


Visual C++

  1. `-html
  2. <html><body>
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  8. `-html
  9. <html>
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  13. `-html
  14. <html xmlns:portal=""><head><title>Welcome to</title>
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  16. <html xmlns:portal="">
  17.   <head>
  18.     <title>Welcome to</title>
  19.   </head>
  20. </html>
  21. `-html
  22. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> 
  23. <html>
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  25. <html>
  26. </html>
  27. `-html
  28. <HTML><BODY> 
  29. <LINK href="a.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" /> 
  30. </body> 
  31. </HTML> 
  32. `
  33. <HTML>
  34.   <BODY>
  35.   </BODY>
  36.   <LINK href="a.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
  37. </HTML>
  38. `-html
  39. <html>
  40. <body>
  41. <table><tr><td>row1<tr><td>row2</td>
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  43. <html>
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  53.   </body>
  54. </html> 
  55. `-html
  56. <html> 
  57. <head> 
  58. <script language="JavaScript"> 
  59. <!-- 
  60. --></script> 
  61. </head> 
  62. <body> 
  63. <p>hello</p> 
  64. </body> 
  65. </html> 
  66. `
  67. <html>
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  69.     <script language="JavaScript">
  70.       <!-- 
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  72.     </script>
  73.   </head>
  74.   <body>
  75.     <p>hello</p>
  76.   </body>
  77. </html>
  78. `-html
  79. <html>
  80. <![CDATA[this is a CDATA block with markup <table><tr><td> ]]>
  81. </html>
  82. `
  83. <html><![CDATA[this is a CDATA block with markup <table><tr><td> ]]></html>
  84. `-html
  85. <p>This is really <messed_up.< p>.
  86. `
  87. <html>
  88.   <p>This is really <messed_up.>&lt; p&gt;.
  89. </messed_up.></p>
  90. </html>
  91. `-html
  92. <html><?xml:namespace prefix="st1" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />
  93. <body>
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  95. <html>
  96.   <?xml:namespace prefix="st1" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /?>
  97.   <body>
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  99. </html>
  100. `-html
  101. <html><class="black">Text………</html>
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  103. <html>
  104.   <class>Text………</class>
  105. </html>
  106. `-html
  107. <p>&copy;</p>
  108. <br/>
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  110. <html>
  111.   <p>©</p>
  112.   <br />
  113. </html>
  114. `-html
  115. <html> 
  116.   <img src="img.gif" height"4" width= 2 > 
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  119. <html>
  120.   <img src="img.gif" height="4" width="2" />
  121. </html>
  122. `-html
  123. <html>
  124.   <script><![CDATA[this is a test]]></script>
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  127. <html>
  128.   <script><![CDATA[this is a test]]></script>
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  130. `-lower -html
  131. <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" >
  132. <HTML></HTML>
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  134. <html>
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  136. `-html -testdoc
  137. <b>foo</b>
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  139. <html>
  140.   <b>foo</b>
  141. </html>
  142. `-html -testdoc
  143. blah <b>foo</b>
  144. `
  145. <html>blah <b>foo</b></html>
  146. `-html -testdoc
  147. <!-- top --> <b>foo</b>
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  149. <!-- top -->
  150. <html>
  151.   <b>foo</b>
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  154. <html>
  155. <body>
  156. <p>&#x5a;&#90;&#90 test &#90</p>
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  158. <html>
  159.   <body>
  160.     <p>ZZZ test Z</p>
  161.   </body>
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  163. `-html -testdoc
  164. <html>
  165.   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
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  168. <html>
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