- /* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
- /* ***************************************************
- Initialise benchmark for Ronja Database
- * *************************************************** */
- #include "NdbApi.hpp"
- #include "NdbSchemaCon.hpp"
- #include <NdbOut.hpp>
- #include <NdbMain.h>
- #include <NdbTest.hpp>
- #include <string.h>
- #define MAXSTRLEN 16
- #define MAXATTR 64
- #define MAXTABLES 64
- #define MAXTHREADS 256
- #define MAXATTRSIZE 8000
- static unsigned int tNoOfRecords;
- static unsigned int tNoOfLoops;
- static unsigned int tNoOfTables;
- static int tAttributeSize;
- static int tNodeId;
- static unsigned int tValue;
- static unsigned int tNoOfOperations;
- static char tableName[MAXTABLES][MAXSTRLEN];
- static char attrName[MAXATTR][MAXSTRLEN];
- inline int InsertRecords(Ndb*, int) ;
- NDB_COMMAND(initronja, "initronja", "initronja", "initronja", 65535){
- ndb_init();
- Ndb* pNdb = NULL ;
- NdbSchemaCon *MySchemaTransaction = NULL ;
- NdbSchemaOp *MySchemaOp = NULL ;
- int check, status, i, j, cont ;
- check = status = i = j = cont = 0 ;
- tNoOfRecords = 500 ;
- tNoOfLoops = tNoOfRecords / 10;
- i = 1;
- while (argc > 1){
- if (strcmp(argv[i], "-r") == 0){
- if( NULL == argv[i+1] ) goto error_input ;
- tNoOfRecords = atoi(argv[i+1]);
- tNoOfRecords = tNoOfRecords - (tNoOfRecords % 10);
- tNoOfLoops = tNoOfRecords / 10;
- if ((tNoOfRecords < 1) || (tNoOfRecords > 1000000000)) goto error_input;
- }else{
- goto error_input;
- }
- argc -= 2;
- i = i + 2; //
- }
- pNdb = new Ndb( "TEST_DB" ) ;
- ndbout << "Initialisation started. " << endl;
- pNdb->init();
- ndbout << "Initialisation completed. " << endl;
- tNodeId = pNdb->getNodeId();
- ndbout << endl << "Initial loading of Ronja Database" << endl;
- ndbout << " NdbAPI node with id = " << tNodeId << endl;
- if (pNdb->waitUntilReady(30) != 0) {
- ndbout << "Benchmark failed - NDB is not ready" << endl;
- delete pNdb ;
- return NDBT_ProgramExit(NDBT_FAILED) ;
- }//if
- ndbout << endl << "Creating the table SHORT_REC" << "..." << endl;
- MySchemaTransaction = NdbSchemaCon::startSchemaTrans(pNdb);
- if(!MySchemaTransaction) goto error_handler;
- MySchemaOp = MySchemaTransaction->getNdbSchemaOp();
- if(!MySchemaOp) goto error_handler;
- #if defined NDB_OSE || defined NDB_SOFTOSE
- check = MySchemaOp->createTable( "SHORT_REC"
- ,8 // Table Size
- ,TupleKey // Key Type
- ,40 // Nr of Pages
- ,All
- ,6
- ,78
- ,80
- ,1
- ,false);
- #else
- check = MySchemaOp->createTable( "SHORT_REC"
- ,8 // Table Size
- ,TupleKey // Key Type
- ,40 // Nr of Pages
- );
- #endif
- if (check == -1) goto error_handler;
- ndbout << "Key attribute..." ;
- check = MySchemaOp->createAttribute( (char*)"Key", TupleKey, 32, 1,
- UnSigned, MMBased, NotNullAttribute );
- if (check == -1) goto error_handler;
- ndbout << "ttOK" << endl ;
- ndbout << "Flip attribute..." ;
- check = MySchemaOp->createAttribute("Flip", NoKey, 32, 1,
- UnSigned, MMBased, NotNullAttribute );
- if (check == -1) goto error_handler;
- ndbout << "ttOK" << endl ;
- ndbout << "Count attribute..." ;
- check = MySchemaOp->createAttribute("Count", NoKey, 32, 1,
- UnSigned, MMBased, NotNullAttribute );
