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Visual C++
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // <copyright file="XmlDiffNodes.cs" company="Microsoft">
- // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
- // </copyright>
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- using System;
- using System.IO;
- using System.Xml;
- using System.Text;
- using System.Diagnostics;
- namespace Microsoft.XmlDiffPatch {
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // XmlDiffNode
- //
- internal abstract class XmlDiffNode
- {
- // Fields
- // tree pointers
- internal XmlDiffParentNode _parent;
- internal XmlDiffNode _nextSibling;
- // original position among the other children
- internal int _position;
- // 'matching identical subtrees' algorithm fields:
- internal ulong _hashValue = 0;
- internal bool _bExpanded;
- // 'tree-to-tree comparison' algorithm fields:
- internal int _leftmostLeafIndex;
- internal bool _bKeyRoot;
- internal bool _bSomeDescendantMatches = false;
- #if DEBUG
- internal int _index = 0;
- #endif
- // internal bool _nodeOrDescendantMatches = false;
- // Constructors
- internal XmlDiffNode( int position )
- {
- _parent = null;
- _nextSibling = null;
- _position = position;
- _bExpanded = false;
- }
- // Properties
- internal abstract XmlDiffNodeType NodeType { get; }
- internal int Position { get { return _position; } }
- internal bool IsKeyRoot { get { return _bKeyRoot; } }
- internal int Left { get { return _leftmostLeafIndex; } set { _leftmostLeafIndex = value; } }
- internal virtual XmlDiffNode FirstChildNode { get { return null; } }
- internal virtual bool HasChildNodes { get { return false; } }
- internal virtual int NodesCount { get { return 1; } set { Debug.Assert( value == 1 ); } }
- internal ulong HashValue { get { return _hashValue; } }
- internal virtual string OuterXml
- {
- get {
- StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
- XmlTextWriter xw = new XmlTextWriter( sw );
- WriteTo( xw );
- xw.Close();
- return sw.ToString();
- }
- }
- internal virtual string InnerXml
- {
- get {
- StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
- XmlTextWriter xw = new XmlTextWriter( sw );
- WriteContentTo( xw );
- xw.Close();
- return sw.ToString();
- }
- }
- internal virtual bool CanMerge {
- get {
- return true;
- }
- }
- // Methods
- // computes hash value of the node and stores it in the _hashValue variable
- internal abstract void ComputeHashValue( XmlHash xmlHash );
- // compares the node to another one and returns the xmldiff operation for changing this node to the other one
- internal abstract XmlDiffOperation GetDiffOperation( XmlDiffNode changedNode, XmlDiff xmlDiff );
- // compares the node to another one and returns true, if the nodes are identical;
- // on elements this method ignores namespace declarations
- internal virtual bool IsSameAs( XmlDiffNode node, XmlDiff xmlDiff )
- {
- return GetDiffOperation( node, xmlDiff ) == XmlDiffOperation.Match;
- }
- // Abstract methods for outputing
- internal abstract void WriteTo( XmlWriter w );
- internal abstract void WriteContentTo( XmlWriter w );
- // Addressing
- internal virtual string GetRelativeAddress()
- {
- return Position.ToString();
- }
- internal string GetAbsoluteAddress()
- {
- string address = GetRelativeAddress();
- XmlDiffNode ancestor = _parent;
- while ( ancestor.NodeType != XmlDiffNodeType.Document )
- {
- address = ancestor.GetRelativeAddress() + "/" + address;
- ancestor = ancestor._parent;
- }
- return "/" + address;
- }
- static internal string GetRelativeAddressOfInterval( XmlDiffNode firstNode, XmlDiffNode lastNode )
- {
- Debug.Assert( firstNode._parent == lastNode._parent );
- if ( firstNode == lastNode )
- return firstNode.GetRelativeAddress();
- else
- {
- if ( firstNode._parent._firstChildNode == firstNode &&
- lastNode._nextSibling == null )
- return "*";
- else
- return firstNode.Position.ToString() + "-" + lastNode.Position.ToString();
- }
- }
- #if DEBUG
