资源名称:X264CODEC.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*****************************************************************************
- * matroska.c:
- *****************************************************************************
- * Copyright (C) 2005 Mike Matsnev
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111, USA.
- *****************************************************************************/
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include "common/osdep.h"
- #include "matroska.h"
- #define CLSIZE 1048576
- #define CHECK(x)
- do
- {
- if( (x) < 0 ) return -1;
- }
- while( 0 )
- struct mk_context
- {
- struct mk_context *next, **prev, *parent;
- struct mk_writer *owner;
- unsigned id;
- void *data;
- unsigned d_cur, d_max;
- };
- typedef struct mk_context mk_context;
- struct mk_writer
- {
- FILE *fp;
- unsigned duration_ptr;
- mk_context *root, *cluster, *frame;
- mk_context *freelist;
- mk_context *actlist;
- int64_t def_duration;
- int64_t timescale;
- int64_t cluster_tc_scaled;
- int64_t frame_tc, prev_frame_tc_scaled, max_frame_tc;
- char wrote_header, in_frame, keyframe;
- };
- static mk_context *mk_create_context( mk_writer *w, mk_context *parent, unsigned id )
- {
- mk_context *c;
- if( w->freelist )
- {
- c = w->freelist;
- w->freelist = w->freelist->next;
- }
- else
- {
- c = malloc( sizeof(*c) );
- if( !c )
- return NULL;
- memset( c, 0, sizeof(*c) );
- }
- c->parent = parent;
- c->owner = w;
- c->id = id;
- if( c->owner->actlist )
- c->owner->actlist->prev = &c->next;
- c->next = c->owner->actlist;
- c->prev = &c->owner->actlist;
- c->owner->actlist = c;
- return c;
- }
- static int mk_append_context_data( mk_context *c, const void *data, unsigned size )
- {
- unsigned ns = c->d_cur + size;
- if( ns > c->d_max )
- {
- void *dp;
- unsigned dn = c->d_max ? c->d_max << 1 : 16;
- while( ns > dn )
- dn <<= 1;
- dp = realloc( c->data, dn );
- if( !dp )
- return -1;
- c->data = dp;
- c->d_max = dn;
- }
- memcpy( (char*)c->data + c->d_cur, data, size );
- c->d_cur = ns;
- return 0;
- }
- static int mk_write_id( mk_context *c, unsigned id )
- {
- unsigned char c_id[4] = { id >> 24, id >> 16, id >> 8, id };
- if( c_id[0] )
- return mk_append_context_data( c, c_id, 4 );
- if( c_id[1] )
- return mk_append_context_data( c, c_id+1, 3 );
- if( c_id[2] )
- return mk_append_context_data( c, c_id+2, 2 );
- return mk_append_context_data( c, c_id+3, 1 );
- }
- static int mk_write_size( mk_context *c, unsigned size )
- {
- unsigned char c_size[5] = { 0x08, size >> 24, size >> 16, size >> 8, size };
- if( size < 0x7f )
- {
- c_size[4] |= 0x80;
- return mk_append_context_data( c, c_size+4, 1 );
- }
- if( size < 0x3fff )
- {
- c_size[3] |= 0x40;
- return mk_append_context_data( c, c_size+3, 2 );
- }
- if( size < 0x1fffff )
- {
- c_size[2] |= 0x20;
- return mk_append_context_data( c, c_size+2, 3 );
- }
- if( size < 0x0fffffff )
- {
- c_size[1] |= 0x10;
- return mk_append_context_data( c, c_size+1, 4 );
- }
- return mk_append_context_data( c, c_size, 5 );
- }
- static int mk_flush_context_id( mk_context *c )
- {
- unsigned char ff = 0xff;
- if( !c->id )
- return 0;
