Visual C++
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // <copyright file="XmlPatchOperations.cs" company="Microsoft">
- // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
- // </copyright>
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- namespace Microsoft.XmlDiffPatch
- {
- using System;
- using System.Diagnostics;
- using System.Xml;
- using System.IO;
- using System.Text;
- using System.Collections;
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // XmlPatchOperation
- //
- internal abstract class XmlPatchOperation
- {
- // Fields
- internal XmlPatchOperation _nextOp;
- // Methods
- internal abstract void Apply( XmlNode parent, ref XmlNode currentPosition );
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // XmlPatchParentOperation
- //
- internal abstract class XmlPatchParentOperation : XmlPatchOperation
- {
- // Fields
- internal XmlPatchOperation _firstChild;
- // Methods
- internal void InsertChildAfter( XmlPatchOperation child, XmlPatchOperation newChild )
- {
- Debug.Assert( newChild != null );
- if ( child == null )
- {
- newChild._nextOp = _firstChild;
- _firstChild = newChild;
- }
- else
- {
- newChild._nextOp = child._nextOp;
- child._nextOp = newChild;
- }
- }
- protected void ApplyChildren( XmlNode parent )
- {
- XmlNode curPos = null;
- XmlPatchOperation curOp = _firstChild;
- while ( curOp != null )
- {
- curOp.Apply( parent, ref curPos );
- curOp = curOp._nextOp;
- }
- }
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // PatchSetPosition
- //
- internal class PatchSetPosition : XmlPatchParentOperation
- {
- // Fields
- XmlNode _matchNode;
- // Constructor
- internal PatchSetPosition( XmlNode matchNode )
- {
- Debug.Assert( matchNode != null );
- _matchNode = matchNode;
- }
- // Methods
- internal override void Apply( XmlNode parent, ref XmlNode currentPosition )
- {
- Debug.Assert( _matchNode.NodeType != XmlNodeType.DocumentType );
- Debug.Assert( _matchNode.ParentNode == parent );
- if ( _matchNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element )
- ApplyChildren( (XmlElement)_matchNode );
- currentPosition = _matchNode;
- }
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // PatchCopy
- //
- internal class PatchCopy : XmlPatchParentOperation
- {
- // Fields
- XmlNodeList _matchNodes;
- bool _bSubtree;
- // Constructor
- internal PatchCopy( XmlNodeList matchNodes, bool bSubtree )
- {
- Debug.Assert( matchNodes != null );
- Debug.Assert( matchNodes.Count != 0 );
- _matchNodes = matchNodes;
- _bSubtree = bSubtree;
- }
- // Methods
- internal override void Apply( XmlNode parent, ref XmlNode currentPosition )
- {
- IEnumerator e = _matchNodes.GetEnumerator();
- e.Reset();
- while ( e.MoveNext() )
- {
- XmlNode srcNode = (XmlNode)e.Current;
- Debug.Assert( srcNode.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Attribute );
- XmlNode newNode;
- if ( _bSubtree )
- newNode = srcNode.Clone();
- else
- {
- newNode = srcNode.CloneNode( false );
- ApplyChildren( newNode );
- }
- parent.InsertAfter( newNode, currentPosition );
- currentPosition = newNode;
- }
- }
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // PatchAddNode
- //
- internal class PatchAddNode : XmlPatchParentOperation
- {
- // Fields
- XmlNodeType _nodeType;
- string _name;
- string _ns; // == systemId if DocumentType node
- string _prefix; // == publicId if DocumentType node
- string _value; // == internal subset if DocumentType node
- bool _ignoreChildOrder;
- // Constructor
- internal PatchAddNode( XmlNodeType nodeType, string name, string ns, string prefix, string value, bool ignoreChildOrder )
- {