- internal abstract void Dump( string indent );
- #endif
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // XmlDiffParentNode
- //
- internal abstract class XmlDiffParentNode : XmlDiffNode
- {
- // Fields
- // first node in the list of attributes AND children
- internal XmlDiffNode _firstChildNode;
- // number of nodes in the subtree rooted at this node
- private int _nodesCount;
- // number of child nodes - calculated on demand
- private int _childNodesCount = -1;
- // flag if the node contains only element children (this is used by addressing)
- internal bool _elementChildrenOnly;
- internal bool _bDefinesNamespaces;
- internal override bool HasChildNodes { get { return (_firstChildNode != null); } }
- internal override int NodesCount
- {
- get
- {
- return _nodesCount;
- }
- set
- {
- Debug.Assert( value > 0 );
- _nodesCount = value;
- }
- }
- internal int ChildNodesCount {
- get {
- if ( _childNodesCount == -1 ) {
- int count = 0;
- for ( XmlDiffNode child = _firstChildNode; child != null; child = child._nextSibling )
- count++;
- _childNodesCount = count;
- }
- return _childNodesCount;
- }
- }
- // Constructor
- internal XmlDiffParentNode( int position ) : base ( position )
- {
- _firstChildNode = null;
- _nodesCount = 1;
- _elementChildrenOnly = true;
- _bDefinesNamespaces = false;
- _hashValue = 0;
- }
- // Properties
- internal override XmlDiffNode FirstChildNode { get { return _firstChildNode; } }
- // Methods
- internal virtual void InsertChildNodeAfter( XmlDiffNode childNode, XmlDiffNode newChildNode )
- {
- Debug.Assert( newChildNode != null );
- Debug.Assert( ! ( newChildNode is XmlDiffAttributeOrNamespace ) );
- Debug.Assert( childNode == null || childNode._parent == this );
- #if DEBUG
- if ( newChildNode.NodeType == XmlDiffNodeType.Attribute )
- Debug.Assert( childNode == null ||
- childNode.NodeType == XmlDiffNodeType.Attribute ||
- childNode.NodeType == XmlDiffNodeType.Namespace );
- #endif
- newChildNode._parent = this;
- if ( childNode == null )
- {
- newChildNode._nextSibling = _firstChildNode;
- _firstChildNode = newChildNode;
- }
- else
- {
- newChildNode._nextSibling = childNode._nextSibling;
- childNode._nextSibling = newChildNode;
- }
- Debug.Assert( newChildNode.NodesCount > 0 );
- _nodesCount += newChildNode.NodesCount;
- if ( newChildNode.NodeType != XmlDiffNodeType.Element &&
- !(newChildNode is XmlDiffAttributeOrNamespace ) )
- _elementChildrenOnly = false;
- }
- #if DEBUG
- protected void DumpChildren( string indent )
- {
- XmlDiffNode curChild = _firstChildNode;
- while ( curChild != null )
- {
- curChild.Dump( indent );
- curChild = curChild._nextSibling;
- }
- }
- #endif
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // XmlDiffElement
- //
- internal class XmlDiffElement : XmlDiffParentNode
- {
- // Fields
- string _localName;
- string _prefix;
- string _ns;
- // attribute & namespace nodes
- internal XmlDiffAttributeOrNamespace _attributes = null;
- internal ulong _allAttributesHash = 0; // xor combination of hash values of all attributes and namespace nodes
- internal ulong _attributesHashAH = 0; // xol combination of hash values of attributes and namespace nodes beginning with 'a'-'h'
- internal ulong _attributesHashIQ = 0; // xol combination of hash values of attributes and namespace nodes beginning with 'i'-'q'
- internal ulong _attributesHashRZ = 0; // xol combination of hash values of attributes and namespace nodes beginning with 'r'-'z'
- // Constructors
- internal XmlDiffElement( int position, string localName, string prefix, string ns ) : base( position )
- {
- Debug.Assert( localName != null );
- Debug.Assert( prefix != null );
- Debug.Assert( ns != null );
- _localName = localName;
- _prefix = prefix;
- _ns = ns;
- }
- // Properties
- internal override XmlDiffNodeType NodeType { get { return XmlDiffNodeType.Element; } }
- internal string LocalName { get { return _localName; } }
- internal string NamespaceURI { get { return _ns; } }
- internal string Prefix { get { return _prefix; } }