- CHECK( mk_write_id( c->parent, c->id ) );
- CHECK( mk_append_context_data( c->parent, &ff, 1 ) );
- c->id = 0;
- return 0;
- }
- static int mk_flush_context_data(mk_context *c)
- {
- if( !c->d_cur )
- return 0;
- if( c->parent )
- CHECK( mk_append_context_data( c->parent, c->data, c->d_cur ) );
- else if( fwrite( c->data, c->d_cur, 1, c->owner->fp ) != 1 )
- return -1;
- c->d_cur = 0;
- return 0;
- }
- static int mk_close_context(mk_context *c, unsigned *off)
- {
- if( c->id )
- {
- CHECK( mk_write_id( c->parent, c->id ) );
- CHECK( mk_write_size( c->parent, c->d_cur ) );
- }
- if( c->parent && off )
- *off += c->parent->d_cur;
- CHECK( mk_flush_context_data( c ) );
- if( c->next )
- c->next->prev = c->prev;
- *(c->prev) = c->next;
- c->next = c->owner->freelist;
- c->owner->freelist = c;
- return 0;
- }
- static void mk_destroy_contexts( mk_writer *w )
- {
- mk_context *cur, *next;
- for( cur = w->freelist; cur; cur = next )
- {
- next = cur->next;
- free( cur->data );
- free( cur );
- }
- for( cur = w->actlist; cur; cur = next )
- {
- next = cur->next;
- free( cur->data );
- free( cur );
- }
- w->freelist = w->actlist = w->root = NULL;
- }
- static int mk_write_string( mk_context *c, unsigned id, const char *str )
- {
- size_t len = strlen( str );
- CHECK( mk_write_id( c, id ) );
- CHECK( mk_write_size( c, len ) );
- CHECK( mk_append_context_data( c, str, len ) );
- return 0;
- }
- static int mk_write_bin( mk_context *c, unsigned id, const void *data, unsigned size )
- {
- CHECK( mk_write_id( c, id ) );
- CHECK( mk_write_size( c, size ) );
- CHECK( mk_append_context_data( c, data, size ) ) ;
- return 0;
- }
- static int mk_write_uint( mk_context *c, unsigned id, int64_t ui )
- {
- unsigned char c_ui[8] = { ui >> 56, ui >> 48, ui >> 40, ui >> 32, ui >> 24, ui >> 16, ui >> 8, ui };
- unsigned i = 0;
- CHECK( mk_write_id( c, id ) );
- while( i < 7 && !c_ui[i] )
- ++i;
- CHECK( mk_write_size( c, 8 - i ) );
- CHECK( mk_append_context_data( c, c_ui+i, 8 - i ) );
- return 0;
- }
- static int mk_write_sint( mk_context *c, unsigned id, int64_t si )
- {
- unsigned char c_si[8] = { si >> 56, si >> 48, si >> 40, si >> 32, si >> 24, si >> 16, si >> 8, si };
- unsigned i = 0;
- CHECK( mk_write_id( c, id ) );
- if( si < 0 )
- while( i < 7 && c_si[i] == 0xff && c_si[i+1] & 0x80 )
- ++i;
- else
- while( i < 7 && c_si[i] == 0 && !(c_si[i+1] & 0x80 ) )
- ++i;
- CHECK( mk_write_size( c, 8 - i ) );
- CHECK( mk_append_context_data( c, c_si+i, 8 - i ) );
- return 0;
- }
- static int mk_write_float_raw( mk_context *c, float f )
- {
- union
- {
- float f;
- unsigned u;
- } u;
- unsigned char c_f[4];
- u.f = f;
- c_f[0] = u.u >> 24;
- c_f[1] = u.u >> 16;
- c_f[2] = u.u >> 8;
- c_f[3] = u.u;
- return mk_append_context_data( c, c_f, 4 );
- }
- static int mk_write_float( mk_context *c, unsigned id, float f )
- {
- CHECK( mk_write_id( c, id ) );
- CHECK( mk_write_size( c, 4 ) );
- CHECK( mk_write_float_raw( c, f ) );
- return 0;
- }
- static unsigned mk_ebml_size_size( unsigned s )
- {
- if( s < 0x7f )
- return 1;
- if( s < 0x3fff )
- return 2;
- if( s < 0x1fffff )
- return 3;
- if( s < 0x0fffffff )
- return 4;
- return 5;
- }