- Debug.Assert( (int)nodeType > 0 && (int)nodeType <= (int)XmlNodeType.XmlDeclaration );
- _nodeType = nodeType;
- _name = name;
- _ns = ns;
- _prefix = prefix;
- _value = value;
- _ignoreChildOrder = ignoreChildOrder;
- }
- // Methods
- internal override void Apply( XmlNode parent, ref XmlNode currentPosition )
- {
- XmlNode newNode = null;
- if ( _nodeType == XmlNodeType.Attribute )
- {
- Debug.Assert( _name != string.Empty );
- if ( _prefix == "xmlns" )
- newNode = parent.OwnerDocument.CreateAttribute( _prefix + ":" + _name );
- else if (_prefix == "" && _name == "xmlns" )
- newNode = parent.OwnerDocument.CreateAttribute( _name );
- else
- newNode = parent.OwnerDocument.CreateAttribute( _prefix, _name, _ns );
- ((XmlAttribute)newNode).Value = _value;
- Debug.Assert( currentPosition == null );
- parent.Attributes.Append( (XmlAttribute) newNode );
- }
- else
- {
- switch ( _nodeType )
- {
- case XmlNodeType.Element:
- Debug.Assert( _name != string.Empty );
- Debug.Assert( _value == string.Empty );
- newNode = parent.OwnerDocument.CreateElement( _prefix, _name, _ns );
- ApplyChildren( newNode );
- break;
- case XmlNodeType.Text:
- Debug.Assert( _value != string.Empty );
- newNode = parent.OwnerDocument.CreateTextNode( _value );
- break;
- case XmlNodeType.CDATA:
- Debug.Assert( _value != string.Empty );
- newNode = parent.OwnerDocument.CreateCDataSection( _value );
- break;
- case XmlNodeType.Comment:
- Debug.Assert( _value != string.Empty );
- newNode = parent.OwnerDocument.CreateComment( _value );
- break;
- case XmlNodeType.ProcessingInstruction:
- Debug.Assert( _value != string.Empty );
- Debug.Assert( _name != string.Empty );
- newNode = parent.OwnerDocument.CreateProcessingInstruction( _name, _value );
- break;
- case XmlNodeType.EntityReference:
- Debug.Assert( _name != string.Empty );
- newNode = parent.OwnerDocument.CreateEntityReference( _name );
- break;
- case XmlNodeType.XmlDeclaration:
- {
- Debug.Assert( _value != string.Empty );
- XmlDocument doc = parent.OwnerDocument;
- XmlDeclaration decl = doc.CreateXmlDeclaration( "1.0", string.Empty, string.Empty );
- decl.Value = _value;
- doc.InsertBefore( decl, doc.FirstChild );
- return;
- }
- case XmlNodeType.DocumentType:
- {
- XmlDocument doc = parent.OwnerDocument;
- if ( _prefix == string.Empty )
- _prefix = null;
- if ( _ns == string.Empty )
- _ns = null;
- XmlDocumentType docType = doc.CreateDocumentType( _name, _prefix, _ns, _value );
- if ( doc.FirstChild.NodeType == XmlNodeType.XmlDeclaration )
- doc.InsertAfter( docType, doc.FirstChild );
- else
- doc.InsertBefore( docType, doc.FirstChild );
- return;
- }
- default:
- Debug.Assert( false );
- break;
- }
- Debug.Assert( currentPosition == null || currentPosition.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Attribute );
- if ( _ignoreChildOrder ) {
- parent.AppendChild( newNode );
- }
- else {
- parent.InsertAfter( newNode, currentPosition );
- }
- currentPosition = newNode;
- }
- }
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // PatchAddXmlFragment
- //
- internal class PatchAddXmlFragment : XmlPatchOperation
- {
- // Fields
- XmlNodeList _nodes;
- // Constructor
- internal PatchAddXmlFragment( XmlNodeList nodes )
- {
- Debug.Assert( nodes != null );
- _nodes = nodes;
- }
- // Methods
- internal override void Apply( XmlNode parent, ref XmlNode currentPosition )
- {
- XmlDocument doc = parent.OwnerDocument;
- IEnumerator enumerator = _nodes.GetEnumerator();
- while ( enumerator.MoveNext() )
- {
- XmlNode newNode = doc.ImportNode( (XmlNode)enumerator.Current, true );
- parent.InsertAfter( newNode, currentPosition );
- currentPosition = newNode;
- }
- }
