资源名称:uCOS-II.rar [点击查看]
- ;#------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;#- File: os_cpu_a.s
- ;#------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;#- (c) Copyright ARM Limited 1999. All rights reserved.
- ;#-
- ;#- ARM Specific code
- ;#------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;#-
- ;#-
- ;#- Functions defined in this module:
- ;#-
- ;#- void ARMDisableInt(void) disable interrupts when in SVC
- ;#- void ARMEnableInt(void) enable interrupts when in SVC
- ;#- void OS_TASK_SWAP(void) context switch
- ;#- void OSStartHighRdy(void) start highest priority task
- SwiV EQU 0x08
- IrqV EQU 0x18
- FiqV EQU 0x1C
- NoInt EQU 0x80
- SVC32Mode EQU 0x13
- IRQ32Mode EQU 0x12
- FIQ32Mode EQU 0x11
- OSEnterSWI EQU 0x00
- BIT_TIMER0 EQU (0x1<<13)
- I_ISPC EQU 0x1e00024
- INTMSK EQU 0x1e0000c
- ;# External symbols we need the addresses of
- import OSTCBCur
- import OSTCBHighRdy
- ;addr_OSTCBHighRdy DCW OSTCBHighRdy
- import OSPrioCur
- ;addr_OSPrioCur DCW OSPrioCur
- import OSPrioHighRdy
- ;addr_OSPrioHighRdy DCW OSPrioHighRdy
- import OSRunning
- import SysENInterrupt
- import OSTaskSwHook
- import need_to_swap_context
- import IrqStart
- import OSTimeTick
- import IrqFinish
- import SysDISInterrupt
- export IRQContextSwap
- export TickHandler
- export RunNewTask
- IRQContextSwap
- MOV a1, #1
- MOV lr, pc
- TickHandler
- STMDB sp!,{r0-r11,lr}
- ; #interrupt disable(not nessary)
- mrs r0, CPSR
- orr r0, r0, #0x80 ; @ and set IRQ disable flag
- msr CPSR_cxsf, r0
- ldr r0,=0x4000000
- BL SysDISInterrupt
- ; #End of interrupt
- ; #(Clear pending bit of INTPEND that don't accessed it.)
- ; # rI_ISPC= BIT_TIMER0;
- LDR r0, =I_ISPC
- STR r1, [r0]
- BL IrqStart
- BL OSTimeTick
- BL IrqFinish ;@a1= return value 0:not context switch, otherwise:context switch
- CMP a1, #0
- ; #not context switching
- ldr r0,=0x4000000
- BL SysENInterrupt
- LDMIA sp!,{r0-r11, lr}
- SUBS pc, lr, #4
- ; #now context switching
- LDMIA sp!,{r0-r11,lr}
- RunNewTask
- SUB lr, lr, #4
- STR lr, SAVED_LR ; @STR lr, [pc, #SAVED_LR-.-8]
- ; #;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ; #Change Supervisor mode
- ; #!!!r12 register don't preserved. (r12 that PC of task)
- MRS lr, SPSR
- AND lr, lr, #0xFFFFFFE0
- ORR lr, lr, #0x13
- MSR CPSR_cxsf, lr
- ; #;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ; #Now Supervisor mode
- ; #;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- STR r12, [sp, #-8] ;@ saved r12
- LDR r12, SAVED_LR ;@LDR r12, [pc, #SAVED_LR-.-8]
- STMFD sp!, {r12} ;@ r12 that PC of task
- SUB sp, sp, #4 ;@ inclease stack point
- LDMIA sp!, {r12} ;@ restore r12
- STMFD sp!, {lr} ;@ save lr
- STMFD sp!, {r0-r12} ;@ save register file and ret address
- MRS r4, CPSR
- STMFD sp!, {r4} ;@ save current PSR
- MRS r4, SPSR ;@ YYY+
- STMFD sp!, {r4} ;@ YYY+ save SPSR
- ; # OSPrioCur = OSPrioHighRdy
- LDR r4, =OSPrioCur
- LDR r5, =OSPrioHighRdy
- LDRB r6, [r5]
- STRB r6, [r4]
- ; # Get current task TCB address
- LDR r4, =OSTCBCur
- LDR r5, [r4]
- STR sp, [r5] ;@ store sp in preempted tasks's TCB
- ; # Get highest priority task TCB address
- LDR r6, =OSTCBHighRdy
- LDR r6, [r6]
- LDR sp, [r6] ;@ get new task's stack pointer
- ; # OSTCBCur = OSTCBHighRdy
- STR r6, [r4] ;@ set new current task TCB address
- LDMFD sp!, {r4} ;@ YYY+
- ;# AND r4, r4, #0xFFFFFF20
- ;# ORR r4, r4, #0x13
- MSR SPSR_cxsf, r4 ;@ YYY+
- LDMFD sp!, {r4} ;@ YYY+
- ;# AND r4, r4, #0xFFFFFF20
- ;# ORR r4, r4, #0x13
- MSR CPSR_cxsf, r4 ;@ YYY+
- ldr r0,=0x4000000
- BL SysENInterrupt
- LDMFD sp!, {r0-r12, lr, pc} ;@ YYY+
- ;# void DisableInt(void)
- ;# void EnableInt(void)
- ;#
- ;# Disable and enable IRQ and FIQ preserving current CPU mode.