- static unsigned mk_ebml_sint_size( int64_t si )
- {
- unsigned char c_si[8] = { si >> 56, si >> 48, si >> 40, si >> 32, si >> 24, si >> 16, si >> 8, si };
- unsigned i = 0;
- if( si < 0 )
- while( i < 7 && c_si[i] == 0xff && c_si[i+1] & 0x80 )
- ++i;
- else
- while( i < 7 && c_si[i] == 0 && !(c_si[i+1] & 0x80) )
- ++i;
- return 8 - i;
- }
- mk_writer *mk_create_writer( const char *filename )
- {
- mk_writer *w = malloc( sizeof(*w) );
- if( !w )
- return NULL;
- memset( w, 0, sizeof(*w) );
- w->root = mk_create_context( w, NULL, 0 );
- if( !w->root )
- {
- free( w );
- return NULL;
- }
- w->fp = fopen( filename, "wb" );
- if( !w->fp )
- {
- mk_destroy_contexts( w );
- free( w );
- return NULL;
- }
- w->timescale = 1000000;
- return w;
- }
- int mk_writeHeader( mk_writer *w, const char *writing_app,
- const char *codec_id,
- const void *codec_private, unsigned codec_private_size,
- int64_t default_frame_duration,
- int64_t timescale,
- unsigned width, unsigned height,
- unsigned d_width, unsigned d_height )
- {
- mk_context *c, *ti, *v;
- if( w->wrote_header )
- return -1;
- w->timescale = timescale;
- w->def_duration = default_frame_duration;
- if( !(c = mk_create_context(w, w->root, 0x1a45dfa3)) ) // EBML
- return -1;
- CHECK( mk_write_uint( c, 0x4286, 1 ) ); // EBMLVersion
- CHECK( mk_write_uint( c, 0x42f7, 1 ) ); // EBMLReadVersion
- CHECK( mk_write_uint( c, 0x42f2, 4 ) ); // EBMLMaxIDLength
- CHECK( mk_write_uint( c, 0x42f3, 8 ) ); // EBMLMaxSizeLength
- CHECK( mk_write_string( c, 0x4282, "matroska") ); // DocType
- CHECK( mk_write_uint( c, 0x4287, 1 ) ); // DocTypeVersion
- CHECK( mk_write_uint( c, 0x4285, 1 ) ); // DocTypeReadversion
- CHECK( mk_close_context( c, 0 ) );
- if( !(c = mk_create_context( w, w->root, 0x18538067 )) ) // Segment
- return -1;
- CHECK( mk_flush_context_id( c ) );
- CHECK( mk_close_context( c, 0 ) );
- if( !(c = mk_create_context(w, w->root, 0x1549a966)) ) // SegmentInfo
- return -1;
- CHECK( mk_write_string( c, 0x4d80, "Haali Matroska Writer b0" ) );
- CHECK( mk_write_string( c, 0x5741, writing_app ) );
- CHECK( mk_write_uint( c, 0x2ad7b1, w->timescale ) );
- CHECK( mk_write_float( c, 0x4489, 0) );
- w->duration_ptr = c->d_cur - 4;
- CHECK( mk_close_context( c, &w->duration_ptr ) );
- if( !(c = mk_create_context( w, w->root, 0x1654ae6b )) ) // tracks
- return -1;
- if( !(ti = mk_create_context( w, c, 0xae )) ) // TrackEntry
- return -1;
- CHECK( mk_write_uint( ti, 0xd7, 1 ) ); // TrackNumber
- CHECK( mk_write_uint( ti, 0x73c5, 1 ) ); // TrackUID
- CHECK( mk_write_uint( ti, 0x83, 1 ) ); // TrackType
- CHECK( mk_write_uint( ti, 0x9c, 0 ) ); // FlagLacing
- CHECK( mk_write_string( ti, 0x86, codec_id ) ); // codec_id
- if( codec_private_size )
- CHECK( mk_write_bin( ti, 0x63a2, codec_private, codec_private_size ) ); // codec_private
- if( default_frame_duration )
- CHECK( mk_write_uint( ti, 0x23e383, default_frame_duration ) ); // DefaultDuration
- if( !(v = mk_create_context( w, ti, 0xe0 ) ) ) // Video
- return -1;
- CHECK( mk_write_uint( v, 0xb0, width ) );
- CHECK( mk_write_uint( v, 0xba, height ) );
- CHECK( mk_write_uint( v, 0x54b0, d_width ) );
