资源名称:ertos.rar [点击查看]
- /*
- * CPU specific code for Intel compatible chips
- */
- #pragma inline
- #include <asmrules.h>
- #include <cpujmp.h>
- int cpusetjmp(cpu_jmp_buf jmpb)
- {
- /* save flags in bx */
- asm pushf
- asm pop bx
- /* save es,di */
- asm mov dx, es
- asm mov cx, di
- /* reference the block */
- asm les di, jmpb
- asm cld
- /* save sp, ss */
- asm lea ax, jmpb
- asm stosw
- asm mov ax, SS
- asm stosw
- /* remember, we saved the flags in bx, save to struct now */
- asm xchg ax,bx
- asm stosw
- /* get CS and IP from caller stack, save 'em */
- asm mov ax, W1(jmpb-cPtrSize) /* large code */
- asm stosw
- asm mov ax, W0(jmpb-cPtrSize)
- asm stosw
- /* save BP, DI, ES, SI */
- asm mov ax, [bp]
- asm stosw /* BP */
- asm xchg ax, cx
- asm stosw /* DI */
- asm mov ax, dx
- asm stosw /* ES */
- asm xchg ax, si
- asm stosw /* SI */
- asm mov ax, ds
- asm stosw /* DS */
- asm mov es, dx /* restore ES */
- return 0;
- }
- void cpulongjmp(cpu_jmp_buf jmpb, int retval)
- {
- /* if (retval==0) retval=1; */
- asm mov dx, retval
- asm cmp dx, 1 /* generates carry if dx=0 */
- asm adc dx, 0 /* if was 0, now it's 1 */
- asm LDS_ si, jmpb
- asm cld
- /* Change context begins with changing stack */
- asm pushf /* save state of interrupt flag */
- asm pop bx /* in bx */
- asm lodsw /* sp */
- asm cli
- asm mov ss, [si] /* SS */
- asm mov sp, ax
- asm push bx /* restore state of interrupt flag */
- asm popf
- asm lodsw /* skip SS */
- asm lodsw /* flags */
- /* need to build link to setjmp's caller IP:CS:FLAGS */
- asm push ax /* flags */
- asm lodsw /* cs */
- asm push ax
- asm lodsw /* ip */
- asm push ax
- /* restore remaining working registers */
- asm lodsw /* bp */
- asm xchg bp, ax
- asm lodsw /* di */
- asm xchg di, ax
- asm lodsw /* es */
- asm mov es, ax
- asm lodsw /* si */
- asm mov ds, [si]
- asm xchg si, ax
- asm xchg ax, dx /* restore AX */
- asm iret /* return to original setjmp caller */
- }