- internal string Name
- {
- get
- {
- if ( _prefix.Length > 0 )
- return _prefix + ":" + _localName;
- else
- return _localName;
- }
- }
- // Methods
- // computes hash value of the node and stores it in the _hashValue variable
- internal override void ComputeHashValue( XmlHash xmlHash )
- {
- Debug.Assert( _hashValue == 0 );
- _hashValue = xmlHash.ComputeHashXmlDiffElement( this );
- }
- // compares the node to another one and returns the xmldiff operation for changing this node to the other
- internal override XmlDiffOperation GetDiffOperation( XmlDiffNode changedNode, XmlDiff xmlDiff )
- {
- Debug.Assert( changedNode != null );
- if ( changedNode.NodeType != XmlDiffNodeType.Element )
- return XmlDiffOperation.Undefined;
- XmlDiffElement changedElement = (XmlDiffElement)changedNode;
- // name
- bool bNameMatches = false;
- if ( LocalName == changedElement.LocalName )
- {
- if ( xmlDiff.IgnoreNamespaces )
- bNameMatches = true;
- else
- {
- if ( NamespaceURI == changedElement.NamespaceURI &&
- ( xmlDiff.IgnorePrefixes || Prefix == changedElement.Prefix ) )
- {
- bNameMatches = true;
- }
- }
- }
- // attributes
- if ( changedElement._allAttributesHash == _allAttributesHash )
- return bNameMatches ? XmlDiffOperation.Match : XmlDiffOperation.ChangeElementName;
- int n = ( changedElement._attributesHashAH == _attributesHashAH ? 0 : 1 ) +
- ( changedElement._attributesHashIQ == _attributesHashIQ ? 0 : 1 ) +
- ( changedElement._attributesHashRZ == _attributesHashRZ ? 0 : 1 );
- Debug.Assert( (int)XmlDiffOperation.ChangeElementName + 1 == (int)XmlDiffOperation.ChangeElementAttr1 );
- Debug.Assert( (int)XmlDiffOperation.ChangeElementAttr1 + 1 == (int)XmlDiffOperation.ChangeElementAttr2 );
- Debug.Assert( (int)XmlDiffOperation.ChangeElementAttr2 + 1 == (int)XmlDiffOperation.ChangeElementAttr3 );
- Debug.Assert( (int)XmlDiffOperation.ChangeElementAttr3 + 1 == (int)XmlDiffOperation.ChangeElementNameAndAttr1 );
- Debug.Assert( (int)XmlDiffOperation.ChangeElementNameAndAttr1 + 1 == (int)XmlDiffOperation.ChangeElementNameAndAttr2 );
- Debug.Assert( (int)XmlDiffOperation.ChangeElementNameAndAttr2 + 1 == (int)XmlDiffOperation.ChangeElementNameAndAttr3 );
- Debug.Assert( n != 0 );
- if ( bNameMatches )
- return (XmlDiffOperation)( ((int)XmlDiffOperation.ChangeElementName) + n );
- else
- return (XmlDiffOperation)( ((int)XmlDiffOperation.ChangeElementAttr3) + n );
- }
- // compares the node to another one and returns true, if the nodes are identical;
- // on elements this method ignores namespace declarations
- internal override bool IsSameAs( XmlDiffNode node, XmlDiff xmlDiff )
- {
- // check node type
- Debug.Assert( node != null );
- if ( node.NodeType != XmlDiffNodeType.Element )
- return false;
- XmlDiffElement element = (XmlDiffElement)node;
- // check element name
- if ( LocalName != element.LocalName )
- return false;
- else if ( !xmlDiff.IgnoreNamespaces )
- if ( NamespaceURI != element.NamespaceURI )
- return false;
- else if ( !xmlDiff.IgnorePrefixes )
- if ( Prefix != element.Prefix )
- return false;
- // ignore namespace definitions - should be first in the list of attributes
- XmlDiffAttributeOrNamespace attr1 = _attributes;
- while ( attr1 != null && attr1.NodeType == XmlDiffNodeType.Namespace )
- attr1 = (XmlDiffAttributeOrNamespace) attr1._nextSibling;
- XmlDiffAttributeOrNamespace attr2 = _attributes;
- while ( attr2 != null && attr2.NodeType == XmlDiffNodeType.Namespace )
- attr2 = (XmlDiffAttributeOrNamespace) attr2._nextSibling;
- // check attributes
- while ( attr1 != null && attr2 != null )
- {
- if ( !attr1.IsSameAs( attr2, xmlDiff ) )
- return false;
- attr1 = (XmlDiffAttributeOrNamespace) attr1._nextSibling;
- attr2 = (XmlDiffAttributeOrNamespace) attr2._nextSibling;
- }
- return attr1 == null && attr2 == null;
- }
- internal void InsertAttributeOrNamespace( XmlDiffAttributeOrNamespace newAttrOrNs )
- {
- Debug.Assert( newAttrOrNs != null );
- newAttrOrNs._parent = this;
- XmlDiffAttributeOrNamespace curAttr = _attributes;
