资源名称:X264CODEC.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- ;*****************************************************************************
- ;* checkasm-a.asm
- ;*****************************************************************************
- ;* Copyright (C) 2008 Loren Merritt <>
- ;*
- ;* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- ;* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- ;* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- ;* (at your option) any later version.
- ;*
- ;* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- ;* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- ;* GNU General Public License for more details.
- ;*
- ;* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- ;* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- ;* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111, USA.
- ;*****************************************************************************
- %include "x86inc.asm"
- error_message: db "failed to preserve register", 0
- %ifdef WIN64
- ; just random numbers to reduce the chance of incidental match
- ALIGN 16
- n4: dq 0xa77809bf11b239d1
- n5: dq 0x2ba9bf3d2f05b389
- x6: ddq 0x79445c159ce790641a1b2550a612b48c
- x7: ddq 0x86b2536fcd8cf6362eed899d5a28ddcd
- x8: ddq 0x3f2bf84fc0fcca4eb0856806085e7943
- x9: ddq 0xd229e1f5b281303facbd382dcf5b8de2
- x10: ddq 0xab63e2e11fa38ed971aeaff20b095fd9
- x11: ddq 0x77d410d5c42c882d89b0c0765892729a
- x12: ddq 0x24b3c1d2a024048bc45ea11a955d8dd5
- x13: ddq 0xdd7b8919edd427862e8ec680de14b47c
- x14: ddq 0x11e53e2b2ac655ef135ce6888fa02cbf
- x15: ddq 0x6de8f4c914c334d5011ff554472a7a10
- %endif
- SECTION .text
- cextern puts
- ; max number of args used by any x264 asm function.
- ; (max_args % 4) must equal 3 for stack alignment
- %define max_args 11
- %ifdef WIN64
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; intptr_t x264_checkasm_call( intptr_t (*func)(), int *ok, ... )
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- cglobal x264_checkasm_call, 4,7,16
- sub rsp, max_args*8
- %assign stack_offset stack_offset+max_args*8
- mov r6, r0
- mov [rsp+stack_offset+16], r1
- mov r0, r2
- mov r1, r3
- mov r2d, r4m ; FIXME truncates pointer
- mov r3d, r5m ; FIXME truncates pointer
- %assign i 4
- %rep max_args-4
- mov r4, [rsp+stack_offset+8+(i+2)*8]
- mov [rsp+i*8], r4
- %assign i i+1
- %endrep
- %assign i 6
- %rep 16-6
- movdqa xmm %+ i, [x %+ i GLOBAL]
- %assign i i+1
- %endrep
- mov r4, [n4 GLOBAL]
- mov r5, [n5 GLOBAL]
- call r6
- xor r4, [n4 GLOBAL]
- xor r5, [n5 GLOBAL]
- or r4, r5
- pxor xmm5, xmm5
- %assign i 6
- %rep 16-6
- pxor xmm %+ i, [x %+ i GLOBAL]
- por xmm5, xmm %+ i
- %assign i i+1
- %endrep
- packsswb xmm5, xmm5
- movq r5, xmm5
- or r4, r5
- jz .ok
- mov r4, rax
- lea r0, [error_message GLOBAL]
- call puts
- mov r1, [rsp+stack_offset+16]
- mov dword [r1], 0
- mov rax, r4
- .ok:
- add rsp, max_args*8
- %assign stack_offset stack_offset-max_args*8
- %elifndef ARCH_X86_64
- ; just random numbers to reduce the chance of incidental match
- %define n3 dword 0x6549315c
- %define n4 dword 0xe02f3e23
- %define n5 dword 0xb78d0d1d
- %define n6 dword 0x33627ba7
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; intptr_t x264_checkasm_call( intptr_t (*func)(), int *ok, ... )
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- cglobal x264_checkasm_call, 1,7
- mov r3, n3
- mov r4, n4
- mov r5, n5
- mov r6, n6
- %rep max_args
- push dword [esp+24+max_args*4]
- %endrep
- call r0
- add esp, max_args*4
- xor r3, n3
- xor r4, n4
- xor r5, n5
- xor r6, n6
- or r3, r4
- or r5, r6
- or r3, r5
- jz .ok
- mov r3, eax
- lea r1, [error_message GLOBAL]
- push r1
- call puts
- add esp, 4
- mov r1, r1m
- mov dword [r1], 0
- mov eax, r3
- .ok:
- %endif ; ARCH_X86_64
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; int x264_stack_pagealign( int (*func)(), int align )
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- cglobal x264_stack_pagealign, 2,2
- push rbp
- mov rbp, rsp
- and rsp, ~0xfff
- sub rsp, r1
- call r0
- leave