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // PatchRemove
- //
- internal class PatchRemove : XmlPatchParentOperation
- {
- // Fields
- XmlNodeList _sourceNodes;
- bool _bSubtree;
- // Constructor
- internal PatchRemove( XmlNodeList sourceNodes, bool bSubtree )
- {
- Debug.Assert( sourceNodes != null );
- Debug.Assert( sourceNodes.Count > 0 );
- _sourceNodes = sourceNodes;
- _bSubtree = bSubtree;
- }
- // Methods
- internal override void Apply( XmlNode parent, ref XmlNode currentPosition )
- {
- if ( !_bSubtree )
- {
- Debug.Assert( _sourceNodes.Count == 1 );
- XmlNode remNode = _sourceNodes.Item(0);
- ApplyChildren( remNode );
- currentPosition = remNode.PreviousSibling;
- }
- IEnumerator e = _sourceNodes.GetEnumerator();
- e.Reset();
- while ( e.MoveNext() )
- {
- XmlNode node = (XmlNode)e.Current;
- Debug.Assert( node.ParentNode == parent ||
- ( node.ParentNode == null && node.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Attribute ) ||
- ( node.NodeType == XmlNodeType.XmlDeclaration && node.ParentNode == node.OwnerDocument ) ||
- ( node.NodeType == XmlNodeType.DocumentType && node.ParentNode == node.OwnerDocument) );
- if ( node.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Attribute )
- {
- Debug.Assert( parent.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element );
- ((XmlElement)parent).RemoveAttributeNode( (XmlAttribute) node );
- }
- else
- {
- if ( !_bSubtree )
- {
- // move all children to grandparent
- while ( node.FirstChild != null )
- {
- XmlNode child = node.FirstChild;
- node.RemoveChild( child );
- parent.InsertAfter( child, currentPosition );
- currentPosition = child;
- }
- }
- // remove node
- node.ParentNode.RemoveChild( node ); // this is node.ParentNode instead of node.parent because of the xml declaration
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // PatchChange
- //
- internal class PatchChange : XmlPatchParentOperation
- {
- // Fields
- XmlNode _matchNode;
- string _name;
- string _ns; // = systemId if DocumentType node
- string _prefix; // = publicId if DocumentType node
- string _value; // = internal subset if DocumentType node
- // Constructor
- internal PatchChange( XmlNode matchNode, string name, string ns, string prefix, XmlNode diffChangeNode )
- {
- Debug.Assert( matchNode != null );
- _matchNode = matchNode;
- _name = name;
- _ns = ns;
- _prefix = prefix;
- if ( diffChangeNode == null ) {
- _value = null;
- }
- else {
- switch ( matchNode.NodeType ) {
- case XmlNodeType.Comment:
- Debug.Assert( diffChangeNode.FirstChild != null && diffChangeNode.FirstChild.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Comment );
- _value = diffChangeNode.FirstChild.Value;
- break;
- case XmlNodeType.ProcessingInstruction:
- if ( name == null ) {
- Debug.Assert( diffChangeNode.FirstChild != null && diffChangeNode.FirstChild.NodeType == XmlNodeType.ProcessingInstruction );
- _name = diffChangeNode.FirstChild.Name;
- _value = diffChangeNode.FirstChild.Value;
- }
- break;
- default:
- _value = diffChangeNode.InnerText;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // Methods
- internal override void Apply( XmlNode parent, ref XmlNode currentPosition )
- {
- Debug.Assert( _matchNode.ParentNode == parent ||
- ( _matchNode.ParentNode == null && _matchNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Attribute ) ||
- _matchNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.XmlDeclaration ||
- _matchNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.DocumentType );
- switch ( _matchNode.NodeType )
- {
- case XmlNodeType.Element:
- {
- Debug.Assert( _value == null );
- if ( _name == null ) _name = ((XmlElement)_matchNode).LocalName;
