资源名称:X264CODEC.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- #!/bin/env perl
- # tests different versions of x264
- # by Alex Izvorski & Loren Merrit 2007
- # GPL
- $^W=1;
- use Getopt::Long;
- use File::Path;
- use File::Copy;
- use File::Basename;
- # prerequisites:
- # - perl > 5.8.0
- # - svn
- # - net access
- # - linux/unix
- # - gcc
- # the following require a make testclean
- # - changing x264 option sets and or adding/removing option sets
- # - changing configure options
- # - changing CFLAGS or other variables that affect compilation
- # - a newer head revision
- # the following do not require a make testclean, but may cause some tests to be rerun unnecessarily:
- # - adding/removing input files
- # - adding/removing versions
- @versions = ();
- @input_files = ();
- @option_sets = ();
- GetOptions ("version=s" => @versions,
- "input=s" => @input_files,
- "options=s" => @option_sets,
- );
- # TODO check inputs
- # TODO some way to give make options
- # TODO some way to give configure options
- if (scalar(@versions) == 0)
- {
- @versions = ('rHEAD', 'current');
- }
- if (scalar(@option_sets) == 0 ||
- scalar(@input_files) == 0)
- {
- print "Regression test for x264n";
- print "Usage:n perl tools/ --version=623 --version=624 --input=football_720x480p.yuv --input=foreman_352x288p.yuv --options='--me=dia --subme=2 --no-cabac'n";
- print "Any number of versions, option sets, and input files may be given.n";
- print "Versions may be any svn revision, a comma-separated list of revisions, or 'current' for the version in the current directory.n";
- exit;
- }
- mkpath("test");
- @versions = map { split m![,s]s*! } @versions;
- foreach my $version (@versions)
- {
- $version =~ s!^head$!rHEAD!i;
- $version =~ s!^current$!current!i;
- $version =~ s!^(d+)$!r$1!;
- if (-e "test/x264-$version/x264" && ($version ne "current"))
- {
- print("have version: $versionn");
- next;
- }
- print("building version: $versionn");
- if ($version eq "current")
- {
- system("(./configure && make) &> test/build.log");
- mkpath("test/x264-$version");
- if (! -e "x264") { print("build failed n"); exit 1; }
- copy("x264", "test/x264-$version/x264");
- chmod(0755, "test/x264-$version/x264");
- next;
- }
- system("svn checkout -$version svn:// test/x264-$version >/dev/null");
- chdir("test/x264-$version");
- system("(./configure && make) &> build.log");
- chdir("../..");
- if (! -e "test/x264-$version/x264") { print("build failed n"); exit 1; }
- }
- $any_diff = 0;
- foreach my $i (0 .. scalar(@option_sets)-1)
- {
- $opt = $option_sets[$i];
- print("options: $opt n");
- foreach my $j (0 .. scalar(@input_files)-1)
- {
- my $file = $input_files[$j];
- print("input file: $file n");
- my $outfile = basename($file);
- $outfile =~ s!.yuv$!!;
- $outfile = "test/opt$i-$outfile$j";
- foreach my $k (0 .. scalar(@versions)-1)
- {
- my $version = $versions[$k];
- if (-e "$outfile-$version.log" && ($version ne "current"))
- {
- print("have results for version: $versionn");
- }
- else
- {
- print("running version: $version n");
- # verbose option is required for frame-by-frame comparison
- system("test/x264-$version/x264 --verbose $opt $file -o $outfile-$version.264 > $outfile-$version.log 2>&1");
- }
- # TODO check for crashes
- # TODO if (read_file("$outfile-$version.log") =~ m!could not open input file!) ...