- ;#
- export ARMDisableInt
- ARMDisableInt
- STMDB sp!, {r0,lr}
- MRS r0, CPSR
- ORR r0, r0, #NoInt
- MSR CPSR_cxsf, r0
- LDMIA sp!, {r0,pc}
- ;# MOV pc, lr
- export ARMEnableInt
- ARMEnableInt
- STMDB sp!, {r0,lr}
- MRS r0, CPSR
- BIC r0, r0, #NoInt
- MSR CPSR_cxsf, r0
- LDMIA sp!, {r0,pc}
- ;# MOV pc, lr
- export ARMIsDisableInt
- ARMIsDisableInt ;@return value [disable: 1 enable: 0]
- MRS a1, CPSR
- AND a1, a1, #NoInt
- ; bx lr
- ;# void OS_TASK_SW(void)
- ;#
- ;# Perform a context switch.
- ;#
- ;# On entry, OSTCBCur and OSPrioCur hold the current TCB and priority
- ;# and OSTCBHighRdy and OSPrioHighRdy contain the same for the task
- ;# to be switched to.
- ;#
- ;# The following code assumes that the virtual memory is directly
- ;# mapped into physical memory. If this is not true, the cache must
- ;# be flushed at context switch to avoid address aliasing.
- export OS_TASK_SW
- STMFD sp!, {lr} ;@ save pc
- STMFD sp!, {lr} ;@ save lr
- STMFD sp!, {r0-r12} ;@ save register file and ret address
- MRS r4, CPSR
- STMFD sp!, {r4} ;@ save current PSR
- MRS r4, SPSR ;@ YYY+
- STMFD sp!, {r4} ;@ YYY+ save SPSR
- ; # OSPrioCur = OSPrioHighRdy
- LDR r4, =OSPrioCur
- LDR r5, =OSPrioHighRdy
- LDRB r6, [r5]
- STRB r6, [r4]
- ; @ Get current task TCB address
- LDR r4, =OSTCBCur
- LDR r5, [r4]
- STR sp, [r5] ;@ store sp in preempted tasks's TCB
- ; # Get highest priority task TCB address
- LDR r6, =OSTCBHighRdy
- LDR r6, [r6]
- LDR sp, [r6] ;@ get new task's stack pointer
- ; # OSTCBCur = OSTCBHighRdy
- STR r6, [r4] ;@ set new current task TCB address
- LDMFD sp!, {r4} ;@ YYY+
- MSR SPSR_cxsf, r4 ;@ YYY+
- LDMFD sp!, {r4} ;@ YYY+
- MSR CPSR_cxsf, r4 ;@ YYY+
- LDMFD sp!, {r0-r12, lr, pc} ;@ YYY+
- ;# void OSStartHighRdy(void)
- ;#
- ;# Start the task with the highest priority;
- ;#
- export OSStartHighRdy
- OSStartHighRdy
- BL OSTaskSwHook
- MOV R0,#1
- LDR R1,=OSRunning
- STRB R0,[R1]
- LDR r4, =OSTCBCur ;@ Get current task TCB address
- LDR r5, =OSTCBHighRdy ;@ Get highest priority task TCB address
- LDR r5, [r5] ;@ get stack pointer
- LDR sp, [r5] ;@ switch to the new stack
- STR r5, [r4] ;@ set new current task TCB address
- LDMFD sp!, {r4} ;@ YYY
- MSR SPSR_cxsf, r4
- LDMFD sp!, {r4} ;@ get new state from top of the stack
- MSR CPSR_cxsf, r4 ;@ CPSR should be SVC32Mode
- LDMFD sp!, {r0-r12, lr, pc } ;@ start the new task