- if ( _ns == null ) _ns = ((XmlElement)_matchNode).NamespaceURI;
- if ( _prefix == null ) _prefix = ((XmlElement)_matchNode).Prefix;
- XmlElement newEl = parent.OwnerDocument.CreateElement( _prefix, _name, _ns );
- // move attributes
- XmlAttributeCollection attrs = _matchNode.Attributes;
- while ( attrs.Count > 0 )
- {
- XmlAttribute attr = (XmlAttribute)attrs.Item( 0 );
- attrs.RemoveAt( 0 );
- newEl.Attributes.Append( attr );
- }
- // move children
- XmlNode curChild = _matchNode.FirstChild;
- while ( curChild != null )
- {
- XmlNode nextSibling = curChild.NextSibling;
- _matchNode.RemoveChild( curChild );
- newEl.AppendChild( curChild );
- curChild = nextSibling;
- }
- parent.ReplaceChild( newEl, _matchNode );
- currentPosition = newEl;
- ApplyChildren( newEl );
- break;
- }
- case XmlNodeType.Attribute:
- {
- if ( _name == null ) _name = ((XmlAttribute)_matchNode).LocalName;
- if ( _ns == null ) _ns = ((XmlAttribute)_matchNode).NamespaceURI;
- if ( _prefix == null ) _prefix = ((XmlAttribute)_matchNode).Prefix;
- if ( _value == null ) _value = ((XmlAttribute)_matchNode).Value;
- XmlAttribute newAttr = parent.OwnerDocument.CreateAttribute( _prefix, _name, _ns );
- newAttr.Value = _value;
- parent.Attributes.Remove( (XmlAttribute)_matchNode );
- parent.Attributes.Append( newAttr );
- break;
- }
- case XmlNodeType.Text:
- case XmlNodeType.CDATA:
- case XmlNodeType.Comment:
- Debug.Assert( _value != null );
- ((XmlCharacterData)_matchNode).Data = _value;
- currentPosition = _matchNode;
- break;
- case XmlNodeType.ProcessingInstruction:
- {
- if ( _name != null )
- {
- if ( _value == null )
- _value = ((XmlProcessingInstruction)_matchNode).Data;
- XmlProcessingInstruction newPi = parent.OwnerDocument.CreateProcessingInstruction( _name, _value );
- parent.ReplaceChild( newPi, _matchNode );
- currentPosition = newPi;
- }
- else
- {
- ((XmlProcessingInstruction)_matchNode).Data = _value;
- currentPosition = _matchNode;
- }
- break;
- }
- case XmlNodeType.EntityReference:
- {
- Debug.Assert( _name != null );
- XmlEntityReference newEr = parent.OwnerDocument.CreateEntityReference( _name );
- parent.ReplaceChild( newEr, _matchNode );
- currentPosition = newEr;
- break;
- }
- case XmlNodeType.XmlDeclaration:
- {
- Debug.Assert( _value != null && _value != string.Empty );
- XmlDeclaration xmlDecl = (XmlDeclaration)_matchNode;
- xmlDecl.Encoding = null;
- xmlDecl.Standalone = null;
- xmlDecl.InnerText = _value;
- break;
- }
- case XmlNodeType.DocumentType:
- {
- if ( _name == null )
- _name = ((XmlDocumentType)_matchNode).LocalName;
- if ( _ns == null )
- _ns = ((XmlDocumentType)_matchNode).SystemId;
- else if ( _ns == string.Empty )
- _ns = null;
- if ( _prefix == null )
- _prefix = ((XmlDocumentType)_matchNode).PublicId;
- else if ( _prefix == string.Empty )
- _prefix = null;
- if ( _value == null )
- _value = ((XmlDocumentType)_matchNode).InternalSubset;
- XmlDocumentType docType = _matchNode.OwnerDocument.CreateDocumentType( _name, _prefix, _ns, _value );
- _matchNode.ParentNode.ReplaceChild( docType, _matchNode );
- break;
- }
- default:
- Debug.Assert( false );
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Patch
- //
- internal class Patch : XmlPatchParentOperation
- {
- // Fields
- internal XmlNode _sourceRootNode;
- // Constructor
- internal Patch( XmlNode sourceRootNode )
- {
- Debug.Assert( sourceRootNode != null );
- _sourceRootNode = sourceRootNode;
- }
- // Methods
- internal override void Apply( XmlNode parent, ref XmlNode currentPosition )
- {
- XmlDocument doc = parent.OwnerDocument;
- ApplyChildren( parent );
- }
- }
- }