- # TODO check decompression with jm
- # TODO dump (and check) frames
- if ($k > 0)
- {
- my $baseversion = $versions[$k - 1];
- print("comparing $version with $baseversion: ");
- $is_diff = 0;
- $is_diff ||= compare_logs("$outfile-$version.log", "$outfile-$baseversion.log");
- $is_diff ||= compare_raw264("$outfile-$version.264", "$outfile-$baseversion.264");
- if (! $is_diff) { print("identical n"); }
- $any_diff ||= $is_diff;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- print "n";
- if (! $any_diff) { print "no differences foundn"; }
- else { print "some differences foundn"; exit 1; }
- sub compare_logs
- {
- my ($log1, $log2) = @_;
- my $logdata1 = read_file($log1);
- my $logdata2 = read_file($log2);
- # FIXME comparing versions with different log output format will fail
- $logdata1 = join("n", grep { m!frame=! } split(m!n!, $logdata1));
- $logdata2 = join("n", grep { m!frame=! } split(m!n!, $logdata2));
- my $is_diff = 0;
- if ($logdata1 ne $logdata2)
- {
- print("log files differ n");
- $is_diff = 1;
- }
- my $stats1 = parse_log_overall_stats($log1);
- my $stats2 = parse_log_overall_stats($log2);
- if ($stats1->{psnr_y} != $stats2->{psnr_y})
- {
- printf("psnr change: %+f dB n", $stats1->{psnr_y} - $stats2->{psnr_y});
- $is_diff = 1;
- }
- if ($stats1->{bitrate} != $stats2->{bitrate})
- {
- printf("bitrate change: %+f kb/s n", $stats1->{bitrate} - $stats2->{bitrate});
- $is_diff = 1;
- }
- #arbitrarily set cutoff to 3% change
- #$speed_change_min = 0.03;
- #if (abs($stats1->{fps} - $stats2->{fps}) > $speed_change_min * ($stats1->{fps} + $stats2->{fps})/2)
- #{
- # printf("speed change: %+f fps n", $stats1->{fps} - $stats2->{fps});
- # $is_diff = 1;
- #}
- return $is_diff;
- # TODO compare frame by frame PSNR/SSIM, record improved or unimproved ranges
- #parse_log_frame_stats($log1);
- #parse_log_frame_stats($log2);
- # TODO compare actual run times
- }
- sub compare_raw264
- {
- my ($raw1, $raw2) = @_;
- # FIXME this may use a lot of memory
- my $rawdata1 = read_file($raw1);
- my $rawdata2 = read_file($raw2);
- # remove first NAL, it is a version-specific SEI NAL
- my $pat = chr(0).chr(0).chr(1);
- $rawdata1 =~ s!^.*?$pat.*?$pat!$pat!;
- $rawdata2 =~ s!^.*?$pat.*?$pat!$pat!;
- if ($rawdata1 ne $rawdata2)
- {
- print("compressed files differ n");
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- sub parse_log_frame_stats
- {
- my ($log) = @_;
- my $logtext = read_file($log);
- my @frames = ();
- while ($logtext =~ m!x264 [debug]: (frame=.*)!g)
- {
- my $line = $1;
- if ($line !~ m!frame=s*(d+)s* QP=s*(d+)s* NAL=(d+)s* Slice:(w)s* Poc:(d+)s* I:(d+)s* P:(d+)s* SKIP:(d+)s* size=(d+) bytes PSNR Y:(d+.d+) U:(d+.d+) V:(d+.d+)!)
- {
- print "error: unparseable log line: $line n"; next;
- }
- my $frame =
- +{
- num=>$1,
- qp=>$2,
- nal=>$3,
- slice=>$4,
- poc=>$5,
- count_i=>$6,
- count_p=>$7,
- count_skip=>$8,
- size=>$9,
- psnr_y=>$10,
- psnr_u=>$11,
- psnr_v=>$12,
- };
- if ($line =~ m!SSIM Y:(d+.d+)!)
- {
- $frame->{ssim} = $1;
- }
- push(@frames, $frame);
- }
- return @frames;
- }
- sub parse_log_overall_stats
- {
- my ($log) = @_;
- my $logtext = read_file($log);
- if ($logtext !~ m!x264 [info]: PSNR Mean Y:(d+.d+) U:(d+.d+) V:(d+.d+) Avg:(d+.d+) Global:(d+.d+) kb/s:(d+.d+)!)
- {
- print "error: unparseable log summary info n"; return +{};
- }
- my $stats =
- +{
- psnr_y=>$1,
- psnr_u=>$2,
- psnr_v=>$3,
- psnr_avg=>$4,
- psnr_global=>$5,
- bitrate=>$6,
- };
- if ($logtext !~ m!encoded (d+) frames, (d+.d+) fps!)
- {
- print "error: unparseable log summary info n"; return +{};
- }
- $stats->{num_frames} = $1;
- $stats->{fps} = $2;
- return $stats;
- }
- sub read_file
- {
- my ($file) = @_;
- open(F, $file) || die "could not open $file: $!";
- undef $/;
- my $data = <F>;
- $/ = "n";
- close(F);
- return $data;
- }
- sub write_file
- {
- my ($file, $data) = @_;
- open(F, ">".$file) || die "could not open $file: $!";
- print F $data;
- close(F);
- }