- Player=Player
- Edit_Station=Station
- Add_Station=Add Station
- Repository=Repository
- Playlist=Playlist
- Volume=Volume
- Play=Play
- Stop=Stop
- Exit=Exit
- Lang=Language
- Edit=Edit
- Add=Add
- Delete=Remove
- Title=Title
- Link=Link
- Cancel=Cancel
- Back=Back
- Select=Select
- Goto_online=Goto
- Exit_Browser=Close browser
- Open=Open
- Save_in_playlist=To playlist
- Menu=Menu
- Refresh=Refresh
- Online_repository=Station repository
- Connecting=Connecting...
- Processing=Processing...
- Prefetching=Loading data...
- Buffer=Buffer
- Speed=Speed
- Prefetched=Data loaded
- Loading=Loading resources...
- Saving=Storing...
- Stop_playing=Canceling...
- Initialize=Initialization...
- Reconnecting=Connect again...
- Clearing=Clearing...
- Rendering=Rendering...
- Reading=Reading...
- Warning=Warning
- Error=Error
- Info=Info
- Cant_connect=Unable to connect.
- Error_start_player_for=Error playing the
- Operation_interrupted=Operation interrupted.
- Station_in_playlist=The station is already in playlist.
- Its title:
- Must_be_stopped=The playback must be canceled
- Must_be_inited=Initialize the player before
- Queue_is_empty=Playback queue is empty. Response time elapsed.
- Saved_in_playlist= - station is saved to playlist.
- Invalid_URL=Invalid URL.
- Error_get_file=Error getting the file:
- URL_format_error=URL format error -
- Protocol=protocol
- Port=port
- Fill_URL_field=URL must be entered.
- Fill_TITLE_field=Title must be entered.
- No_links_found=No links found
- Incorrect_data_format=Incorrect data format.
- Unterminated_string=Unterminated string.
- Try_again=Trying again...
- Invalid_agument=Invalid argument.
- Help=Help
- Unsupported_content_type_BEGIN=Content type "
- Unsupported_content_type_END=" is not supported.
- HTTP_response_code=HTTP response:
- PlayerUI_help_text=h1 Controls
- h2 Up(2)/Down(8)
- p - select station in the list.
- h2 Right(4)/Left(6)
- p - volume control.
- h2 OK(5)
- p - start/stop station playback.
- h1 Menu
- h2 <Add>
- p - add station.
- h2 <Play>/<Stop>
- p - play/stop on selected station.
- h2 <Edit>
- p - change station settings.
- h2 <Delete>
- p - remove station from playlist.
- h2 <Exit>
- p - exit the player.
- EditUI_Add_help_text=h1 Add station link
- p Here you can add new links to streaming station manualy.
- p It's also possible to get them from on line repository. Use the '<Online_repository>'.
- EditUI_Edit_help_text=h1 Station settings
- p You can change station setting here.
- WAPUI_help_text=h1 '<Online_repository>'
- p Choose the station to addd to your '<Playlist>'.
- h2 Description
- i /i/doc3.png
- p - items that can be added the '<Playlist>'.
- p To add the selected item press '<OK>', or use '<Open>' from menu.
- i /i/doc.png
- p - items that cannot be added to the '<Playlist>'.
- i /i/unknown.png
- p - unrecognized items.