- CHECK( mk_write_uint( v, 0x54ba, d_height ) );
- CHECK( mk_close_context( v, 0 ) );
- CHECK( mk_close_context( ti, 0 ) );
- CHECK( mk_close_context( c, 0 ) );
- CHECK( mk_flush_context_data( w->root ) );
- w->wrote_header = 1;
- return 0;
- }
- static int mk_close_cluster( mk_writer *w )
- {
- if( w->cluster == NULL )
- return 0;
- CHECK( mk_close_context( w->cluster, 0 ) );
- w->cluster = NULL;
- CHECK( mk_flush_context_data( w->root ) );
- return 0;
- }
- static int mk_flush_frame( mk_writer *w )
- {
- int64_t delta, ref = 0;
- unsigned fsize, bgsize;
- unsigned char c_delta_flags[3];
- if( !w->in_frame )
- return 0;
- delta = w->frame_tc/w->timescale - w->cluster_tc_scaled;
- if( delta > 32767ll || delta < -32768ll )
- CHECK( mk_close_cluster( w ) );
- if( !w->cluster )
- {
- w->cluster_tc_scaled = w->frame_tc / w->timescale;
- w->cluster = mk_create_context( w, w->root, 0x1f43b675 ); // Cluster
- if( !w->cluster )
- return -1;
- CHECK( mk_write_uint( w->cluster, 0xe7, w->cluster_tc_scaled ) ); // Timecode
- delta = 0;
- }
- fsize = w->frame ? w->frame->d_cur : 0;
- bgsize = fsize + 4 + mk_ebml_size_size( fsize + 4 ) + 1;
- if( !w->keyframe )
- {
- ref = w->prev_frame_tc_scaled - w->cluster_tc_scaled - delta;
- bgsize += 1 + 1 + mk_ebml_sint_size( ref );
- }
- CHECK( mk_write_id( w->cluster, 0xa0 ) ); // BlockGroup
- CHECK( mk_write_size( w->cluster, bgsize ) );
- CHECK( mk_write_id( w->cluster, 0xa1 ) ); // Block
- CHECK( mk_write_size( w->cluster, fsize + 4 ) );
- CHECK( mk_write_size( w->cluster, 1 ) ); // track number
- c_delta_flags[0] = delta >> 8;
- c_delta_flags[1] = delta;
- c_delta_flags[2] = 0;
- CHECK( mk_append_context_data( w->cluster, c_delta_flags, 3 ) );
- if( w->frame )
- {
- CHECK( mk_append_context_data(w->cluster, w->frame->data, w->frame->d_cur));
- w->frame->d_cur = 0;
- }
- if( !w->keyframe )
- CHECK( mk_write_sint(w->cluster, 0xfb, ref ) ); // ReferenceBlock
- w->in_frame = 0;
- w->prev_frame_tc_scaled = w->cluster_tc_scaled + delta;
- if( w->cluster->d_cur > CLSIZE )
- CHECK( mk_close_cluster( w ) );
- return 0;
- }
- int mk_start_frame( mk_writer *w )
- {
- if( mk_flush_frame( w ) < 0 )
- return -1;
- w->in_frame = 1;
- w->keyframe = 0;
- return 0;
- }
- int mk_set_frame_flags( mk_writer *w,int64_t timestamp, int keyframe )
- {
- if( !w->in_frame )
- return -1;
- w->frame_tc = timestamp;
- w->keyframe = keyframe != 0;
- if( w->max_frame_tc < timestamp )
- w->max_frame_tc = timestamp;
- return 0;
- }
- int mk_add_frame_data( mk_writer *w, const void *data, unsigned size )
- {
- if( !w->in_frame )
- return -1;
- if( !w->frame )
- if( !(w->frame = mk_create_context( w, NULL, 0 )) )
- return -1;
- return mk_append_context_data( w->frame, data, size );
- }
- int mk_close( mk_writer *w )
- {
- int ret = 0;
- if( mk_flush_frame( w ) < 0 || mk_close_cluster( w ) < 0 )
- ret = -1;
- if( w->wrote_header )
- {
- fseek( w->fp, w->duration_ptr, SEEK_SET );
- if( mk_write_float_raw( w->root, (float)((double)(w->max_frame_tc+w->def_duration) / w->timescale) ) < 0 ||
- mk_flush_context_data(w->root) < 0 )
- ret = -1;
- }
- mk_destroy_contexts( w );
- fclose( w->fp );
- free( w );
- return ret;
- }