- XmlDiffAttributeOrNamespace prevAttr = null;
- while ( curAttr != null &&
- XmlDiffDocument.OrderAttributesOrNamespaces( curAttr, newAttrOrNs ) <= 0 )
- {
- prevAttr = curAttr;
- curAttr = (XmlDiffAttributeOrNamespace)curAttr._nextSibling;
- }
- if ( prevAttr == null )
- {
- newAttrOrNs._nextSibling = _attributes;
- _attributes = newAttrOrNs;
- }
- else
- {
- newAttrOrNs._nextSibling = prevAttr._nextSibling;
- prevAttr._nextSibling = newAttrOrNs;
- }
- // hash
- Debug.Assert( newAttrOrNs.HashValue != 0 );
- _allAttributesHash += newAttrOrNs.HashValue;
- char firstLetter;
- if ( newAttrOrNs.NodeType == XmlDiffNodeType.Attribute )
- firstLetter = ((XmlDiffAttribute)newAttrOrNs).LocalName[0];
- else
- {
- XmlDiffNamespace nsNode = (XmlDiffNamespace)newAttrOrNs;
- firstLetter = ( nsNode.Prefix == string.Empty ) ? 'A' : nsNode.Prefix[0];
- }
- firstLetter = char.ToUpper( firstLetter );
- if ( firstLetter >= 'R' ) {
- _attributesHashRZ += newAttrOrNs.HashValue;
- }
- else if ( firstLetter >= 'I' ) {
- _attributesHashIQ += newAttrOrNs.HashValue;
- }
- else {
- _attributesHashAH += newAttrOrNs.HashValue;
- }
- if ( newAttrOrNs.NodeType == XmlDiffNodeType.Namespace )
- _bDefinesNamespaces = true;
- }
- // Overriden abstract methods for outputting
- internal override void WriteTo( XmlWriter w )
- {
- w.WriteStartElement( Prefix, LocalName, NamespaceURI );
- XmlDiffAttributeOrNamespace attr = _attributes;
- while ( attr != null )
- {
- attr.WriteTo( w );
- attr = (XmlDiffAttributeOrNamespace) attr._nextSibling;
- }
- WriteContentTo( w );
- w.WriteEndElement();
- }
- internal override void WriteContentTo( XmlWriter w )
- {
- XmlDiffNode child = _firstChildNode;
- while ( child != null )
- {
- child.WriteTo( w );
- child = child._nextSibling;
- }
- }
- #if DEBUG
- internal override void Dump( string indent )
- {
- Trace.Write( indent + "(" + _index + ") <" + Name );
- XmlDiffAttributeOrNamespace attr = _attributes;
- while ( attr != null ) {
- attr.Dump( indent );
- attr = (XmlDiffAttributeOrNamespace)attr._nextSibling;
- }
- Trace.WriteLine( "> " );
- DumpChildren( indent + " " );
- }
- #endif
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // XmlDiffAttributeOrNamespace
- //
- internal abstract class XmlDiffAttributeOrNamespace : XmlDiffNode
- {
- // Constructor
- internal XmlDiffAttributeOrNamespace( ) : base( 0 )
- {
- }
- // Properties
- internal abstract string LocalName { get; }
- internal abstract string NamespaceURI { get; }
- internal abstract string Prefix { get; }
- internal abstract string Value { get; }
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // XmlDiffAttribute
- //
- internal class XmlDiffAttribute : XmlDiffAttributeOrNamespace
- {
- // Fields
- string _localName;
- string _prefix;
- string _ns;
- string _value;
- // Constructor
- internal XmlDiffAttribute( string localName, string prefix, string ns, string value ) : base( )
- {
- Debug.Assert( localName != null );
- Debug.Assert( prefix != null );
- Debug.Assert( ns != null );
- Debug.Assert( value != null );
- _localName = localName;
- _prefix = prefix;
- _ns = ns;
- _value = value;
- }
- // Properties
- internal override XmlDiffNodeType NodeType { get { return XmlDiffNodeType.Attribute; } }
- internal override string LocalName { get { return _localName; } }
- internal override string NamespaceURI { get { return _ns; } }
- internal override string Prefix { get { return _prefix; } }
- internal string Name
- {
- get
- {
- if ( _prefix.Length > 0 )
- return _prefix + ":" + _localName;
- else
- return _localName;
- }
- }
- internal override string Value {
- get {
- return _value;
- }
- }
- internal override bool CanMerge {
- get {
- return false;
- }
- }
- // Methods
- // computes hash value of the node and stores it in the _hashValue variable
- internal override void ComputeHashValue( XmlHash xmlHash )
- {
- Debug.Assert( _hashValue == 0 );
- _hashValue = xmlHash.HashAttribute( _localName, _prefix, _ns, _value );
- }
