pNdb->getDictionary()->dropIndex(idxName, tabName) != 0){
- ndbout << "FAILED!" << endl;
- const NdbError err = pNdb->getDictionary()->getNdbError();
- ERR(err);
- result = NDBT_FAILED;
- } else {
- ndbout << "OK!" << endl;
- }
- return result;
- }
- #define CHECK(b) if (!(b)) {
- g_err << "ERR: "<< step->getName()
- << " failed on line " << __LINE__ << endl;
- result = NDBT_FAILED;
- continue; }
- int runTestSingleUserMode(NDBT_Context* ctx, NDBT_Step* step){
- int result = NDBT_OK;
- int loops = ctx->getNumLoops();
- int records = ctx->getNumRecords();
- Ndb* pNdb = GETNDB(step);
- NdbRestarter restarter;
- char tabName[255];
- strncpy(tabName, ctx->getTab()->getName(), 255);
- ndbout << "tabName="<<tabName<<endl;
- int i = 0;
- int count;
- HugoTransactions hugoTrans(*ctx->getTab());
- UtilTransactions utilTrans(*ctx->getTab());
- while (i<loops && result == NDBT_OK) {
- g_info << i << ": ";
- int timeout = 120;
- // Test that the single user mode api can do everything
- CHECK(restarter.enterSingleUserMode(pNdb->getNodeId()) == 0);
- CHECK(restarter.waitClusterSingleUser(timeout) == 0);
- CHECK(hugoTrans.loadTable(pNdb, records, 128) == 0);
- CHECK(hugoTrans.pkReadRecords(pNdb, records) == 0);
- CHECK(hugoTrans.pkUpdateRecords(pNdb, records) == 0);
- CHECK(utilTrans.selectCount(pNdb, 64, &count) == 0);
- CHECK(count == records);
- CHECK(hugoTrans.pkDelRecords(pNdb, records/2) == 0);
- CHECK(hugoTrans.scanReadRecords(pNdb, records/2, 0, 64) == 0);
- CHECK(utilTrans.selectCount(pNdb, 64, &count) == 0);
- CHECK(count == (records/2));
- CHECK(utilTrans.clearTable(pNdb, records/2) == 0);
- CHECK(restarter.exitSingleUserMode() == 0);
- CHECK(restarter.waitClusterStarted(timeout) == 0);
- // Test create index in single user mode
- CHECK(restarter.enterSingleUserMode(pNdb->getNodeId()) == 0);
- CHECK(restarter.waitClusterSingleUser(timeout) == 0);
- CHECK(create_index_on_pk(pNdb, tabName) == 0);
- CHECK(hugoTrans.loadTable(pNdb, records, 128) == 0);
- CHECK(hugoTrans.pkReadRecords(pNdb, records) == 0);
- CHECK(hugoTrans.pkUpdateRecords(pNdb, records) == 0);
- CHECK(utilTrans.selectCount(pNdb, 64, &count) == 0);
- CHECK(count == records);
- CHECK(hugoTrans.pkDelRecords(pNdb, records/2) == 0);
- CHECK(drop_index_on_pk(pNdb, tabName) == 0);
- CHECK(restarter.exitSingleUserMode() == 0);
- CHECK(restarter.waitClusterStarted(timeout) == 0);
- // Test recreate index in single user mode
- CHECK(create_index_on_pk(pNdb, tabName) == 0);
- CHECK(hugoTrans.loadTable(pNdb, records, 128) == 0);
- CHECK(utilTrans.selectCount(pNdb, 64, &count) == 0);
- CHECK(restarter.enterSingleUserMode(pNdb->getNodeId()) == 0);
- CHECK(restarter.waitClusterSingleUser(timeout) == 0);
- CHECK(drop_index_on_pk(pNdb, tabName) == 0);
- CHECK(utilTrans.selectCount(pNdb, 64, &count) == 0);
- CHECK(create_index_on_pk(pNdb, tabName) == 0);
- CHECK(restarter.exitSingleUserMode() == 0);
- CHECK(restarter.waitClusterStarted(timeout) == 0);
- CHECK(drop_index_on_pk(pNdb, tabName) == 0);
- CHECK(utilTrans.clearTable(GETNDB(step), records) == 0);
- ndbout << "Restarting cluster" << endl;
- CHECK(restarter.restartAll() == 0);
- CHECK(restarter.waitClusterStarted(timeout) == 0);
- CHECK(pNdb->waitUntilReady(timeout) == 0);
- i++;
- }
- return result;
- }
- TESTCASE("SingleUserMode",
- "Test single user mode"){
- INITIALIZER(runTestSingleUserMode);
- FINALIZER(runClearTable);
- }
- int main(int argc, const char** argv){
- ndb_init();
- myRandom48Init(NdbTick_CurrentMillisecond());
- return testMgm.execute(argc, argv);
- }