- /****************************************Copyright (c)**************************************************
- ** Guangzou ZLG-MCU Development Co.,LTD.
- ** graduate school
- **
- **
- **--------------File Info-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** File name: target.h
- ** Last modified Date: 2004-09-17
- ** Last Version: 1.0
- ** Descriptions: header file of the specific codes for LPC2100 target boards
- ** Every project should include a copy of this file, user may modify it as needed
- **------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Created by: Chenmingji
- ** Created date: 2004-02-02
- ** Version: 1.0
- ** Descriptions: The original version
- **
- **------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Modified by: Chenmingji
- ** Modified date: 2004-09-17
- ** Version: 1.01
- ** Descriptions: Renewed the template, added codes to surport more compilers
- **
- **------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Modified by: silentdawn
- ** Modified date:
- ** Version: 1.02
- ** Descriptions: modify codes to support LPC2368
- **
- ********************************************************************************************************/
- #ifndef __TARGET_H
- #define __TARGET_H
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- #ifndef IN_TARGET
- extern void Reset(void);
- /*********************************************************************************************************
- ** Function name: Reset
- ** Descriptions: resets the target board.
- ** input parameters: None
- **
- ** Returned value: None
- **
- ** Used global variables: None
- ** Calling modules: None
- **
- ** Created by: Chenmingji
- ** Created Date: 2004/02/02
- **-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Modified by:
- ** Modified date:
- **------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ********************************************************************************************************/
- extern void TargetInit(void);
- /*********************************************************************************************************
- ** Function name: TargetInit
- **
- ** Descriptions: Initialize the target board; it is called in a necessary place, change it as
- ** needed
- **
- ** input parameters: None
- ** Returned value: None
- **
- ** Used global variables: None
- ** Calling modules: None
- **
- ** Created by: Chenmingji
- ** Created Date: 2004/02/02
- **-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Modified by:
- ** Modified date:
- **------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ********************************************************************************************************/
- #endif
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif
- #endif
- /*********************************************************************************************************
- ** End Of File
- ********************************************************************************************************/