- if (check == -1) goto error_handler;
- ndbout << "ttOK" << endl ;
- ndbout << "Placeholder attribute..." ;
- check = MySchemaOp->createAttribute("Placeholder", NoKey, 8, 90,
- UnSigned, MMBased, NotNullAttribute );
- if (check == -1) goto error_handler;
- ndbout << "tOK" << endl ;
- if (MySchemaTransaction->execute() == -1) {
- if(721 == MySchemaOp->getNdbError().code){
- ndbout << "Table SHORT_REC already exists" << endl ;
- }else{
- ndbout << MySchemaTransaction->getNdbError() << endl;
- }
- }else{
- ndbout << "SHORT_REC created " << endl;
- }// if
- NdbSchemaCon::closeSchemaTrans(MySchemaTransaction);
- ndbout << endl << "Creating the table LONG_REC..." << endl;
- MySchemaTransaction = NdbSchemaCon::startSchemaTrans(pNdb);
- if(!MySchemaTransaction) goto error_handler;
- MySchemaOp = MySchemaTransaction->getNdbSchemaOp();
- if(!MySchemaOp) goto error_handler;
- #if defined NDB_OSE || defined NDB_SOFTOSE
- check = MySchemaOp->createTable( "LONG_REC"
- ,8 // Table Size
- ,TupleKey // Key Type
- ,40 // Nr of Pages
- ,All
- ,6
- ,78
- ,80
- ,1
- ,false);
- #else
- check = MySchemaOp->createTable( "LONG_REC"
- ,8 // Table Size
- ,TupleKey // Key Type
- ,40 // Nr of Pages
- );
- #endif
- if (check == -1) goto error_handler;
- ndbout << "Key attribute..." ;
- check = MySchemaOp->createAttribute( (char*)"Key", TupleKey, 32, 1,
- UnSigned, MMBased, NotNullAttribute );
- if (check == -1) goto error_handler;
- ndbout << "ttOK" << endl ;
- ndbout << "Flip attribute..." ;
- check = MySchemaOp->createAttribute("Flip", NoKey, 32, 1,
- UnSigned, MMBased, NotNullAttribute );
- if (check == -1) goto error_handler;
- ndbout << "ttOK" << endl ;
- ndbout << "Count attribute..." ;
- check = MySchemaOp->createAttribute("Count", NoKey, 32, 1,
- UnSigned, MMBased, NotNullAttribute );
- if (check == -1) goto error_handler;
- ndbout << "ttOK" << endl ;
- ndbout << "Placeholder attribute..." ;
- check = MySchemaOp->createAttribute("Placeholder", NoKey, 8, 1014,
- UnSigned, MMBased, NotNullAttribute );
- if (check == -1) goto error_handler;
- ndbout << "tOK" << endl ;
- if (MySchemaTransaction->execute() == -1) {
- if(721 == MySchemaOp->getNdbError().code){
- ndbout << "Table LONG_REC already exists" << endl ;
- }else{
- ndbout << MySchemaTransaction->getNdbError() << endl;
- }
- }else{
- ndbout << "LONG_REC created" << endl;
- }// if
- NdbSchemaCon::closeSchemaTrans(MySchemaTransaction);
- check = InsertRecords(pNdb, tNoOfRecords);
- delete pNdb ;
- if(-1 == check){
- ndbout << endl << "Initial loading of Ronja Database failed" << endl;
- return NDBT_ProgramExit(NDBT_FAILED) ;
- }else{
- ndbout << endl << "Initial loading of Ronja Database completed" << endl;
- return NDBT_ProgramExit(NDBT_OK) ;
- }
- error_handler:
- ndbout << "SchemaTransaction returned error:" ;
- ndbout << MySchemaTransaction->getNdbError() << endl;
- NdbSchemaCon::closeSchemaTrans(MySchemaTransaction);
- delete pNdb ;
- NDBT_ProgramExit(NDBT_FAILED) ;
- exit(-1);
- error_input:
- ndbout << endl << " Ivalid parameter(s)" << endl;
- ndbout << " Usage: initronja [-r n] , where 'n' is the number of records to be inserted" << endl;