- // compares the node to another one and returns true, if the nodes are identical;
- // on elements this method ignores namespace declarations
- internal override bool IsSameAs( XmlDiffNode node, XmlDiff xmlDiff )
- {
- Debug.Assert( node.NodeType == XmlDiffNodeType.Attribute );
- XmlDiffAttribute attr = (XmlDiffAttribute) node;
- return ( LocalName == attr.LocalName &&
- ( xmlDiff.IgnoreNamespaces || NamespaceURI == attr.NamespaceURI ) &&
- ( xmlDiff.IgnorePrefixes || Prefix == attr.Prefix ) &&
- Value == attr.Value );
- }
- // compares the node to another one and returns the xmldiff operation for changing this node to the other
- internal override XmlDiffOperation GetDiffOperation( XmlDiffNode changedNode, XmlDiff xmlDiff )
- {
- Debug.Assert( false, "This method should be never called." );
- return XmlDiffOperation.Undefined;
- }
- // Overriden abstract methods for outputting
- internal override void WriteTo( XmlWriter w )
- {
- w.WriteStartAttribute( Prefix, LocalName, NamespaceURI );
- WriteContentTo( w );
- w.WriteEndAttribute();
- }
- internal override void WriteContentTo( XmlWriter w )
- {
- w.WriteString( Value );
- }
- // Addressing
- internal override string GetRelativeAddress()
- {
- return "@" + Name;
- }
- #if DEBUG
- internal override void Dump( string indent )
- {
- Trace.Write( " " + Name + "=" + Value );
- }
- #endif
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // XmlDiffNamespace
- //
- internal class XmlDiffNamespace : XmlDiffAttributeOrNamespace
- {
- // Fields
- string _prefix;
- string _namespaceURI;
- // Constructor
- internal XmlDiffNamespace( string prefix, string namespaceURI ) : base( )
- {
- Debug.Assert( prefix != null );
- Debug.Assert( namespaceURI != null );
- _prefix = prefix;
- _namespaceURI = namespaceURI;
- }
- // Properties
- internal override XmlDiffNodeType NodeType { get { return XmlDiffNodeType.Namespace; } }
- internal override string Prefix { get { return _prefix; } }
- internal override string NamespaceURI { get { return _namespaceURI; } }
- internal override string LocalName { get { return string.Empty; } }
- internal override string Value { get { return string.Empty; } }
- internal string Name
- {
- get
- {
- if ( _prefix.Length > 0 )
- return "xmlns:" + _prefix;
- else
- return "xmlns";
- }
- }
- // Methods
- // computes hash value of the node and stores it in the _hashValue variable
- internal override void ComputeHashValue( XmlHash xmlHash )
- {
- Debug.Assert( _hashValue == 0 );
- _hashValue = xmlHash.HashNamespace( _prefix, _namespaceURI );
- }
- // compares the node to another one and returns the xmldiff operation for changing this node to the other
- internal override XmlDiffOperation GetDiffOperation( XmlDiffNode changedNode, XmlDiff xmlDiff )
- {
- Debug.Assert( false, "This method should be never called." );
- return XmlDiffOperation.Undefined;
- }
- // Overriden abstract methods for outputting
- internal override void WriteTo( XmlWriter w )
- {
- if ( Prefix == string.Empty ) {
- w.WriteAttributeString( string.Empty, "xmlns", XmlDiff.XmlnsNamespaceUri, NamespaceURI );
- }
- else {
- w.WriteAttributeString( "xmlns", Prefix, XmlDiff.XmlnsNamespaceUri, NamespaceURI );
- }
- }
- internal override void WriteContentTo( XmlWriter w )
- {
- Debug.Assert( false );
- }
- // Addressing
- internal override string GetRelativeAddress()
- {
- return "@" + Name;
- }
- #if DEBUG
- internal override void Dump( string indent )
- {
- Trace.WriteLine( indent + "xmlns:" + Prefix + "=" + NamespaceURI );
- }
- #endif
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // XmlDiffER
- //
- internal class XmlDiffER : XmlDiffNode
- {
- // Fields
- string _name;
- // Constructor
- internal XmlDiffER( int position, string name ) : base ( position )
- {
- _name = name;
- }
- // Properties
- internal override XmlDiffNodeType NodeType { get { return XmlDiffNodeType.EntityReference; } }
- internal string Name {
- get {
- return _name;
- }
- }
- internal override bool CanMerge {
- get {
- return false;
- }
- }
- // Methods
- // computes hash value of the node and stores it in the _hashValue variable
- internal override void ComputeHashValue( XmlHash xmlHash )
- {
- Debug.Assert( _hashValue == 0 );
- _hashValue = xmlHash.HashER( _name );
- }
- // compares the node to another one and returns the xmldiff operation for changing this node to the other
- internal override XmlDiffOperation GetDiffOperation( XmlDiffNode changedNode, XmlDiff xmlDiff )
- {
- Debug.Assert( changedNode != null );
- if ( changedNode.NodeType != XmlDiffNodeType.EntityReference )
- return XmlDiffOperation.Undefined;
- if ( Name == ((XmlDiffER)changedNode).Name )
- return XmlDiffOperation.Match;
- else
- return XmlDiffOperation.ChangeER;
- }
- // Overriden abstract methods for outputing
- internal override void WriteTo( XmlWriter w )
- {
- w.WriteEntityRef( this._name );
- }
- internal override void WriteContentTo( XmlWriter w ) {}
- #if DEBUG
- internal override void Dump( string indent )
- {
- Trace.WriteLine( indent + "(" + _index + ") &" + Name );
- }
- #endif
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // XmlDiffCharData
- //
- internal class XmlDiffCharData : XmlDiffNode
- {
- // Fields
- string _value;
- XmlDiffNodeType _nodeType;
- // Constructor
- internal XmlDiffCharData( int position, string value, XmlDiffNodeType nodeType ) : base( position )
- {
- _value = value;
- _nodeType = nodeType;
- }
- // Properties
- internal override XmlDiffNodeType NodeType { get { return _nodeType; } }
- internal string Value { get { return this._value; } }
- // Methods
- // computes hash value of the node and stores it in the _hashValue variable
- internal override void ComputeHashValue( XmlHash xmlHash )
- {
- Debug.Assert( _hashValue == 0 );
- _hashValue = xmlHash.HashCharacterNode( (XmlNodeType)(int)_nodeType, _value );
- }
- // compares the node to another one and returns the xmldiff operation for changing this node to the other
- internal override XmlDiffOperation GetDiffOperation( XmlDiffNode changedNode, XmlDiff xmlDiff )
- {
- Debug.Assert( changedNode != null );
- if ( NodeType != changedNode.NodeType )
- return XmlDiffOperation.Undefined;
- XmlDiffCharData changedCD = changedNode as XmlDiffCharData;
- if ( changedCD == null )
- return XmlDiffOperation.Undefined;
- if ( Value == changedCD.Value )
- return XmlDiffOperation.Match;
- else
- return XmlDiffOperation.ChangeCharacterData;
- }
- // Overriden abstract methods for outputing
- internal override void WriteTo( XmlWriter w )
- {
- switch ( _nodeType )
- {
- case XmlDiffNodeType.Comment:
- w.WriteComment( Value );
- break;
- case XmlDiffNodeType.CDATA:
- w.WriteCData( Value );
- break;
- case XmlDiffNodeType.SignificantWhitespace:
- case XmlDiffNodeType.Text:
- w.WriteString( Value );
- break;
- default :
- Debug.Assert( false, "Wrong type for text-like node : " + this._nodeType.ToString() );
- break;
- }
- }
- internal override void WriteContentTo( XmlWriter w ) {}
- #if DEBUG
- internal override void Dump( string indent )
- {
- switch ( _nodeType )
- {
- case XmlDiffNodeType.SignificantWhitespace:
- case XmlDiffNodeType.Text:
- Trace.WriteLine( indent + "(" + _index + ") '" + Value + "'" );
- break;
- case XmlDiffNodeType.Comment:
- Trace.WriteLine( indent + "(" + _index + ") <!--" + Value + "-->" );
- break;
- case XmlDiffNodeType.CDATA:
- Trace.WriteLine( indent + "(" + _index + ") <![CDATA[" + Value + "]]>" );
- break;
- default:
- Debug.Assert( false );
- break;
- }
- }
- #endif
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // XmlDiffPI
- //
- internal class XmlDiffPI : XmlDiffCharData
- {
- // Fields
- string _name;
- // Constructor
- internal XmlDiffPI( int position, string name, string value )
- : base( position, value, XmlDiffNodeType.ProcessingInstruction )
- {
- _name = name;
- }
- // Properties
- internal string Name { get { return _name; } }
- // Methods
- // computes the hash value of the node and saves it into the _hashValue field