- ndbout << " If omitted, 500 records will be created by default" << endl;
- ndbout << " Note: use this number in combination with '-r' argument when running 'benchronja'" << endl << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////
- inline int InsertRecords(Ndb* pNdb, int nNoRecords){
- NdbConnection *MyTransaction = NULL ;
- NdbOperation* MyOperation[10];
- int Tsuccess = 0 ;
- int loop_count_ops = 2 * tNoOfLoops;
- int loop_count_tables = 10;
- int loop_count_attributes = 0 ;
- int check = 0;
- int count = 0 ;
- int count_tables = 0;
- int count_attributes = 0 ;
- int i = 0 ;
- int tType = 0 ;
- unsigned int attrValue[1000];
- unsigned int setAttrValue = 0;
- unsigned int keyValue[3];
- for (i = 0; i < 1000; i ++) attrValue[i] = 1;
- for (count=0 ; count < loop_count_ops ; count++){
- if ((((count / 100)* 100) == count) && (count != 0)){
- ndbout << "1000 records inserted again, " << (count/100) << "000 records now inserted" << endl;
- }
- MyTransaction = pNdb->startTransaction();
- if(!MyTransaction){
- ndbout << "startTransaction: " << pNdb->getNdbError();
- ndbout << " count = " << count << endl;
- return -1 ;
- }
- for (count_tables = 0; count_tables < loop_count_tables; count_tables++) {
- if (count < tNoOfLoops) {
- keyValue[0] = count*10 + count_tables ;
- MyOperation[count_tables] = MyTransaction->getNdbOperation("SHORT_REC") ;
- }else{
- keyValue[0] = (count - tNoOfLoops)*10 + count_tables;
- MyOperation[count_tables] = MyTransaction->getNdbOperation("LONG_REC");
- }//if
- if (!MyOperation[count_tables]) goto error_handler1;
- check = MyOperation[count_tables]->insertTuple();
- if (check == -1) goto error_handler2;
- check = MyOperation[count_tables]->equal("Key",(char*)&keyValue[0]);
- if (check == -1) goto error_handler4;
- check = MyOperation[count_tables]->setValue("Flip",(char*)&setAttrValue);
- if (check == -1) goto error_handler5;
- check = MyOperation[count_tables]->setValue("Count",(char*)&setAttrValue);
- if (check == -1) goto error_handler5;
- check = MyOperation[count_tables]->setValue("Placeholder",(char*)&attrValue[0]);
- if (check == -1) goto error_handler5;
- }//for
- if (MyTransaction->execute( Commit ) == -1){
- ndbout << MyTransaction->getNdbError()<< endl ;
- ndbout << "count = " << count << endl;
- }//if
- pNdb->closeTransaction(MyTransaction) ;
- }//for
- return 0;
- error_handler1:
- ndbout << "Error occured in getNdbOperation " << endl;
- ndbout << MyTransaction->getNdbError() << endl;
- pNdb->closeTransaction(MyTransaction);
- return -1 ;
- error_handler2:
- ndbout << "Error occured in defining operation " << endl;
- ndbout << MyOperation[count_tables]->getNdbError() << endl;
- pNdb->closeTransaction(MyTransaction);
- return -1 ;
- error_handler3:
- pNdb->closeTransaction(MyTransaction);
- return -1 ;
- error_handler4:
- ndbout << "Error occured in equal " << endl;
- ndbout << MyOperation[count_tables]->getNdbError() << endl;
- pNdb->closeTransaction(MyTransaction);
- return -1 ;
- error_handler5:
- ndbout << "Error occured in get/setValue " << endl;
- ndbout << MyOperation[count_tables]->getNdbError() << endl;
- pNdb->closeTransaction(MyTransaction);
- return -1 ;
- }