- internal override void ComputeHashValue( XmlHash xmlHash )
- {
- Debug.Assert( _hashValue == 0 );
- _hashValue = xmlHash.HashPI( Name, Value );
- }
- // compares the node to another one and returns the xmldiff operation for changing this node to the other
- internal override XmlDiffOperation GetDiffOperation( XmlDiffNode changedNode, XmlDiff xmlDiff )
- {
- Debug.Assert( changedNode != null );
- if ( changedNode.NodeType != XmlDiffNodeType.ProcessingInstruction )
- return XmlDiffOperation.Undefined;
- XmlDiffPI changedPI = (XmlDiffPI)changedNode;
- if ( Name == changedPI.Name )
- {
- if ( Value == changedPI.Value )
- return XmlDiffOperation.Match;
- else
- return XmlDiffOperation.ChangePI;
- }
- else
- {
- if ( Value == changedPI.Value )
- return XmlDiffOperation.ChangePI;
- else
- return XmlDiffOperation.Undefined;
- }
- }
- internal override void WriteTo( XmlWriter w )
- {
- w.WriteProcessingInstruction( Name, Value );
- }
- internal override void WriteContentTo( XmlWriter w ) {}
- #if DEBUG
- internal override void Dump( string indent )
- {
- Trace.WriteLine( indent + "(" + _index + ") <?" + Name + " " + Value + "?>" );
- }
- #endif
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // XmlDiffShrankNode
- //
- internal class XmlDiffShrankNode : XmlDiffNode
- {
- // Fields
- // interval of nodes it represents
- internal XmlDiffNode _firstNode;
- internal XmlDiffNode _lastNode;
- // matching nodes in target/source tree
- XmlDiffShrankNode _matchingShrankNode;
- // address
- string _localAddress;
- // 'move' operation id
- ulong _opid;
- // Constructor
- internal XmlDiffShrankNode( XmlDiffNode firstNode, XmlDiffNode lastNode, ulong hashValue ) : base ( -1 )
- {
- Debug.Assert( firstNode != null );
- Debug.Assert( lastNode != null );
- Debug.Assert( firstNode.Position <= lastNode.Position );
- Debug.Assert( firstNode.NodeType != XmlDiffNodeType.Attribute ||
- (firstNode.NodeType == XmlDiffNodeType.Attribute && firstNode == lastNode ) );
- _firstNode = firstNode;
- _lastNode = lastNode;
- _matchingShrankNode = null;
- _hashValue = hashValue;
- _localAddress = DiffgramOperation.GetRelativeAddressOfNodeset( _firstNode, _lastNode );
- }
- // Properties
- internal override XmlDiffNodeType NodeType { get { return XmlDiffNodeType.ShrankNode; } }
- internal XmlDiffShrankNode MatchingShrankNode
- {
- get { return _matchingShrankNode; }
- set
- {
- Debug.Assert( value != null );
- Debug.Assert( _matchingShrankNode == null );
- _matchingShrankNode = value;
- }
- }
- internal ulong MoveOperationId
- {
- get
- {
- if ( _opid == 0 )
- _opid = MatchingShrankNode._opid;
- return _opid;
- }
- set
- {
- Debug.Assert( _opid == 0 );
- _opid = value;
- }
- }
- internal override bool CanMerge {
- get {
- return false;
- }
- }
- // Methods
- // computes the hash value of the node and saves it into the _hashValue field
- internal override void ComputeHashValue( XmlHash xmlHash )
- {
- Debug.Assert( false, "This method should bever be called." );
- }
- // compares the node to another one and returns the xmldiff operation for changing this node to the other
- internal override XmlDiffOperation GetDiffOperation( XmlDiffNode changedNode, XmlDiff xmlDiff )
- {
- Debug.Assert( changedNode != null );
- if ( changedNode.NodeType != XmlDiffNodeType.ShrankNode )
- return XmlDiffOperation.Undefined;
- if ( _hashValue == ((XmlDiffShrankNode)changedNode)._hashValue )
- return XmlDiffOperation.Match;
- else
- return XmlDiffOperation.Undefined;
- }
- internal override void WriteTo( XmlWriter w )
- {
- WriteContentTo( w );
- }
- internal override void WriteContentTo( XmlWriter w )
- {
- XmlDiffNode curNode = _firstNode;
- for (;;)
- {
- curNode.WriteTo( w );
- if ( curNode == _lastNode )
- break;
- curNode = curNode._nextSibling;
- }
- }
- // Addressing
- internal override string GetRelativeAddress()
- {
- return _localAddress;
- }
- #if DEBUG
- internal override void Dump( string indent )
- {
- Trace.Write( indent + "(" + _index + ") shrank nodes: " );
- XmlDiffNode curNode = _firstNode;
- for (;;)
- {
- Trace.Write( curNode.OuterXml );
- if ( curNode == _lastNode )
- break;
- curNode = curNode._nextSibling;
- }
- Trace.Write( "n" );
- }
- #endif
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // XmlDiffXmlDeclaration
- //
- internal class XmlDiffXmlDeclaration : XmlDiffNode
- {
- // Fields
- string _value;
- // Constructors
- internal XmlDiffXmlDeclaration( int position, string value ) : base( position )
- {
- Debug.Assert( value != null );
- _value = value;
- }
- // Properties
- internal override XmlDiffNodeType NodeType { get { return XmlDiffNodeType.XmlDeclaration; } }
- internal string Value { get { return _value; } }
- // Methods
- // computes the hash value of the node and saves it into the _hashValue field
- internal override void ComputeHashValue( XmlHash xmlHash )
- {
- Debug.Assert( _hashValue == 0 );
- _hashValue = xmlHash.HashXmlDeclaration( _value );
- }
- // compares the node to another one and returns the xmldiff operation for changing this node to the other
- internal override XmlDiffOperation GetDiffOperation( XmlDiffNode changedNode, XmlDiff xmlDiff )
- {
- Debug.Assert( changedNode != null );
- if ( changedNode.NodeType != XmlDiffNodeType.XmlDeclaration )
- return XmlDiffOperation.Undefined;
- if ( Value == ((XmlDiffXmlDeclaration)changedNode).Value )
- return XmlDiffOperation.Match;
- else
- return XmlDiffOperation.ChangeXmlDeclaration;
- }
- // Overriden abstract methods for outputting
- internal override void WriteTo( XmlWriter w )
- {
- w.WriteProcessingInstruction( "xml", _value );
- }
- internal override void WriteContentTo( XmlWriter w )
- {
- }
- #if DEBUG
- internal override void Dump( string indent )
- {
- Trace.WriteLine( indent + "(" + _index + ") <?xml " + Value + "?>" );
- }
- #endif
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // XmlDiffDoctypeDeclaration
- //
- internal class XmlDiffDocumentType : XmlDiffNode
- {
- // Fields
- string _name;
- string _publicId;
- string _systemId;
- string _subset;
- // Constructors
- internal XmlDiffDocumentType( int position, string name, string publicId, string systemId, string subset ) : base( position )
- {
- Debug.Assert( name != null );
- _name = name;
- _publicId = publicId;
- _systemId = systemId;
- _subset = subset;
- }
- // Properties
- internal override XmlDiffNodeType NodeType { get { return XmlDiffNodeType.DocumentType; } }
- internal string Name { get { return _name; } }
- internal string PublicId { get { return _publicId; } }
- internal string SystemId { get { return _systemId; } }
- internal string Subset { get { return _subset; } }
- // Methods
- // computes the hash value of the node and saves it into the _hashValue field
- internal override void ComputeHashValue( XmlHash xmlHash )
- {
- Debug.Assert( _hashValue == 0 );
- _hashValue = xmlHash.HashDocumentType( _name, _publicId, _systemId, _subset );
- }
- // compares the node to another one and returns the xmldiff operation for changing this node to the other
- internal override XmlDiffOperation GetDiffOperation( XmlDiffNode changedNode, XmlDiff xmlDiff )
- {
- Debug.Assert( changedNode != null );
- if ( changedNode.NodeType != XmlDiffNodeType.DocumentType )
- return XmlDiffOperation.Undefined;
- XmlDiffDocumentType changedDocType = (XmlDiffDocumentType)changedNode;
- if ( Name == changedDocType.Name && PublicId == changedDocType.PublicId &&
- SystemId == changedDocType.SystemId && Subset == changedDocType.Subset ) {
- return XmlDiffOperation.Match;
- }
- else {
- return XmlDiffOperation.ChangeDTD;
- }
- }
- // Overriden abstract methods for outputting
- internal override void WriteTo( XmlWriter w )
- {
- w.WriteDocType( _name, string.Empty, string.Empty, _subset );
- }
- internal override void WriteContentTo( XmlWriter w )
- {
- }
- #if DEBUG
- internal override void Dump( string indent )
- {
- Trace.WriteLine( indent + "(" + _index + ") " + Name + "(SYSTEM '" + SystemId + "', PUBLIC '" + PublicId +
- "') [ " + Subset + " ]" );
- }
- #endif
- }
- }